Okay, guys and gals (and witch, karlberg, iris, passfartout, henke, did i miss anyone?)
I don't post requests for episodes, but i'm on the hunt for a To Tell The Truth episode from 1976 or 1977... i believe Bill hosted, and not Joe...but i can't rule that out.
Bill Berloni is an animal trainer to the stars. At the time, he trained "Sandy" for a new musical at the time : "Annie". I had the pleasure of interviewing him this morning on my show...nicest guy you could meet who owned 15 dogs, 5 cats, 4 rats, 4 mice, 15 birds, 3 horses, and a llama.
He was on the show, but has never seen his episode. I told him that since it was a GSN ran show, there was a chance one of the collectors would have it.
I don't. I'm hoping you do. Any help would be greatly appreciated by him and me.
Thank you.