She\'s planning to focus more on NBC News tasks, among others.
I believe she also lightened her workload to care for her husband, no?
I believe she also lightened her workload to care for her husband, no?
That was a key reason she gave when she stepped down from doing Today full time. We noted at the time that Millionaire could be adjusted to her schedule, and can get knocked off in hardly any time at all. That, of course, hasn\'t changed. It\'s hard to imagine that Millionaire presents any serious impediment from doing -- well, almost anything else. My guess is that she\'s just bored with doing it.
My pick: Bob Costas. I don\'t know how possible it would be, but...
Someone on Facebook suggested Tom Bergeron and I\'d like to second that.
Someone set the over/under before someone suggests Regis come out of retirement.
Someone on Facebook suggested Tom Bergeron and I\'d like to second that.
/second after me
//we need more fat pacific islanders on tv
That\'s a good idea- Tom lives on the East Coast (one of the reasons he turned down TPIR was he didn\'t want to move, although apparently CBS was willing to move the show if he signed up to a long term deal)..Another question is though- will they decide to pull the plug? It\'s still doing OK, but it\'s not what it used to be...
Why is it that every time there\'s a hosting vacancy, people instantly bring up Tom Bergeron?
It\'s like whenever a coach is fired, the first name I always hear is Bill Cowher.
Why is it that every time there\'s a hosting vacancy, people instantly bring up Tom Bergeron?
He\'s just that damn good. I don\'t enjoy Hollywood Squares much at all. The humor doesn\'t do it for me and the gameplay is no great shakes, but I watched because Tom was there doing what he does. He was also good in his substitute host week.
Pat Kiernan. There, I said it.
\"You leave with $1,000. Thank you for your participation.\"
Some good names thrown about...does Bob Costas do his Sunday Night Football halftime commentary from New York or is he at whichever stadium? If the former, I could see it. If the latter, he could obviously do his reports from 30 Rock, or record them in advance.
Can\'t go wrong with Bergeron or Kiernan IMO. If he wasn\'t so notorious for being such a prick in every TV gig he picks up, I\'d suggest Keith Olbermann. Not like he\'s doing anything... :-P
For some reason, I feel Anderson Cooper could pull off something like this.
Some good names thrown about...does Bob Costas do his Sunday Night Football halftime commentary from New York or is he at whichever stadium? If the former, I could see it. If the latter, he could obviously do his reports from 30 Rock, or record them in advance.
Or they could just not tape on weekends during the season.
They don\'t tape on weekends anyway, do they? (Millionaire that is)
They don\'t tape on weekends anyway, do they? (Millionaire that is)
Someone set the over/under before someone suggests Regis come out of retirement.
In all fairness, it\'s not like he\'s doing much these days, and he\'s still a ham who loves the camera...
I know this is another name that is thrown around frequently when is a host is needed, but how would Todd Newton do on a more serious show like this?
If you got HoSho Todd, I think he\'d be OK. Whammy Todd would be totally inappropriate once you got to the second round. An inspired choice, because I think he could play up the reveal of the money amounts to whatever degree the producers would want.
Here\'s my $0.02...
Considering that the show has lasted this long in syndie land with Viera as host, would the producers attempt to find a suitable replacement Female host before going after a Male host? Are there any well-known female personas out there akin to Meredith who could pick up the ball and run with it without turning it into a stepping stone towards another career/project?
Now, on another tangent. Visually, for me the \"stand-up\" game play works well with someone like Meredith, but say for shits and giggles Bergeron (or any other Male persona for that matter) gets the gig, I would rather see the \"hot seat\" come back out of storage.
I\'d say a female is pretty likely if they want to keep the current style and mood of the show. Then again, with the ratings, they may want to shake things up if they do indeed do another season. Also wouldn\'t be surprised to see some of these seasons on GSN in the near future.
Here\'s my $0.02...
Considering that the show has lasted this long in syndie land with Viera as host, would the producers attempt to find a suitable replacement Female host before going after a Male host? Are there any well-known female personas out there akin to Meredith who could pick up the ball and run with it without turning it into a stepping stone towards another career/project?
Now, on another tangent. Visually, for me the \"stand-up\" game play works well with someone like Meredith, but say for shits and giggles Bergeron (or any other Male persona for that matter) gets the gig, I would rather see the \"hot seat\" come back out of storage.
Two words: Sherri Shepherd. That\'s who I would pick. She\'s already in NYC doing \"The View\"....
Let\'s just get Kenan Thompson to host *as* Steve Harvey.
Weaklink75: ABC/Disney is quoted (from both Reuters and Dateline Hollywood) as saying the show will go on with a different host.
