The Game Show Forum
The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: wdm1219inpenna on June 06, 2011, 01:21:58 PM
At 8pm tonight, the all new Lingo will debut on GSN. I found some youtube clips about the show. I'll check it out to see how I like it. It looks somewhat different to be sure. Seems they now are including cute clues to help identify the words, not unlike Chuck Woolery's Scrabble. It will seem odd not having Chuck there, and not having a hostess there either...
I'm glad they don't have the hostess, and I hope they never bring one back. There never was any point to it, and if it's eye candy I want, there are plenty of other places on the TV dial to find it.
Meh. I like the sleekness of the set updates, but the bonus round change seems poorly executed and eliminates 50% of the core concept of the show--picking numbers and covering them on a card.
I would rather see the original bonus come back, even with the current payout format. Double the payout for not completing a Lingo after pulling the required number of balls, and award $100k for solving all five words and still avoiding the Lingo.
Seems they now are including cute clues to help identify the words, not unlike Chuck Woolery's Scrabble.
Unfortunately most of the clues were filled with sophomoric attempts at sexual humor. I don't mind sex jokes...these ones were just lame.
Unfortunately most of the clues were television shows are filled with sophomoric attempts at sexual humor.
So you're saying you were watching the Canucks game tonight instead?
So you're saying you were watching the Canucks game tonight instead?
When I wasn't putting my left hand over my eye in the facepalm/shoulda hadda V8 pose, yes.
(Because then I couldn't see the game, or the two goals that I missed on Fast Forward.)
When I wasn't putting my left hand over my eye in the facepalm/shoulda hadda V8 pose, yes.
Well, someone sure as hell had 8, that's for sure.
The show airs at 8pm, "prime time". The clues are amusing if not meant to have sexual implications. I don't know that I like them, or hate them. I guess I considered Lingo a "family" show, although there were times when Chuck & Shandi would talk and it wasn't necessarily vulgar, but ..oh heck it's 3:22am I had 5 hours of sleep, I don't know what the heck I'm trying to say!!!
I do like that they earn DOLLARS instead of piddily points now. I dislike that the losing team's money score reduces to $0. The show has a top prize of $100,000 (which seems to be virtually impossible to win, especially in 90 seconds no less). They couldn't give those 2 ladies that $300 to split for their effort?!?! C'mon!!!!
I agree with one of the previous posters, that not having a final LINGO card in the Bonus Game makes it seem almost pointless to call the game "LINGO". While I like the larger balls, it's somewhat easier to see or read the numbers, I hate that one player has to walk over to the "board" to pull them off.
Overall the show was okay, but I guess I grew accustomed to Chuck Woolery's version. I like certain things about the new version better, but it may take some time to grow on me. Usually I'm asleep around 7 or 730pm, so I don't know that I'll make watching this at 8pm "appointment TV" every night.
I forgot to mention the fact that I like very much the fact that the 10 "free balls" that used to get marked off on the old show are already marked off now when the board loads during the main game.
I found if anything the clues hindered the progress of the teams until about at least the 5th line. And even after that, not really necessary.
I'm not going to say that I totally hated the new version, but I could do without all the sexual references. If we're going to do Lingo like this, I'd rather it was done in the spirit of Win Lose or Draw late from the UK.
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find some Motus on the PVR.
Don't have GSN, but watched some clips. We is sure getting classier, ain't we? In a past post, someone mentioned it not being long before Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White get to host their own shows. To continue the trend of racing to the bottom, may I suggest Larry as host of Who Wants To Win a Pickup Truck (for the set o' wheels, just identify these underwear stains), and Ron White hosting You Bet Your Sober, Sorry-Ass Life.
Don't have GSN, but watched some clips. We is sure getting classier, ain't we?
Um, from a network that's running on Newlywed, Baggage, and Love Triangle, and you guys ask this like you're really surprised.
