The Game Show Forum

The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: Twentington on February 27, 2012, 01:22:22 AM

Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Twentington on February 27, 2012, 01:22:22 AM
What are some of your earliest game show related memories? I'm sure most of you got into this rather early — i.e., way before I was born. :-P

Some of my earliest memories are bits and pieces of what my grandmother watched: Card Sharks and PYL reruns on USA (all I remember from either was its logo — even at age 3, I thought PYL's logo looked like that of Bekins Van Lines), Wipeout, LMaD'90, and of all things, TTD'90. While mom usually watched Classic Concentration and Combs Feud.

But my more specific memories come from around 1992. I was 5, and we had just started visiting an elderly couple. We would sit and watch Jeopardy!, Wheel and sometimes other shows with them. From Wheel, I remember quite a lot:

* Not understanding Before & After (two I remember were CHARLIE BROWN PAPER BAG and PARDON MY FRENCH FRIES).
* A promo that had Vanna popping out of a suitcase, that somehow aired twice in a row one day.
* Being utterly terrified of WNEM's logo at the time (, particularly when it would pop up without warning mid-game so they could chyron the lottery numbers on-screen. One day, they just put the lottery numbers on a plain screen during the commercial break, sans logo.
* A game from Soap Opera College Challenge (specifically, their taking forever to figure out SQUID'S SQUIRT with the Q's, U's and I's missing, and the misspelled bonus puzzle FOG HORN being way up at the top of the board).
* The lady who guessed C D Z O on the bonus puzzle ZOO, including Pat's reaction of "What kind of game is this?!" after RSTLNE turned up nothing.
* The electric guitar solo in the 1992 mix of "Changing Keys", and wondering where said theme went several years later.
* And while not game show related, ads for Kessel Foods and ABC Warehouse.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: toddyo on February 27, 2012, 10:01:36 AM
Being able to watch the gameshows in the 70's as they aired. The one thing game shows did for me was that they actually educated. Trivial bits but you could learn nuggest of knowledge. And, I learned how odds worked through Celebrity Sweepstakes. Nowadays....I miss end tag announcements, mid episode ticket announcements like MG and shows that are recorded live to tape with little or no editing involved. The mark of a true director.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: MikeK on February 27, 2012, 10:36:14 AM
I remember watching Hollywood Squares in its final NBC year and watching Whew! and TPiR at the hospital when my mom was in labor with my sister.  A slightly later but more vivid memory is being scared of the Las Vegas Gambit lock-in sounds.  Back in the day, snow days and off days from school meant wall-to-wall game shows from 9 or 10 AM through at least 4 PM.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Vahan_Nisanian on February 27, 2012, 11:03:41 AM
One that comes to mind right away was when I was watching the opening to one episode of Wipeout with Peter Tomarken. It began with him riding a bicycle around the circular structure where he typically made his entrance from.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: DrBear on February 27, 2012, 12:36:49 PM
Mostly the panel shows from the early 60s - I remember seeing the "In The Good Old Somerstein" bit - and Concentration with that board and the door slides that magically went from one side to the other. I also remember when Password went from its original set to its best-known one - I thought the Password logo was placed on a football-shaped sign because it was almost Packer season and CBS carried the Packer games!
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: pacdude on February 27, 2012, 01:17:01 PM
* A promo that had Vanna popping out of a suitcase, that somehow aired twice in a row one day.

That was a spot for Choice Hotels. The company I currently work for produced that commercial.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: geno57 on February 27, 2012, 01:26:27 PM
I remember all four of the sets used on the original Concentration, plus the one they built for the far more spectacular nighttime version.  It was Concentration that got me hooked on game shows, from the time I was a toddler!

I remember when Password changed its sets, and its theme music, from the stock production cut to the custom "swing" theme that we know so well.

