The Game Show Forum

The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: chad1m on January 02, 2014, 01:54:04 PM

Title: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: chad1m on January 02, 2014, 01:54:04 PM
Since we're on a fresh board now, I thought I would create a fresh thread to discuss the release of home/board/video/handheld/digital versions of our favorite game shows.

If you've got Amazon credit burning a hole in your pocket from Christmas, they have a huge discount on the "Classic Pack" of You Don't Know Jack ( Nine of the older PC games designed to work on new computers as a digital download for FIVE bucks. The package is also available on Steam, but there is no discount there.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on January 02, 2014, 05:01:36 PM
I'm in the process of downloading and playing them now.  Great nostalgia trip for an incredibly cheap price.  Though is it just me, or is a lot of the music in V1 different from the original game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on February 02, 2014, 03:39:34 PM
Sports Jeopardy is available in the App Store for 99 cents.

EDIT: Had a chance to play it, and here's my good and bad-

-The entire presentation is nice.
-The game moves fast.
-The questions are challenging.
-Unlike Jeopardy games in recent memory, you can type in your answers.
-Your end of game score is multiplied (for Achieve,net purposes only) and really gives you a nice boost should you make the game harder in any number of ways.

-It's still a little buggy, but it matters a lot because it keeps you from actually playing the game. Although I was connected to the Internet, the game consistently game me "no connection" errors that slowed my progress through the menus. It took six times for me to get into the game.
-There are in game power ups- not really my cup of tea for a game like Jeopardy, but it's a specialized version and I'm sure it'll bring more people into the fold.

All in all, a pretty good effort. I wouldn't mind if they updated the two/three year old regular version with this format.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on February 04, 2014, 01:47:55 PM
Sports Jeopardy is available in the App Store for 99 cents.

They've released an update to patch a lot of those bugs; indeed, I can actually open and play without having to quit and restart the app.

Here's some gameplay that's currently processing. Apologies about the audio.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 08, 2014, 06:02:45 PM
It isn't a game show, but Endless Games's Oddly Obvious is as close as you're going to get to TV Scrabble these days. It arrived in the mail yesterday and we played it to rave reviews from nearly all participants. Recommended if you're into that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on February 09, 2014, 12:10:54 AM
It being an Endless product: how's the production quality?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 09, 2014, 01:56:52 PM
It being an Endless product: how's the production quality?
Decent; you get the answer cards, point tokens, a little stand so everyone can read what they have to, and a box to put it all.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on February 09, 2014, 02:29:13 PM
It actually seems more like Now You See It than anything.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 09, 2014, 02:31:59 PM
Having played it I can see how you'd come to that conclusion, but I think Scrabble is the easier sell. NYSI didn't go with the "clever clues" as stock in trade.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jjman920 on February 24, 2014, 01:58:20 PM
The folks over at Endemol have released a Pointless App for iOS that is, surprisingly, available in America for $1.99. It's pretty straight forward with its front game as it pits you head to head with one other person not three. You can play with friends however, though I haven't done so yet.

Only complaint so far is that the jackpot doesn't grow if you don't win the bonus round.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on March 08, 2014, 09:52:26 PM
Seen at WalMart tonight:  The Hollywood Game Night home game.  It appears that 5 different games are in the box.  $17.99, from Cardinal Games.  A cute disclaimer I saw on the back of the box:  "Jane Lynch & celebrity guests not included"  I thought about getting it, then I remembered I'm on home game overload as of late, having ordered 3 games from this week and receiving The Chase (UK) game from the same site on Monday.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 11, 2014, 01:33:34 PM
Seen at WalMart tonight:  The Hollywood Game Night home game.  It appears that 5 different games are in the box.  $17.99, from Cardinal Games.  A cute disclaimer I saw on the back of the box:  "Jane Lynch & celebrity guests not included"  I thought about getting it, then I remembered I'm on home game overload as of late, having ordered 3 games from this week and receiving The Chase (UK) game from the same site on Monday.

Here is a link to a YouTube video about the "Party" game:

And now, here is a link to the website ToyDirectory, showing a still photo of yet another HGN home game, which the manufacturer (TDC Games), calls the "Official and Complete home version."  Below the description at that site, is also a video from TDC Games, apparently taped at last month's Toy Fair in New York:

You'll notice in the still photo that there is a total of eight games, only one "buzzer," and that the game's board is only about one-fourth the size of the one featured in the video.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: DoorNumberFour on March 30, 2014, 05:41:50 PM
If you have access to the UK App Store, the awesome ITV game show Tipping Point now has its own app...and it's well done.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on April 10, 2014, 01:05:47 AM
Jackbox Games, the maker of You Don't Know Jack, has a new game out called Fibbage, and it looks to only be available for the Amazon Fire TV. Players use their smartphones as controllers and fill in the blanks to statements with correct answers- or they can choose a bluff answer and rack up points by having other players pick their bluff answer. It's like the "fill in the blank" from Match Game meets the trivia bluff from Hollywood Squares
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on April 10, 2014, 01:11:42 AM
Sounds like Balderdash.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on July 31, 2014, 02:01:06 PM
There's a new Family Feud game from Ludia, and it's more of the same, really.

Kind of like Endless Games, really.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on August 30, 2014, 07:59:28 PM
in the US iTunes store, if you like:

"Baffle" you'll enjoy "Word Driven"

"Bumper Stumpers: you'll enjoy "What's the plate?"

"Catch Phrase" you'll enjoy "Catch Phrase" (the second edition of the game from the UK store, now available in the USA)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on August 30, 2014, 11:39:49 PM
"Catch Phrase" you'll enjoy "Catch Phrase" (the second edition of the game from the UK store, now available in the USA)
Just downloaded this one from the Google Play store for Android... pretty cute game. Manages to capture the spirit of the show well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 03, 2014, 08:12:23 PM
Fibbage from Jellyvision Games (The You Don't Know Jack people) is now available on the Xbox One for $7. It's a really fun party game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on September 22, 2014, 06:59:05 AM
to paraphrase a famous GS announcer, "if you would like to play "Countdown" on your iPad.... FORGET IT!!!" 

The company that released the "Countdown", "Strike it lucky", "Bullseye" and "Going for Gold" apps to the UK iTunes store has pulled each and every last one. 

Hopefully someone else with get the rights, assuming it's a rights issue, and sell them again. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 22, 2014, 11:35:53 AM
Fibbage from Jellyvision Games (The You Don't Know Jack people) is now available on the Xbox One for $7. It's a really fun party game.
Seconded. And since the controller is basically "any web browser you can get your hands on, be it a laptop, desktop, on your phone, whatever" and since the One has Twitch streaming built-in, you can easily find people streaming their games and oftentimes they are good with people jumping in who are watching the streams. Not quite as good of an experience as couch play is (it *shines* at a party) because of the lag, but it works just fine and you can try out the game even if you don't have an X1.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on September 26, 2014, 06:09:49 PM
brand new "Only Connect" app now available in the UK iTunes store.

It is also available in the Canadian and US iTunes store, just search "Only Connect" in the search box. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jmenjes on September 26, 2014, 11:25:55 PM
The "Only Connect" app is also available in the Google Play store.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on October 02, 2014, 05:41:06 PM
Here's an interesting game. Red Herring. You have 16 answers that you organize into three categories plus one category, the red herrings, that don't fit into the rest. I haven't seen Only Connect, but I suspect it's the same principle as part of that. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 22, 2014, 08:14:37 PM
I just stumbled across this information at

It came as no big surprise to me, but I thought maybe Patch Products would've been the manufacturer, since they've been associated with Jeff Foxworthy, with AYSTAFG and You Might Be a Redneck, If...

There are other online retailers who have good deals, and can be found at

Would be nice if other original GSN shows get their own board games!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on October 24, 2014, 07:10:50 PM
Talicor has a long-established line of religious games, such as the Ungame and, until recently, VeggieTales games and puzzles. I recently visited the main offices and saw a model of the product. Didn't mention anything in case release plans changed. Matt O's game show game site lists several products that never got past the prototype stage. Spotted it last week at Family Christian stores. Talicor is an interesting company that actively pursues educational, general and religious games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 20, 2014, 09:14:14 PM
Jackbox Games just game out with a five game pack which includes YDKJ 2015, Fibbage XL, an overhauled Lie Swatter, and two new games- Drawful and Word Spud. They've taken their "any device as a controller" idea from Fibbage and applied it to all games in the pack. All games support multiple players, but Lie Swatter can support up to 99 players, making it a nifty game night game. I think I know what we're doing for our Super Bowl halftime party this year.

The entire pack goes for a measly $25 and can be bought on PS3/4 and Xbox One. YDKJ '15 comes with 50 brand new episodes, so the pack is worth it for that alone- this is a steal.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on November 20, 2014, 11:43:59 PM
Jackbox Games just game out with a five game pack which includes YDKJ 2015, Fibbage XL, an overhauled Lie Swatter

Without either console, I won't be able to check out this pack anytime soon but I am very curious as to the changes to the overhauled Lie Swatter...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 20, 2014, 11:54:57 PM
So YDKJ uses the browser-as-controller conceit, too? I would have severe problems with the potential for latency.

Can you quickly run down what the three games that aren't Jack and Fibbage are? I'm not familiar with any of them and we were discussing this at work this morning...

/we are big Fibbage fans at the office
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on November 20, 2014, 11:55:58 PM
Jackbox Games just game out with a five game pack which includes YDKJ 2015, Fibbage XL, an overhauled Lie Swatter

Without either console, I won't be able to check out this pack anytime soon but I am very curious as to the changes to the overhauled Lie Swatter...


It's also coming out on Steam in the very near future, so PC and Mac users will be good to go.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 21, 2014, 12:04:39 AM
Was there ever a version of Balderdash in box game form that did what Fibbage does?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 21, 2014, 12:16:45 AM
Was there ever a version of Balderdash in box game form that did what Fibbage does?

Kind of a vague question, isn't it? What "does Fibbage do"?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 21, 2014, 12:38:47 AM
So YDKJ uses the browser-as-controller conceit, too? I would have severe problems with the potential for latency.

Can you quickly run down what the three games that aren't Jack and Fibbage are? I'm not familiar with any of them and we were discussing this at work this morning...
FYI, We've been playing for a couple days with no latency problems.

Lie Swatter has three rounds. In the first two rounds, you're presented with seven categories, each with a different weird fact. All players choose whether each fact is a lie or a true statement, with bonus points going to the fastest correct answer. Round three pulls facts all from the same category. Each personal device shows your score and current rank, which would be very useful in a game with a ton of players. Each game takes five minutes, tops.

Drawful is Pictionary meets Fibbage. Each player gets to draw an item at the top of the round(the game assigns one to each player), and the computer goes through them one by one. All players want to write what they think the drawing is, and hope that the other players pick their answer. The drawing assignments can get really random (in one video, someone got Walrus Man). Probably the most fun of the new games.

Word Spud has the weakest format. The game goes down the line to give each player a chance to add to what may become an absurd chain. So if it starts with "devil", you might complete it with "devil's food cake". All the other players vote on whether or not they like your answer. You score if your yes's outweigh your no's (so if you get four yes votes and two no votes, you get two points). Positive scoring plays means the next person adds to the chain (in this case, with a word starting with cake). Neutral and negative scoring plays mean you start over with a brand new word. It's weak because technically, players can sabotage the game by voting no every single time, so you need the right people to play with.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 21, 2014, 01:08:09 AM
Kind of a vague question, isn't it?
I didn't think so?

Is there a Balderdash version out that gives you the trivia question and has you fill in the blank like Apples to Apples or Dixit?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 28, 2014, 11:51:53 PM
I saw Hollywood Game Night for eight bucks at a local department store and scooped it up. The game consists of cards for Take a Hint, I Love a Charade, How Do You Doo?, TV ID and Celebrity Name Game. I used the Take a Hint cards to play Go! today, to the delight of all assembled.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Thunder on November 29, 2014, 04:08:24 PM
I don't get invited to those types of parties.

/(h/t Douglas Adams)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 29, 2014, 09:52:17 PM
Forgot to mention: in10sity, which plays a little like Judge the Jury from Mindreaders (you score mucho points for a correct answer and fewer points for being off by one--all the answers to the trivia questions are integers from 1 to 10), and Trivial Pursuit: Team, which has rounds similar to The Rich List, Hot Potato, Duel, and three others. Both are recommended but they've been out of print nearly ten years, so aerobic with care if you buy them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on November 30, 2014, 09:24:05 AM
Five Below has a bare bones model of Hollywood Game Night for five bucks, which I picked up. Seems Cardinal released several of their more recent board games in a "no frills" form, and you'll find them there.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 30, 2014, 12:12:15 PM
Seems Cardinal released several of their more recent board games in a "no frills" form

Endless should think about doing that.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on December 22, 2014, 04:52:23 AM
"Blockbusters" has hit the UK iTunes store:

it plays true to form the show we know an love in the USA, but with the British scoring system.  Advise you to read the answers as the question is being typed out (if you're playing against the computer opponent) as you have to hit your choice of the 4 answers as your "buzzer".  If you read the question and then search, you'll never beat the computer. 

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on December 23, 2014, 10:10:08 AM
And some time with the Blockbusters game shows that the main game is too easy, with the multiple choice questions, and the Gold Run is too hard, with seemingly no spelling leniency or spelling variations.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 29, 2014, 04:49:25 PM
Check out QuizCross on Android or iOS. My first thought was "It's Tic Tac Dough with the ability to steal boxes", but it's kinda not. Anyway, with all of the trivia buffs on this site, I'm sure some of you will enjoy it.

Pick a category box, and answer three multiple choices on the category. If you clean sweep, you earn the box. If you get one or two right, the box is still yours, but your opponent can swoop in and steal the box by outperforming you on the same questions.

The questions are written better than what I've seen on Trivia Crack, if that makes any difference.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: dale_grass on December 29, 2014, 05:58:29 PM
Check out QuizCross on Android or iOS... The questions are written better than what I've seen on Trivia Crack, if that makes any difference.

That's encouraging.  I'm gonna check it out this evening.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 29, 2014, 06:09:14 PM
And therein lies the blessing and curse of crowdsourced trivia- it's great to see that so many people want to get involved, but it also leads to bland, one line questions like "In what year was MLK murdered?". When it comes to trivia, I'll pay for quality question packs rather than have a free game with tons of shallow material.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on December 30, 2014, 05:21:57 PM
Just for kicks, I submitted this question to Trivia Crack yesterday:

"Which of the following game show hosts has never hosted 'Wheel of Fortune?'"

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on December 30, 2014, 05:30:00 PM
This afternoon, HLN aired some episodes of its new game Keywords!  An app for Keywords! is available at the App Store for IOS devices.  The show is 2 parts Super Password/P+, 1 part TalkAbout.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 02, 2015, 03:42:02 PM
Train of Thought by Tasty Minstrel Games is an odd premise (imagine a Cashword round where one of your clues must be the previous password), but it has lots of words on each card, and it's dirt cheap. I probably won't ever play the game the way they want, but the cards will get used.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: calliaume on February 02, 2015, 08:38:23 PM
My trivia game of choice is Superbuzzer, available as an app on iOS (and, I assume, Android), or you can play it on your computer through Facebook.  It's got bits and pieces of many games mixed together - I can see pieces of Jeopardy, The Big Showdown, Split Second, and even Runaround.

Round 1:  Six contestants, five questions.  Three points for the first correct answer, two points for the second, one point for each correct answer thereafter.  No penalty for incorrect answers.  Highest four scores move on to Round 2.
Round 2:  Four contestants, five questions.  One point for answering each of the first two questions correctly, two points for the third and fourth questions, three points for the fifth question, plus one extra point for the first correct answer.  However, you're penalized the same number of points for incorrect answers.  Highest two scores move on to Round 3.
Round 3:  Two contestants, six questions.  Seven seconds to answer the question; the contestant who gets the correct answer stays with the same amount of "energy" they started with; the other contestant loses energy (depending on how quickly the other contestant answered correct).  No penalty for incorrect answers, no limit to the number of times you can answer, and if both contestants buzz in at the same time and get it right, they both lose energy.  The first contestant to lose all their energy is knocked out; if neither contestant loses all their energy, the one with the most energy after six questions wins.  (It is theoretically possible to have a double knockout, but I've never seen it.)

Winner gets a free game at the next level (there are five levels overall); also everyone gets a free game every 12 hours (but you can't hold more than one game in this manner at a time).

It's fun playing against others, especially overseas contestants.  The bad news is the questions are fairly UK-centric; lots of soccer and Harry Potter.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on February 19, 2015, 12:17:26 PM
Hasbro just released Trivial Pursuit Live for Xbox One (not sure about PS4)- the game reminds me a lot of Buzz Trivia from PlayStations past. There is no Classic Trivial Pursuit mode- the game takes place in a game show setting, and it's pretty good. You gain wedges by hitting certain point thresholds throughout the game.The rounds are straightforward enough- one round has players select answers finding the highest ranked one, while another has a grid of sixteen answers and can only be described as Free For All Wipeout. The final round has player's earning their final wedges by playing a variant of Dis Or Dat where a wedge is put up for players to vie for- players who miss a question are eliminated from competing for that wedge and the game ends when someone has six.

Pros: Solid mix of difficulty. Anyone can play and feel like they've got a chance to win. Onlne play is intact, and you can play against three computer players if you're alone. A full game may take fifteen minutes tops. Hasbro seems committed with increasing the replay value of their board game video games- Monopoly already received an expansion pack and Risk is set to get one soon. Game only costs $15.

Cons: Games like the Jackbox Party Pack and Buzz set the bar high, but the commentary here is straightforward and bland. If you're going to model your game's look and feel after Buzz, at least get a good host. Game could use more round variants- considering the first and last round are always the same, there are only four others that could pop up. I'm spoiled, but now I feel like all party games should utilize personal devices as controllers.

Overall, a good effort. I still consider YDKJ and Buzz as the gold standard of trivia party games, but this is a solid silver.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 04, 2015, 12:05:20 PM
It was announced at last month's Toy Fair in New York, that Pressman will release a fourth edition Wheel of Fortune game sometime this summer!  No other details at this time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Prizes on March 04, 2015, 12:43:59 PM
It was announced at last month's Toy Fair in New York, that Pressman will release a fourth edition Wheel of Fortune game sometime this summer!  No other details at this time.

Letter response from Pressman:

Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry. Yes, we are very excited about our new Wheel of Fortune game as well! It is still in development, but the tentative new date for release to stores is in Summer 2015.

Keep an eye out! :)

Thanks again,
Julie Doverspike
Pressman Customer Service

Maybe it will have Express, given its development dates? Looking forward to buying it though, regardless.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on March 07, 2015, 01:42:18 PM
My trivia game of choice is Superbuzzer, available as an app on iOS (and, I assume, Android), or you can play it on your computer through Facebook.  It's got bits and pieces of many games mixed together - I can see pieces of Jeopardy, The Big Showdown, Split Second, and even Runaround.

It's fun playing against others, especially overseas contestants.  The bad news is the questions are fairly UK-centric; lots of soccer and Harry Potter.

I love Superbuzzer!  Best part is that you can invite FB friends to play live games with you!

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 15, 2015, 06:30:41 PM
Though I have not seen any copies in stores yet, Hasbro Games is releasing a new board game based on the new "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader," series!  Click the following link to see a review of it:

Soon, Pressman will be releasing a new fourth edition of "Wheel of Fortune."  In the meantime check out this cute coin bank based on the slot machine:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on July 07, 2015, 02:27:27 PM
New in the UK and, I'm happy to say, the USA iTunes store is "Deal or No Deal - Noel's Quiz".

Now I downloaded this, expecting to dislike it, since it was taking the basic 22 box, 250,000 pound top prize game and adding a quiz.  What I got was a game which is an improvement over the basic "pick a box, and another, and another" game they had previously released. 

Now it's a free download in each store, but it uses the dreaded "coins" as a dangle to help you improve your game.  You'll quickly use them all and be forced to buy more.  I've played 5 games and yet to use a single coin, and I'm enjoying it just fine.

The rules are select a box, no change there, and then answer a series of questions.  First off, the questions are all over the board in difficulty so it's actually a quiz which will keep you interested.  After a series of questions you'll be rewarded with helps, based on how many you answered.  There are help like "reveal a read", "peek in a box", "ask for the banker to call" and others.  You open boxes, and know how the rest of that works.  After you "deal or no deal" you get taken to more questions.

It really is quite enjoyable, the graphics are nice, Noel's voice is used, I highly recommend it.  Especially, since it's free.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 14, 2015, 01:28:02 PM
Now Available--A new Hollywood Game Night app game:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on July 20, 2015, 03:06:39 PM
for the UK and the USA there is a new game called "Catch Phrase 2015" in which you take Mr. Chips on an adventure solving catch phrases.  If you need help, there are "diamonds" you can spend. 

While not following the rules of the show, it's a harmless enough way to enjoy some time solving catch phrases with the sound effects, music and Mr. Chips. 
Links for the USA, but in UK iTunes as well
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on July 20, 2015, 04:03:56 PM
for the UK and the USA there is a new game called "Catch Phrase 2015" in which you take Mr. Chips on an adventure solving catch phrases.  If you need help, there are "diamonds" you can spend. 

While not following the rules of the show, it's a harmless enough way to enjoy some time solving catch phrases with the sound effects, music and Mr. Chips. 

Just installed it!  Will try it later!  Thanks for the heads up!

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 08, 2015, 11:00:14 AM
Here is a link to a new item:

Though not much detail is given, I saw a picture of the other sides of packaging (on eBay), and it appears to be just like Endless Games' "Strikeout Card Game" from a few years ago!

Some sources are saying that in the next few weeks, Pressman's new Wheel of Fortune game should be available!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 16, 2015, 10:15:25 PM
Some sources are saying that in the next few weeks, Pressman's new Wheel of Fortune game should be available!
Is this supposed to be a total redesign, or is this just a new coat of paint? After all, Pressman's all about that backwards compatibility.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Thunder on August 16, 2015, 11:59:16 PM
I don't think there's anything game show related here, but you folks can look at this photo and see if there's anything worthwhile on these shelves (

This is from the nearby "classic toys" store, and they sell most of their stuff at relatively low prices as compared to collectors' values. I got ten Hot Wheels cars from 1980 new in the packaging for $1 each this weekend.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 17, 2015, 06:33:28 PM
Some sources are saying that in the next few weeks, Pressman's new Wheel of Fortune game should be available!
Is this supposed to be a total redesign, or is this just a new coat of paint? After all, Pressman's all about that backwards compatibility.

Well, I took a look at Pressman's website, and they are showing the "3rd Edition!"  I've seen some websites picturing the 3rd edition with a bold "NEW" graphic in it. 

