To echo what some others have said, IMHO, reduce it to two toss-ups, one $1k before the interviews and one after Round 3 worth $2.5k (I never was a big fan of those), add another prize to the wheel in round 3 like a jet ski, sailboat, or Sony electronics package - a free plug

, OR, instead, have the Mystery Round give away a prize again, like a sailboat, automobile, or extravagant trip, instead of just $10k everyday. In the bonus round, keep it as is, except maybe make the top prize $250k, and add something like a $50k trip around the world, for more variation. Oh yeah, bring back returning champions, it doesn't matter to me how long they're allowed to stay, that's the "classic" part of Wheel I miss most...
Set-wise, I think maybe a new modern $100k neon sign in the middle of the set would harken back to the Wheel of years past, and help the set not look so bare as it does some weeks. It would be kinda cool if they could also add some kind of neon design around the puzzle board that could be similar in build to the curves of the 81-97 puzzle board or the triangular design of the 97-03 board, because it all looks so bare in its current form...
Oh yeah, Retro Week was despicable...