I watched the original (NBC) Match Game.  Missed the first show, but caught it the rest of the week.  (MG's 50th anniversary is coming up December 31st, btw.)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: clemon79 on February 27, 2012, 01:49:27 PM
plus the one they built for the far more spectacular nighttime version.
What was more spectacular about it? (Curious as a Concentration fan who only knows the pre-Narz versions from what I've seen here.)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Johnissoevil on February 27, 2012, 02:06:42 PM
Earliest memory for me is late 70s, watching TJW, TTD, Bowling for Dollars, Narz Concentration reruns, Clark CrossWits, and Feud at night, Wheel, Price, $20K Pyramid, Gong Show, and Feud during the day.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Chief-O on February 27, 2012, 03:37:07 PM
-Being startled by the "Scrabble" Sprint win sirens [I'd pay---OK, maybe not!--to hear them in the clear]
-Likewise, being startled by the "Classic Concentration" bonus round buzzer/horns
-Thinking Bob Eubanks, not Goen, hosted "Blackout" [must've seen some "Card Sharks" in my infant days--that's probably the only way I'd have heard his name]
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: JasonA1 on February 27, 2012, 03:50:44 PM
I don't specifically remember the earliest one, but I have a few:  my parents tell me I would "play Wipeout" in my toddler years, running back and forth using a wall like this one (http://"") as my "monitors."

I remember moving into a new house and whining for the TV to be hooked up, just in time to catch the last few rounds of Combs Feud.

I remember going ice skating on a frozen pond-turned-rink-for-the-season and holing up in the shack where you could warm up to catch a Classic Concentration car game.

Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jimmy Owen on February 27, 2012, 03:52:13 PM
I'm 51, so my first memories are from the mid '60's.  I remember liking "Call My Bluff."  Watching WML meant I was up reeeely late, and I liked how Orson Bean filled out his ballot on TTTT.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: TLEberle on February 27, 2012, 03:55:26 PM
and the misspelled bonus puzzle FOG HORN being way up at the top of the board).
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: BrandonFG on February 27, 2012, 04:24:58 PM
When I was 2, I had knee surgery. I vividly remember watching The $25,000 Pyramid in the hospital.

I also remember watching Strike It Rich and Crosswits at daycare.

For some reason, I always wanted the card table from Eubanks'/Rafferty's CS...also for some reason, I told my uncle that the wheel from Wheel of Fortune came from Pep Boys. :-P

And I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought the PYL logo looked like the Bekins moving company logo! I was probably about 3 or 4, but I remember making the connection after seeing a moving truck outside my old apartment.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: TimK2003 on February 27, 2012, 04:27:53 PM
My earliest recollection had to be the original sets of "It Takes Two" and the set of "Sale Of The Century".
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: WarioBarker on February 27, 2012, 04:46:25 PM
Being born on August 23, 1988, my earliest memories typically go in the 1990s.

The Classic Concentration theme is probably the earliest, with a version stuck in my head for about a decade with no recollection of its source. I also played the NES game and the one of Super Jeopardy!, being utterly confused by both.

Getting up at 4:00 AM with my mother to watch Doug Davidson's Price Is Right on WDZL. I also taped it, but while those appear to have been lost there's at least one WDZL-aired episode in the trading circuit -- as I discovered some years ago.

Watching Shopping Spree, Supermarket Sweep, and Shop 'Til You Drop around 1997-98. A truck once drove through nearby and (thanks to the extremely uneven "road" outside) snapping the cable line toward the end of a STYD bonus round.

After that...not much until June 2004.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Twentington on February 27, 2012, 05:13:31 PM
And I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought the PYL logo looked like the Bekins moving company logo! I was probaly about 3 or 4, but I remember making the connection after seeing a moving truck outside my old apartment.

I made the connection because there was an abandoned Bekins garage ( a block from my grandmother's. Some guy now stores his boat and RV in it.

(As for FOG HORN — I've checked several dictionaries this time, including Merriam-Webster, and all insist that "foghorn" is only one word.)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Winkfan on February 27, 2012, 05:13:47 PM
I may have mentioned this already, but my earliest memory was when Art James hosted Concentration.

My favorite memories are from the game show rise of the 1970s; among them were the Match Game New Year's shindigs at the end of each year.

Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Matt Ottinger on February 27, 2012, 05:38:08 PM
(As for FOG HORN — I've checked several dictionaries this time, including Merriam-Webster, and all insist that "foghorn" is only one word.)
I think you may not understand the point of the drinking game.  Replace <drink> with THIS (http://"") and see if that makes things any clearer.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on February 27, 2012, 05:47:43 PM
(As for FOG HORN — I've checked several dictionaries this time, including Merriam-Webster, and all insist that "foghorn" is only one word.)
I think you may not understand the point of the drinking game.  Replace <drink> with THIS (http://"") and see if that makes things any clearer.
Why discourage the lad?  I'm enjoying my buzz.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: joker316 on February 27, 2012, 05:48:12 PM
for me...when I was around 4 years old seeing the Concentration board trilons turn & the prize slides; the Password Lightning round words pop out of the table; and the original Jeopardy! board. The sets from the 60's to the late 70's always fascinated me.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: spb1962 on February 27, 2012, 05:53:20 PM
When I was around 5-6 years old, I used to dress like Bud Collyer on To Tell The Truth with a suit and bowtie. This would have been during the last year or two of the CBS run.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: alfonzos on February 27, 2012, 06:00:54 PM
for me...when I was around 4 years old seeing the Concentration board trilons turn & the prize slides; the Password Lightning round words pop out of the table; and the original Jeopardy! board. The sets from the 60's to the late 70's always fascinated me.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Casey on February 27, 2012, 06:37:28 PM
My earliest memory is from the late 70s, and I distinctly remember the slot machine from TJW.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: PYLdude on February 27, 2012, 06:53:45 PM
CBS game shows in the morning, Jeopardy and Wheel on separate stations, my aforementioned "who are they gonna pair with Jeopardy this year" thing.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: BrandonFG on February 27, 2012, 07:25:14 PM
A few more that hit me from the toddler stages.

Visiting my great-grandmother in Norfolk (I still lived in Dallas at the time), and she would watch all the shows. I distinctly remember the neon joker sign from the TJW intro, and being mesmerized by the Tune Topics board on Name That Tune. Both aired in the afternoons at the station where I now work.

Back in Dallas, I believe Tic Tac Dough aired on Channel 39...I remember the shiny gold logo from the mid-80s.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Kevin Prather on February 27, 2012, 08:56:27 PM
(Gets ready for the barrage of "THE HELL OFF MY LAWN" that is imminent.)

As a four-year-old, mimicking Doug Davidson as I watched the syndie PiR.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: J.R. on February 27, 2012, 09:16:21 PM
They're very faded, but I can remember watching NYSI 89 (Can't miss that really dark set) and Combs Feud with my Grandma.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: MSTieScott on February 27, 2012, 09:39:05 PM
Not my earliest memory (I must've been well into elementary school or farther at the time), but I remember seeing an episode of Combs "Feud" that had the Scott family versus the Robinson family. I enjoyed that.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: gameshowcrazy on February 27, 2012, 10:05:46 PM
When I was two, I would ask my grandmother to put on "The Numbers Game," turns out this show was The Price is Right.  I would run from one end of the house to the other when Johnny would say "come on down."

As for the Vanna hotel promo, the common reason you sometimes see back-to-back same commercials or even the same commercial twice in a single set of commercials is due to unsold local time.  If there are 120 seconds scheduled for the break and only 115 seconds were sold, a 15 second rerun promo will often fill the air.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: SuperMatch93 on February 27, 2012, 10:07:28 PM
Ken Jennings. (I was 9 at the time)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Twentington on February 27, 2012, 11:44:04 PM
(Gets ready for the barrage of "THE HELL OFF MY LAWN" that is imminent.)

Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

(And I'm not under by much; I turn 25 on 3/10.)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jay Temple on February 28, 2012, 12:34:02 AM
Based on where we lived, I must have seen J! as early as 1970, probably 1969. I don't have a clear memory of seeing Concentration that soon, but I must have, because it was around that time that someone taught me the card game and I wanted to know where the Wild Cards were.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: trainman on February 28, 2012, 01:00:34 AM
My earliest memories are of Jack Clark's "Cross-Wits" and what must have been syndicated "Match Game," i.e., circa 1979.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Kniwt on February 28, 2012, 01:17:39 AM
Johnny Olson's voice on nighttime To Tell The Truth inexplicably would terrify the living daylights out of me, and I would have to run into another room when it came on. Fortunately, I got over it by the time T(N)PIR came along.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: clemon79 on February 28, 2012, 01:21:22 AM
Based on where we lived, I must have seen J! as early as 1970, probably 1969. I don't have a clear memory of seeing Concentration that soon, but I must have, because it was around that time that someone taught me the card game and I wanted to know where the Wild Cards were.
They were the aces, of course. How else do you play Concentration? :)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: PYLdude on February 28, 2012, 01:25:15 AM
Based on where we lived, I must have seen J! as early as 1970, probably 1969. I don't have a clear memory of seeing Concentration that soon, but I must have, because it was around that time that someone taught me the card game and I wanted to know where the Wild Cards were.
They were the aces, of course. How else do you play Concentration? :)

You could play it on the computer of least that's what we did in first grade. ;)

We had this old computer (well, for the time I suppose it was state of the art- this is 1989 we're talking about, FTR) and when we'd have playtime in class we'd gather around the computer and it seemed like the one game everyone liked to play was the Concentration game. I guess we all were Alex Trebek fans or something, lol.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Steve Gavazzi on February 28, 2012, 03:10:30 AM
When I was 3, we visited my aunt in California.  I remember being excited when I discovered that The $25,000 Pyramid was on TV all the way across the country just like it was in PA.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: geno57 on February 28, 2012, 04:05:18 AM
plus the one they built for the far more spectacular nighttime version.
What was more spectacular about it? (Curious as a Concentration fan who only knows the pre-Narz versions from what I've seen here.)

It was in color ... had generally more "flash", and more obvious "production values" (budget, in other words) ... I think I even remember some chase lights, and a band or orchestra (rather than daytime's organist.)

Mr. Blumenthal might be able to shed more light than I can.  I was all of four years old!
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: geno57 on February 28, 2012, 04:09:25 AM
for me...when I was around 4 years old seeing the Concentration board trilons turn & the prize slides; the Password Lightning round words pop out of the table; and the original Jeopardy! board. The sets from the 60's to the late 70's always fascinated me.

In case you haven't seen it already ... If you join TVPMM and access "The Vault", you can look at Ted Cooper's original 1961 drawings for the Password Lightning Round machine.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Craig Karlberg on February 28, 2012, 04:37:53 AM
My earliest memory came around 1969 when the nighttime TTTT was on & I distinctly remember hearing that music that plays to start the show.  It was undeniably catchy.  That may've guided me into game shows just on the music.  After all, sometimes music can help a show just as well as gameplay format or the host &/or the set.  It wasn't untill TPIR came along untill I watched game shows for the gameplay aspect of it.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: The Ol' Guy on February 28, 2012, 04:46:27 PM
Done this before, but let me see if I can come up with some different "8-second earliest memory flashes" while growing up in Battle Creek.
Being fascinated by that weird blinking device that determined money amounts on Double Exposure. And loving the theme from Your Surprise Package.
Cullen's Price Is Right...always a winner!
Having to ride my bike to my great-grandmother's house during the summer because somehow her little portable tv was able to pick up a new ABC station from Grand Rapids that let me watch Get The Message and the moved-from-NBC Missing Links.  
Once my stepfather put an old tv in the basement, there was no more fussing between me and mom over soaps and game shows. Headed right for the basement for the lineup that started with Say When at 10 am.
Also had a chance to watch a few moments of Make A Face. Somehow, our rotating antenna allowed us to occasionally pick up channel 12 out of Flint/Saginaw. Very fleeting memory.
And finding Jerry Van Dyke's Picture This very interesting. Tried to make a home game with spare game cards from Camouflage...which, come to think of it, was another 8-second memory moment from channel 12.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Offshored2007 on February 29, 2012, 01:58:03 PM
From Concentration:
1. The klunk-klunk noise of the trilons spinning
2. Hugh Downs scaring the beejeezus out of me when a puzzle was solved: "IS RIGHT!"