Just let the show do the work for you. (http://"")
I noticed two subtle ways the show manages to save money (besides the "only the winners get the money", but how many game shows are left that don't do this):
First, if nobody gets a word when four of the letters are in place, they don't go back and forth until a team gets it right - they just throw it out, and count it as one of the words played in that round. Has GSN never heard of "the word was discarded, and the show edited" (the way Dawson Feud edited out rounds (well, except for that one time when Richard wanted to see the round played out) where none of the first four players gave an answer that was up on the board)? To be fair, Password Plus/Super Password also aired rounds where nobody solved the puzzle, but there wasn't any limit on the number of puzzles played in a particular game.
Second, if it is impossible for the team that is behind to catch up, they don't play the last word, so the team that is ahead can't make an extra $1000 (which can be multiplied in the bonus round).
I also noticed they no longer do "one team has odd numbers, and the other even" - was there a reason the Woolery version did this?
I also noticed they no longer do "one team has odd numbers, and the other even"
I noticed that the numbers were scattered all over the card, as opposed to each column drawing from a group of 15, like you'd see in bingo.
Now that Chuck Woolery's gone, now they use the word "stopper"?
When a television show consists of episodes that are completely self-contained, it's interesting to see which episode they'll choose to air as a premiere to represent their show. Most game shows will opt for an episode with exciting, down-to-the-wire gameplay, or a big win. This version of "Lingo" opted for an episode which ended with a blowout in the main game and a team that froze up in the bonus round. But it did feature a team that put DICKS and SEMEN up on the screen.
Has GSN never heard of "the word was discarded, and the show edited"?
I noticed two subtle ways the show manages to save money:
Answered your own question there.
But it did feature a team that put DICKS and SEMEN up on the screen.
That had to have been a bitch to clean off.
But it did feature a team that put DICKS and SEMEN up on the screen.
That had to have been a bitch to clean off.
Bitch. B-I-T-C-H.
This version of "Lingo" opted for an episode which ended with a blowout in the main game and a team that froze up in the bonus round. But it did feature a team that put DICKS and SEMEN up on the screen.
Given the screener I was given, the debut episode was a vast improvement. This was episode 39 of 40. This was just about as good as they could iron everything out in 40 episodes.
Given the screener I was given, the debut episode was a vast improvement. This was episode 39 of 40. This was just about as good as they could iron everything out in 40 episodes.
I remember when they used to do that in something called "run-throughs."
What I'm afraid of is that most of the teams will come from the rejected contestant department of "Let's Make a Deal" & "The Price is Right".
When I wasn't putting my left hand over my eye in the facepalm/shoulda hadda V8 pose, yes.
Well, someone sure as hell had 8, that's for sure.
This post amused me.
Sounds like I shouldn't regret not having GSN on my Verizon cable package.
I was out tonight, but from what I was told, tonight's Lingo is the brutal episode I, the fake press, was given to try to promote the show and get you excited for it. It was impossible.
Another thing I also would like to see them add in Bonus Lingo is that for each correct word, a letter in the word LINGO will be lit.
Another thing I also would like to see them add in Bonus Lingo is that for each correct word, a letter in the word LINGO will be lit.
One thing I'd like to see is the contestant podium shifted about three inches stage right. That's just me though.
Another thing I also would like to see them add in Bonus Lingo is that for each correct word, a letter in the word LINGO will be lit.
I'd like to see a team that's able to finish the job when given the clue "It comes at the end" and the letters D E A T _, instead of just blankly staring and laughing. Or having teams turn their dorsal side to the camera when plucking a ball from the racks.
But man, now that you mention it, that LINGO-meter, that's gold. What was I thinking.
But it did feature a team that put DICKS and SEMEN up on the screen.
That had to have been a bitch to clean off.
Bitch. B-I-T-C-H.
Over/under on how long it takes before someone guesses that? I say... one episode.
Wednesday's episode...
Is the show in ratings trouble if they have to show a $100,000 win on the third episode?
Then again, didn't GSN pull Bingo America 2 (or whatever the revised version was called) after five episodes?