It looks, for now, that they're only re-issuing the 3rd edition!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 18, 2015, 01:25:41 AM
I don't think there's anything game show related here, but you folks can look at this photo and see if there's anything worthwhile on these shelves (

Mmm... Qwirkle, Conspiracy, Omega Virus,  Scotland Yard, and (for the right crowd) Showdown Yahtzee.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 18, 2015, 01:51:21 AM
That's more or less what I have on my card, though I see a (new) Merlin and a Monty Plays Scrabbble in the corner, too. And I'd grab the Pig Pong because it's silly fun.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 18, 2015, 01:53:45 AM
Mmm... Qwirkle, Conspiracy, Omega Virus,  Scotland Yard, and (for the right crowd) Showdown Yahtzee.
I'd grab Omega Virus because you could probably flip it on BGG, though I'm not sure who the right crowd for Showdown Yahtzee is. I also see the crappy 1970s version of Careers, and an old version of Perquackey, which is a terrific word game in its own right.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 18, 2015, 10:23:04 AM
That's more or less what I have on my card, though I see a (new) Merlin and a Monty Plays Scrabbble in the corner, too. And I'd grab the Pig Pong because it's silly fun.

Snap.  I completely missed Pig Pong.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvmitch on August 18, 2015, 03:21:46 PM
I don't think there's anything game show related here, but you folks can look at this photo and see if there's anything worthwhile on these shelves (

This is from the nearby "classic toys" store, and they sell most of their stuff at relatively low prices as compared to collectors' values. I got ten Hot Wheels cars from 1980 new in the packaging for $1 each this weekend.
This looks like a neat store, you are lucky to have one close. The shelves of my thrift stores rarely have anything interesting these days.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 18, 2015, 06:54:44 PM
Snap.  I completely missed Pig Pong.
If we're looking at the game on the bottom shelf near Super Simon, I think that's just Nerf Indoor Ping Pong, and not Pig Pong (which sounds like something I would have played every day as a youth from what BGG reveals.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 18, 2015, 07:13:00 PM
I think that's just Nerf Indoor Ping Pong

Oh, you are correct, sir. Also worth having, though. I loved mine as a kid, though I'm not sure why I had it as we had a real ping-pong table in the garage...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 18, 2015, 07:18:46 PM
Oh, you are correct, sir. Also worth having, though. I loved mine as a kid, though I'm not sure why I had it as we had a real ping-pong table in the garage...
Tukwila Value Village seems to get them frequently, though they had a period where their board games were inflated in price (Seriously? An incomplete Concentration for seven dollars?) so I didn't pick it up. I'm sure it'll show up again.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on August 18, 2015, 07:22:42 PM
Based on the few times I visited this place  (, you can probably name what you want to find and if they don't have it, they'll find it.  They had a sizable collection of game-show home versions as well.

If you are ever in the Akron/Canton area, this is one place to easily blow time and money at.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 18, 2015, 10:51:33 PM
My job may be sending me to Origins next year.  It might make for an interesting day trip.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on August 18, 2015, 11:25:31 PM
I don't think there's anything game show related here, but you folks can look at this photo and see if there's anything worthwhile on these shelves (
I forgot Donald Trump had a board game (black and gold box, near the bottom shelf) came out right around the time Trump Card premiered, maybe a year prior*. IIRC, it was more like Monopoly or The Game of Life, no?

*/Back when he was only mildly egotistical
//With just a mild combover
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 18, 2015, 11:35:15 PM
I forgot Donald Trump had a board game (black and gold box, near the bottom shelf) came out right around the time Trump Card premiered, maybe a year prior*. IIRC, it was more like Monopoly or The Game of Life, no?

1989: (, and it was a property trading game that was nearer to Sid Sackson's I'm the Boss or Chinatown than Monopoly. My guess is that someone at MB came up with the idea and it sat in a file somewhere until they got the idea to mold the game around Trump's gilded persona. It was rereleased when The Apprentice became popular, and one of the main changes was the "you're out of the bidding" cards were changed to "You're Fired!" and I'm betting there were a lot more of them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Thunder on August 19, 2015, 02:43:49 AM
Thanks for the tips, folks. We were planning to go back to Reidsville tomorrow but those plans got changed.

Here's a link to a newspaper article about the store if you want to know more about it. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on August 24, 2015, 03:51:01 PM
I forgot Donald Trump had a board game (black and gold box, near the bottom shelf) came out right around the time Trump Card premiered, maybe a year prior*. IIRC, it was more like Monopoly or The Game of Life, no?

*/Back when he was only mildly egotistical

If you have a board game named after you, you are significantly more than "only mildly egotistical"...

Just ask Ivana...she will tell you he has ALWAYS been a dickhead...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 24, 2015, 06:14:08 PM
If you have a board game named after you, you are significantly more than "only mildly egotistical"...

Yeah.  That Jan Murray was an asshat.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 24, 2015, 06:28:02 PM
If you have a board game named after you, you are significantly more than "only mildly egotistical"...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on August 24, 2015, 11:31:55 PM
Just because "Chris Lemon's Lemon Party!" didn't exactly fly off the shelves doesn't mean you have to get all huffy about it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 25, 2015, 12:53:25 AM
Just because "Chris Lemon's Lemon Party!" didn't exactly fly off the shelves doesn't mean you have to get all huffy about it.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Reiner Knizia's X" or "Sid Sackson's Y" or "Steve Jackson's" .... okay, I'll spot you Steve Jackson.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: opimus1 on August 25, 2015, 02:09:52 PM
[If you have a board game named after you, you are significantly more than "only mildly egotistical"...

Just ask Ivana...she will tell you he has ALWAYS been a dickhead...

A designer's name on a hobby game is important now. The name on the box helps distinguish itself from thousands of new games that come out every year.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 25, 2015, 05:53:19 PM
A designer's name on a hobby game is important now.
That's very true. I'm much more likely to buy a game that has a familiar designer's name on it.

I am almost certain that Donald J. Trump did not design Trump: the Game. It was some peon deep within the bowels of the dev basement and the company marketeers put the Trump skin on it. I mentioned this fairly recently--I'm not sure why Jake didn't pick up on this. Maybe he has me blocked.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on August 26, 2015, 07:12:20 PM
A designer's name on a hobby game is important now.
That's very true. I'm much more likely to buy a game that has a familiar designer's name on it.

I am almost certain that Donald J. Trump did not design Trump: the Game. It was some peon deep within the bowels of the dev basement and the company marketeers put the Trump skin on it. I mentioned this fairly recently--I'm not sure why Jake didn't pick up on this. Maybe he has me blocked.

When did I ever suggest that Trump had anything whatsoever to do with the design of the game?  In fact, if he allowed his name and likeness to be put on a game that he had absolutely nothing to do with the design or creation of, that is the height of egotistical in my book...not sure just what it is you think I should have "picked up on"...

So, why would I have blocked you?  Is it because you tend to be a bit of a...oh, never mind...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on August 30, 2015, 02:26:43 PM
Coming on September 8 to the 3DS is the first traditional game show adaptation for that console (read:  Not Wipeout):  Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 07, 2015, 05:29:28 PM
Jackbox Games has announced that the Jackbox Party Pack 2 will be released this fall. The new pack will be headlined by Fibbage 2, while the other four games remain a secret. I presume that You Don't Know Jack will return- the only other game I could see making a return from the first pack is Drawful. At any rate, I'm happy Jackbox continues to crank out new games, especially since the BYOD format lends itself so well to parties.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 06, 2015, 02:49:21 PM
New and exclusively at Kohl's stores:

The last time EG released the "Quick Picks" version, they went from tin boxed to cardboard boxed.  I did see it myself, and this new one is in a tin box.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 08, 2015, 01:17:54 AM

Are the condoms included?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 08, 2015, 06:34:18 PM
A few weeks ago I happened upon a largely complete and good condition sixth edition of Endless Password, in a new shape box and dubbled "Classic Password." I don't know if further editions had a similar problem but the magic window reader is no longer a pleasant leatherette but instead a flimsy paper sleeve that is difficult to open.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 13, 2015, 11:23:34 PM
The Family Feud "Party" tin contains a question booklet, a wipe-off card, and a marker. That's it. However, it is on sale for $6.99 and claims to have 350 survey questions, so those seeking material might consider it. Also, if you have a Kohl's card, you recently received a $5 coupon good on any purchase of $5 or more. 350 survey questions for $1.99 is a decent acquisition.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on November 14, 2015, 12:21:06 AM
A few weeks ago I happened upon a largely complete and good condition sixth edition of Endless Password, in a new shape box and dubbled "Classic Password." I don't know if further editions had a similar problem but the magic window reader is no longer a pleasant leatherette but instead a flimsy paper sleeve that is difficult to open.
Endless bastardized the later editions that way. I'm not sure with which version that started, but it's so much of a turn off for me that I don't bother with those editions, even when I see them for sale for almost nothing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 25, 2015, 11:35:22 PM
Five Below has the Family Feud "GameBox" edition by Cardinal for $5. It has 203 survey questions individually printed on cards, as well as some strike cards.

Also for $5: Giant Freaking Foam Rubber Dice. I'm talking, like, 8 or 10 inches per side. Available in black, or neon pink, green, or blue. For when Dice Game-sized dice just ain't cuttin' it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 25, 2015, 11:59:56 PM
Also for $5: Giant Freaking Foam Rubber Dice. I'm talking, like, 8 or 10 inches per side. Available in black, or neon pink, green, or blue. For when Dice Game-sized dice just ain't cuttin' it.
Aw, no Five Below nearby. I've been making trips to a local dollar store to get smaller foam dice (red, blue, yellow and black) that are roughly High Rollers sized, but not eight inches across. Whoof.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 26, 2015, 12:00:35 AM
Also for $5: Giant Freaking Foam Rubber Dice. I'm talking, like, 8 or 10 inches per side. Available in black, or neon pink, green, or blue. For when Dice Game-sized dice just ain't cuttin' it.

The question for this, as always, is: are they Chinese dice, with the pips for the two along the vertices instead of in the corners where they belong?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 26, 2015, 12:25:49 AM
Yes. Seemingly always the downside with these things. Though the pip for the one is not oversized on these.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 26, 2015, 01:43:29 AM
Yes. Seemingly always the downside with these things. Though the pip for the one is not oversized on these.

Yep. That straightened two-face drives me absolutely bonkers, though,
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 01, 2016, 01:57:03 PM
Digital versions of Wheel and Jeopardy are available on the Wii U Shop for $7.99 each. By the way, does anyone know if the 360 versions work on Xbox One?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 01, 2016, 03:18:16 PM
Digital versions of Wheel and Jeopardy are available on the Wii U Shop for $7.99 each. By the way, does anyone know if the 360 versions work on Xbox One?

Per this list (, not yet.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on January 01, 2016, 11:46:17 PM
I spent a small portion of the Amazon gift card I won at the Family Bidness Christmas Party on Millionaire for the DS and I'm really glad that 1) it was only five dollars and 2) not my money. It functions well as a multiple-choice quiz but that's about it. No variability in your character look, as far as I know there's no multiplayer option, and they bungled it on the music bits, but the questions are decent. One of the achievements is to replicate David Goodman's game by using all three of your lifelines on the final question to win. Had I paid attention and seen that it was a Ludia game I might have passed entirely.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on January 07, 2016, 08:31:15 PM
December 16th saw the release of a FANTASTIC new version of "Countdown" in the UK iTunes store.  Seriously, GET IT!  Visually it's probably the best of all the game show adaptations out there, and they've added a vs. CPU mode.  My only complaint, is the letter distribution doesn't seem to follow the show as some really odd and obscure combinations come up.

Barnstorm games created it, which also created an "Eggheads" app that is worth getting. It's basic, but a fun way to recreate the show.

While I'm at it, I forgot to mention "Two Tribes" came out last summer, it is also excellent and worth checking out.  The animation is very "cartoonish", just like "Pointless", but the gameplay is wonderful.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 18, 2016, 01:54:05 PM
Earlier this week was the annual Toy Fair in New York.  There may be some new home versions coming to stores later this year!

I say that there "may be," because in recent years some prototypes were shown, appeared in company catalogs, etc., but did NOT get released after all.  Here is what MAY be coming out this year:

New versions of "Jeopardy!" from Outset Media

"Family Feud 6th edition" from Endless Games

"Family Feud" electronic game from Bridge Direct

"Celebrity Name Game" from Playmonster (formerly Patch Products)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvwxman on February 18, 2016, 02:06:24 PM
I was there. very little game show wise , compared to years past. a new Wheel box game, 4th edition was the only thing i saw in addition to above.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 18, 2016, 02:16:14 PM
I was there. very little game show wise , compared to years past. a new Wheel box game, 4th edition was the only thing i saw in addition to above.

Did the WOF game look pretty much the same, and maybe did you get a shot of it while at the fair?

I might as well let you know that even though you may not have seen what I'd mentioned earlier, my sources for the information came from a press release from FremantleMedia for "Feud," and corresponding company press releases/reports for the other games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvwxman on February 18, 2016, 02:24:21 PM
I was there doing news reports and not game show hunting like i used to do. I did not see the contents of the games, nor did i take photos.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 21, 2016, 03:07:55 PM
Thank you, anyway!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 21, 2016, 03:16:43 PM
I've just stumbled across a webpage reviewing selected exhibitors at the 2016 Toy Fair.  Here is a link the Playmonster exhibit:

When you scroll down, you'll see some stills of some of Playmonster's products, including four images of their CNG, featuring an electronic timer console, game cards and scoring chips.  Note:  I think the VIZIO remote was on-hand for attendees to view video of the show on a TV in the background.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on February 28, 2016, 04:24:46 PM
Outset's catalog shows a box shot of the new Jeopardy! game, but no contents:

Looks like there will be card game, a regular edition, and a Deluxe Edition with "extra content and a metal ringer".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 10, 2016, 11:59:39 PM
I flipped open the question booklet for Family Feud Party Edition, and immediately found another shining example of Endless Games' quality control. Here, play along at home:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on March 11, 2016, 12:14:01 AM
When your top answer in the whole bonus round is worth 22 points, that's when you start sending off for the stationery:

Endless Games: where we spell Quality with a K.

/they throw in Beyonce's surname but misspell "Christina". How about that deal.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 11, 2016, 01:32:05 AM
There's another question in the booklet where the four available answers have point values of 3, 3, 2, and 1.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 12, 2016, 11:59:08 AM
Based on all the data shown, it would have been impossible to get to the winning number of 200 points to win the "Fast Money" round!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on March 12, 2016, 01:01:06 PM
Based on all the data shown, it would have been impossible to get to the winning number of 200 points to win the "Fast Money" round!
Wow...I really didn't catch that one! That...that's just bad, even by Endless Games standards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on March 12, 2016, 04:23:46 PM
That was the point--the top scoring top two answers for one question added up to 38, and none of the others got terribly close.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on March 12, 2016, 04:57:22 PM
That was the point--the top scoring top two answers for one question added up to 38, and none of the others got terribly close.
Looking at that answer it would not have been terribly hard to lump yell at airline, curse, and get mad into one answer, perhaps with some answers in parentheses.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: dale_grass on March 12, 2016, 06:41:11 PM
Looking at that answer it would not have been terribly hard to lump yell at airline, curse, and get mad into one answer, perhaps with some answers in parentheses.

Except each of those answers is independent of the other two.  I understand what you're going for, but the ultimate cure is better source material.

Or the good people and Endless could just lie and inflate the numbers.  After all, how would we know?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 13, 2016, 01:34:52 AM
Or the good people and Endless could just lie and inflate the numbers.  After all, how would we know?

It's telling when outright fraud would produce better content than they actually provided. :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on March 20, 2016, 08:31:56 PM
I mentioned this 7 months ago, a few weeks before it became available.  Yesterday, I bit the bullet on the Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? 3DS game since it appears to be disappearing off of shelves, and not due to demand.  It's...different.

There is no music from the show.  SFX from the show is extremely limited.  No voice of Jeff Foxworthy.  A monotonous tune plays in the background for the entire game.  The game is like the show you know and love (?), except there is no $25,000 safe plateau.  The virtual cash is always at risk.  This game was clearly rushed to capitalize on 5th Grader's return, even though the return was merely a whimper in the ratings.

Here's the different part.  You can spend your winnings to improve the education of your 5th grade helpers.  The students start with a D or D- average in all their classes, so they are not much help with the peek/save/copy for starters.  As you reinvest your winnings in their virtual school by spending money on the various subjects and by investing in school events like science fairs, debates, and other academic events, your students get smarter and are more likely to help you out.

For some reason, this game is still $30 at Best Buy.  (Thankfully, I paid significantly less than that.)  If I did it again, I don't know if I'd pay a tenth of that $30 price tag for this game.  The "investing in your students" piece is unique.  The questions are all over the place, in terms of difficulty.  Everything else is quite underwhelming.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 14, 2016, 06:37:44 PM
Although I haven't seen any copies in any stores, the "Celebrity Name Game" home game is now available through PlayMonster's website (for $24.99 plus shipping, etc.)

Another source has indicated that the new "Wheel of Fortune 4th edition" from Pressman has been delayed, again!!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 22, 2016, 02:49:26 PM
Not much information to share, but here is a look at the new "Family Feud" electronic game from The Bridge Direct:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 22, 2016, 11:02:11 PM
I didn't realize people were still allowed to make LCD electronic games in 2016.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 22, 2016, 11:22:27 PM
Allowed to? Why not?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 23, 2016, 12:03:29 AM
Allowed to? Why not?
Sorry- that was badly worded. It's just surprising to me that someone would produce an LCD game in 2016. Outside of video poker/slots I've seen at Toys R Us, I haven't seen one in three or four years.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 23, 2016, 12:05:30 AM
Which was why I was surprised: I've seen the little LCD football game on the toy hangers with 20Q and the other stuff and to me it never stopped being a viable thing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Thunder on June 23, 2016, 01:19:38 AM
Since I'm rather sure that thing doesn't have voice recognition, how in the hell can you answer questions with phrases without a keyboard?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 23, 2016, 01:26:25 AM
Since I'm rather sure that thing doesn't have voice recognition, how in the hell can you answer questions with phrases without a keyboard?

Presumably it works like the shitty Tiger version and uses a thick unwieldy book for looking up answers, and you just enter the "answer number".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on June 23, 2016, 08:14:08 AM
Presumably it works like the shitty Tiger version and uses a thick unwieldy book for looking up answers, and you just enter the "answer number".

That's some pretty cutting edge technology there.........on my Quiz Wiz 30+ years ago.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 24, 2016, 10:22:57 PM
Since I'm rather sure that thing doesn't have voice recognition, how in the hell can you answer questions with phrases without a keyboard?

Presumably it works like the shitty Tiger version and uses a thick unwieldy book for looking up answers, and you just enter the "answer number".
It looks like that without the answer booklet- all of the game content might be on the screen, which would explain the d-pad.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Thunder on June 24, 2016, 11:49:48 PM
Which would turn the game into "Which of these answers in front of you looks to be the best one?"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on June 25, 2016, 11:48:57 AM
Wheel of Fortune came out with a pretty addictive new app called Wheel of Fortune Puzzle Pop.  It's normally $2.99 but free for a limited time with promo code WHEELPOP.  It's basically Wheel of Fortune combined with a bubble shooter type game with letters mixed in the bubbles.  It actually has quite a bit of strategy involved as you only get a limited number of shots for each puzzle and you only want to go for letters that are in the puzzle.  Much like Candy Crush, the first few puzzles are quite easy and then the difficulty slowly grows.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 26, 2016, 07:30:10 PM
Shows up free (with what looks like the Candy Crush model) in the App Store for me. What's this about a promo code?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 27, 2016, 08:40:11 PM
I was wondering if anyone saw at the end of the first half of Sunday night's "Celebrity Family Feud," the promo for a new "Family Feud," board game? The end credits showed that it is apparently from Cardinal Industries.  I didn't quite get a good look, but it was NOT the "game cards" that was released almost one year ago.  I also couldn't quite tell if it had all new contents, or stuff similar to the Endless Games board game.

If anybody DVR'd it and could just post a still of the game, I'd appreciate it!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvwxman on June 28, 2016, 07:59:43 PM
Disney version.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 29, 2016, 11:16:57 AM
Disney version.

I don't understand what that is about.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Marc412 on June 29, 2016, 12:21:53 PM
Probably that all the questions are Disney-themed.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on June 29, 2016, 02:22:08 PM
Disney version.

I don't understand what that is about.
Given the current state of Feud, probably something like this...

"Name a dwarf which describes Snow White in bed."

/Please let Dopey be the number one answer, please let Dopey be the number one answer...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Fedya on June 29, 2016, 04:38:13 PM
Easy and Floozy aren't dwarves?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 30, 2016, 01:22:37 AM
I don't know how long it's been out, but the card game Linkee looks to be a melding of Only Connect and Stage Two, which interests me, but not for Barnes & Noble prices.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 30, 2016, 01:26:09 AM
I don't know how long it's been out, but the card game Linkee looks to be a melding of Only Connect and Stage Two, which interests me, but not for Barnes & Noble prices.

Amazon wants $25 for it. I assume B&N are up around $40?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 30, 2016, 01:29:04 AM
Amazon wants $25 for it. I assume B&N are up around $40?
No, but they did want $50 for 7 Hours Wonders, which explains why I buy games from Amazon. (B&N also had it for $25, but it's a deck of cards.) Every question is a toss-up, presumably if you answer the question you take all the answers and score a point if you come up with the connection. Absolutely the kind of thing I would have loved for road-trips as a youth, but not at that price.

/They also had a new version of the old Split Second board game, titled Slap.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 30, 2016, 11:08:25 AM
Disney version.

I don't understand what that is about.
Given the current state of Feud, probably something like this...

"Name a dwarf which describes Snow White in bed."

/Please let Dopey be the number one answer, please let Dopey be the number one answer...

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you meant that, when I thought it was a new general topic version.  I hope it will be out soon, and I won't be surprised if any of the new FF stuff comes out to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the premiere of the original show!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 30, 2016, 10:49:38 PM
Every question is a toss-up, presumably if you answer the question you take all the answers and score a point if you come up with the connection. Absolutely the kind of thing I would have loved for road-trips as a youth, but not at that price.
No points for guessing the answers- the only score you get is for being the first to get the link, and you just earn the letter on the back of that card. First to spell Linkee wins.

The questions themselves aren't tough, but some of the links are. If you want an idea of how the card game works, download the Linkee app.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on July 03, 2016, 12:21:18 PM
Amazon wants $25 for it. I assume B&N are up around $40?
/They also had a new version of the old Split Second board game, titled Slap.

Sorry to go OT, but this is something I'd be very interested in. The Split Second game (which has nothing in common with the show, save the name) was always a huge hit when I played with my friends...unfortunately, I accidentally threw it out during a cleaning project. If you happened to catch a glimpse of the back of the box, does it still look like the same plastic rubber-band-loaded contraption, or did they cheapen the materials?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 05, 2016, 11:50:55 PM
Outset Media posted a pic of the press sheets being reviewed for their upcoming Jeopardy game. If you look at the left part of the press sheet, it looks like there will be separate clue cards for Final Jeopardy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 06, 2016, 04:18:11 PM
Outset Media posted a pic of the press sheets being reviewed for their upcoming Jeopardy game. If you look at the left part of the press sheet, it looks like there will be separate clue cards for Final Jeopardy.