From Jeopardy!
1. The pointy water cups on the podiums
2. Art Fleming singing the song when some sort of musical clue was revealed.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jimmy Owen on February 29, 2012, 02:19:23 PM
From Concentration:
1. The klunk-klunk noise of the trilons spinning
2. Hugh Downs scaring the beejeezus out of me when a puzzle was solved: "IS RIGHT!"

From Jeopardy!
1. The pointy water cups on the podiums
2. Art Fleming singing the song when some sort of musical clue was revealed.
The cool thing about the pointy water cup is that one is forced to return it to the place it belongs.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: WhammyPower on February 29, 2012, 03:54:13 PM
I remember specifically that I always watched TPiR every day during kindergarten (Our school district had half-day kindergarten at the time; I was in the afternoon session).

I can also vaguely remember watching some "Press Your Luck" (apparently on USA reruns, as you can judge from the below statement) and remembering shouting "PASS!" at my TV.

Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?
Hi. (I'm currently 23)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: JasonA1 on February 29, 2012, 04:15:13 PM
Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

Right here. And the post above yours comes from somebody who is 18 or 19.

Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: DoorNumberFour on February 29, 2012, 06:11:30 PM
Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

Yes sir. 22.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: pacdude on February 29, 2012, 06:12:06 PM
Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

Yes sir. 22.

24 here.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: rjaguar3 on February 29, 2012, 06:19:59 PM
Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

Yes sir. 22.

24 here.

22 for me.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: fishbulb on February 29, 2012, 11:22:17 PM
From Concentration:
1. The klunk-klunk noise of the trilons spinning
2. Hugh Downs scaring the beejeezus out of me when a puzzle was solved: "IS RIGHT!"

My first memory is early '60s Concentration.  I think everyone was hypnotized by the sound of the trilons.
I was never scared by Hugh Downs, though.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: J.R. on March 01, 2012, 12:10:04 AM
I'm 27 and you are all starting to make me feel old.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: PYLdude on March 01, 2012, 12:55:27 AM
I'm 27 and you are all starting to make me feel old.

Wait 'til you hit 29, like I just did. ;)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: clemon79 on March 01, 2012, 01:17:48 AM
I'm 27 and you are all starting to make me feel old.

Wait 'til you hit 29, like I just did. ;)
Every one of you can get the hell off my lawn.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: GMar on March 01, 2012, 03:08:24 PM
My love for game shows started at age 3...1954...when I became became an addict of the old "Strike It Rich" CBS show with Warren Hull. I had no idea of the show's controversial concept at the time, but I loved that the game board "Heart" would light up when Ralph Paul called on the telephone "Heartline" to announce prizes being donated to those needy folks playing the quiz. A year later, my grandfather, a master carpenter, built me a replica of the giant Fab-box "Strike It Rich" game board for Christmas. It's long since been gone, but I came across this picture (http://"") of it from around 1956. The heart could light up and slots allowed you to change the dollar amounts. The heartline telephone was an old 50s dial desk model that didn't work anymore, but it served my purpose just fine.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Unrealtor on March 01, 2012, 07:33:08 PM
Most of mine are brief moments, almost still images. The "CA$HWORD" graphic and the display for the endgame jackpot on Super Password and the car game on Eubanks/Rafferty Card Sharks are the two that I can date the most specifically as being among the first. I remember shopping on Wheel (mostly the shopping music,) the update to "Changing Keys" that happened in 1989, and how my mother complained about how cheap the CBS daytime version felt.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Steve Gavazzi on March 01, 2012, 09:36:14 PM
and how my mother complained about how cheap the CBS daytime version felt.
My grandmother even noticed this -- she said that Bob Goen "had a stingy wheel."
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: chris319 on March 01, 2012, 10:34:55 PM
I remember Dotto hosted by Jack Narz.

I remember Tic Tac Dough hosted by Jack Barry.

I remember Play Your Hunch hosted by Merv Griffin.