Then again, didn't GSN pull Bingo America 2 (or whatever the revised version was called) after five episodes?
It last two seasons, iirc.
I hear everyone's complaints about how the show now is playing to the lowest common denominator as far as innuendo goes but let's not pretend that "Scrabble" was completely innocent with its clues. The first one that comes to mind immediately was from the last episode of the original run: "Tammy Faye (Baker) has two big ones". Turned out to be "Eyelashes" but still. And do I even have to bring up "Match Game" which was pretty much as raunchy as it could get as far as game shows in the '70s?
Times have changed and the list of what's not acceptable on TV is shrinking by the day, but I don't think it's such a terrible thing that the new producers of "Lingo" wanted to take a more edgier route with its words/clues. My main complaint with the new season is the same one I have with game shows in general nowadays; dumbass, over-the-top caricatures of what a typical game show contestant is supposed to be like. Case in point: the episode with the two Cuban guys vs. the team with the "Shoeish" lady. Felt like watching Laverne & Shirley vs....two Cuban guys (any help with a pop culture parallel to that would be greatly appreciated).
I hear everyone's complaints about how the show now is playing to the lowest common denominator as far as innuendo goes but let's not pretend that "Scrabble" was completely innocent with its clues. The first one that comes to mind immediately was from the last episode of the original run: "Tammy Faye (Baker) has two big ones". Turned out to be "Eyelashes" but still. And do I even have to bring up "Match Game" which was pretty much as raunchy as it could get as far as game shows in the '70s?
Without innuendo, Match Game may as well have been test patterns. Scrabble's hook was that it was hangman but with the naughty clues, that at least winked at the naughtiness, rather than going right up, grabbing naughty by the ass and giving a big sloppy kiss on the mouth.
Without innuendo, Match Game may as well have been test patterns. Scrabble's hook was that it was hangman but with the naughty clues, that at least winked at the naughtiness, rather than going right up, grabbing naughty by the ass and giving a big sloppy kiss on the mouth.
...and Lingo is a straightforward word-puzzle game that was GSN's most successful show ever without relying on clues at all, naughty or otherwise. I have no problem with the innuendo, I just think clues of any sort have no place in this particular game. In my perfect world, they'd give Bill a remade Camouflage with suggestive clues, and give us Lingo the way GSN already knew Lingo worked!
GSN: If we keep making changes, at some point we'll manage to suck the life out of ANY format!
I hear everyone's complaints about how the show now is playing to the lowest common denominator as far as innuendo goes but let's not pretend that "Scrabble" was completely innocent with its clues. The first one that comes to mind immediately was from the last episode of the original run: "Tammy Faye (Baker) has two big ones". Turned out to be "Eyelashes" but still.
The difference is, on Scrabble, the correct answer wouldn't actually be bawdy and you'd usually know right away from the word length or the given starting letter that it's not the obvious off-color response that they're looking for. Whereas on Lingo, with a clue like the above they'd put up a B, the contestants would immediately guess "BOOBS" and it might even be the right answer.
And like Matt said, there's no need for clues in Lingo anyway. We're using 5-letter words for goodness sake. I'd like to see longer words like other countries do but we Americans apparently have enough trouble just spelling 5-letter words. (Well, at least the young pretty ones that they want to cast.)
I happened to catch this last night to see what the show was all about. I can't quite get my head around the clues given to teh words. The game is a simple premise in itself, why are clues needed. Sure, reminds me of Scrabble, but I didn't quite get it. Perhaps they can make the Lingo balls bigger, because the ones shown right now are not quite large enough.
I know the bonus round isn't exactly a gimme, but I have to ask, is it me or does this seem like a rediculously 'easy' way to win $100,000? I like the multiplication aspect, that is fine, but I would have to agree with a previous poster - removing the Lingo Board from the bonux round eliminates a major part of the game.
I enjoyed the No Lingo round on the original series. If I am not mistakened, this is the same bonus round done on Lingo when it aired on SRC.
