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The Game Show Forum => Game Show Channels & Networks => Topic started by: DrBear on May 06, 2011, 07:03:40 PM

Title: GSN: Liberal, active viewership?
Post by: DrBear on May 06, 2011, 07:03:40 PM
Here's an interesting look athow the cable universe in the Milwaukee area stacks up based on its audiences' political leanings. (http://"") Basically, the chart shows where a network's audiences rate on a conservative-liberal scale and low political interest-high political interest grid.

As for our favorite network (except for those baseball perverts*):

GSN ranks pretty clearly on the liberal side, between Animal Planet (less) and CNN (more). On the political interest of its viewers, it's between the Disney Channel and HGTV. Not too far up the scale.

Some other interesting items: Most liberal, Comedy Central; most conservative (other than Fox News Channel, of course), Versus; Most politically active, CNBC; Least, pretty much a tie between MTV and VH1. Most neutral on activity: Speed Channel. Most neutral on politics: either Weather Channel or Food Network.
Title: GSN: Liberal, active viewership?
Post by: mmb5 on May 06, 2011, 09:23:06 PM
Here's an interesting look athow the cable universe in the Milwaukee area stacks up based on its audiences' political leanings. (http://"") Basically, the chart shows where a network's audiences rate on a conservative-liberal scale and low political interest-high political interest grid.

As for our favorite network (except for those baseball perverts*):

GSN ranks pretty clearly on the liberal side, between Animal Planet (less) and CNN (more). On the political interest of its viewers, it's between the Disney Channel and HGTV. Not too far up the scale.

Some other interesting items: Most liberal, Comedy Central; most conservative (other than Fox News Channel, of course), Versus; Most politically active, CNBC; Least, pretty much a tie between MTV and VH1. Most neutral on activity: Speed Channel. Most neutral on politics: either Weather Channel or Food Network.

Versus isn't surprising, most of their non-live sporting events are outdoor shows still left over from their Outdoor Life days.  I would believe once NBC makes it over during the summer, that may change.