I remember Beat the Clock hosted by Bud Collyer.

I remember Video Village hosted by Jack Narz, then Monty Hall.

I remember Concentration hosted by Hugh Downs.

I remember The Price Is Right hosted by Bill Cullen.

I remember Say When!! hosted by Art James.

I remember G.E. College Bowl hosted by Robert Earle.

I remember Password hosted by Allen Ludden. How well I remember Allen Ludden.

That's enough for now.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Bryce L. on March 01, 2012, 11:06:33 PM
Out of curiosity, besides you, Benfield and me, is anyone else on this forum under 25?

Yes sir. 22.

24 here.

22 for me.

Currently 24, will be 25 in October.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: golden-road on March 02, 2012, 12:47:01 AM
26 in June.

Remember Wheel as the first I ever saw, then Price. First Pyramid I saw was Davidson, worshiped TNPiR'94, and got GSN at 13.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: ChrisLambert! on March 02, 2012, 08:20:48 AM
For some reason, one memory that has always stuck with me was, as a 6-year-old, seeing a listing for "Face the Music" in TV Guide and excitedly switching over to WRTV-6, despite my parents' insistence that we couldn't pick that channel up off the antenna where we lived.

6 came through clear as a bell that night, for whatever reason.

I often wonder how much better my life would be had it not :)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on March 02, 2012, 08:31:46 AM
Earliest memories are from when I was three (first year in preschool).  Remember my dad deriding PYL as "a stupid show".

I swear I remember watching TJW reruns on USA, but the encyclopedia says they ended sometime in early 1987, IIRC...meaning I would have been two.  I doubt I remember something from that early.  Similarly, I remember being very disappointed when the TTD reruns were yanked in 1990...then being even more disappointed three years later when the Wayne reruns surfaced.

I also remember getting to watch the premiere of Scrabble '93 on a 5" screen in the kitchen because I had the chicken pox. :)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: chrisholland03 on March 02, 2012, 12:00:04 PM
I remember Dotto hosted by Jack Narz.

I remember Tic Tac Dough hosted by Jack Barry.

I remember Play Your Hunch hosted by Merv Griffin.

I remember Beat the Clock hosted by Bud Collyer.

I remember Video Village hosted by Jack Narz, then Monty Hall.

I remember Concentration hosted by Hugh Downs.

I remember The Price Is Right hosted by Bill Cullen.

I remember Say When!! hosted by Art James.

I remember G.E. College Bowl hosted by Robert Earle.

I remember Password hosted by Allen Ludden. How well I remember Allen Ludden.

That's enough for now.

And this is why I am so jealous!
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: mmb5 on March 02, 2012, 01:33:00 PM
My first memory of anything, never mind just game shows, is watching Baffle.  Another absolute bizarre memory was watching Password All-Stars (just turned 5), and knowing that the on-screen chyron tally for the contestants was in error.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: chrisholland03 on March 02, 2012, 02:38:38 PM
My early game show memories --

Fascination with Tic Tac Dough's Dragon and The Joker's Wild's Devil
Pulling The Joker's Wild lever
Johnny Olson's 'Come on Down!'
The DSW Dings and Whoops on The Price is Right
Firing the Hurdles gun on TPiR and the 'Crash' when contestants would lose
Match Game's circles and triangles and the Star Wheel
The animated opening to Beat the Clock w/Monty Hall
Richard Dawson's 'Survey Says' and the big red X
Recognizing Dick Clark on $20000 Pyramid and Bandstand
The floating heads while shopping on Wheel of Fortune
The colors and lights of Bullseye
The Face the Music flippitys
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: entguy1 on March 02, 2012, 02:44:35 PM
Moments: When Carol Burnett, Tim Conway and Vicki Lawrence crashed "Match Game." I was sick from school that day, and stayed on the neighbors' couch. They didn't see it as the cultural touchstone as I did.
Watching a game show at my grandmother's when I was 4 or 5, remembering a lot of the elements to it, and realizing decades later (thanks to the GS encyclopedia and the Interwebs) that it was "It's Your Bet."