Correct you are, fellow Ryan.
There may be a 'multiplication' aspect involved, but it's apparent somebody on the crew flunked the subject back in school. Since when is 3800+3800=11,400? At least somebody with some sense got it right when they actually played it.
Send calculator batteries...will travel (http://"")
How peculiar, I didn't even notice that. The proper total had to have made its way in somewhere, as they were awarded their correct four-word prize, $17,100. ($15,200 + $1,900)
Since when is 3800+3800=11,400? At least somebody with some sense got it right when they actually played it.
I'm guessing whoever drew up the graphic put it the base 1900 in with the 3800 by accident. Honestly, I've done something like this more times than I'd care to admit, even though I have a fancy piece of paper that says I have a degree in mathematics.
Though, why isn't the doubling coded in?
I hear everyone's complaints about how the show now is playing to the lowest common denominator as far as innuendo goes but let's not pretend..."Scrabble"..."Match Game"...
The writing on Scrabble and Match Game was exponentially better than the garbage they are using for clues on Lingo. It has nothing to do with lewdness or innuendo...the clues aren't even funny on the new show.
Boggle on The Family Channel was more entertaining than this version of Lingo.
I've noticed the past couple of nights that I can tolerate the less-than-stellar clues more when there are good contestants playing with them.
Since when is 3800+3800=11,400? At least somebody with some sense got it right when they actually played it.
I'm guessing whoever drew up the graphic put it the base 1900 in with the 3800 by accident. Honestly, I've done something like this more times than I'd care to admit, even though I have a fancy piece of paper that says I have a degree in mathematics.
Though, why isn't the doubling coded in?
Tonight was the first time I watched - and I sat there for a good few minutes and couldn't figure out what they were doing with that score - esp since the graphics added during the bonus round didn't match the board they showed before the game began.
My head no longer hurts. Thank you.
Just noticed Bill wears an IFB. No game show host should EVER have to wear one.
I hear everyone's complaints about how the show now is playing to the lowest common denominator as far as innuendo goes but let's not pretend that "Scrabble" was completely innocent with its clues. The first one that comes to mind immediately was from the last episode of the original run: "Tammy Faye (Baker) has two big ones". Turned out to be "Eyelashes" but still. And do I even have to bring up "Match Game" which was pretty much as raunchy as it could get as far as game shows in the '70s?
Exactly. We've seen it before. It isn't funny anymore.
Just noticed Bill wears an IFB. No game show host should EVER have to wear one.
Aren't those becoming more and more common?
Aren't those becoming more and more common?
As honest-to-Gawd game-show hosts become rarer and rarer? Yeah, probably.
Aren't those becoming more and more common?
As honest-to-Gawd game-show hosts become rarer and rarer? Yeah, probably.
I've noticed the past couple of nights that I can tolerate the less-than-stellar clues more when there are good contestants playing with them.
Which I guess was the point I was trying to make. The first episode I saw of the new season was on Wednesday night with the two female teams competing. Both teams actually played well and made decent guesses at the board trying to solve the word. I'm more than willing to accept "lewd" innuendo if it means having contestants that at least look like they know how to play the game since that was the half the reason I stopped watching Chuck's Lingo after season four (the other half being that airhead, talk-just-for-the-sake-of-talking Shandi. But that's another story...and no, I didn't mind her flat chest at all for those wondering). However, the other side of the argument seems to be if it ain't broke don't fix it, and I agree with that. It's not like the new set, new rules, and new grand prize really add anything to the show, but this might be one rare case where a format overhaul doesn't exactly ruin the show, either.
I do like the updates to the show, but Engvall looks and acts like he drinks about a case and smokes about 5 joints before taping. Is it too late to bring Chuck back?
I do like the updates to the show, but Engvall looks and acts like he drinks about a case and smokes about 5 joints before taping. Is it too late to bring Chuck back?
I think that's the look they're going for.