One thing that has had me concerned all along, is that Outset Media's design might be very similar to the Tyco versions from the early 1990's.   Either way, I'm glad to see new versions are coming soon!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Peter Sarrett on July 16, 2016, 04:52:35 AM
Sorry to go OT, but this is something I'd be very interested in. The Split Second game (which has nothing in common with the show, save the name) was always a huge hit when I played with my friends...unfortunately, I accidentally threw it out during a cleaning project. If you happened to catch a glimpse of the back of the box, does it still look like the same plastic rubber-band-loaded contraption, or did they cheapen the materials?

A quick look on Amazon shows that it's only 4 players.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 18, 2016, 03:58:41 PM
I saw the Celebrity Name Game box game at Toys R Us earlier today for $19.99.

Whenever I've looked online for the the Disney edition of Family Feud, I pretty much only find one produced and sold in Australia.  Apparently, there is also a TV show based on the Disney themed surveys in Australia.

The Toys R Us clerk I'd seen, mentioned that their database does show a Disney Family Feud game, but no other details as to a price or release date.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 23, 2016, 01:18:02 PM
I've just found out that the Disney Family Feud game is a Toys R Us exclusive!  I found and bought a copy from TRU in my area for $16.99!   The instructions that were included with my game, are apparently copied from the Family Feud game manufactured/sold in Australia (featuring a different logo).

The instructions imply that a dry erase board is included, but it isn't.  Instead there are different pads of printed paper, a set for the main game and a different set for "fast money" rounds.

"Fast Money," is played really different from the show, and other box games.  One member from each team plays at the same time.  When a FM question is read, the team member representing the leading team answers first, and very quickly.  The other team member then gives a different answer.  If either player gives an answer not listed in the survey, they are told to "try again," and he/she gets only one opportunity to change his/her answer.  At the end of FM each team received 3X the total point value of his/her answers, and it is added to the main game total point (Note:  Three rounds, worth 1X, 2X, and 2X).  The team with the larger total is declared the winner.

This link to the Toys R Us website shows a prototype box art:

EDITED ON 7/26/2016--A posting on shows the actual box art, and game contents:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 30, 2016, 12:07:50 PM
Just saw at the Kmart website that you can now order Outset Media's Jeopardy board game (the regular edition), for $15.99 plus shipping (or free In-store pickup).  Here is a link to the item listing:

As you can see, it is very similar to the Tyco version from the early 90s, but I am not too impressed by some personal observations:

1.  I don't see how you would indicate that a certain clue has been selected, and would then be out of play.

2.  There is apparently no "cricket" snappers or any other type of ring-in device to determine who gets first chance (the "Deluxe" edition," coming later, has extra material, and a "metal ringer."

3.  The box indicates there is 180 cards contained in the game.  Judging from the appearance of the contents, it looks to me like there could be about 36 FJ! cards, 72 J! cards and 72 DJ! cards.  Theoretically, if I am correct in the number of cards per set, there is only enough J! and DJ! material for 12 games, without repeating a single category!  If that is the case, why have three times the number of categories for FJ!  Maybe I'm wrong.

Cosmetically, it looks great!  Play-wise, I'm not so sure!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 30, 2016, 02:25:40 PM
Yeah, that 180 doesn't equal out to an equal number of games. Unless they made a mistake and gave us 60 of each, which would be odd.

Looks good, but yeah, it's missing some basic items you expect in a jeopardy game, which Bob mentioned- for that alone, I'll probably spring for the Deluxe when it comes out.

Really happy to see another company making content like this, and the nice thing is that they seem pretty responsive on their FB page- I would urge you guys to provide some constructive feedback if you end up buying the game in case they decide to release a second edition at some point.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 30, 2016, 02:56:00 PM
I dunno, guys. From the way they are cheaping out as opposed to the Tyco version I'm thinking this is a company whose mission statement is "Let's make Endless Games look ritzy." Especially if Bob is right about the card breakdown, because the rule of thumb for a party game is to provide the customer with about 25 games worth of content.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on July 30, 2016, 07:44:28 PM
I saw the Celebrity Name Game box game at Toys R Us earlier today for $19.99.

Whenever I've looked online for the the Disney edition of Family Feud, I pretty much only find one produced and sold in Australia.  Apparently, there is also a TV show based on the Disney themed surveys in Australia.

The Toys R Us clerk I'd seen, mentioned that their database does show a Disney Family Feud game, but no other details as to a price or release date.
I went to the two closest TRUs--one on Monday, the other this afternoon.  Neither had Celebrity Name Game, but both had Disney Family Feud for $16.99.

A Google search for the Celebrity Name Game game says that a local K-Mart has it in limited numbers.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 31, 2016, 11:50:10 AM
I dunno, guys. From the way they are cheaping out as opposed to the Tyco version I'm thinking this is a company whose mission statement is "Let's make Endless Games look ritzy." Especially if Bob is right about the card breakdown, because the rule of thumb for a party game is to provide the customer with about 25 games worth of content.
I'm not crazy about the amount of content either- it seems they've only accounted for about half the normal amount. The funny thing is- and maybe it's different for games of a certain caliber and depth- customers have shown that they are willing to pay for board games with a quality build. Bona fide Trivial Pursuit games cost upwards of $35- Hell, I just dropped $55 for a board game on Kickstarter.

But it does raise an interesting question- would you guys prefer the Pressman/Hasbro build or the Tyco build for a Jeopardy game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on July 31, 2016, 12:00:24 PM
I've had both sets. My issue with the Tyco set was that there were too many pieces to build (sure, once they're done you don't have to do of again but younspend so much time doing it and I just wanna play) and the fishing for Daily Doubles. Pressman had an easier setup but you can't play a complete game with it (five categories) and there were a lot of pieces that were easy to lose. Neither gave you the ability to have a separate final Jeopardy (if I remember the Tyco version didn't have such an ability at all, whereas with the Pressman versions had you choose a Double Jeopardy clue to serve as Final).

If it comes down to preference I would probably choose the Pressman edition for familiarity's sake. I grew up with them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 31, 2016, 02:47:30 PM
My favorite version of the Jeopardy home game from a playability standpoint was the Hasbro edition of the late 90s. It was similar enough to the Pressman/old Milton Bradley games to have familiarity going for it, but what stood out for me was that there were six categories per round and separate Final Jeopardy answers. You didn't have to arbitrarily use one of the DJ! answers.

The Tyco version just seemed overly complicated.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 31, 2016, 10:14:16 PM
Bona fide Trivial Pursuit games cost upwards of $35- Hell, I just dropped $55 for a board game on Kickstarter.
But this is Jeopardy--people are expecting something for their twenty bucks. You get what you pay for.

But it does raise an interesting question- would you guys prefer the Pressman/Hasbro build or the Tyco build for a Jeopardy game?
I liked the Tyco method of allowing everyone to host rather than having one person sit out. If they were of a mind they could have games packaged together so that you don't have the problem of a round having too many or too few DDs, then take a page from Jeopardy 1978 and have the low scorer host Final Jeopardy with a separate deck of cards.

The thing for me is that there's lots better party game vehicles for trivia than Jeopardy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 01, 2016, 08:43:15 PM
Click on the following link, and view the website's review of the Family Feud Disney Edition:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 02, 2016, 03:28:58 AM
Bona fide Trivial Pursuit games cost upwards of $35- Hell, I just dropped $55 for a board game on Kickstarter.
But this is Jeopardy--people are expecting something for their twenty bucks. You get what you pay for.
Exactly why I prefaced my comments with "maybe it's different for games of a certain caliber and depth- pretty sure there aren't going to be any all night release parties for a Jeopardy game anytime soon.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 02, 2016, 12:15:46 PM
Click on the following link, and view the website's review of the Family Feud Disney Edition:

Anyone have any luck finding the buzzer app they mention in the description?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 02, 2016, 02:12:42 PM
Click on the following link, and view the website's review of the Family Feud Disney Edition:

Anyone have any luck finding the buzzer app they mention in the description?

So, if you look at the instructions they show at 35 seconds, it contains the logo from the Australian version.  And there is a buzzer app in the Australian app store.  It's basically a soundboard, and that's it.  I've got even money that they a) never release the app in American stores and b) never even cared about this when they used that ruleset.

edit: squinting closer, this ruleset mentions "wiping boards clean" after each round, when this box has paper sheets to write answers in.  So yeah, it's literally the 2nd edition Australian rules, and this "game review" is the drizzling shits for not noticing or mentioning.  That leads to this question:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 03, 2016, 05:10:53 PM
I did mention in an earlier post about the instructions coming from the Australian version and, yes, that version is from Imagination games.

From my own research of articles from the last few years; some, but not all, games previously released by Imagination Games in the U.S. were sold off to a company called Spin Master Games.  Last year, Spin Master bought out Cardinal Industries, but still releases games under each company name.

BTW, some of the other titles originally manufactured in the U.S. by Imagination, are now being made by Outset Media, which has just released Jeopardy!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 04, 2016, 03:03:16 PM
With the recent revelation that ALL of the ABC-TV summer game shows being renewed for another season pickup, I've wondered if new box games might be in the future.  FF is already out, and new editions I'm sure will be there.  Here is what French Canadian fans of their versions of Pyramid and Match Game have seen in home game versions in recent years:

If a new home version of TTTT were to come out, what famous people would be good "central characters," to be among material used?  Here are some I think:

O.J. Simpson
Bill (and Hillary) Clinton
Bill Gates
Martha Stewart
Oprah Winfrey

I'm sure the list can go on and on, but these are a few I think might be interesting.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 04, 2016, 03:07:08 PM
Isn't the premise that the central character is someone who has done something interesting or noteworthy but is otherwise unrecognizable? Or does the box game play differently?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 04, 2016, 03:39:40 PM
Isn't the premise that the central character is someone who has done something interesting or noteworthy but is otherwise unrecognizable? Or does the box game play differently?

Here is a link to info/photos of the TTTT home game from Lowell, 1957:

The box game DID use famous people, and each member of the "team of challengers," received a card with answers to questions read from a card the "panel" used.  Only the person representing the "central character," would have a card showing only the correct answers to each question.  Each of the "imposters," received a card with multiple choice answers.  The "central character," was allowed to fake out facial expressions or verbal tones to make it look like they were selecting an answer to a question, but had to give the correct answer as shown on his/her card.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 04, 2016, 09:34:22 PM
Just got the Jeopardy Travel Edition in the mail. At $10 it was an easy sell for me- at the very least I'm getting new game content.

I'll hold judgement until I see the full and deluxe versions in the flesh, but it would have been nice to see this version's rules made more geared towards being a "travel edition"- most namely having the host perform a category blitz where they just go down the card instead of figuring out which clues are left.It does look like the cards are the same size as what's found in the full versions, so maybe those cards aren't retreads. EDIT: Outset Media's website says that the Travel Edition is supplemental.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 04, 2016, 09:40:46 PM
Have they finally done away with the red overlay and the magic reader?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on August 05, 2016, 09:18:46 AM
Outset Media is sending me a copy of the Deluxe version for review on BuzzerBlog. Expect a full report soon.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 05, 2016, 11:07:12 AM
Just got the Jeopardy Travel Edition in the mail. At $10 it was an easy sell for me- at the very least I'm getting new game content.
  • The box does indeed come with 36 cards for each round- so if you play 6 full games, you'll be left with 30 Final Jeopardy cards.
  • As expected, you'll have to keep score using your own resources- nothing in the box for that.
  • The rules suggest that player simply shout out their answer without suggesting any sort of  "ring in".
  • According to the manual, if nobody gets the correct response, the player with the least money selects the next dollar amount.
  • Daily Doubles are designated by a yellow line surrounding the clue.

I'll hold judgement until I see the full and deluxe versions in the flesh, but it would have been nice to see this version's rules made more geared towards being a "travel edition"- most namely having the host perform a category blitz where they just go down the card instead of figuring out which clues are left.It does look like the cards are the same size as what's found in the full versions, so maybe those cards aren't retreads. EDIT: Outset Media's website says that the Travel Edition is supplemental.

I was able to confirm, through an online retailer, that the regular home edition DOES contain 72 J!, 72 DJ!, and 36 FJ! cards, as my hunch told me.

This sounds like a disappointment to me, personally.  I've still haven't found a better home version of J! than the Hasbro/Parker Brothers edition from 1999!  It was 100% faithful to the show!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on August 05, 2016, 11:31:29 AM
From my own research of articles from the last few years; some, but not all, games previously released by Imagination Games in the U.S. were sold off to a company called Spin Master Games.  Last year, Spin Master bought out Cardinal Industries, but still releases games under each company name.

Thank you for this.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 05, 2016, 05:20:55 PM
I would buy a dry-or wet erase lapboard that had a spinner inset to one corner and a puzzle grid on one side and a Jeopardy grid on the other. I owned both travel sets and never used the included puzzles or the score tracker. The object is to solve the puzzle or answer the questions because you're in the car and it's stone cold boring. The score stuff or Daily Doubles never mattered, it was the thrill of solving each event as it came up.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 05, 2016, 05:32:47 PM
I've had both sets. My issue with the Tyco set was that there were too many pieces to build (sure, once they're done you don't have to do of again but younspend so much time doing it and I just wanna play)
See, that's where we differ. I found that setting up the Tyco version as a kid was exciting, like you were actually building a game show set.

Have they finally done away with the red overlay and the magic reader?
They sure have. Good riddance too- I understand the need to conceal game material, but rarely was there a situation where that feature helped more than hurt.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on August 05, 2016, 07:08:31 PM
I found that setting up the Tyco version as a kid was exciting, like you were actually building a game show set.

Agreed! It looked visually impressive on the table and you could pick whatever categories you wanted for each round. We brought out the Quizzard and let players interrupt when I used it back in high school. Couple that with a Final Jeopardy from another source, and it wasn't a bad recipe.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: chrisholland03 on August 06, 2016, 01:25:53 PM
See, that's where we differ. I found that setting up the Tyco version as a kid was exciting, like you were actually building a game show set.

This is why I prefer the Pressman version of Wheel that came out in the 80s -- you had an actual wheel and puzzleboard.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 10, 2016, 01:56:08 PM
Here is shot at a toy/game fair, showing the Deluxe Edition of Jeopardy, complete with the "metal ringer."  Sorry there isn't a closer look at it:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on August 11, 2016, 11:50:08 PM
That doesn't look especially "Deluxe," does it?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on August 16, 2016, 06:51:26 AM
Spotted the new Family Feud Handheld at WalMart last night. The shelf tag says "Game Show Assortment" but only Feud is present, and that is all I expected to see. Not much of an "Assortment". I took a quick look at it and here is the game in a nutshell:
There is no book of questions. I was able to turn one on through the package. The game shows you a question on the LCD screen (think the square characters like Tiger WoF used in the 90s, but more of them and smaller size), then you pick what answers you think will be on the board from a list of possibilities (it's Tiger FF sans book, now in one self contained unit from what I gathered). That's it. I assume Fast Money is same structure. There was the familiar music/SFX, a "host" voice, and he may have actually read the question but I can't remember. Price tag was around $19.98.
This just appeared at WM within the last few days, as part of the game aisle overhaul that always happens this time of year for the holiday season.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on August 17, 2016, 06:33:34 PM
My report on the Jeopardy! board game is here:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on August 18, 2016, 01:52:40 AM
Tangentially related: If you own the Card Sharks home game, perhaps you'd like to add some zing to your next trip to the Money Cards with, well, some actual money cards. Opulent, yet affordable, with just the right amount of tackiness. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 18, 2016, 03:16:11 PM
Tangentially related: If you own the Card Sharks home game, perhaps you'd like to add some zing to your next trip to the Money Cards with, well, some actual money cards. Opulent, yet affordable, with just the right amount of tackiness. (

If they had a giant block "T" on the back of them, I'd be all over them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JepMasta on August 19, 2016, 01:08:34 AM
Well I actually OWN those cards, And lemme tell ya, they are worth it if only for the really cool prismatic effects each of the card faces have on them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 25, 2016, 04:43:41 PM
I just stumbled across a picture of a "Family Feud Disney Edition" card game from Cardinal Industries:

Anybody seen it anywhere?

The other day I was at a local Five Below store, and they had the regular FF card game, plus a card game version of Battle of the Sexes, which has seen radio and television versions worldwide.

In addition, at Five Below, they were selling some big dice (individually), but I didn't catch the price.  You could say they were almost the size of the really big "Show" and "Down" dice shown at the into to the Big Show Down episodes.  If not, they are at least twice the size of the dice used in the bonus round.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TalkingHeadsFan on August 25, 2016, 04:56:01 PM
In addition, at Five Below, they were selling some big dice (individually), but I didn't catch the price.  You could say they were almost the size of the really big "Show" and "Down" dice shown at the into to the Big Show Down episodes.  If not, they are at least twice the size of the dice used in the bonus round.

From my experience, these are great for any oversized-game-show-dice needs:

Yes, they have the Chinese 2 and there are no plain white dice available but the size is just right and you don't have to worry about damaging anything when rolling them because they're a soft foam-rubber type material. Unfortunately, if you want a matching color pair you'll have to get two sets...


Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: vtown7 on August 25, 2016, 08:25:18 PM
In addition, at Five Below, they were selling some big dice (individually), but I didn't catch the price.  You could say they were almost the size of the really big "Show" and "Down" dice shown at the into to the Big Show Down episodes.  If not, they are at least twice the size of the dice used in the bonus round.

They are $5 each.  I bought a pair of black dice with white pips based on a suggestion by Mr. Klauss if memory serves as some of the dice with black pips were fading/falling off.  The dice have been a big hit in my class - we played High Rollers in January and the kids were very anxious to be the roller each time out.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on August 25, 2016, 11:03:19 PM
I used something similar when I hosted TPIR for a convention in Toronto.  We played Dice Game and I was lucky enough to find a matching set of four dice on eBay.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on August 26, 2016, 12:59:20 AM
This will get you eight 3-inch foam rubber dice, four black, four white: (

Note, though, that if you're actually interested in playing the lawn dice game, the hoops included are two pieces of tubing that are much flimsier than what's pictured. A pair of hula hoops would do the trick, though.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on August 26, 2016, 09:26:08 AM
Same site has these ( 3.5" wooden dice.  You get 6 for $29.95.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: KrisW73 on August 26, 2016, 10:04:59 AM
Oriental Trading has a set of lawn dice that look an awful lot like 70's High Rollers dice:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 26, 2016, 12:02:00 PM
Oriental Trading has a set of lawn dice that look an awful lot like to 70's High Rollers dice:

Interesting that they have the larger (but not red, thankfully) Chinese one-pip but not the Chinese two. 2 3/4" is going to be a little small (mine are 3 1/4") but not unusably so. Those are a really good option!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: chrisholland03 on August 26, 2016, 01:37:14 PM
Same site has these ( 3.5" wooden dice.  You get 6 for $29.95.

These are a good buy for any US folks - $23 USD plus shipping with today's exchange rate nets you 6 nice dice

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 27, 2016, 01:17:41 AM
Problem is that they won't tell you what the shipping is gonna cost you until after the fact, which is a large blocking issue for a lot of people. (It does look like they have a form to have them send you a quote, but ugh, what a pain.)

Damn shame, too, because those are nice.

EDIT: Amazon's got them for $35 (, Prime-friendly.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 27, 2016, 08:02:23 PM
From my experience, these are great for any oversized-game-show-dice needs:
I decided to go with these to pair with Zapp Zerapp to have things for kids to play when they come to my game group.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: chrisholland03 on August 27, 2016, 10:06:49 PM
Problem is that they won't tell you what the shipping is gonna cost you until after the fact, which is a large blocking issue for a lot of people. (It does look like they have a form to have them send you a quote, but ugh, what a pain.)

Damn shame, too, because those are nice.

EDIT: Amazon's got them for $35 (, Prime-friendly.

Yeah, I noticed that too unfortunately.  On the plus side they sent me a $5 CAD coupon code for registering on their website.  I think I'll roll the dice and let everyone know how things land.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TalkingHeadsFan on August 27, 2016, 11:38:42 PM
Problem is that they won't tell you what the shipping is gonna cost you until after the fact, which is a large blocking issue for a lot of people. (It does look like they have a form to have them send you a quote, but ugh, what a pain.)

Damn shame, too, because those are nice.

EDIT: Amazon's got them for $35 (, Prime-friendly.

Yeah, I noticed that too unfortunately.  On the plus side they sent me a $5 CAD coupon code for registering on their website.  I think I'll roll the dice and let everyone know how things land.

Try instead of; they will still send you a $5 discount too!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvwxman on August 28, 2016, 08:20:00 PM
Same site has these ( 3.5" wooden dice.  You get 6 for $29.95.

These are a good buy for any US folks - $23 USD plus shipping with today's exchange rate nets you 6 nice dice

Find 2 friends here and split it 3 ways-  everyone gets a pair.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on August 28, 2016, 11:33:48 PM
Found lawn dice at Target, which at this point doesn't surprise me. Only had five in the pack, though.

My local game store had some good-looking dice that were painted and even had the corners rounded. There were also giant playing cards and multiple sealed copies of the High Rollers board game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 15, 2016, 10:08:43 PM
I know there are some Chicagoans on this board, so for anyone near the Bolingbrook/Woodridge area, the Goodwill on Boughton east of I-355 has a Tyco Jeopardy for $2.99, an Endless Games Card Sharks for $1.99, and an AYSTA5G box game for $1.99. I picked up a Millionaire 1st-edition box game for 99¢.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on September 16, 2016, 01:10:00 AM
I know there are some Chicagoans on this board, so for anyone near the Bolingbrook/Woodridge area, the Goodwill on Boughton east of I-355 has a Tyco Jeopardy for $2.99, an Endless Games Card Sharks for $1.99, and an AYSTA5G box game for $1.99. I picked up a Millionaire 1st-edition box game for 99¢.

Sucks that I moved to the Bay Area a year ago; but since my wife is there this weekend…
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 17, 2016, 09:16:28 AM
During Friday's airing of a new Family Feud episode, a brief, five second, promotion came up for a new Family Feud "Platinum Edition" box game.  It appeared to be another product from Cardinal Industries.

Although the announcer mentioned "In stores now," I haven't seen it anywhere, yet.

Recently, Endless Games updated their website, but there has been no updates to show their Family Feud Sixth Edition game (yet at least).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 22, 2016, 11:59:31 PM
Wheel of Fortune Free Play is now available for download here in the US. Some of you may have played the beta last year before it got pulled- your progress has been saved if you synced to your Facebook account.

For those who haven't played, it's turn based Wheel of Fortune, and is notable as one of the very few versions that has used Pat's voice and likeness.

I'm not a fan of having to collect rare items to move to a new city/world, but I am a fan of that wonderfully gaudy black and pink Surprise wedge. Someone on the design team likes us.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 02, 2016, 12:15:02 PM
Earlier this morning, I was in a Five Below store, and found the "Family Feud--Party Edition," in cardboard packaging, for only $3!  Last year at this time, it was available in a tin box, exclusively at Kohl's for around $10, when not on sale.

They did not have the Disney themed "FF" card game I addressed in an earlier post, but the clerk told me that more new stuff is on the way for the Xmas holiday season.  In the meantime, Cardinal has released a "Game Box," version of the board game "Would You Rather."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 02, 2016, 02:10:08 PM
Does it play differently than the show?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 06, 2016, 12:07:14 PM
Does it play differently than the show?