Chills: The theme and celebrity intros on "Break the Bank" and, to a lesser extent, "Password All-Stars."
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: 40onTheBlue on March 02, 2012, 03:07:27 PM
[font="Arial"]I was a relatively strange child growing up in the 70's. There weren't a lot of other kids in my neighbourhood to play and hang out with when I was off from school, so I stayed at home and watched daytime game shows and newscasts. My earliest memories are the vaguest, (I was about five or six at the time) but I can remember seeing Art Fleming's Jeopardy!, Three on a Match, The Who What or Where Game, The Price is Right (when it was still a half hour show) the first format of ABC's Password, (with the orange set) Split Second, Gambit and the first version of High Rollers. I have better memories of watching The Magnificent Marble Machine, the syndicated Concentration, The Money Maze, Hot Seat, The Big Showdown, Match Game, ABC's Pyramid, Woolery/Stafford Wheel of Fortune, The Better Sex and Second Chance as the 70's wore on. And like all Canadians, I of course saw homegrown fare like Definition, It's Your Move and The Mad Dash. (Who on our side of the border didn't see those shows back in the day?)

My clearest recollections are from the late 70's with Password Plus, the revivals of High Rollers and Jeopardy!, Jim Perry's Card Sharks and Richard Dawson's Family Feud. As the 80's came and I grew into a teenager, I'd pretty much lost all interest in daytime television in favour of "cooler" pursuits, but I'd occasionally tune into Press Your Luck, Super Password and Classic Concentration.

If anything, I wish I'd have seen Baffle, The Wizard of Odds and the original $ale of the [/font][font="Arial"]¢entury. I live in hope that someday, somehow, video artifacts from those shows will turn up on You Tube.[/font]
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jamey Greek on March 03, 2012, 10:50:26 AM
Game shows, run in my family.  All my life I watched J! and WOF with my dad and with my grandmother.  In fact, Vanna was my first crush! Not just my first celebrity crush, but my first crush, period.    I also remember watching TPIR with my grandmother (my dad's mother) as well as watching USA's game shows and I remember TTD came on right after PYL even at the tender age of 3!  

I remember when I was a toddler I wanted to watch Combs Feud and Dad wanted to watch J! and I remember throwing a tantrum and getting real mad when dad watched J!  

I remember watching Classic Concentration and Scrabble on NBC Daytime and I found out that CC, Feud, and TPIR were all Mark Goodson Television Productions!  

I remember when a friend kept me while my parents were at work and her son and I were watching Pictionary '89 and I was excited that it was a game show and I don't remember what I was saying and my babysitter went: "Jamey, shh!"  

I also remember when I was four I watched LMAD90, TTTT90, and Classic Concentration on NBC as well as TTD90, and Trump Card on one of the ABC affiliates that we got in the small town I lived in along with Match Game 90.  In fact, I remember getting the Wheel home game when I was 5 and I had a home video of my 5th birthday party and I kept on saying "I want to watch Match Game" not realizing it was canned!

Oh yea, I remember getting the J! home game when I was 2 from my uncle and aunt.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: dale_grass on March 03, 2012, 12:47:02 PM
I don't remember what I was saying and my babysitter went: "Jamey, shh!"  

Can I have your babysitter's phone number?  She sounds like my type.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jamey Greek on March 03, 2012, 02:37:25 PM
Some more game show memories, I remember during my first grade summer, I was staying with my Uncle and Aunt in Montgomery and I turned on their TV and there was Trivial Pursuit with Wink Martindale coming off, then $100k Name That Tune was on and I watched NTT on Family Channel.

I also remember going shopping for game show computer games at Kay-Bee Toys when I was visiting my dad in Orlando.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: DrBear on March 03, 2012, 07:37:20 PM
Some more game show memories, I remember during my first grade summer, I was staying with my Uncle and Aunt in Montgomery and I turned on their TV and there was Trivial Pursuit with Wink Martindale coming off, then $100k Name That Tune was on and I watched NTT on Family Channel.