I think that's the look they're going for.
Then they should have gotten Ron White. Engvall was supposed to be the Halfway-Cerebral Redneck.
I think that's the look they're going for.
Then they should have gotten Ron White. Engvall was supposed to be the Halfway-Cerebral Redneck.
Hell, he's supposed to be the damn intellectual in the group.
I think that's the look they're going for.
Then perhaps I should apply for a job with GSN. Anyone of us could fake that so easily!
The difference between the Match Game/Scrabble examples and this is, back then (I'm in my 30s and already doing "back in my day" spiels!) there was still some subtlety involved. Most of that is now extinct today, and everyone goes right for the throat as far as shock TV goes. Look at MG7x vs. MG98, for goodness' sake!
I JUST saw an episode of the new Lingo, thanks to them uploading the first couple to the GSN website, and I really don't know what to say to these new changes. Because Lingo was popular even in reruns when they cancelled it, most of what is NOT the old Lingo feels like change for the sake of change.
The bonus round pays out way too much for getting four words right, let alone 5. I remember my strategy for the previous bonus round was to build up a stock of words in my head that would minimize overlapping letters, and not start to make guesses based on the clues from the board until clue 3 or 4. I think with this new bonus round, it would work even better.
The clues seem to deter the contestants more than help them. They are going to be so focused on that clue that they don't pay attention to the word itself- if it were me, I'd ignore the clue altogether unless I got down to my last guess. Contestants on the last version did quite well without the clues, and I see no reason why the same thing couldn't be said for this version.
All in all, I'm torn. It's still Lingo at its core, but it's mangled in some places nonetheless. I hope this gets another season-not just to work out the kinks, but also so GSN doesn't write off Lingo as another one off show, thus guaranteeing that we won't see it re-revived anytime soon.
BTW, Apple Autocorrect is pretentious, intrusive and just overall sucks. I would much rather see them implement the suggestion bar from the Windows Phone 7.
The bonus round pays out way too much for getting four words right, let alone 5.
For a network that had $5,000 as the bonus round award or top prize for just about every show in the mid 2000s, to the point of laughable tedium, I was surprised that the bonus round money is being waved about so freely.
1 vs. 100 was mangled by taking away the decent writing and swapping it for lame straight-forward question with pop culture joke appended. Lingo went from a decent game of strategy and wordsmithing, and it became a comedy showcase. Catch 21 had a terrific and easy format, and they twisted it into what we have now. Way to go, Group.
Quick note for anyone that didn't see tonight's episode:
[color="#FFFFFF"]I hope they're not trying to create suspense and running down the team's clock at the same time. Almost five seconds were wasted in the reveal of the fourth word in bonus Lingo (might've been enough time for a second guess at the $100,000 word)[/color]
It's in its second week and GSN is apparently already showing reruns. This I don't understand. I also think $100K is too much - I agree they should've done this for 1 vs. 100. I also thought there was no way anyone would get five words in 90 seconds - but I've been proven wrong. The win was exciting, though. Plus Bill Engvall seems pretty smooth as a host. He hasn't hosted anything else, has he?
IMO, those promo people for the show need to be really careful not to spoil too much.
IMO, those promo people for the show need to be really careful not to spoil too much.
Are you going to watch tonight?
Are you going to watch tonight?
It has a $100,000 top prize. Does a bear evacuate his bowels in the forest?
Does a bear evacuate his bowels in the forest?
I always preferred "Does the Pope shiat in the woods?"
Does a bear evacuate his bowels in the forest?
I always preferred "Does the Pope shiat in the woods?"
Approves. (http://"")
Does a bear evacuate his bowels in the forest?
I always preferred "Does the Pope shiat in the woods?"
Approves. (http://"")
Bonus points for use of high-quality image.
IMO, those promo people for the show need to be really careful not to spoil too much.
Is that the same one they spoiled tonight in a promo for an episode next week? That one is almost a given judging what letters were on the board and the time the team had left on the clock.