If you're referring to the Feud game, not really, just it plays with only three main game questions and Fast Money is played for $20,000, even though no play money is included.

If you're referring to Would You Rather, I'm not familiar with a TV show based on the board game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 06, 2016, 12:28:08 PM
If there is a GO Calendar, Games and Toys store in your area, check out (at your convenience) to see if your area's store has some stuff they are supposed to be carrying, but that a new store in my area doesn't have in stock (at least yet).

*--Item not in stock

If the stores use the same counter set-up concept, there is supposed to be a narrow counter containing WOF*, the new regular edition of J! from Outset Media, and SEVEN (that's right) Family Feud related products:

EG's FF 5th edition, and Strikeout Card game

Plus, all from Cardinal Industries:

FF Card (Game Box)
FF Disney Board Game
FF Disney Card (Game Box)
FF Marvel Card (Game Box)
FF Platinum Board Game*

BTW, you can order online and arrange for shipment, or in-store pickup the "Platinum" game:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on October 06, 2016, 02:48:01 PM
I received a press release today from Fremantle about a new game from Ludia tying into the Buzzr brand, but it seems to just be a rebrand of the already available Plinko Slots app.

MONTREAL, QC, October 6, 2016 – In partnership with the U.S. based vintage game show channel, BUZZR, Ludia Games brings big wins, big brands and good times to your phone with the launch of its latest game, BUZZR Casino. Featuring actual vintage clips from BUZZR’s time capsule of retro game show programming, BUZZR Casino combines the best elements from some of the greatest hits of all times: Family Feud, Card Sharks, Press Your Luck, Let’s Make A Deal and many more.
Packed with amazing free social slots and exciting casino games, BUZZR Casino is the perfect complement to the retro game show network.  Players will have a chance to try and beat the odds of the BUZZR Slot and unlock new slots based on classic TV game shows as they level up. Additionally, they will be able to multiply their winnings by making it to the Bonus Round, dropping that PLiNKO chip, or by getting a shot at Free Spins.  All the while, as they maneuver through the game, players will be able to view some of the most fun and memorable moments from the vast library of retro game show content currently airing on the BUZZR network.

“With the launch of BUZZR Casino, Ludia brings a whole new experience to the genre, adding its own unique twist to it,” explains Alex Thabet, President and CEO of Ludia Games. “With a vast array of popular BUZZR brands to choose from, we are happy to offer players and fans alike, a high quality casino game that is sure to entertain them for hours.”
“The BUZZR retro game show formats that have stood the test of time offer the very best gameplay for a portable experience,” said Ron Garfield, executive vice president and general manager of BUZZR.  “The launch of BUZZR Casino represents the next phase of building BUZZR into a multigenerational, multiplatform brand.  BUZZR Casino will introduce the BUZZR brand to a new audience of game show enthusiasts."
BUZZR Casino features include:

§  Famous game show experiences like Family Feud, The Price is Right, Card Sharks, Press Your Luck, Let’s Make A Deal, and many more;
§  All new immersive video reel slot machines with stunning visual effects, authentic stages, sounds, and other game elements modelled after each retro game show;
§  A memorable Bonus Game in each BUZZR Slot: WIN BIG in PLiNKO, Fast Money Round, and more, all inspired by fan-favorite TV game shows;
§  The possibility to send and receive free gifts and spins from your friends.
Feeling lucky?  Meet us on the BUZZR Casino floor for a brand new experience that can be shared with friends and family. Available today for free on the App Store and Google Play.
BUZZR launched on June 1, 2015.  In just one year, network carriage has grown its availability to 65% of U.S. DMA households.  In addition, the number of markets the network is available in has quadrupled since the launch – with 67 markets now carrying BUZZR, including all Top 10 DMAs.  Recent market launches include Denver, Sacramento, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Buffalo and Raleigh.  Through BUZZR’s expanding relationship with their broadcast partners, the network is now also available on cable operators such as Time Warner, Comcast/Xfinity, Verizon, Cablevision, Cox and Charter to name a few. 

Distribution efforts for BUZZR are being led by Debmar-Mercury.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 08, 2016, 01:45:16 PM
It's another casino game with game show skins and a few clips thrown in. It's not bad, it just doesn't stand out.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on October 11, 2016, 12:48:26 AM
I noticed on today's first-run episode of Celebrity Name Game that they are now pushing their CNG home game.  Looks like it retails for $25, but you can get it for $19.99 at Amazon.

Hard to tell for sure, but it looks like the home game follows the format of Season One's early rounds (Famous Names only).  Then again with this game, it's probably not too hard to create your own cards with Words/Phrases That Begin With The Letter "_".

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on October 11, 2016, 08:49:14 AM
Wheel of Fortune Free Play is now available for download here in the US. Some of you may have played the beta last year before it got pulled- your progress has been saved if you synced to your Facebook account.

I'm surprised more hasn't been said. I do enjoy the game, but my enjoyment would be a lot more if they didn't have puzzles that make absolutely no sense.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on October 11, 2016, 09:22:23 AM
I do enjoy the game, but my enjoyment would be a lot more if they didn't have puzzles that make absolutely no sense.
Between that and the grinding is why I uninstalled it. The ideas were good but it got boring very quickly and lack of area-specific QC made it worse.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on October 11, 2016, 12:30:10 PM
To me, their bonus round payouts make no sense. Okay, sure, you play for additional credits and all, but what's with the "Hot Dog Cart", etc. (playing the NYC theme version)? Why not just have the bonus wheel and you "win" "cash" or a "car"? The latter could even allow for product placement.

I know I'm overanalyzing a free time-waster, but it just seems odd to me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on October 11, 2016, 12:36:57 PM
To me, their bonus round payouts make no sense. Okay, sure, you play for additional credits and all, but what's with the "Hot Dog Cart", etc. (playing the NYC theme version)? Why not just have the bonus wheel and you "win" "cash" or a "car"? The latter could even allow for product placement.

I know I'm overanalyzing a free time-waster, but it just seems odd to me.

To force everyone to grind.  If you're a weaker player, your boxes get reset (although you can close out when you lose to prevent that).  If you're a strong player, you finish your souvenirs but are still held back by cash.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 11, 2016, 01:12:31 PM
Yes, and because in an F2P game collectibles are one way to suck people in.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on October 11, 2016, 08:03:34 PM
With a local K-Mart going out of business, I broke down and bought both Celebrity Name Game and the new Outset Jeopardy!, saving 25% on each. Both have good and bad points. I'm impressed with the timer in CNG, a battery-operated device better made than the Endless Million Dollar Password eardrum breaker. Flip the toggle for your choice of 45 or 75 seconds. Both games wisely figure that you won't always have the same amount of players as the TV shows, so they bend the rules a bit, such as choosing only one cluegiver for the bonus game. No play money - chips are awarded for right answers, turned in for points written on a score pad. A fair number of main game cards are a mix of celebrity names and things (titles, objects, etc). I must admit the third round (TV's Craig cluegiver round) has me scrating my head. I'm attaching the rule sheet - - and see if it makes sense to you. As to Jeopardy, most of you have seen the pictures of it, using a variation of the Tyco version. The company site doesn't have the rules up yet, but a couple of things were interesting. In this version, players do not go into debt. If they run out of money, they cannot be fined for wrong answers, according to the rule sheet. Heck, you need paper and pencil for Final Jeopardy - why not just write a running tally of negatives, or turn play money upside down to represent a negative total? The most interesting thing about this version is that there are 72 Jeopardy and 72 Double Jeopardy cards - each card being one category set of questions. This makes for - if you use fresh cards for every game - material for a total of 12 full games with no repeats. There are 36 Final Jeopardy cards. Granted, other than the owner of the game, you'll probably have different people playing the game, so why necessarily have material for 60, 75, 80 or more games printed up, increasing the price of production? Let me ask for some opinions - how many of us have gone all the way through a Password, Family Feud - even a Taboo, Tribond or Trivial Pursuit game - and played all the material before the game wound up at the bottom of the closet, and two years later hits the yard sale or Goodwill? IIRC, Chris Lemon stated that a good TV home game could work with material for at least 25 full games. Super-dedicated fans might burn through that many, but not the average. I'd be interested in your thoughts, as I've been submitting games to companies over the last couple of years, and one thing I'm told is to do all possible to make the game simple and thrifty to manufacture. Less material = less printing = less cost to pass on to the consumer. K-Mart's full shelf price for Jeopardy was $15.99, less than the usual game of that type, averaging $19.99.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 11, 2016, 08:21:00 PM
how many of us have gone all the way through a Password

<raises hand> Multiple sets. (We mark the date on cards we have played so that if we DO recycle we know what the older ones are.)

Trivial Pursuit game

This one is even easier, because you bury the card at the back of the box after reading one of the six questions, so ABSOLUTELY material starts to recycle eventually.

Chris Lemon stated that a good TV home game could work with material for at least 25 full games. Super-dedicated fans might burn through that many, but not the average.

No, the rule of thumb (and when I say "rule of thumb", I mean "for actual game publishers." I am not pulling this number out of my ass) is 25 games worth of content because that *is* the average.

Less material = less printing = less cost to pass on to the consumer

And less sales of that and future products, if you don't produce enough material and leave the customer feeling like they didn't get their money's worth.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on October 11, 2016, 08:50:39 PM
I must admit the third round (TV's Craig cluegiver round) has me scrating my head. I'm attaching the rule sheet - - and see if it makes sense to you.

It sounds like you should forget everything you know about the TV show's third round. To appease the rules sheet, there should be two cluegivers talking over one another to convey the same name, with two receivers (one from each team) trying to make sense of the noise while shouting out their answers over one another. If you can figure out which receiver gives the correct answer first, they get the chip.

(The "one at a time" in the rules refers to alternating receivers in the event of a team having more than two total players. It doesn't refer to the act of cluegiving. I agree that that sentence was not written as clearly as it could have been.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 11, 2016, 08:53:48 PM
I see something like that, I wait for it to be marked down to $4.99 at whatever local store, chuck the rule sheet and then play as close to the TV game show format as possible, or for groups where Time's Up! is routinely a hurdle too high to jump over, to use it for Name Burst.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on October 11, 2016, 09:36:04 PM
The third round CNG wording would indeed be better if it just stated that the round is over when all the names on the card have been guessed. One other thing about the CNG rules - I'm not spotting any specific rules or examples on clue giving. I guess they assume every purchaser or recipient has seen the show and knows the rules. If the rules don't say I'll have to throw out a name if I accidentally say part of the name, one would think that anything goes. Even if you're pretty sure of the rules, it doesn't hurt to have them down in print for reference sake. Appreciated Chris' info and clarifications. Let me put up a personal example to explain my question - I'm currently trying to shop a trivia/party project where the answers to approximately 30 questions in one complete game round have answers starting with specific letter groupings. At this point I have prepared material for 50 complete games. In doing my research, I could possibly come up with 50 more sets. So the question I'm dealing with is - if we get to this average game being played 25 times, there's still more than enough material to give a customer a value for the eventual price, and should the game get red hot, we just, like Password or the like, put out a second edition instead of putting 100 games worth of material out there the first time. Since a lot of money goes into the first run of any game, using only 50 complete sets of questions would take some of the pressure off the costs of the first run. If enough of the public wants more, we make new editions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 11, 2016, 10:48:02 PM
At this point I have prepared material for 50 complete games. In doing my research, I could possibly come up with 50 more sets. So the question I'm dealing with is - if we get to this average game being played 25 times, there's still more than enough material to give a customer a value for the eventual price, and should the game get red hot, we just, like Password or the like, put out a second edition instead of putting 100 games worth of material out there the first time. Since a lot of money goes into the first run of any game, using only 50 complete sets of questions would take some of the pressure off the costs of the first run. If enough of the public wants more, we make new editions.

Or, you edit your material down by half to make sure you're putting out the best quality stuff, or you already have the first expansion in your pocket if the game is a hit.

I certainly wouldn't stop you if you are including 50 games worth of content because you want to cover all bases, but I think if you worked the numbers between "X + Y copies with lots of material" or "X copies with the first 25 games of really good material, plus X copies of Expansion One", you'd find you're giving away too much of the house in doing so.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on October 12, 2016, 12:24:15 AM
Thanks again, Chris. Just stumbled into the Parker Brothers Jeopardy of some time back, and on the cover - 48 games. This project has been a lot of work (writing it solo), and certainly don't want what a company might consider insufficient material to be a stumbling block. Interesting - three "no" responses so far, but two firms have given me improvement tips that would be helpful, especially if I were to self-publish. We'll just keep at it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 13, 2016, 04:08:48 PM
The game Rapid Response from Ideal/Fundex uses a gizmo that looks like the Mousetrap to keep time, but the jist of the game is the winner's circle. The only annoying thing is that it comes with 84 cards for 168 topics. I'm probably going to chuck everything and use the scoring rules from Tie One On/Paired Up to play, but I really really wish that even for ten bucks that they gave us more content.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 14, 2016, 02:45:12 PM
The Go! store that just opened near my work, now has the FF Card Games with Disney and Marvel themed material.  They each had a price of $9.99, but I won't be surprised if they go on sale, or even pop-up at other stores for less.  I just saw a listing for each game at, but the seller is asking for about $35 each!

Here's what they look like:

BTW, while in ToysRUs the other day, I spotted two interesting products; Giant UNO Cards (from Cardinal Industries), and a game called Punderdome deluxe edition (dubbed as being "Based on the Renowned Live Game Show").  I've seen Punderdome in Barnes and Noble before, but this deluxe edition is exclusively at TRU.

I would guess that the Giant UNO Cards are about the size of the cards used on both versions of Gambit.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: rstrata on October 15, 2016, 12:01:20 AM

BTW, while in ToysRUs the other day, I spotted two interesting products; Giant UNO Cards (from Cardinal Industries), and a game called Punderdome deluxe edition (dubbed as being "Based on the Renowned Live Game Show").  I've seen Punderdome in Barnes and Noble before, but this deluxe edition is exclusively at TRU.

I would guess that he Giant UNO Cards are about the size of the cards used on both versions of Gambit.

Boss Lady wants an UNO deck for her preschoolers; that looks perfect.

Actual Gambit cards are 9 1/2 inches by 12 3/4 inches.  Trust me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 16, 2016, 03:36:32 PM
I still haven't found the "Travel," or "Deluxe," Jeopardy games in any store, but I stumbled across a "Travel," version available on eBay, and it showed the description and graphics on the bottom its box:

You'll notice they have the wrong year for which the show premiered.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 20, 2016, 08:15:12 PM
Yesterday, the Go Games store in my area finally had the "Platinum" Family Feud from Cardinal.  The actual box cover is different than shown at the various websites (including their own).  The large caption "PLATINUM EDITION" is at the top edge, and the phone app reference graphic still appears in the lower right hand corner, but with the US series logo (the prototype box art shows the Australian show's logo).

I later took a look inside Kohl's, and found Cardinal's "Disney Family Feud," Card Game, in a tin box, the size of EG's old Quick Picks games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 06, 2016, 04:02:43 PM
Since my last post in this topic, Kohls also had a tin boxed version of the regular Family Feud card game from Cardinal Industries.

Also, while shopping at a local Dollar Tree store, they had the "Strikeout Card Game" version from Endless Games, containing only 47 cards, plus the "X," cards for only $1.00!

Five Below now has Cardinal's Disney and Marvel themed FF card games for $5 each.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 14, 2016, 12:32:47 AM
I'm always on the lookout for games that are either similar to game shows or evoke the feeling of a game show. I was in a teacher supply store and saw something called "Mini Mouth," a spin off from Smart Mouth. One player turns over a handful of the 26 letter tiles and players race to come up with a word that contains all of the letters. It's a teeny tiny package and in the $10 range, but you could do the same if you find a copy of Upwords at a thrift store like I did.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on November 14, 2016, 10:40:58 AM
I'm always on the lookout for games that are either similar to game shows or evoke the feeling of a game show.

Then allow me to suggest. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 27, 2016, 02:57:51 PM
Here's a look at some of the stuff I'd mentioned previously:

Family Feud card game from Cardinal--available at Kohls:

Family Feud Disney card game from Cardinal--available at Kohls:

I've finally seen, but not yet bought, the new FOURTH edition of WOF, from Pressman.  Most of the retailers picturing the game, are showing a slightly different box, but here's a shot of the actual box, from an eBay listing:

From the copy I'd seen (at Go! Games and Toys), the cardboard spinner wheel, still shows "Free Spin," but has "Free Play," tokens, probably because the picture was shot before actual production of the product.  There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)

Although the original Pressman and Milton Bradley versions included the circular WOF logo in a small image, down in a corner, I like how they have finally used it in large type!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 27, 2016, 03:48:31 PM
The uneven lettering in the Wheel cover art puzzleboard design is making me twitchy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Fedya on November 27, 2016, 04:07:32 PM
There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)
I would think WOF is the easiest of all the games to make your own material for.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 27, 2016, 04:09:46 PM
There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)
I would think WOF is the easiest of all the games to make your own material for.
Excellent. I look forward to seeing your completed expansion pack of puzzles.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Fedya on November 27, 2016, 04:12:08 PM
My expansion packs are obscene, for what it's worth.

When you get to the puzzle OVERWEENING ASSHOLE, make certain to remind the players that "Person does not always mean proper name."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on November 27, 2016, 04:36:26 PM
Interestingly enough, the very first WoF home game in 1975 had all the letters on individual tiles, so it's much easier to make one's own puzzles with that version. Takes forever to set up though.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 28, 2016, 06:40:16 PM
My expansion packs are obscene, for what it's worth.

When you get to the puzzle OVERWEENING ASSHOLE, make certain to remind the players that "Person does not always mean proper name."

I chuckl'd.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on November 29, 2016, 12:33:38 AM
Interestingly enough, the very first WoF home game in 1975 had all the letters on individual tiles, so it's much easier to make one's own puzzles with that version. Takes forever to set up though.

Tried working around that as a kid with Scrabble tiles.  Plan fell apart when I wanted to use PIZZAZZ.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 29, 2016, 01:13:42 AM
There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)
I would think WOF is the easiest of all the games to make your own material for.
Not sure how much it counts, but I remember having a travel version 25 years ago, and I'm pretty sure you could write your own puzzle in, using the dry-erase marker provided.

/Or at least that's what we did when we ran out of puzzle slips
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on November 29, 2016, 01:31:34 AM
My thinking was that as easy as it is to come up with puzzles, you have to align them properly on the sheet (at least the first time for the template) so that the letters appear in the little windows.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 29, 2016, 01:38:47 AM
I suppose they could include a sheet of say, eight blank puzzleboard templates (or sell a separate pack for a buck or two), where you write in the puzzle and simply color in a line under each letter. That or a dry-erase card that fits into the puzzleboard doohickey.

/God help the players who have to play with a "host" who can't spell though...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on November 29, 2016, 02:19:38 AM
There are now 100 puzzles, instead of 96 (just one more game's worth!)
I would think WOF is the easiest of all the games to make your own material for.
Not sure how much it counts, but I remember having a travel version 25 years ago, and I'm pretty sure you could write your own puzzle in, using the dry-erase marker provided.

/Or at least that's what we did when we ran out of puzzle slips

I had that same set. I remember it being rather unwieldy, but what travel game didn't have issues?

Lord help those with Travel Battleship or Travel Connect Four. :)

ETA: I didn't even realize that there were multiple variations of Travel Wheel. According to this eBay listing (, Tyco released one when they had the license to make the home game as well. Looks a lot more compact but God help you if you lose the wheel.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: urbanpreppie05 on November 29, 2016, 10:20:24 AM
I owned the TYCO one. It's pretty flipping cool and compact.

I also had the travel Connect Four. Yes, it was pretty hard to use, even for an eight year old.

Side note- I also have the travel Pressman edition of Wheel of Fortune. It's in our emergency bag to give us something to do in case of, you know, apocalypse.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on November 29, 2016, 11:42:26 AM
I owned the TYCO one. It's pretty flipping cool and compact.
It became the replacement for my big box version of Tyco Wheel simply because it was easier to use and actually stayed together.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 29, 2016, 10:43:26 PM
I suppose they could include a sheet of say, eight blank puzzleboard templates (or sell a separate pack for a buck or two), where you write in the puzzle and simply color in a line under each letter. That or a dry-erase card that fits into the puzzleboard doohickey.

/God help the players who have to play with a "host" who can't spell though...

I don't know if they still are, but the old editions I have use 11" wide sheets. So if you have access to a scanner and too much time on your hands, you could make a template, plus printed custom puzzles if you desired.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 02, 2016, 02:15:55 AM
I never owned a copy, but I remember seeing pics of the Endless Games "card game" version, which came with a dry erase puzzle board and a bunch of cards that each had three main game puzzles and a bonus round puzzle. They were just missing a wheel, of all things.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on December 02, 2016, 02:24:38 AM
Missing a wheel means what's endless is my puzzlement.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on December 02, 2016, 10:56:47 AM
Missing a wheel means what's endless is my puzzlement.

Not that I'm one to defend Endless, well, evar, but wasn't that the one that came with the Deck Of Fortune (the deck of cards with the wedges)? Honestly if you're gonna do WoF as a card game that's a pretty genius way to do it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on December 02, 2016, 12:21:08 PM
Missing a wheel means what's endless is my puzzlement.

Not that I'm one to defend Endless, well, evar, but wasn't that the one that came with the Deck Of Fortune (the deck of cards with the wedges)? Honestly if you're gonna do WoF as a card game that's a pretty genius way to do it.
You are correct on all counts. It even has the special spaces for each round so you there's some ability to customize.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 02, 2016, 02:13:59 PM
I found on another website a users image of the new WOF fourth edition wheel layout:

You'll notice the top value is $3,500 (not $5,000). 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on December 02, 2016, 03:42:03 PM
I found on another website a users image of the new WOF fourth edition wheel layout:

Normally, I'm all for complete accuracy in home game editions, but man does that emphasize how little variety there is on the current wheel when it isn't covered with special spaces.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on December 05, 2016, 08:03:25 AM
Yeah, strip off the doodads, and almost the whole dang wheel falls within a $200 range for the entire show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on December 05, 2016, 04:33:28 PM
Man that's a lot of $500-700 spaces...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on December 06, 2016, 10:01:24 PM
They could have at least used the Round 3 wheel where the yellow $600 is still $900.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on December 29, 2016, 09:46:34 PM
Here's a review on a new "virtual game show" game if you got some VR glasses for Christmas:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on January 02, 2017, 08:03:00 AM
For anyone who's interested, my local CVS had giant playing cards amongst their Christmas "gift items" - the brand is "Yorkshire" and they're 8.5 x 11.  Decent quality, and they're 7.99, but you can usually get percent-off coupons for CVS to reduce that price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 02, 2017, 11:23:11 PM
Did they happen to have decks in both red and blue?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on January 03, 2017, 07:53:31 AM
I'll be honest, I didn't look (shame on me!).  I picked up a red deck.  I'll try to drop by today and see if they have blue as well. :-)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on January 06, 2017, 07:07:44 PM
There were seven decks remaining at my local CVS.  They were all sealed, but they all showed a red back in the lower corner of the packaging.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 19, 2017, 03:08:06 PM
I was shopping in Walmart Friday evening, when I found they now have the Sixth edition of EG's "Familly Feud," game.