I also remember going shopping for game show computer games at Kay-Bee Toys when I was visiting my dad in Orlando.
Actually, you're starting to get up there if you can remember Kay-Bee Toys.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Twentington on March 03, 2012, 08:05:40 PM
Actually, you're starting to get up there if you can remember Kay-Bee Toys.

Not really. They only went out of business 3 years ago (although there were a lot of closures for several years prior — I think the two closest ones to me both closed in 2004).

On the other hand, if you remember Circus World...
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: PYLdude on March 03, 2012, 09:13:44 PM
Actually, you're starting to get up there if you can remember Kay-Bee Toys.

Not really...they didn't go out of business that long ago.

/we will miss them very much
//and we have been shopping there for 1725 years
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: TLEberle on March 03, 2012, 09:54:59 PM
//and we have been shopping there for 1725 years
Only that long? Lightweight. :)

Most of my memories hinge on wondering why a certain thing happened (cf: a woman getting the case full o'money for scoring 115 on Sale of the Century, or why somebody won $40,000 for a Scrabble Sprint) and not realizing why that was so for years later.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: J.R. on March 03, 2012, 10:06:34 PM
In fact, Vanna was my first crush!
Better not let Mark Demorra hear this. He'll fight you for her honor.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jamey Greek on March 03, 2012, 11:57:22 PM
Also, I remember watching $100k Fortune Hunt every Saturday night on WGN
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Jamey Greek on March 03, 2012, 11:58:51 PM
* A promo that had Vanna popping out of a suitcase, that somehow aired twice in a row one day.

That was a spot for Choice Hotels. The company I currently work for produced that commercial.

I remember that commercial very well even at the tender age of 4-5 years old.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: ChuckNet on March 14, 2012, 04:25:53 PM
I don't specifically remember the earliest one, but I have a few:  my parents tell me I would "play Wipeout" in my toddler years, running back and forth using a wall like this one (http://"") as my "monitors."

Funny, I did the same thing on the Gund Arena video wall @ GSC7 almost 15 years ago. :-D But I first GS memories include watching TJW in the mornings on WCBS, Pitfall on WOR, the daytime FF, the Dream House endgame, and Peter Tomarken walking off the set after his goodbyes on the final Hit Man.

Chuck Donegan (The Nostalgic "Chuckie Baby")
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Tim L on March 17, 2012, 09:31:31 PM
Earliest memories..Watching Nighttime Price Is Right (Cullen)..Probably during the ABC years.  Used an old TV stand as a podium and we'd play Price Is Right with the Speigel or Sears Catalog..

Concentration-Remember the sound of the pylons..Remember Watching the original Supermarket Sweep...Also would try to play along with Jeopardy..Liked Art Fleming's Hosting style..I didnt remember a lot about "It Takes Two" but I do remember the theme..Would watch You Dont Say! and Match Game just about everyday after school..All of this would have been between '64 and '69 (Between the ages of 6 and 11..)
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: Ian Wallis on March 18, 2012, 04:44:41 PM
For me, I guess it was the fact that if I was away from school in the '70s (spring break, sick days, summer vacation, etc.) I could turn on game shows anytime between 9 AM and 4:30 PM.  Then there were the syndicated shows that ran between 7 - 8 PM.

Those were the days!
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: on March 18, 2012, 08:16:09 PM
Count me in for Art Fleming's Jeopardy! and Concentration being my oldest memories of game shows.  Password is probably in there somewhere also but I don't recall which version.  I've watched too many old episodes to be able to say clearly which episodes I watched when they actually aired.

Somewhat later: The Gong Show, The Magnificent Marble Machine, Clark Pyramid, Match Game 7x, Tattletales, Pay Cards!, Cross-Wits, Split Second, Dawson Feud, Name That Tune, To Tell The Truth and Beat the Clock.  Oh, and Musical Chairs.  And Hollywood Squares, and Storybook Squares.

I think Chris still gets to tell me to get off his lawn.
Title: Game show memories from your childhood
Post by: clemon79 on March 18, 2012, 08:31:15 PM
I will, but it's because I just had it mowed and the landscapers are having a birdbath delivered tomorrow. :)