Let\'s just get Kenan Thompson to host *as* Steve Harvey.\"All RIGHT. Here we GO. Your next question: The familiar term for a rooster is also used to describe what part of a man\'s body?\"
Coincidentally, Hugh Downs (another popular game show host with Today Show experience and journalistic chops) lasted about eleven seasons with Concentration before voluntarily walking away. In one of his books, he says that he realized at one point that he was just going through the repetitive motions over and over and had stopped caring about his performance anymore.
Let\'s just get Kenan Thompson to host *as* Steve Harvey.
\"All RIGHT. Here we GO. Your next question: The familiar term for a rooster is also used to describe what part of a man\'s body?\"
I chuckl\'d.
Meanwhile, you could get me as Steve Harvey, for a lot less. I don\'t ask much...just a producer credit...and a fancy wardrobe...with vests. Oh, and I may have to commute from Norfolk for the time being. :-P
Oh, and I may have to commute from Norfolk for the time being. :-P
Move the taping there - you can do them between Kings games. :P :P
Oh, and I may have to commute from Norfolk for the time being. :-PMove the taping there - you can do them between Kings games. :P :P
Low blow, Ray. Low blow. ;-)
I don\'t ask much...just a producer credit...and a fancy wardrobe...with vests.
That\'s quite disturbing. I\'ll have to work two of them into my contract.
I\'d say a female is pretty likely if they want to keep the current style and mood of the show.
Rosie O\'Donnell is available and she has a new mouth to feed...
Rosie O\'Donnell is available and she has a new mouth to feed...
Did the old one finally wear out?
Did the old one finally wear out?
In the same way that Bill Cullen would make the mundane totally watchable, there are now at least three names put forth in this thread that would make Millionaire completely awful.
/Wendy Williams. Now there\'s four.
Rosie O\'Donnell is available and she has a new mouth to feed...Did the old one finally wear out?
DING - good answer, good answer. Give him a cigar, or his favorite drink, if he doesn;t smoke.
I\'d rather see Regis take over before Rosie. I\'d rather see John Davidson or Louie Anderson take over before Rosie - just kidding.
As for Tom Bergeron, I believe he said he wasn\'t interested in doing another game show, but he would be a dynamite host.
Put me in the minority - I think Rosie would be perfect for this.
Call me crazy, but I could see Rosie O\'Donnell. I know she has the rep for being loud and obnoxious, I think she knows the difference between hosting a game show and hosting The View.
Plus from all the game show stuff I\'ve seen her do, I think she\'d genuinely care about the contestants...just as long as she doesn\'t get too emotionally invested.
Call me crazy, but I could see Rosie O\'Donnell. I know she has the rep for being loud and obnoxious, I think she knows the difference between hosting a game show and hosting The View.
Plus from all the game show stuff I\'ve seen her do, I think she\'d genuinely care about the contestants...just as long as she doesn\'t get too emotionally invested.
Cat Deeley before Rosie O\'Donnell -- far better eye candy!!!
Call me crazy, but I could see Rosie O\'Donnell. I know she has the rep for being loud and obnoxious, I think she knows the difference between hosting a game show and hosting The View.
Plus from all the game show stuff I\'ve seen her do, I think she\'d genuinely care about the contestants...just as long as she doesn\'t get too emotionally invested.
Well then, you\'re crazy.
Rosie is not nearly the star she once was. Many of her recent projects have flopped, and she\'s incredibly polarizing. And the problem with her caring about the contestants is the possibility -- and I personally think it\'s a very real possibility -- that she\'ll want to start nudging them toward the right answers. Meredith was very good about keeping a poker face, and there were still times when you could read her pretty well. Regis didn\'t really seem to have the trivia knowledge to be much of a factor. Rosie\'s default position would be that the contestant is more important than the game, so what\'s the harm with a little help? That\'s just not how game shows are supposed to work.
What Matt said. I agree (X gets the square).
I am aware of her polarizing nature (and could understand the mere mention could turn off her viewers) and remember her string of flops, but point taken on the lack of poker face. Which is where I was going with her not getting too emotionally invested. I think we agree more than we don\'t, so I apologize if my rationale was vague.
I agree (X gets the square).
Can we please do away with this?
Can we please do away with this?I was gonna say this, but then I decided not to say this.
I was gonna say this, but then I decided not to say this.
But, yeah, this.
I had that same internal dialogue, but if we\'re all thinking it and nobody bothers to say it, so what. I figured that the benefits (putting to bed an unfunny bit) outweighed whatever potential slings or arrows would be coming my way.
Jim Nantz....if he has the time to spare with that big heaping on his CBS Sports plate. Hello, friends.