The contents have been re-done.  It now contains ONE folding board divided into different sections for the main game play, the "Fast Money," round, and a section for scoring purposes.  Below are two links--the first is the USA version's game box; the second shows the board from the Australian version (from Imagination), to give you an idea as to how the board is designed.  EG's board has different background graphics, and is smaller in size, since the box itself is smaller than Imagination's.

EG's version retains the booklet of survey questions and answers, and instead of having a "Strike Indicator," and "X" cards, you just mark an "X" on the board when necessary.

A new addition to the game are two "Face Off," button cards, which let you sort of re-create the fun of trying to hit the buzzer during the Face Off, like on the show.

The game play is now identical to that of Imagination's version, as well as the Disney and Platinum versions from Cardinal Industries, except that when playing "Fast Money," a player is told to "Try Again," if repeating the opposing player's answer (In the other versions, you're told to "try again," if you give an answer that didn't make the survey.)

I have a couple of  "pet-peeves."  First EG's new version, and the others mentioned, all refer the main game rounds as "Face Off," rounds, which I've always known to be just the portion where determining the family/team/player gets control of the question.  The second is still calling the end game "Fast Money," since the games don't use any money (real or play money), and don't even refer any money at all in the rules anymore.  Oh, well--not so much disappointing as those who still refer to TPIR's "Showcase" as "Showcase Showdown."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 19, 2017, 03:55:14 PM
Found this in Target the other night - apparently a reissue of a Pressman game from the 1970s. Has the look of a Lingo ancestor.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 19, 2017, 04:08:03 PM
Found this in Target the other night - apparently a reissue of a Pressman game from the 1970s. Has the look of a Lingo ancestor.
It has very little to do with Jotto--the tiles in the secret word are pulled out, the rest are squidged together. You glean information by asking "what's the tenth letter in your grid?" and if the coder says something after "J" you know that some letters in the word are A through J.

It's a spiffy game in its own right, but it's "Noooooooo Lingo!"

as it were.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on February 19, 2017, 06:51:54 PM
While making what is likely to be my last trip into any KMart (ours has finally joined the Going Out Of Business bandwagon), I noticed that they had a boatload (at least 10 copies) of Celebrity Name Game home games in their toy department. 

Right now, they are 50% off the original $21 price, with potential further markdowns to come in the final weeks. I may stop back in there in their final days to see if I can nab one for even less.

Your GOOB price and supply may vary at your dying Kmart.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on February 20, 2017, 06:41:49 PM
Has anyone else noticed a recent game that is basically the old Johnny Gilbert game show Fast Draw? I made my own model years ago, but this recent entry is clever. Simplified, but almost mirror image in actual play. Guess I'm not the only person looking at old game shows and failed pilots attempting to find inspiration for product -
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 02, 2017, 03:53:16 PM
A few weeks ago, I had posted about the new "Family Feud 6th edition" from Endless Games.  Below is a link to a pic of the bottom of the box showing the new game contents:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 02, 2017, 10:48:42 PM
Endless puzzles the hell out of me. They cheap out around EVERY SINGLE turn...and then include two buzzer cards for the Face-Off?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 02, 2017, 11:10:03 PM
Two buzzer cards are cheaper than three strike cards.

My favorite Endless move was a few editions ago, when they helpfully posted instruction sheet PDFs on their website. Except, for Family Feud, they put up the entire survey book for free download.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 03, 2017, 02:34:18 AM
Except, for Family Feud, they put up the entire survey book for free download.

Was the content therein actually worth a damn? I remember getting one at a thrift store to mine for content, and after going through the book I was considering going back to the store to demand my $2 back.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 03, 2017, 11:19:04 PM
Enough of it was useful for the price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on March 04, 2017, 10:24:34 AM
The problem for me, with the Endless material, was how the number of responses were weighted (or at least used to be). You could literally have a 90 person #1 answer followed by 5 answers with 2 people. I always found myself redistributing the scores before using the questions if I used their material to equal it out some. Not sure if that's still a problem or not. I don't think I have anything beyond their 3rd edition.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 04, 2017, 11:12:19 PM
\ou could literally have a 90 person #1 answer followed by 5 answers with 2 people.
Right, which is a prime example of "content that is completely worthless." (At least in your example the poll still adds up to 100 points or less.)

I always found myself redistributing the scores before using the questions if I used their material to equal it out some.

But, see, if you're gonna make it up, then what's the point? That renders the activity of "guess how people responded to a survey" completely moot.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on March 04, 2017, 11:34:49 PM
Totally see your point, but I guess I kind of used it as a guide to get some sort of question material/usage out of it. The answers were there and they were what people said, I just thought it looked ridiculous to be so unevenly scored.
To clarify, this was years ago while using FF Presentation Software and loading questions into it, so it wasn't like I was changing points in the book or on the fly while playing the board game. The book served its purpose in that respect. It acted as a template of sorts to give me something quickly.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on March 04, 2017, 11:38:01 PM
The other problem is that if the results come back 90-2-2-2-2-2 but you fudge it as 40-20-20-10-10, that means that the participants are getting false feedback about the results.

That said when playing the game or hosting, I don't think anyone cared about the points except for the opening faceoff and to see who got to 300.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on March 05, 2017, 12:39:03 AM
In the books I had, many of the questions were like that. It just didn't look right and I wanted it to be more aesthetically pleasing, if only to me. I had control over the numbers and put them in to stretch out a few of the heavy weighted scores. Did not realign them or anything to that effect. Once they were programmed in it was final and those were the scores I went with for the game. I just didn't want to see such crazy numbers round after round. The number one answer was still the original number one answer, and so forth.

It was games amongst friends or coworkers, and it was 10 years ago. I just wanted to share my opinion on Endless' material, that was all. Questions were good, distribution was not (to me).

It wasn't played for real stakes and nobody was worried about false feedback. No big deal. It wasn't going to be the second coming of the Quiz Show Scandals that's for sure.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 14, 2017, 12:31:17 PM
In the last few years, some new games have been announced--but not released, so I have tried to keep mum about things until something definite has turned up.  Here is an online exclusive offer through (and Matty's Toy Stop):

This seller has also offered EG's Fifth and Sixth edition games with the "Strikeout" card game and a similar buzzer before.  This is the first I've seen of the anniversary edition with a buzzer!

I'd seen prototype box art at, with a September release date, but it looks like the scoreboard will be different, and Fast Money play like the current Cardinal versions and EG's Sixth edition!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 14, 2017, 01:06:03 PM
One buzzer. Not two, one.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on June 14, 2017, 01:44:31 PM
When was the last time the Family Feud board showed 10 answers on the board anyway?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 14, 2017, 02:52:21 PM
One buzzer. Not two, one.

FORTY dollars for one buzzer.

Assuming the Fast Money setup is the same as the MB/Pressman editions, that's why there's still ten slides. One row for each question.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: KrisW73 on June 14, 2017, 03:15:42 PM
When was the last time the Family Feud board showed 10 answers on the board anyway?

I went back and checked because I was curious - Combs Feud was the last time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JepMasta on June 15, 2017, 01:50:53 AM
One buzzer. Not two, one.

Well of course Travis, you only get one buzzer.  After all, Endless needs an excuse to flog a pair of buzzers (sold seperately of course for the low, low $ale of the Century price of $14.95.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 15, 2017, 02:02:16 AM
And based on those reviews, the quality is complete crap. So it's good to know Endless is still reliable.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Pyramids on June 15, 2017, 07:36:08 AM
A long time ago during the run of the cheap looking Louie Anderson 'Family Feud' a guy posted in a Yahoo! game show group something like 'for those of you who do not know Endless Games is the Pearson Television of board games'.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 15, 2017, 12:35:14 PM
A long time ago during the run of the cheap looking Louie Anderson 'Family Feud' a guy posted in a Yahoo! game show group something like 'for those of you who do not know Endless Games is the Pearson Television of board games'.

Closer to the Entertainment Studios, but that's the general idea, yeah.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 15, 2017, 01:50:49 PM
Well of course Travis, you only get one buzzer.  After all, Endless needs an excuse to flog a pair of buzzers (sold seperately of course for the low, low $ale of the Century price of $14.95.)
What's funny is that one of the "you could also buy" things is exactly what I bought--a pair of noisemaker buttons from a local teachers supply store.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on June 15, 2017, 03:57:12 PM
Well of course Travis, you only get one buzzer.  After all, Endless needs an excuse to flog a pair of buzzers (sold seperately of course for the low, low $ale of the Century price of $14.95.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 15, 2017, 06:12:33 PM
When was the last time the Family Feud board showed 10 answers on the board anyway?

I went back and checked because I was curious - Combs Feud was the last time.

Was there ever a time on the original series (or the Combs' series), where 11 or 12 answers were on the board?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 16, 2017, 11:58:09 PM
There happened to be an open box of the 6th Edition at Walmart tonight. Who's paying 15 bucks for this?


Now, if we're talking strictly in an economy of scale, if this is $15, then yes, $40 for a version with a sliding game board, strike cards, and one buzzer seems in line. However, much as Words Have Meanings, Dollars Have Value, and sheesh, what a rip.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 17, 2017, 12:11:21 PM
Are those two cards supposed to be face-off buzzers? The actual fark? That's pathetic even by Endless "standards."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 17, 2017, 03:50:30 PM
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on June 17, 2017, 03:55:56 PM

In that case, this guy would feel like he was right back in the studio again.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 20, 2017, 11:19:00 PM
Speaking of buzzer cards, Ginger Fox Games is set to release a new Blockbusters game in the UK.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on June 21, 2017, 01:20:26 AM
Speaking of buzzer cards, Ginger Fox Games is set to release a new Blockbusters game in the UK. (

I'm far more excited for this.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on June 22, 2017, 09:04:22 PM
Also up on Amazon for $15 is Wheel of Fortune Bingo- looks like you spin the wheel to knock letters off your puzzle until it's complete.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 24, 2017, 12:36:59 PM
There is also a Jeopardy! "card game" from Mattel!  You can check out a video review of it here:

Although it's not 100% faithful to the show, it can be a faster-paced party game, with fun twists involved.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 24, 2017, 01:13:23 PM
Hmm, that's actually pretty cleverly done. For $8 from Amazon it might be worth pulling the trigger.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 24, 2017, 03:51:59 PM
The question for me is more can you just play the questions and not the card game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 24, 2017, 06:03:21 PM
The question for me is more can you just play the questions and not the card game.

Not sure I follow you. Why couldn't you? There's 20 clues on a card, one in each category.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on June 25, 2017, 01:16:06 AM
I was hoping that each card would be a category like the board game. That said it's still a great deal of content for not much money. and they're essentially a Bezzerwizzer expansion pack.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 01, 2017, 11:36:34 AM
I bought it. It's an interesting take on Jeopardy; my only gripe is that playing the game by the rule book will cause a lot of content to go wasted. Essentially, the same six categories are played for the first round, but because each card only has one clue from each category and you're supposed to discard each clue card after a response, 19 clues go unanswered.

One small edit I've made to counter that is that once a category is played, it gets replaced by a new one until all categories are exhausted. This way you can use the same card for the entire round (provided you have one emcee with control of the card)

Either way, it's a great amount of content for the price. Glad to see that companies are getting a little more creative with these game show home games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 01, 2017, 01:31:15 PM
I sure wish the typeface and thus the cards were bigger.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2017, 01:56:17 PM
because each card only has one clue from each category and you're supposed to discard each clue card after a response, 19 clues go unanswered.

You know that "discard" means you just put the card on the bottom of the deck once you've used the clue, right? You don't have to tear it up. ;)

One small edit I've made to counter that is that once a category is played, it gets replaced by a new one until all categories are exhausted.

This, though, seems pretty fun. :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jmangin on July 03, 2017, 03:34:27 PM
When playing The Joker's Wild at game night I've been using Bezzerwizzer ( for content. The software selects five of the 20 categories available, pairing Fast Forward, Take a Chance or Bid with one of the categories occasionally (or even Mystery replacing one of them). I'm thinking this new Jeopardy! card game may expand the available categories for this game and even for others which require multiple questions, like Tic Tac Dough, Top Card, etc.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 12, 2017, 10:00:08 PM
Also up on Amazon for $15 is Wheel of Fortune Bingo- looks like you spin the wheel to knock letters off your puzzle until it's complete.
I bought it on a whim. Prime Day makes you do frivolous things every now and then.

Just as expected, you spin the wheel, trying to knock off all your letters to “solve” the puzzle. Each puzzle card has a value equal to the number of letters. There’s also a Jackpot space to help you score extra points on the side. By the rules, the winner is the player who has the most points once someone solves three puzzles, so you could be the first to three and still lose. I recommend just playing to a set point goal.

It’s a pretty straightforward game, but more than anything else, this is probably the best wheel I’ve seen since the ‘86 Deluxe Edition. It’s a good size, spins well, and has a sunk-in area for the wheel card, so you could theoretically print out your own configurations. For those who want to go that route, just note that this wheel has 28 spaces instead of the standard 24, but I imagine it won’t take too long for the Wheel enthusiasts over at DeviantArt to come up with some creations.

At $15, I recommend.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 12, 2017, 10:18:05 PM
When playing The Joker's Wild at game night I've been using Bezzerwizzer ( for content. The software selects five of the 20 categories available, pairing Fast Forward, Take a Chance or Bid with one of the categories occasionally (or even Mystery replacing one of them). I'm thinking this new Jeopardy! card game may expand the available categories for this game and even for others which require multiple questions, like Tic Tac Dough, Top Card, etc.

Hey, thanks to you and to Travis for the heads-up on Bezzerwizzer. Found it new for $13 on eBay. A perfect fit for The Big Showdown, too.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 20, 2017, 07:56:11 PM
So, some two decades late, there is now a Target-exclusive home version of Legends of the Hidden Temple. I'm not kidding. Picked it up for $14.99 today.

Can't find a single mention of it anywhere online. Not on Target's website or Pressman's, which is supposed to have an instructional video on how to play it, according to the instruction booklet. Can post pictures of the insides later.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on July 21, 2017, 01:25:26 PM
Checked the Target close to my work with no avail; I'll check the one close to my house tonight.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 21, 2017, 01:51:23 PM
Checked the Target close to my work with no avail; I'll check the one close to my house tonight.
The one closest to my house didn't have it, but I did see more than a few clearance items lying around the board games section...

/Perhaps Sunday?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 21, 2017, 02:20:18 PM
Here are a few shots of the contents:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 21, 2017, 02:22:20 PM
Thank you for the close-up on the dice--I appreciate that.

/Tried to create the Temple on a HeroQuest board
//it was tough sledding.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on July 21, 2017, 02:36:18 PM
Any mini-Shrine of the Silver Monkey, and if so, did it take forever to put together? :D
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 21, 2017, 02:37:42 PM
Any mini-Shrine of the Silver Monkey, and if so, did it take forever to put together? :D
They're three of the cards in the larger deck. (I haven't taken them out of the shrink wrap yet.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on July 25, 2017, 02:05:44 PM
Bothered my local Target for a game, and wrote up a quick overview of what's in the box and how the game works. Tomorrow I'll try to play it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 25, 2017, 03:36:03 PM
Thanks to the efforts of Mike Klauss, we can now verify that pretty much every Target has these ( (Entering your ZIP Code will unlock the door to the King's Storeroom.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 25, 2017, 04:37:14 PM
Thanks to the efforts of Mike Klauss, we can now verify that pretty much every Target has these ( (Entering your ZIP Code will unlock the door to the King's Storeroom.)

Not every store has them out on the shelves though. Some are still keeping them in the stockroom.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: weaklink75 on July 25, 2017, 08:21:03 PM
Thanks to the efforts of Mike Klauss, we can now verify that pretty much every Target has these ( (Entering your ZIP Code will unlock the door to the King's Storeroom.)

Not every store has them out on the shelves though. Some are still keeping them in the stockroom.

There's a new wave of Target-exclusive games coming out starting on the 31st, so most of them are probably waiting til then.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 25, 2017, 11:58:20 PM
I have been to three Targets at this point with no luck. However, half the games on their shelves have been on clearance, pretty much confirming that they're renovating their board game section. If your Target doesn't have it on the shelves yet, the least you can do is clean up on highly discounted board games (some as much as 75% off)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 26, 2017, 12:39:08 AM
I have been to three Targets at this point with no luck. However, half the games on their shelves have been on clearance, pretty much confirming that they're renovating their board game section. If your Target doesn't have it on the shelves yet, the least you can do is clean up on highly discounted board games (some as much as 75% off)

Apparently I've been told if you show a Target associate the photos I took of the box, particularly the bar code, they'll go in the back and get it for you.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on July 26, 2017, 01:11:39 AM
There's a new wave of Target-exclusive games coming out starting on the 31st, so most of them are probably waiting til then.

Sonar is probably the one people will want to get if they care about games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 26, 2017, 10:09:58 AM
Sonar is probably the one people will want to get if they care about games.

So what did they do to change up Captain Sonar?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on July 26, 2017, 03:01:02 PM
Sonar is probably the one people will want to get if they care about games.

So what did they do to change up Captain Sonar?

The short version:

1) Lower the number of hits required.
2) Eliminate the first mate and engineer roles.
3) Include turn-based rules only, and not real time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: weaklink75 on July 26, 2017, 03:28:01 PM
There's a new wave of Target-exclusive games coming out starting on the 31st, so most of them are probably waiting til then.

Sonar is probably the one people will want to get if they care about games.

They've got a Bob Ross-themed game coming out in October that looks interesting...

(and I wonder that if this does well, they might consider reprinting the original Double Dare game- it's the same company in Pressman, and there's bound to be a lot more nostalgia buyers for that than this)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 28, 2017, 11:52:32 PM
Legends, along with 50+ other games (including WITWICS), will officially hit Target's shelves on Sunday. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 29, 2017, 01:51:39 AM
Legends, along with 50+ other games (including WITWICS), will officially hit Target's shelves on Sunday. (

That explains why the shelves were barren as hell last time I was over there.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on July 29, 2017, 07:27:56 PM
Legends, along with 50+ other games (including WITWICS), will officially hit Target's shelves on Sunday. (

That explains why the shelves were barren as hell last time I was over there.
True.  At least at the local Target, a lot of games were on clearance and you will not hear me complain one iota when I got a game for $6 that I was likely considering at $20.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sonic Whammy on July 30, 2017, 03:15:50 AM
And here is the first official video review of the Hidden Temple board game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 30, 2017, 02:01:06 PM
If you're not near a Target, they finally have it listed for sale on their website:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on July 30, 2017, 02:07:08 PM
They've also posted what appears to be their new Carmen Sandiego game.  Sadly, for those of us (OK, me) who held out the tiniest bit of hope that it would be an adaptation of the PBS series, it's based, as should have been expected, on the computer game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 30, 2017, 02:15:19 PM
Also listed at Target (not sure if these are part of the 50+ referred to in the Forbes article): a Password game ( and Family Feud After Hours ( (with such questions as "Name something your husband has that you wish wasn't so big.")
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 30, 2017, 02:38:00 PM
Also listed at Target (not sure if these are part of the 50+ referred to in the Forbes article): a Password game ( and Family Feud After Hours ( (with such questions as "Name something your husband has that you wish wasn't so big.")

So Cardinal is producing the Password home game now? Interesting.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on July 30, 2017, 03:16:44 PM
and Family Feud After Hours ( (with such questions as "Name something your husband has that you wish wasn't so big.")
So it's also Family Feud for regular hours too, amirite?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 30, 2017, 03:20:03 PM
So it's also Family Feud for regular hours too, amirite?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on July 30, 2017, 06:30:28 PM
So likely, for nearly every other question/survey in this particular game edition, Penis will be a guaranteed answer? 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 30, 2017, 09:57:29 PM
So likely, for nearly every other question/survey in this particular game edition, Penis will be a guaranteed answer?
I wish I could get that kind of batting average at home HEY FOLKS
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on August 01, 2017, 11:03:59 PM
If for some reason that your Targets, like mine, don't have them out on the shelves yet, in-store pickup is now available for most items.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 04, 2017, 01:28:35 PM
I saw a copy of the FF After Hours game.  Although the website lists and pictures only the "cardstock," it actually includes two small dry erase boards--one for writing the survey answers and numerical results, and the other for keeping score.  There is no Fast Money bonus round material or rules.  The rules have the game as consisting of three questions--worth Single, Double and Double Points respectively, and the leader at the end of the third round is declared the winner!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 07, 2017, 08:36:08 PM
Also listed at Target (not sure if these are part of the 50+ referred to in the Forbes article): a Password game ( and Family Feud After Hours ( (with such questions as "Name something your husband has that you wish wasn't so big.")

So Cardinal is producing the Password home game now? Interesting.

I noticed that above the "Password" logo on the box, it says "Classic Series."  It makes me wonder if they are just referring to this, or is Cardinal going to do like what Endless Games became famous for--re-releasing old game show home games.  EG eventually labeled some of their's "Endless Classics."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on August 30, 2017, 12:35:49 AM
New Password game arrived in the mail today...

-The word holders are now thick cardboard, which, in one way, is a step up from Endless' cheap paper ones from their later editions. But Cardinal's cardboard word holders have a very conspicuous seam along the back held together with glue, which looks pretty chintzy. The back of the word holders also have the message "LET'S FIND THE PASSWORD" across the back for some reason.

-No human being has the penmanship to accommodate the teeny-tiny scoresheets for this edition

-"Beij   ing" is a password on the one card I've looked at (and that's exactly how it's printed)

-Obviously, you're not beholden to play this or any other game exactly according to the rules included, but the rules have two strange changes: no repeating a previously-given clue, and proper nouns may not be given as clues

-So, overall, it's...serviceable, let's say, but this and the last three Endless editions make me shake my head and wonder "How can it be this damn difficult to do PASSWORD?"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 30, 2017, 12:39:25 AM
-The word holders are now thick cardboard, which, in one way, is a step up from Endless' cheap paper ones from their later editions. But Cardinal's cardboard word holders have a very conspicuous seam along the back held together with glue, which looks pretty chintzy. The back of the word holders also have the message "LET'S FIND THE PASSWORD" across the back for some reason.
presumably this is the one that is available at Target? Can you use the old card sleeves for this?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 30, 2017, 12:55:41 AM
The back of the word holders also have the message "LET'S FIND THE PASSWORD" across the back for some reason.

"This looks far too classy. We're Endless Games, dammit! How can we POSSIBLY cheese these up some?"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on August 30, 2017, 12:58:57 AM
You can ALMOST use the old word sleeves, but Cardinal is using a really big font for the Passwords that makes it difficult at times.

It's also worth noting that in pulling out a card to check, I noticed the Passwords "Twitterpate" and "Midsummer" on the cards, so I'm leaning more and more toward a hard pass on this one.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on August 30, 2017, 01:05:12 AM
"How can it be this damn difficult to do PASSWORD?"
Ever tried playing it Drunk? :P

/Everything about TCONA was awesome
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on August 30, 2017, 07:47:50 AM
/Everything about TCONA was awesome

100% QFT.