And the problem with her caring about the contestants is the possibility -- and I personally think it\'s a very real possibility -- that she\'ll want to start nudging them toward the right answers. Meredith was very good about keeping a poker face, and there were still times when you could read her pretty well. Regis didn\'t really seem to have the trivia knowledge to be much of a factor. Rosie\'s default position would be that the contestant is more important than the game, so what\'s the harm with a little help? That\'s just not how game shows are supposed to work.
Case in point, watch her appearance(s?) on Hollywood Squares.
Wasn\'t she in the running for TPIR or LMAD, and a big concern was that she\'d hint at what was in the box?
What\'s her most recent gig that went over well? I remember she had a live primetime variety show some years ago, but that\'s about it.
I remember she had a live primetime variety show some years ago, but that\'s about it.
That\'s actually one of her failures. It was a one-shot special that NBC was considering for a series but ended up passing on. More recently, she had a much ballyhooed talk show on Oprah\'s network that was set up to be something of a cross between her old talk show and Oprah\'s old talk show. It only lasted six months.
Wasn\'t she in the running for TPIR or LMAD, and a big concern was that she\'d hint at what was in the box?
What\'s her most recent gig that went over well? I remember she had a live primetime variety show some years ago, but that\'s about it.
Her syndicated talk show ran for quite a few years. Other than that, I think her time on The View lasted all of one year, and from what I remember, the most memorable thing about that stint was her public feud with Donald Trump.
More recently, she had a much ballyhooed talk show on Oprah\'s network that was set up to be something of a cross between her old talk show and Oprah\'s old talk show. It only lasted six months.
I could swear I originally saw this article on this board, but if this is the first time you\'re seeing it, please enjoy.
Ken Parks. Where are you, Ken? (:))
Regis supposedly is considering it, even though he probably wasn\'t asked yet.
My hope is Tom Bergeron, he guest hosted the show a few seasons ago and was great. But my guess is they would go with someone like Sheri Shepherd, who also guest hosted. She would be cheaper than Tom Bergeron was and probably has a fan base similar to Meredith\'s. Also, The View and Millionaire tape in the same building.
How did Steve Harvey do when he guest-hosted Millionaire? Since the \"old rules\" of TV are out the window, exclusivity is not a big deal, and he could do the show in-between tapings of Feud, his talk show and the morning radio show. It would at least make the show more appealing to Fox stations.
Why don\'t we just have Steve Harvey host every game show? No wait, I don\'t want to put ideas in any programmers\' heads.
How did Steve Harvey do when he guest-hosted Millionaire? Since the \"old rules\" of TV are out the window, exclusivity is not a big deal, and he could do the show in-between tapings of Feud, his talk show and the morning radio show. It would at least make the show more appealing to Fox stations.
I can\'t remember if he really tripped over his words the way Saturday Night Live made it seem, but I\'d rather he not host just so there can be some variety. If this were 25 years ago, when you had more games in daytime and syndication, then maybe. But nowadays, I\'d rather see someone else, esp. since he already has a talk show in addition to Feud.
If Disney/ABC opts to stay in \"the family\" with a new host, I\'d love to see Kenny Mayne get another shot at hosting a game show.
Outside the box suggestion: Dan Patrick.
How did Steve Harvey do when he guest-hosted Millionaire? Since the \"old rules\" of TV are out the window, exclusivity is not a big deal, and he could do the show in-between tapings of Feud, his talk show and the morning radio show. It would at least make the show more appealing to Fox stations.Why don\'t we just have Steve Harvey host every game show? No wait, I don\'t want to put ideas in any programmers\' heads.
Please...We don\'t need another game show where every 3rd question has \"schlong\" (or variation thereof) as a possible answer.
I can\'t remember if he really tripped over his words the way Saturday Night Live made it seem, but I\'d rather he not host just so there can be some variety. If this were 25 years ago, when you had more games in daytime and syndication, then maybe. But nowadays, I\'d rather see someone else, esp. since he already has a talk show in addition to Feud.
He was a very deliberate reader. That\'s great for today\'s show, but he was on during the clock period. That\'s a paddlin\'.
if they wanted to go semiserious\'; anderson cooper
I\'ll nominate Coolio.
I gather he\'s available.
Hmm, so perhaps that\'s the reason Meredith left Millionaire. Seems she\'s in talks with NBCU to launch her own talk show.
Someone on Facebook suggested Tom Bergeron and I\'d like to second that.
I may not have been the first one on Facebook to suggest Bergeron, but I will take credit for it.
My wording was \"I suspect the job would be Tom Bergeron\'s if he wants it.\" Logic was he\'s got experience, he\'s based on the East Coast anyway, he\'s not a polarizing candidate (like, say, Rosie), and he\'s under contract with ABC/Disney.
He may, however, be too busy with Dancing With the Stars and America\'s Funniest Home Videos (I was surprised to learn the latter is still on the air).