/Convinced someone at Buzzr added "Wordplay" to their schedule because they saw "Urban Dictionary Wordplay" at TCONA
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 31, 2017, 01:49:46 PM
-"Beij   ing" is a password on the one card I've looked at (and that's exactly how it's printed)
Are any of the "password"s two words?  The prototype contents pictured on the bottom of the box shows "lamp shade" as one of the "password"s.

Apparently, there are TWO changes to the clue giving rules--No repeating of previously used clues & no proper nouns as clues!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Marc412 on August 31, 2017, 03:46:35 PM
Just one that I remember:  "New York".  A fair number of the other passwords are in fact proper names too.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 29, 2017, 03:15:19 PM
It's that time of the year again, where for the holiday season the Go Toys and Games store opens at my area mall.  Today, I saw a new Star Wars themed Family Feud game, from Cardinal games!  The price was $19.99!  Didn't really have much time to look at it, but seems to be much like Cardinal's Disney themed version.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on September 29, 2017, 03:32:09 PM
Today, I saw a new Star Wars themed Family Feud game, from Cardinal games!  The price was $19.99!  Didn't really have much time to look at it, but seems to be much like Cardinal's Disney themed version.

No more pass or play option..
"You will play."
"I will play!"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 29, 2017, 11:18:17 PM
My local Go! store has the anniversary edition of Family Feud for $30, and inexplicably, Cardinal Password for $25.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 09, 2017, 12:26:11 PM
Although I'd seen the "Star Wars Family Feud" box game at Go games, Toys R Us is now showing it at their website, and listing it as "Only at TRU."

Here's what the box art looks like:|960:960
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 09, 2017, 03:50:42 PM
Although I'd seen the "Star Wars Family Feud" box game at Go games, Toys R Us is now showing it at their website, and listing it as "Only at TRU."

"We asked 100 Jedi: Name something you pull out of your robe."

<huh-huh> "Light sabre, Steve!"

<yuk yuk> "I'm gonna have to ask you to be more specific there." <haw-haw guffaw jesusshootme>
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on October 11, 2017, 10:53:15 AM
Ubisoft's bringing Wheel and J! to PS4 and Xbox One in November. Alex, Pat and Vanna are nowhere to be found.

Jeopardy! allows players to solve over 2,000 clues and compete with two other friends online and through local multiplayer, and offers exciting new features.

Unique Modes: With three distinct modes, there is a Jeopardy! type for everyone. Track your progress and performance in leaderboards by competing in Career Mode. Rapid Mode offers fewer categories and clues for players looking for a quick match, and Family Mode includes separate categories to be more inclusive and fun for kids and parents alike.
Unlock New Categories: Answer clues correctly and unlock Categories.
Media Clues: Jeopardy! offers more than 2,000 puzzles with visual and audio clues, including quotes and songs.
Category Customization: Players can decide which categories they want during online and offline matches.

With more than 4,000 puzzles, Wheel of Fortune offers hours of puzzle-solving fun and provides unique twists on the classic game.

Classic and Quick Modes: Play the classic mode to enjoy the authentic TV show experience with all of the beats you know and love. Or choose the quick mode to solve a few puzzles.
Online Multiplayer: Track your progress against friends and global leaderboards, compare your score and achievements through the profile function and chat with friends.
Special Wedges true to the TV Show: Collect awesome travel trips with the prize wedge and win top value gifts with the gift card, mystery wedge or million dollar wedge.
Level up and Unlock Customization Items: Gain levels as you play and unlock new customization items to decorate your contestants and studio set with over 250 unique items.

$20 each as a download or a retail bundle together for $40.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on October 11, 2017, 04:08:43 PM
Oh nice. Maybe I can finally retire my Xbox 360 from under the TV (still play Pipeworks excellent WoF and J! releases from 5 years ago). Even without the talent, hope the gameplay is good.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on October 11, 2017, 04:20:00 PM
Here's a screenshot.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on October 11, 2017, 06:11:45 PM
That screenshot and more are on Amazon's product page with a lengthly title of "America’s Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!"

Jeopardy! looks like it doesn't even have a rendered set, and looks more like a mobile app on the big screen (or "FULL HD" as it's called here).

Not feeling confident about this one.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 12, 2017, 12:12:59 PM
Yesterday evening, I was in my local Big Lots store, and found two familiar box games, repackaged in smaller sized boxes--The Disney version of FF from Cardinal Industries and their Platinum Edition, as well. 

These versions, priced at $10 each, were in boxes the same size as the fourth thru sixth editions from Endless Games.

Although the contents are the exact same as the versions released last year at this time, the Platinum edition has different color box art, and is actually subtitled "Trivia Card Game."  From a distance you'd think it was the sixth edition from EG, without Steve Harvey's picture on it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on October 13, 2017, 02:18:24 PM
Just got back from a Dollar Tree visit. Seems they have a one-buck version of the Family Feud Strikeout card game. It's about the size of a standard poker/bridge card deck.  The manufacturing credits list it as distributed by Greenbrier, so it's not an overstock, but appears to be a co-production with Endless. Cardinal also now has a Dollar Tree edition of Left-Center-Right and Farkle as well. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 22, 2017, 03:46:01 PM
Earlier this month, a Fall Toy Preview show was held in Dallas, TX.  A source from Endless Games told me via email, that the new 40th Anniversary edition of Family Feud will be released in a box with a retroactive look.  You'll see it on the top shelf of the picture linked here:

The scores shown in the picture (76 on the left and 85 on the right), apparently note the premiere/ending years of the original series if not coincidentally!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvmitch on October 23, 2017, 05:09:56 PM
Yesterday evening, I was in my local Big Lots store, and found two familiar box games, repackaged in smaller sized boxes--The Disney version of FF from Cardinal Industries and their Platinum Edition, as well. 
May have been mentioned earlier in the thread, but if you're near a Five Below store, they are always a good look for cheaper versions of games. They had an el-cheapo version of Hollywood Game Night for $5 in the past. Haven't been to one of their stores in awhile but I imagine they might have some of what Big Lots has.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 29, 2017, 02:32:15 PM
I was in my local Kohls store, and saw the fourth edition Wheel of Fortune game from Pressman (Reg. $40--Sale 27.99).  I noticed that this version contains 150 puzzles, not just 100 puzzles as copies at other places.

I'm wondering if the problem with the original copies has been corrected--Through some product reviews by purchasers, and a couple of video reviews, the puzzles were not properly aligned for display on the puzzle board. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on November 07, 2017, 04:59:58 PM
Well, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! for Xbox One/PS4 are out and:

Wheel of Fortune isn't bad. It tries to emulate the show experience, features Jim Thornton as announcer, and maybe the worst VO guy as host. Most sound effects are there, and it plays very Season 34 like. Wheel physics are quite good, and beside bad player models, the board/wheel look great (minus the fact that no Wheel wedges are animated - like Free Play or Express). There's unnecessary lounge style music that plays during turns, and weird sound effects when money gets added to your bank. Also absent is the buzzer when you pick a letter incorrectly, Mr. Bad Host just tells you no. There's a quick game version, and also a family version with easier puzzles. Winning nets you cash that unlocks new sets and decorations for your studio. You can even do mix and match of boards/wheels/and props to create a Vegas Island Hollywood Week.

Jeopardy! - What a mess. Different developer than Wheel. Not really attempting to be the game you see on TV at all, it plays like a high-speed mobile app. You can choose either a regular game, or a quick game, featuring 4 categories with three clues each. All clues are multiple choice. None of the sound effects are like on TV (there's not even the Daily Double noise), and the 'ring in cue' is the board fill sound from the show. Again, there's unlockables, but it's just backgrounds and designs. Female host, no clues are read, but category intros are. This is clearly designed to be played online. Jeopardy! is a total pass and not worth it.

Overall, as a set, I think there's $20 worth of value out of Wheel of Fortune, so buy/download it separately, but Jeopardy! is nothing like it. The 2012 Xbox 360/PS3/Wii U Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! from Pipeworks are still better games.

I'll try to get some YouTube videos up tonight.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 14, 2017, 04:29:19 PM
Yesterday evening, I was in my local Big Lots store, and found two familiar box games, repackaged in smaller sized boxes--The Disney version of FF from Cardinal Industries and their Platinum Edition, as well. 

These versions, priced at $10 each, were in boxes the same size as the fourth thru sixth editions from Endless Games.

Although the contents are the exact same as the versions released last year at this time, the Platinum edition has different color box art, and is actually subtitled "Trivia Card Game."  From a distance you'd think it was the sixth edition from EG, without Steve Harvey's picture on it.

Also, the "card" game versions are available for $5 each at Family Dollar stores.  It would appear like the same games, only in not so thick packaging, but the difference is the Big Lots stock ($10 price), has question cards (including "Fast Money") plus the pads of paper for writing answers/survey results; whereas the Family Dollar stores stock is the travel size games with just regular survey questions and "strike" cards.

I located a better view of the "retro" graphic box of the 40th anniversary edition from EG here:

Also, a local Walgreen's store had Cardinal's "Password" game in different packaging for $10.  It is designed to stand up when not in use.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 06, 2017, 07:49:13 PM
When you click the following link, you'll see the revised graphics for the "Family Feud 40th Anniversary Edition" from Endless Games:

Some sites refer to this version as a "retro" edition, because of the different look to it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on December 06, 2017, 07:59:34 PM
Some sites refer to this version as a "retro" edition, because of the different look to it.

And because it has an actual gameboard instead of a dry-erase board? :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 06, 2017, 08:35:12 PM
Some sites refer to this version as a "retro" edition, because of the different look to it.

And because it has an actual gameboard instead of a dry-erase board? :)

That's true, but also, because EG had already released a 40th anniversary edition with the current logo, and Steve Harvey's picture on it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on December 06, 2017, 11:44:41 PM
Hey, only $20 for a Family Feud game with a real board! That's a great deal, considering the going rate for the standard version is $15-ish.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on December 07, 2017, 01:12:01 PM
Back when that plastic game board was first designed and released, it had fewer spaces for answers than the real show's game board was capable of displaying.

Now it has too many.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mike Tennant on December 07, 2017, 01:33:16 PM
I broke out my 1990 Pressman home version, which was a clone of the MB versions, last Friday during a game night with a couple in their early 30s and their roughly 10-year-old son. They were all quite surprised at its lavishness compared to the versions with which they were familiar.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on March 03, 2018, 04:13:02 PM
Bumping to show this The Wall home game from France… could a US version be coming soon?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on March 03, 2018, 06:00:31 PM
Bumping to show this The Wall home game from France… could a US version be coming soon?

I played this the other day!  Because the "balls" are hard plastic, they don't have the satisfying bounce that you see on the show, and tend to land with a disappointing and far-too-quick thud.  There are complicated worksheets for keeping score (home games should not be complicated) and of course a lot of the material is only interesting, or even understandable, to a European market.  The group I was with (including people who actually work on the US version) adapted our own version out of it, but there are still some pretty nasty hurdles to get past, primarily the fact that the player answering the questions has to spend most of the time isolated fro the rest.  As a collector, it's a neat item to own because it looks good, but I'd never recommend playing it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on March 03, 2018, 07:34:13 PM
I played this the other day!  Because the "balls" are hard plastic, they don't have the satisfying bounce that you see on the show, and tend to land with a disappointing and far-too-quick thud.  There are complicated worksheets for keeping score (home games should not be complicated) and of course a lot of the material is only interesting, or even understandable, to a European market.  The group I was with (including people who actually work on the US version) adapted our own version out of it, but there are still some pretty nasty hurdles to get past, primarily the fact that the player answering the questions has to spend most of the time isolated fro the rest.  As a collector, it's a neat item to own because it looks good, but I'd never recommend playing it.

Things like this make me want to build my own:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: CarbonCpy on March 04, 2018, 11:53:08 PM

Things like this make me want to build my own:

not gonna lie -- watching that build is extremely satisfying on a personal level and now i want to find one of those mini circular saws.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 05, 2018, 07:36:14 PM
Bumping to show this The Wall home game from France… could a US version be coming soon?

I sure hope so!  I'd love to have one!  However, last month was the annual NY Toy Fair, and I hadn't read/heard any news about such a game coming to the U.S.  Don't forget, in the last few years, some things have come out, with no advance release notice, so it could come as a surprise.  You'd think based on the high-ratings success of the show, it would more likely happen!

TF1, the company releasing the game, has put out a number of French game show home games, including ones based on Millionaire, WOF, Money Drop, 1 VS 100 and more.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 11, 2018, 04:20:03 PM
After looking at the item illustration/description through, I was curious, does the game have some kind of prop to allow all the balls earned on a question to drop simultaneously?

Anyone know if the show itself is returning in the future? 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 25, 2018, 03:55:52 AM
Speaking of buzzer cards, Ginger Fox Games is set to release a new Blockbusters game in the UK. (

I'm far more excited for this.

Bought a copy off eBay a couple months back. The whole thing comes in a box the size of a personal pan pizza, so it’s not big at all. You get 6 or 8 different letter layouts, and ten dedicated gold run boards. Scoring hexes are all made of thick cardboard, so they’ll last you a while, even if the content doesn’t.  There’s enough for 20 games, so 7-10 matches depending on how competitive yours are. There’s definitely a British lean in the questions, but it’s a solid pickup for $10.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JohnTheGameMan on March 25, 2018, 01:06:35 PM
The Wall has been renewed for 20 more episodes.  It's not known when the new shows will air, but I would love to see a home version. 
There is an app version available for IOS and Android made by a company called Gold star Games.  The app closely follows the format of the TV show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on March 27, 2018, 08:06:05 PM

Because this looks counterfeit as _hell_
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 27, 2018, 10:58:07 PM

Because this looks counterfeit as _hell_

That's the one. Looks like he's already been hit with a C&D, too.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on March 27, 2018, 11:05:11 PM
Since Jeremy brought up Ginger Fox, I noticed they had two new games on their list, coming out this September: 5 Gold Rings: The Card Game Blankety Blank
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: doctorwho on April 12, 2018, 10:12:17 AM
The Tenable app came out today - it's from the same people who've done the apps for The Chase and Countdown, among other games.  Very faithful to the show, from what I've seen and played of it. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JohnTheGameMan on April 12, 2018, 08:23:39 PM
The Tenable app came out today - it's from the same people who've done the apps for The Chase and Countdown, among other games.  Very faithful to the show, from what I've seen and played of it. (
While this looks fun, you can't get this in the States, only in the UK. :(
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on April 12, 2018, 09:05:58 PM
While this looks fun, you can't get this in the States, only in the UK. :(

It is quite possible to buy UK App Store apps in the US. I don't know how myself off the top of my head but I know it can easily be done.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on April 13, 2018, 09:39:23 PM
First things first, get yourself a UK iTunes Card. I get mine at seemingly-sketchy but in my experience legitimate sites like (

Then make yourself an iTunes UK Apple ID:!&page=create Don't add in a payment thing if you don't have to; you'll be able to add your iTunes Card code in later.

Log into your iTunes UK account on your iDevice and it'll switch you to the UK Store. Redeem your card, go buy The Chase and Tenable and Tipping Point and Countdown and everything else.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: dazztardly on April 14, 2018, 12:17:52 PM

Things like this make me want to build my own:

Absolutely, Cory. That is really cool.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on April 14, 2018, 01:37:17 PM
First things first, get yourself a UK iTunes Card....
Virtual hug to you, man.  This worked for me.  It was nice to get a recommendation on a site to buy the cards - there are so many, but this one seems to be really good.

I think my attempts at buying before have snarled when Apple asked for a UK address - but bypassing the payment section altogether made the difference.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JohnTheGameMan on April 15, 2018, 04:49:21 PM
First things first, get yourself a UK iTunes Card....
Virtual hug to you, man.  This worked for me.  It was nice to get a recommendation on a site to buy the cards - there are so many, but this one seems to be really good.

I think my attempts at buying before have snarled when Apple asked for a UK address - but bypassing the payment section altogether made the difference.

I did get my codes, but now my problem is how do I bypass the payment section.  I tried to enter none and it asks for a shipping address and a billing address.  Furthermore it asks for a district and a postal code.  Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance for your help.

Fixed a broken quote box.  -knagl
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on April 16, 2018, 01:04:07 PM
First things first, get yourself a UK iTunes Card....
Virtual hug to you, man.  This worked for me.  It was nice to get a recommendation on a site to buy the cards - there are so many, but this one seems to be really good.

I think my attempts at buying before have snarled when Apple asked for a UK address - but bypassing the payment section altogether made the difference.

I did get my codes, but now my problem is how do I bypass the payment section.  I tried to enter none and it asks for a shipping address and a billing address.  Furthermore it asks for a district and a postal code.  Any thoughts?  Thank you in advance for your help.

Fixed a broken quote box.  -knagl

This site ( will generate random names and addresses anywhere in the world.  I have it set to UK addresses at the moment, but you can change that at your leisure.  The addresses are real, the names and such are not.  The "credit card" information conforms to the standards of those cards, but the numbers do not work.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on April 18, 2018, 01:07:30 PM
Have any of you done any fussing around with Amazon's Echo Buttons? They're currently on sale for 4/$30, and I'm wondering if they have any non-Echo potential.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 11, 2018, 08:50:18 PM
For those (like me), who at least think this qualifies as a game show,  I found an end-cap display at my local Target store, devoted entirely to "American Ninja Warrior."  For about $50, there was a 37-piece set of props and stuff to play this athletic competition in your own backyard.  I'm presenting two links, the first is for this set, the second is for ALL other ANJ merchandise available exclusively at Target.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on June 11, 2018, 11:03:40 PM
I feel like I could find a use for that timer.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Clay Zambo on June 12, 2018, 09:40:11 AM
Things like this make me want to build my own:


Just the number of steps in that process where I'm pretty sure I woulda lost a finger...

Totally, totally cool!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 19, 2018, 01:41:37 AM
I recently picked up a complete set of game cards from the final edition of the Aussie $ale home game, which I believe came out in 2001. In the vein of Endless Games' laziness and corner-cutting, I couldn't believe Crown & Andrews never bothered updating the prize cards throughout their multiple editions (until Temptation came along; then they updated the cards, but none of the rules.) Here's a game from the turn of the century offering $1,000 VCRs and the same Volvo and Jaguar pictured in my 1986 stateside edition. And yes, I realize the cards aren't real prizes, they're just score markers, but the prizes are part of the fun of the show and the game. You think they'd get a refresh in 15-20 years.

They are die-cut and glossy though, not perforated, so there is that.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: doctorwho on July 20, 2018, 11:55:21 PM
If anybody here's still wanting to pick up the Legends of the Hidden Temple board game, get it while you can.  Most Targets out there seem to be clearancing them out - from what I'm seeing, most stores have it for $7.48, a few stores have it for $4.48, and the one I went to today here in the Chicago suburbs still had quite a few left for just $2.24.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on July 21, 2018, 04:07:34 AM
If anybody here's still wanting to pick up the Legends of the Hidden Temple board game, get it while you can.  Most Targets out there seem to be clearancing them out - from what I'm seeing, most stores have it for $7.48, a few stores have it for $4.48, and the one I went to today here in the Chicago suburbs still had quite a few left for just $2.24.
Reposting this link from page 21, where you can search for availability based on quantity, price, or distance:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: vtown7 on July 29, 2018, 06:42:00 PM
If anybody here's still wanting to pick up the Legends of the Hidden Temple board game, get it while you can.  Most Targets out there seem to be clearancing them out - from what I'm seeing, most stores have it for $7.48, a few stores have it for $4.48, and the one I went to today here in the Chicago suburbs still had quite a few left for just $2.24.

Thanks for the heads up - picked up Legends when I was a Target in Iowa this week.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 30, 2018, 11:33:38 AM
Is it a remotely decent game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on July 30, 2018, 01:16:19 PM
Is [Legends of the Hidden Temple] a remotely decent game?

A friend had it, so I've played it exactly once. It might be better if you implement some house rules, but as designed, there are some annoying flaws. The moat starts to get interminable (you roll a die over and over again, and going back to the beginning happens too frequently). Two of the three temple games are fine (though I'm not sure how much fun it would be to play them in every single game); the third temple game takes way too long.

The temple run itself was probably as good as one could hope for given that it's impossible to emulate that part of the show in a home game. I didn't fully understand what was happening (nothing but a lot of dice rolling, with certain combinations locking or unlocking doors), but the people playing it seemed to have it figured out by the end. It helped that a) they won with less than five seconds on the clock and b) we were playing the actual temple run music while it was taking place.

Unless we misread the rules, though, the Shrine of the Silver Monkey emulation was extremely disappointing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 30, 2018, 07:15:12 PM
A couple of nights ago, I was in a local Target store and found the American Ninja Warrior merchandise on "CLEARANCE!"

The 37-piece Competition Set--originally $49.99 was reduced to $14.98!

All the other ANW merchandise was about 60-70% off their original prices!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on August 30, 2018, 08:44:45 PM
That's not surprising; Summer's over and the TV season only has a couple episodes left.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 22, 2018, 07:47:37 PM
Gamestop's Nintendo Switch preorder list shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy coming on 10/30 as a $40 set. Obviously wait until it goes on discount, where you can get it for half that.

Also. Jackbox Party Pack 5 is available on all major systems, and includes a brand new version of YDKJ.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 24, 2018, 08:44:56 PM
Today I noticed in the local Go Toys and Games store a new Family Feud game co-branded by Imagination Gaming/Cardinal Industries.  It was Family Game Night "Family Feud" Kids Vs. Parents.  Here is what it looks like via
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on November 08, 2018, 01:25:40 PM
Switch port of Wheel of Fortune is really bad. There's tons of missing sound effects (like the "puzzle win", speed-up music, and even the freakin' letter dings), and the framerate can barely hold up, even when you're not docked at 1080p. Online play has been more chill than Xbox (expected), otherwise, it's the same Season 34 rules with no changes. Didn't have a chance to play Jeopardy!, but I expect no changes.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 08, 2018, 06:39:42 PM
The other evening, I saw at my local Family Dollar store, Family Feud "boxed game."  This was Cardinal's cube-shaped box game, much smaller, and containing very little, for only one dollar! 

When they say on the box that it includes 24 cards, it breaks down into eighteen survey question cards (w/one question on each), six red "X," cards and six blue "X," cards.  There is one additional card, describing the rules of the game.

Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores and owned by the same company.  Dollar Tree sells the Strikeout card game from Endless Games for only $1!  EG's game contains 47 question cards (two questions on each card), and similar "X," cards, plus instructions.  EG's version is more worth it, and plays the same!

I've often wondered, why EG hasn't released a second edition "Strikeout" card game.  It's been in stores in the same form (same questions), since 2011!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 08, 2018, 08:51:59 PM
Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores and owned by the same company.  Dollar Tree sells the Strikeout card game from Endless Games for only $1!  EG's game contains 47 question cards (two questions on each card), and similar "X," cards, plus instructions.  EG's version is more worth it, and plays the same!

Is the content as dreadful as past Endless products have been?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 03, 2018, 07:54:53 PM
Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores and owned by the same company.  Dollar Tree sells the Strikeout card game from Endless Games for only $1!  EG's game contains 47 question cards (two questions on each card), and similar "X," cards, plus instructions.  EG's version is more worth it, and plays the same!

Is the content as dreadful as past Endless products have been?

Well, the content IS selected questions from the "Strikeout Card Game," from EG, only manufactured by Cardinal Industries.

BTW, today at my local Dollar Tree store, they had similar "Boxed Game" versions of Family Feud, only in slightly smaller boxes than the one I saw recently at Family Dollar.  This time they had BOTH the regular version, and the Disney themed version.  Like the Family Dollar version, these sold for one dollar each, and each box contained 57 cards instead of only 24.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 12, 2018, 12:09:15 PM
Yesterday evening, I saw the "Kids vs. Parents" Family Feud game in the "Game Box" size version for only $5 at my local Five Below store.  According to the description on the outside of the box, this version apparently has "Fast Money," round material.  It read that just two "Face Off," rounds are played, and then "Fast Money."

It surprises me if it's true that "Fast Money,' questions are included because the cards from the "Game Box" versions are much smaller and would seem to require material to printed much smaller.

(Added 12/13/18)- -Here is a link to see what the packaging looks like:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on December 14, 2018, 10:03:36 PM
Switch port of Wheel of Fortune is really bad. There's tons of missing sound effects (like the "puzzle win", speed-up music, and even the freakin' letter dings), and the framerate can barely hold up, even when you're not docked at 1080p. Online play has been more chill than Xbox (expected), otherwise, it's the same Season 34 rules with no changes. Didn't have a chance to play Jeopardy!, but I expect no changes.

Just a heads up that a patch released yesterday for Switch fixed just about all these issues.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on December 15, 2018, 07:47:58 AM
I wonder if they patched the Phantom Bankrupt phenomenon, which is known to have affected both the XBOX and Switch versions.  Here's what I mean:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 18, 2018, 02:25:17 PM
Here is a link to check out the new "Ellen's Game of Games" app:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: RyanCDN on January 01, 2019, 08:28:51 PM
I wonder if they patched the Phantom Bankrupt phenomenon, which is known to have affected both the XBOX and Switch versions.  Here's what I mean:

This glitch happens on many spots, we notice it less when a dollar value is offered over the actual value hit.  You probably all notice, the flipper has a strange motion too whenever this glitch occurs. It certainly is frustrating, not a great release in my opinion, a lazy platform release.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 31, 2019, 12:33:52 PM
Here is a press release from Endless Games about what they have planned for display at the 2019 New York Toy Fair:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvmitch on February 12, 2019, 07:22:50 AM
Ikea has a fun stand-up wheel for $20 that could be adapted for a number of uses. Link ( I'm planning to pick up one this weekend when we are visiting an Ikea for other reasons.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on February 12, 2019, 11:07:26 AM
when we are visiting an Ikea for other reasons.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 13, 2019, 08:20:25 PM
Earlier I mentioned a press release from Endless Games about WOF and J! card games.  Here is a link to their website's 2019 catalog page:

It shows both regular and junior versions of both games!

Their new catalog does NOT list any Family Feud products.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 14, 2019, 02:25:09 AM
Game show-adjacent, as I recall some here saying they've used this game for material: Five Below has the full version of the most recent edition of Outburst for $5.00.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on February 14, 2019, 08:52:02 AM
Game show-adjacent, as I recall some here saying they've used this game for material: Five Below has the full version of the most recent edition of Outburst for $5.00.

I got that from someone for Christmas. You now have 45 seconds to get the 10 answers on each card, down from 60 seconds. It's easier to see the answers through that red screen. My meetup game group liked it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 20, 2019, 02:23:44 PM
Although not featured in their new catalog, EGs facebook page shows a couple of videos from this past week's Toy Fair in New York.  You'll notice quite a few copies of new box art for Password, apparently being re-released by EG after being licensed by Cardinal Industries for about two years.  The logo looks similar to the original series' "football," shaped oval logo.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 08, 2019, 12:04:17 PM
Here is a link to an interview with Endless Games at the recent Toy Fair in NYC:

I'm curious if the "dice," mentioned for the WOF card game are just plain dice (multiplied by, say $100, when they are rolled); or specially designed ones, featuring different money amounts and Bankrupt/Lose a Turn on them.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 08, 2019, 12:22:23 PM
Far and away the cheaper solution would be two standard dice, two different colors, and a card in the box that says "Red 1 White 1: $500. Red 1 White 2: Bankrupt." and such.

As such, that's where I'm betting. 108 cards on a sheet, right? 200 puzzles, two double-sided cards with four wheel configurations on them (or three and a Bonus Wheel), five with the rules, and one for advertising Other Hastily-Constructed Endless Products.

It is a really clever game of transferring the game show to a deck of cards. You’ve got to be a game maven to be able to know how to do that.

Mm-hmm. Game maven. All right then.

/that explains SO much
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on March 08, 2019, 12:56:11 PM
Far and away the cheaper solution would be two standard dice, two different colors, and a card in the box that says "Red 1 White 1: $500. Red 1 White 2: Bankrupt." and such.

You don't even have to do multi colored dice at that point. You can just have 2 dice and the card. As an example, you could put Bankrupt on 2 and 12, Lose a Turn on 3, and so on.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on March 08, 2019, 01:07:59 PM
If I wanted to roll dice that badly I'd play Can't Stop or Stone Age. If I wanted to play Wheel of Fortune but the spinner had fallen into a vortex I would grab four blank dice from Game Crafter, mark them up appropriately, grab a bag of holding and draw/roll one die for each spin.

/but I wouldn't do any of that because I kept a spinner from each of the 1980s versions of the home game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 08, 2019, 03:02:45 PM
You don't even have to do multi colored dice at that point. You can just have 2 dice and the card. As an example, you could put Bankrupt on 2 and 12, Lose a Turn on 3, and so on.

Yes. Your wheel has 11 wedges. (And the seventh is fully 1/6th of the wheel.) Mine has 36. (Or dump the colors, and make it 21, where 1-2 and 2-1 are the same result. Put the bigger money / Million Dollar Wedge / half-cars / whatever the fork on doubles.)

/game maven
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 08, 2019, 03:38:34 PM
That whole interview reads like it was run through a translator.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on March 08, 2019, 04:42:17 PM
You don't even have to do multi colored dice at that point. You can just have 2 dice and the card. As an example, you could put Bankrupt on 2 and 12, Lose a Turn on 3, and so on.

Yes. Your wheel has 11 wedges. (And the seventh is fully 1/6th of the wheel.) Mine has 36. (Or dump the colors, and make it 21, where 1-2 and 2-1 are the same result. Put the bigger money / Million Dollar Wedge / half-cars / whatever the fork on doubles.)

/game maven

If you ignore all the cardboard on the wheel, you only need 11 wedges.  (500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, Top Dollar, Free Play, Lose A Turn, Bankrupt) 

Weirdly enough, having one number be fully 1/6th of the wheel *isn't enough*, since a full *quarter* of the wheel is $500.

If you say "7 = roll another d6 to determine which piece of cardboard you hit", then you can get close enough to the actual wheel layout for a $10 cash-in.

The following chart is close enough to the real thing for government work:

2 = Lose a Turn
3 = Bankrupt
4-9 = $100 x die roll
10 = Random piece of cardboard
11 = Free Play
12 = Top Dollar
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: weaklink75 on March 08, 2019, 04:49:02 PM
There are 24-sided dice you know- one of those plus cards with different wheel configurations for each round would work, in a cheap way...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on March 08, 2019, 04:56:37 PM
Anything outside of cheap-ass dime-store D6s is going to be significantly more expensive to produce than a couple of cheap-ass dime-store D6s.

What's amusing about this discussion is that I would wager everything we're coming up with here is thought out *far* better then what the Game Maven ends up putting in the final box.

/and I way overthought the amount of content
//3 rounds + 1 bonus * 25 plays = 100 puzzles
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 11, 2019, 03:49:31 PM
The Jeopardy Book of Answers is available now for just a shade over $10. Most of the material is taken from notable games (Episode 1, Ken's first and last games, etc.), so a large portion of this book is basically a print version of the Jeopardy Archive, with some show history at the top of each new "chapter". Most of the information is common knowledge among this group, but again- it's $10.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 12, 2019, 07:11:27 PM
The Jeopardy Book of Answers is available now for just a shade over $10. Most of the material is taken from notable games (Episode 1, Ken's first and last games, etc.), so a large portion of this book is basically a print version of the Jeopardy Archive, with some show history at the top of each new "chapter". Most of the information is common knowledge among this group, but again- it's $10.

I just stumbled across this listing at Walmart's website:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 13, 2019, 09:55:18 PM
The Jeopardy Book of Answers is available now for just a shade over $10. Most of the material is taken from notable games (Episode 1, Ken's first and last games, etc.), so a large portion of this book is basically a print version of the Jeopardy Archive, with some show history at the top of each new "chapter". Most of the information is common knowledge among this group, but again- it's $10.

I just stumbled across this listing at Walmart's website:
As a cool side project, I would consider getting this to see how many of the players who played these boards I could get to sign a copy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 29, 2019, 12:57:14 PM
Outset Media Games, which produces the line of Jeopardy! home game products has just released a card game, not to be confused with their "Travel Edition."  Here's a link to the company's website entry:

When you click the "instructions" you'll notice they failed to describe the rules for wagering on "Daily Double"s!

I found out through a reliable source that the game contains "70 cards" which may/may not include the two cards used for the instructions.  Whether that is the case or not, there would be only about five games worth of material, without repeating anything, even when considering you randomly choose one card (and one "clue," from it) for Final Jeopardy! from the entire deck!

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on March 30, 2019, 09:02:13 AM
Assuming this is the same game my girlfriend got me for Christmas, there are 20 clues printed on each card.

EDIT: Nevermind.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 30, 2019, 09:40:22 PM
Assuming this is the same game my girlfriend got me for Christmas, there are 20 clues printed on each card.
You're thinking of the Mattel version.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 25, 2019, 02:36:32 PM
I recently got a copy of the new card game from Outset Media, and like their "Travel Edition," each of the 70 cards has one category/five dollar amounts on one side, and five clues/responses on the other.  The cards are much smaller in size, but surprisingly, readable!

In addition to only enough material for five games (without repeating any material), I found only three J! round categories, and six DJ! round categories have Daily Double indicators.  Going by that, there is only enough material for THREE games w/o repetition!

Of course, the company does mention that this "hang tab version is a good introduction to the game, so if you enjoy it, take a look at the Deluxe or Travel version."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 19, 2019, 01:13:05 PM
Endless Games website is now showing on their "Coming Soon," page their AKA box game and Jeopardy Card Game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: gamed121683 on June 19, 2019, 06:58:43 PM
Endless Games website is now showing on their "Coming Soon," page their AKA box game and Jeopardy Card Game.

I for one am looking forward to picking up a copy of AKA once it hits the sheleves! From what I’ve read, the game is very reminiscent to Double Talk.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Marc412 on June 19, 2019, 08:11:51 PM
As for Jeopardy!, it looks like there’s only enough material for 4 games.  Hard pass.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 19, 2019, 10:05:07 PM
I get that it's only $7, but what an incredibly wasteful way to go about making a Jeopardy game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 20, 2019, 11:10:13 AM
As for Jeopardy!, it looks like there’s only enough material for 4 games.  Hard pass.

As I'd mentioned a few posts earlier, the "hang tab" card game from Outset Media has only enough material for five games maximum with no repetition (actually only THREE, when considering they have only three J! round cards with DD indications, and only six DJ! round cards likewise), and it sells for $1 more BTW!

I'd say the EG version would be more worth the money since it uses a lot more cards than OM's.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 20, 2019, 11:44:31 AM
I get that it's only $7, but what an incredibly wasteful way to go about making a Jeopardy game.

The point of these games is not to create an heirloom you will pass down to your grandkids; the point is to create something that hangs on a peg at the drugstore and is picked up along with the Cheetos and SnoCaps to keep the family amused on a road trip as opposed to the kids watching that goddamn Spongebob DVD AGAIN. ("Really, dude, you're 17 years old. Get past it.")

Yes, they are a waste of cards and I'm not in any way a fan of the market segment, but they are a little easier to swallow when you understand the logic is closer to "hey, you spend $12 for two hours of entertainment at the movies" than being the next Terraforming Mars. They are meant to be disposable.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 03, 2019, 08:10:48 PM
EG's website is now giving peeks at their new WOF card game, and Password game:

You'll notice that the WOF card game does NOT use dice as they mentioned in their interview featured earlier in this subject posting.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on July 03, 2019, 09:24:35 PM
EG's website is now giving peeks at their new WOF card game, and Password game:

You'll notice that the WOF card game does NOT use dice as they mentioned in their interview featured earlier in this subject posting.

I am unreasonably happy at seeing that Password appears to be reverting to vinyl word holders. The paper and cardboard ones just sucked so much.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on July 03, 2019, 09:59:29 PM
I am unreasonably happy at seeing that Password appears to be reverting to vinyl word holders. The paper and cardboard ones just sucked so much.

For some reason, I find it interesting that even though the box description acknowledges that people have played the game for more than fifty years, and the art is certainly retro in design, nowhere on the box does it actually say that the game is based on a classic television program.  I mean, that appears to be true of the Wheel of Fortune card game as well, but I don't think there would be too many people who don't know what Wheel of Fortune is.  I think a lot of average folks might not be familiar with Password as a TV show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 03, 2019, 10:22:36 PM
Interesting that the scoreboard dial for this edition is pictured as a stand-up piece, like the old MB editions. I think Endless has always just used a flat square of cardboard, outside of the first edition, which really cheaped out with a plastic clip on the side of the box.

Also, 150 cards seems like a lot! Even if they're actually 75 two-sided cards, that's still a load of content. (Of course, since it's Endless, you have to cross your fingers that it's good content.)

EDIT: Website description says 150 cards, box art says 50, my money's on 50.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 04, 2019, 12:47:07 AM
EDIT: Website description says 150 cards, box art says 50, my money's on 50.

Go with your gut. Even at 50 cards that's 100 games (playing by their rules) worth of content, but that's also about in line with other versions of Password. (Maybe it also comes with a Lightning Round deck, but the Lightning Round decks were never huge, so I'd just chalk this up to Endless being sloppy, because nobody ever went broke betting on Endless being sloppy.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 13, 2019, 02:42:49 PM
EG is now also showing the "Junior Edition"s of WOF and J! on their coming soon page.

From the illustrations for the WOF games, It appears that the junior version plays with each round starting with every R, S, T, L, N and E (ala the bonus round on TV)!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 20, 2019, 11:45:04 AM
You can now view the instructions for the J! and WOF card games, as well as the AKA (and Password) board game on EG's website.  Click "New Games," and the specific game you are looking for.

There is no mention of any Daily Doubles in the J! games, and the WOF games seem to be not as good as EG's "Quick Picks" WOF game from sometime back.

AKA looks good!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 31, 2019, 01:02:53 PM
Target is now carrying redesigned versions of Cardinal's Family Feud "Platinum" edition board, and what is probably, a redesigned/retitled version of EGs "After Hours," edition--called "Late Night" edition.

You'll notice that the games are co-branded by Cardinal and Imagination Gaming.  Steve Harvey's image is shown on the "Platinum" edition now, and it also now features a reusable dry-erase board.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 31, 2019, 01:25:55 PM
Late Night? So they consolidate all of the dick jokes to one version?

/that must be a *lot* of content
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on July 31, 2019, 03:18:29 PM
Late Night? So they consolidate all of the dick jokes to one version?

/that must be a *lot* of content
This one flat out asks you to name another word for penis, using the euphemisms they've displayed on the board.

/Show me Trouser Sausage
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on July 31, 2019, 04:13:39 PM
Late Night? So they consolidate all of the dick jokes to one version?

/that must be a *lot* of content
This one flat out asks you to name another word for penis, using the euphemisms they've displayed on the board.

/Show me Trouser Sausage

Likely this is the hardest version they had -- no softball questions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 31, 2019, 10:30:32 PM
But several soft balls questions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on July 31, 2019, 10:40:58 PM
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: urbanpreppie05 on August 01, 2019, 12:37:58 PM
There has to be some blue ones too.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WarioBarker on August 01, 2019, 03:57:40 PM
I'm sure they pulled out everything they had for this package.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 09, 2019, 11:03:40 AM
Last fall, it was reported in Variety, that TBS greenlit a new game show to be titled "The Misery Index," based on a card game called Sh*t Happens, and featuring host Jameela Jamil and star the four members of The Tenderloins comedy troupe, who star in truTV's Impractical Jokers.  The card game is produced by Games Adults Play (GAP), a division of Goliath Games, which also owns Pressman.  The game has also been published under the title, Stuff Happens.

It was recently announced that the show will premiere on TBS, October 22, and the card game is now also called "The Misery Index," and promotes the show on the packaging.  I found a copy in Target the other day, for $17.99!

Here is a preview trailer of the show:

Viewer discretion advised!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 12, 2019, 11:51:08 AM
This past weekend, I found a few more interesting items in Target and Walmart.

In Walmart, they had the WOF card game, for only $5.97!  They also had a new Family Feud "Jumbo Card Game" for only $3.97!  The FF game only contains about 45 cards, and is more designed like the new versions shown earlier from Target.  Although there wasn't any copies on the store shelf, I noticed a label for a "Dysfunctional," Family Feud board game, for $14.88!

Walmart had two of three board games, based on segments featured on "The Tonight Show--Starring Jimmy Fallon."  They were Face It Challenge, and Box of Lies.  The third one, not in the store, is Best Friends Challenge.  You can see a promo for the games at this link:

Target had the Face It Challenge game, and also a game based on Carpool Karaoke, featured on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 14, 2019, 10:57:48 AM
Updating my earlier post of stuff at Walmart, here are web listings/illustrations of the new Family Feud items:

You'll notice it is dubbed "Quirky Family Edition," despite the label on the store shelf saying "Dysfunctional."

In recent weeks, I'd seen yet another FF item on a website, and here is a picture of the item (along with other Cardinal products):

That is a new repackaged version of Cardinal's original card game, featuring Steve Harvey's picture on it.  I found a copy of the game at a local Family Dollar store for $6!  The also had a similar game based on the Kids vs. Parents card game for the same price.  That, also features Steve Harvey's picture!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 03, 2019, 08:24:41 PM
This past holiday weekend, I found (or found out about) two new products relating to home games:

First, Deluxe Password from Endless Games.  Dubbed a B&N exclusive, it comes in a similar box, as the new regular version, only featuring a blue colored box, and 2,000 words to play with:

I also found out B&N will be carrying another surprise, but doesn't have any yet.  Here, however you can order a copy from
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 03, 2019, 09:21:10 PM
I also found out B&N will be carrying another surprise, but doesn't have any yet.  Here, however you can order a copy from

Anyone else take issue with the phrasing of "HOME EDITION with Michael Strahan"?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on September 03, 2019, 11:01:03 PM
I also found out B&N will be carrying another surprise, but doesn't have any yet.  Here, however you can order a copy from

Anyone else take issue with the phrasing of "HOME EDITION with Michael Strahan"?


The descriptions I've found of the game have been very vague, but it seems to have some sort of computer element involving Strahan rather than being a straight box game. Has anyone found anything more detailed?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on September 03, 2019, 11:31:47 PM
I also found out B&N will be carrying another surprise, but doesn't have any yet.  Here, however you can order a copy from

Anyone else take issue with the phrasing of "HOME EDITION with Michael Strahan"?


The descriptions I've found of the game have been very vague, but it seems to have some sort of computer element involving Strahan rather than being a straight box game. Has anyone found anything more detailed?
This might explain the "Game includes new puzzles and sets from the show" bullet point from the Amazon description. That left me scratching my head, and I figured it's a computer/DVD/video game.

{Photographer rant}The HOME EDITION didn't really throw me off, but I'm cringing at Michael's lapel covering part of his collar, as well as his watch sticking out so much. I get that he's leaning on something, and I've missed little details myself on shoots, but for a picture gracing the cover of a home game, someone prolly should've caught the lapel. That's just the photographer in me Monday Morning QB'g, so carry on.{/Photog rant}
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 04, 2019, 12:06:39 AM
Might be that the product descriptions are a bit confused, too. Blain's Farm & Fleet has it listed on their site, but the product description is clearly from the old $1M Pyramid DVD game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on September 04, 2019, 01:11:40 AM
Just got back from Barnes and Noble. Endless Games went really cheap on their last three Password games, and the Cardinal version was ghastly, but I just can't resist a Password game and...I'm actually pretty impressed. The word holders are attractive vinyl again. The scoring pads are HUGE--I think the biggest ones that a Password game has ever had. And the scoring dial is printed on really thick cardboard and designed to stand, like the old Milton-Bradley dials. My only real knock on the game is one that applies to many of the Password home versions--for what you're actually buying, it's a box of air. But it's just nice to see a company getting back on track with a game that's been bungled in its last few efforts. I'm actually writing a note to the company to thank them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 04, 2019, 12:17:08 PM
Anyone else take issue with the phrasing of "HOME EDITION with Michael Strahan"?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 04, 2019, 08:33:01 PM
The descriptions I've found of the game have been very vague, but it seems to have some sort of computer element involving Strahan rather than being a straight box game. Has anyone found anything more detailed?
This might explain the "Game includes new puzzles and sets from the show" bullet point from the Amazon description. That left me scratching my head, and I figured it's a computer/DVD/video game.

{Photographer rant}The HOME EDITION didn't really throw me off, but I'm cringing at Michael's lapel covering part of his collar, as well as his watch sticking out so much. I get that he's leaning on something, and I've missed little details myself on shoots, but for a picture gracing the cover of a home game, someone prolly should've caught the lapel. That's just the photographer in me Monday Morning QB'g, so carry on.{/Photog rant}

If you read the additional info at, it says: "The beloved game show is back and ready to entertain a whole new generation! Grab your teammate and listen closely to the clues to choose the right word to get to the final round for big money! Includes a game pyramid and dozens of puzzles from the show As well as puzzles unique to the game. For 2-6 players, ages 10 and up."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: pacdude on September 05, 2019, 08:36:29 AM
I pinged my contact at Pressman and received these details:

$100,000 Pyramid Game
The beloved game show is back and ready to entertain a whole new generation! Grab your teammate and listen closely to the clues to choose the right word to get to the final round for big money! Includes a game pyramid and dozens of puzzles from the show as well as puzzles unique to the game. For 2-6 players, ages 10 and up.
Bullet Points
  • The beloved game show is back, and ready to entertain a whole new generation!
  • Hosted by Michael Strahan, and based on the classic game show
  • Game includes a game pyramid as well as dozens of puzzles from the show and unique to the game
  • Grab your teammate and listen closely to the clues to choose the right word to get to the final round for big money!
  • For 2-6 players, ages 10 and up

1 Plastic Puzzle Pyramid
2 Plastic Stands
1 30 Second Sand Timer
1 Set Background
10 Main Game Puzzle Cards
10 Winner's Circle Puzzle Cards
Complete Instructions

I am *not* optimistic this is worth 25 bucks.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: ChrisLambert! on September 05, 2019, 08:53:31 AM
but is it ready to entertain a whole new generation? That’s not clear.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on September 05, 2019, 10:09:27 AM
but is it ready to entertain a whole new generation? That’s not clear.

Time to play that new game . . . Ask a Millennial. :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on September 05, 2019, 10:48:01 AM
Millennial here.

No, it is not.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 05, 2019, 11:09:23 AM
10 rounds of play is acceptable for a $6 card game. Yeesh. The pieces sound similar to the old Cardinal and Endless home games, but I think those each had about 50 rounds of play in them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on September 05, 2019, 11:39:28 AM
I'm trying to remain optimistic that maybe 10 was just a typo, or that each card somehow has more than one game on it. But given the quality (or total lack thereof) of Pressman's most recent WoF box's not easy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 05, 2019, 12:33:40 PM
I was gonna assume the cards were two-sided, but even then the benchmark is 25 games worth of content, and this still doesn't meet it. Pass.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on September 05, 2019, 02:23:57 PM
Well, I ordered it yesterday and have it coming from Amazon.

I'll post a full thing tomorrow - if it's craptacular, I'll send it back.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on September 05, 2019, 04:28:23 PM
The Barnes & Noble site has a pic of the Pyramid cover in the "Games & Collectibles" section.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on September 05, 2019, 04:33:32 PM
B&N Link (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 05, 2019, 08:37:52 PM
Anyone else take issue with the phrasing of "HOME EDITION with Michael Strahan"?


And you wouldn't simply because I was the one who asked...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on September 05, 2019, 10:59:44 PM
And you wouldn't simply because I was the one who asked...
That strictly depends on how strongly you feel about package designs for toaster pastries.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 06, 2019, 11:00:51 AM
And you wouldn't simply because I was the one who asked...

Your error there is to assume I hold you in high enough import to let that affect my answer.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on September 06, 2019, 11:49:01 AM
Just got back from Barnes and Noble. Endless Games went really cheap on their last three Password games, and the Cardinal version was ghastly, but I just can't resist a Password game and...I'm actually pretty impressed. The word holders are attractive vinyl again. The scoring pads are HUGE--I think the biggest ones that a Password game has ever had. And the scoring dial is printed on really thick cardboard and designed to stand, like the old Milton-Bradley dials. 

I saw a deluxe edition of Password at B&N. Comes in a blue box and has 2,000 words, which is 500 more than the regular edition. Endless Games is the publisher.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on September 06, 2019, 12:38:46 PM
Just got back from Barnes and Noble. Endless Games went really cheap on their last three Password games, and the Cardinal version was ghastly, but I just can't resist a Password game and...I'm actually pretty impressed. The word holders are attractive vinyl again. The scoring pads are HUGE--I think the biggest ones that a Password game has ever had. And the scoring dial is printed on really thick cardboard and designed to stand, like the old Milton-Bradley dials. 

I saw a deluxe edition of Password at B&N. Comes in a blue box and has 2,000 words, which is 500 more than the regular edition. Endless Games is the publisher.

Please describe the thought process that went into typing that as a response to my post.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on September 06, 2019, 01:47:00 PM
Please describe the thought process that went into typing that as a response to my post.

I was merely trying to add something to your post that was not previously mentioned. I don't believe I've done anything wrong except possibly offending someone's delicate feelings.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: chrisholland03 on September 06, 2019, 03:00:08 PM
Just got back from Barnes and Noble. Endless Games went really cheap on their last three Password games, and the Cardinal version was ghastly, but I just can't resist a Password game and...I'm actually pretty impressed. The word holders are attractive vinyl again. The scoring pads are HUGE--I think the biggest ones that a Password game has ever had. And the scoring dial is printed on really thick cardboard and designed to stand, like the old Milton-Bradley dials. 

I saw a deluxe edition of Password at B&N. Comes in a blue box and has 2,000 words, which is 500 more than the regular edition. Endless Games is the publisher.

Did you know that the boxes are made of containerboard?  Containerboard is brown and frequently referred to incorrectly as 'cardboard'.  Producers of containerboard include companies such as International Paper, Smurfit, and Georgia Pacific. 

I am merely trying to add something that was not previously mentioned. I don't believe I've done anything wrong except possibly offering something to someone's regularly scheduled bowel movement with an additional source of fiber content.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on September 06, 2019, 03:23:52 PM
Barnes & Noble dates back to the 19th century, when it was known as Hinds & Noble.

I am merely trying to add something that was not previously mentioned. I don't believe I've done anything wrong.  Period.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on September 06, 2019, 06:20:14 PM
Got my Pyramid game from Amazon.
First of all, I would like to note the game board is made well. It is plastic with a cardboard piece you put on it for the background which looks like the set pieces around the Winners Circle. Same concept as the old puzzle boards in the WoF games. The pages of content slide into the side.
The description posted here, unfortunately, is correct. 10 Main Games and 10 Winners Circles. Basically 5 true, tv-style games of Pyramid and you're done. That is the major flaw.
Another minor flaw is when you load the board, all of the answers are exposed on the back. That means you need all-time-givers and receivers for each full front game round. I suppose you could get some small post it notes and cover up the back of each "trilon" if you want to alternate for the true experience.
Overall a good effort but not worth $25. That's a bummer because it had potential. Worth maybe $15 max. The board is nice though. Maybe you can adapt material from other Pyramid games and make a template for the new style board to get new material once it runs out but you shouldn't have to do that for the price.
There is an email address for comments in the instruction manual to send your feedback. I appreciate that they made this but it is half baked. They could have simply ripped more material from the show and it could made it more worth the price point.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 06, 2019, 06:59:45 PM
Did you know that the boxes are made of containerboard?  Containerboard is brown and frequently referred to incorrectly as 'cardboard'.  Producers of containerboard include companies such as International Paper, Smurfit, and Georgia Pacific. 

I am merely trying to add something that was not previously mentioned. I don't believe I've done anything wrong except possibly offering something to someone's regularly scheduled bowel movement with an additional source of fiber content.

And both containerboard and cardboard are indeed excellent sources of fiber, albeit a bit bland...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on September 06, 2019, 09:19:33 PM
Here's an imgur of the contents:

I sent it back already, and emailed their feedback email address. $25 or even $15 isn't worth only 10 games. No sliding doors at all? Also, some of the categories are direct lifts from season 1 and 2, so if you remember them at all - you're spoiled already.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 06, 2019, 09:34:32 PM
They'd have to go to great effort to make it any more pathetic...what a waste...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on September 06, 2019, 10:01:07 PM
After looking at it more in depth and showing my fiancee, I am also sending mine back to Amazon. I took it out earlier after work just to give it a once over, first impression.
$25 is just way too much for what this is. $10 and I would have reconsidered. There is nothing here to play. Some more material and I would have thought twice. I am going to drop them a line as well. We were pretty excited about it, as we played the Endless version many times early on in our relationship, but this is sad.

The email address is:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 06, 2019, 10:15:34 PM
It looks pretty, but jeez, they could have opted for black-and-white game cards instead of full-color ones, and they would have been able to put a lot more game in the box for the same price point. $25 for two hours of gameplay is absurd.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 06, 2019, 10:19:24 PM
The whole wonky cutoff sides of the backdrop is just wrong on many levels...

BTW, is this the first game show board game that is for ages 14+?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 06, 2019, 10:27:39 PM
Studs, one of the fifty greatest game shows of all time, had a home game listed for ages 18 and over.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on September 06, 2019, 10:30:09 PM
The whole wonky cutoff sides of the backdrop is just wrong on many levels...

BTW, is this the first game show board game that is for ages 14+?


Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on September 06, 2019, 10:31:43 PM
Studs, one of the fifty greatest game shows of all time, had a home game listed for ages 18 and over.

Well, that reasonably makes sense...could even see the Newlywed/Dating games suggesting a higher age...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 07, 2019, 12:20:20 PM
My original post mentioned the Deluxe Password and just about everything that was repeated above.  I guess the mention of the Pyramid home game led some to lose track of the Dlx Password game being mentioned.

I'm not an expert on marketing, but I would NOT be surprised if the cost for the Pyramid game is due, at least in part, to the game cards being printed in full color.

After looking at the photos of the contents, I'd also downgrade the game for needing to provide your own paper/pen/pencil to keep score, no "play money" like in most of the earlier editions, and vaguely worded instructions from what I could see.  Extra material, built in scoring devices, maybe a modern day adjustable countdown timer for both main game and end game (30 sec/60sec) would've been more reasonable.

I notice at the B&N site, that they say it includes DOZENS of puzzles--very, very misleading!

Another thing I noticed at a deal with Matty's Toy Stop (which makes special combination offers on EG games), you can get both the J! and WOF card games together for Reg. $24.95 on Sale for $19.99.  That doesn't make sense., since the EG website lists each individually for $6.99!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 07, 2019, 12:25:27 PM
The description posted here, unfortunately, is correct. 10 Main Games and 10 Winners Circles. Basically 5 true, tv-style games of Pyramid and you're done. That is the major flaw.

If that's a flaw, it's a flaw on the level of Endless only including a single pricer in their TPiR rehash.

One of the major defenses of the price of a board game is "hey, you pay $10 to go to a movie, right?"

At $2.50 a game, this is $10 for an hour of entertainment. At least a movie is two hours.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: ChrisLambert! on September 07, 2019, 01:12:20 PM
Studs, one of the fifty greatest game shows of all time, had a home game listed for ages 18 and over.

And it came with 312 Freaking (tm) Questions!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on September 07, 2019, 06:26:50 PM
While shopping for classroom supplies, I saw a set of 4 buzzers for sale.  Each makes a different sound; it is intended for elementary students.  $20 sounds like a reasonable price.

Also, on the page of the local affiliate carrying America Says, a home game is mentioned as in stores and online, though I have seen no evidence of a home game yet.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 07, 2019, 06:50:29 PM
I bought those buzzers for games with my boys, and they are quite nice for the price. You can get a set from Learning Resources for $12.79 on Amazon, or a light-up version for $16.60.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on September 07, 2019, 07:45:00 PM
Are they connected and do they lockout or do you have to listen for which sound is first?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on September 07, 2019, 07:58:20 PM
Are they connected and do they lockout or do you have to listen for which sound is first?
From what I can tell, the latter.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 07, 2019, 08:04:37 PM
No connection or lockout, just simple sound or sound and light. So not necessarily good for the uses of most people on here, but nicely made, durable, and solid for kids.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on September 07, 2019, 09:20:44 PM
Re: Bob Z: fair enough. Comments retracted.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on September 07, 2019, 09:51:28 PM

If that's a flaw, it's a flaw on the level of Endless only including a single pricer in their TPiR rehash.

One of the major defenses of the price of a board game is "hey, you pay $10 to go to a movie, right?"

At $2.50 a game, this is $10 for an hour of entertainment. At least a movie is two hours.

Funny you mention the Endless TPiR Pricer issue from about 20 years ago. I recently cleaned out a closet and found a manila envelope with some Pricers in it that they sent me after contacting them. They sent more than was needed (I think there were 6 or 8 ) but at least they made it right.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on September 08, 2019, 02:03:15 AM
Are they connected and do they lockout or do you have to listen for which sound is first?
From what I can tell, the latter.
My parents bought a set to keep at their place for game nights when I visit during the holidays. It's strictly by ear, but the sounds are distinctive enough (car horn, door bell, etc.) that you can do that pretty easily.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on September 08, 2019, 02:25:31 AM
I figured that it wasn’t exact nor would you buy them for quiz bowl practice (buy the Trebisky octopus for that) but for a game that has buzzer races use them.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 16, 2019, 11:10:57 AM
There’s a board game at Target called “Just One” that uses the same premise as the Odd Ball pilot (panel gives one word clues to a word/subject, but repeats are discarded before the words are revealed to the guesser). It goes for about $20.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on September 16, 2019, 11:28:55 AM
There’s a board game at Target called “Just One” that uses the same premise as the Odd Ball pilot (panel gives one word clues to a word/subject, but repeats are discarded before the words are revealed to the guesser). It goes for about $20.
That's mildly irritating in that I buy these games as an early adopter and then they end up at Target. That said please support your friendly local board game designers and buy good games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 16, 2019, 11:35:30 AM
That's mildly irritating in that I buy these games as an early adopter and then they end up at Target.

Right? Making Spiel des Jahres-winning games available to a mass audience is simply *awful*.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on September 16, 2019, 01:17:16 PM
That's mildly irritating in that I buy these games as an early adopter and then they end up at Target.

Right? Making Spiel des Jahres-winning games available to a mass audience is simply *awful*.

I think he means that the prices get cut once they go to department stores, but I understand your sentiment.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 16, 2019, 01:42:28 PM
I think he means that the prices get cut once they go to department stores, but I understand your sentiment.

I am still utterly failing to see a problem with that.

/games get cheaper as they age
//more with Ric Romero at 11
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 19, 2019, 03:19:54 PM
Also, on the page of the local affiliate carrying America Says, a home game is mentioned as in stores and online, though I have seen no evidence of a home game yet.

I sure hope it is true, and in recent years some things were mentioned as, "coming soon," but not coming out at all.  In 2014/2015, TDC Games, (the company mentioned earlier as having released a home game of "STUDS,") was supposed to release a full-size board game version of "Hollywood Game Night," and later a game based on the HGN sub-game, "Four Letter Words."  Neither was released most likely because TDC Games filed for bankruptcy protection (TDC has since been bought out by another game maker).  You'll see that TDC put a slogan on their "Four Letter Words" prototype box that seemed to fit the bankruptcy situation right on:

This year there were some rumors that a home version of "The Wall," was coming to the U.S.  After addressing the possibility of a version (from Ravensburger), no rep from the company was able to confirm anything.  They have versions in Germany, Italy, and France; but no U.S. game!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 02, 2019, 12:41:43 PM
Just a few hours ago, the 2019 Fall Toy Preview in Dallas, TX began.  While searching for online magazine reports, I found a section called "Brand Profile," in TFE (Toys and Family Entertainment) Magazine.  It was about Nickelodeon's new version of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader."

The final paragraph began with the quote:  "Following the show's successful launch this past summer, we began working with our games licensee to bring the new version of the board game to retailers later this fall, in time for the holidays."

No word as to whom the game is being made by, but, boy, there were four earlier board games;  two based on the original series by Hasbro, one based on the syndicated edition from Patch Products, and one based on Foxworthy's second FOX network series from Hasbro.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 03, 2019, 12:39:59 PM
Earlier, I'd mentioned games based on ones played on The Tonight Show, Starring Jimmy Fallon.  Now Hasbro has also launched three games based on selected games featured on the Ellen show and her Game of Games.  They are:

You Bet (Your Wife)

Danger Word

and Blindfolded Musical Chairs
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 03, 2019, 01:12:49 PM
You Bet (Your Wife)
Danger Word
and Blindfolded Musical Chairs

Sometimes I am amused to see just how far I am outside of the market for a particular party game.

These three land somewhere in Baltimore. :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on October 03, 2019, 01:25:26 PM
and Blindfolded Musical Chairs
For the game night enthusiast who says Twister isn't risky enough...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on October 03, 2019, 02:49:07 PM
and Blindfolded Musical Chairs
For the game night enthusiast who says Twister isn't risky enough...

A weird variation on musical chairs  based on a segment of a television program that isn't really a game show itself?

It's been done.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 13, 2019, 05:16:25 PM
If you ever wanted to play a simpler, duller, more straightforward version of '60s Match Game and pay $25 for the privilege, Blank Slate is here for you. If you want a pack of cards to give you some Super Match ideas and some wipe-off boards, it'll be $2-3 at Goodwill next year.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 13, 2019, 05:18:40 PM
I have a burgeoning box full of word cards to play Codenames, Go! and the Winners Circle—as much as I love OG MG I think I can cool my heels until it becomes a ding ‘n’ dent close out.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 14, 2019, 11:52:38 PM
From another angle of Match Game-adjacent things, say you were, maybe, a bit of an obsessive with a penchant for hosting over-the-top game show parties in your living room. You know, just for example's sake.

Well, you could give your Match Game panel (or contestants for whatever game you've put together) light-up namebars. And with the posted sale, another 15% off with the discount code, and 5% off with the RedCard, you'd pay just over $10 for each of these. Again, in theory.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on October 15, 2019, 06:46:13 AM
Well, you could give your Match Game panel (or contestants for whatever game you've put together) light-up namebars.

I have full faith that someone in here would be able to re-configure it so it would accept an index card, and only light up when one is inserted. :P
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 15, 2019, 11:11:25 AM
While shopping in my area Kohl's store, I found the Junior edition Jeopardy! Card Game (Reg. $6.99, Sale $6.29). 

However, a more ridiculously priced $100,000 Pyramid Game (Reg. $45.00, Sale $32.99!)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on October 15, 2019, 11:43:48 AM
However, a more ridiculously priced $100,000 Pyramid Game (Reg. $45.00, Sale $32.99!)
The one that only lets you play about a half-dozen games? Hard pass.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 15, 2019, 11:50:14 AM
Match-O-Rama looks to be the home game version of It's Anybody's Guess that nobody thought they needed.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 15, 2019, 03:50:13 PM
While shopping in my area Kohl's store, I found the Junior edition Jeopardy! Card Game (Reg. $6.99, Sale $6.29). 

However, a more ridiculously priced $100,000 Pyramid Game (Reg. $45.00, Sale $32.99!)
So when you get your 30% off monthly coupon from Kohl's, it goes down to $24.09, basically the same as the actual going gouge rate of $25.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 15, 2019, 05:01:36 PM
I have full faith that someone in here would be able to re-configure it so it would accept an index card, and only light up when one is inserted. :P
Electronically it's not even a little bit difficult. Wire, two pieces of metal, momentary switch. The part where it gets a little bit funky (not very, but a little bit) is having the light stay on when you pull the card out until it needs to be turned off for a wrong answer.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 01, 2019, 02:00:33 AM
I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that I received a reply from Pressman/Goliath regarding the 100k Pyramid Home Game debacle:

"Thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback on our new $100,000 Pyramid game. I have already passed your very helpful comments and suggestions on to our Product Development team.

We are continuing to work with the show writers to add content to this game. We will be happy to send you those additional cards when they become available. Please be sure to forward us your address, and we will send them once completed.

 Again, thank you for your feedback!"

I replied stating that I promptly returned the game.....
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 02, 2019, 12:52:53 PM
The new Pyramid game is not the first disappointing design from Pressman, at least when it comes to home versions of game shows.

Just three years ago, not only were there many complaints from customers ordering a "4th" edition WOF game and receiving the "3rd," but when the "4th" was finally available, the puzzle cards did not properly line up with the puzzle board grid.

Also, when Pressman released "Simpsons Jeopardy!," They erred in the printing of the cardboard slides covering the answers on game board.  They printed a money amount on at least one of the specially shaped slides used for a Daily Double, and vice versa!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamJ93 on November 07, 2019, 01:37:12 PM
If Mr. Zager or anyone else with some inside info could shed some light on this situation, I would appreciate it...

Given that 25 Words Or Less seems to be getting somewhat decent ratings, I was really surprised to see that the original board game has been out of print for some time now--used copies on Ebay are regularly selling for upwards of $70. It would seem rather strange to not re-release the game as a tie-in to the show...have you heard of any plans to do so?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 07, 2019, 02:20:58 PM
All I can say, at this point, is that I emailed Winning Moves, the company which made the original game, asking if they might bring out a new version based on the show.  I've never heard back from anybody.

Usually, the annual Toy Fair in New York, which occurs every February, has presented prototypes and potential release dates for all kinds of games, including the ones focused on in this board topic.  Don't be surprised if any new ones pop up at the 2020 Fair in February.  Also don't be surprised if some are shown, but don't get released; as well as some unannounced products year after year.

BTW, if anybody is a loyal watcher of America Says, has there been any sighting about the reported board game mentioned in an earlier post?  Maybe even any promos during an actual show broadcast?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 15, 2019, 03:35:01 PM
I just saw on a new box game version of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader from Hasbro.  Here is a link to it:

While on the subject, I would not be surprised if there is indeed a box game based on America Says, it will be from Hasbro, since Hasbro recently acquired the eOne production company.

Also, now that 25 Words or Less (the gameshow) has been renewed for a second season, maybe there will be a new box game in the future.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 26, 2019, 08:00:44 PM
Although not based on a game show at all, referenced this game for those who love daytime television viewing:

I seem to recall Mattel was almost going to release a home version of the Maury hosted Twenty One (yes, the show title was  not hyphenated) at one time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on December 15, 2019, 07:54:34 AM
Apologies if someone's mentioned this before, but Barnstorm Games has released a Blockbusters app: (

Available for iOS, Android, and on the Amazon Appstore.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on December 15, 2019, 12:06:30 PM
Apologies if someone's mentioned this before, but Barnstorm Games has released a Blockbusters app: (

Available for iOS, Android, and on the Amazon Appstore.


(In the USA at least. :( )
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on December 15, 2019, 12:24:54 PM
At Target, there is a card game based on the TBS show The Misery Index.

Unrelated to this but related to an earlier post, Amazon says my copy if The Maury Game will arrive tomorrow.  (Before anyone asks, it's for my podcast.  Link in my sig.)  I can review it, if anybody really wants to know how bad it is.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on December 15, 2019, 12:33:06 PM
At Target, there is a card game based on the TBS show The Misery Index.
The show is based on a card game called Shit Happens. I’m guessing this is a re-release in new packaging.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on December 15, 2019, 10:31:34 PM
At Target, there is a card game based on the TBS show The Misery Index.
The show is based on a card game called Shit Happens. I’m guessing this is a re-release in new packaging.

Kinda sorta.  Reading the BGG description, it looks like the same cards, but the actual game is different.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 16, 2019, 08:14:42 PM
At Target, there is a card game based on the TBS show The Misery Index.

Unrelated to this but related to an earlier post, Amazon says my copy if The Maury Game will arrive tomorrow.  (Before anyone asks, it's for my podcast.  Link in my sig.)  I can review it, if anybody really wants to know how bad it is.

I mentioned about the show and the new card game back in August.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on December 23, 2019, 12:21:07 AM
Five Below has "Platinum" and "Kids vs. Parents" editions of Family Feud for $5 each. They appear to be card game editions, just repackaged into slightly larger boxes.

Recently, I was able to snag the 40th Anniversary Edition of Feud on eBay for $8 - the one with the nice retro box art. And in a rare moment, let me congratulate Endless Games on their quality. The game board is exactly the same as the old Milton Bradley editions, and there are 72 game sheets included - that's 216 rounds and 72 games of Fast Money. MB used to put 60 sheets in each edition, I believe.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on December 29, 2019, 02:33:58 PM
At a family gathering yesterday, I had a chance to play the Family Feud Kids vs. Parents edition. The game comes with rules describing how the two sides are supposed to split up and play separate rounds, but because I was there, we played normal Family Feud.

Because it's designed to be a family game, all of the questions in both the "Kids" and "Parents" decks have to be family friendly, so we just played from the deck for parents. When an 11-year-old joined one of the teams, only once did I surreptitiously skip over a question that kids wouldn't have any experience with.

The game suffers from the usual problem plaguing recent Family Feud games: The makers just dumped a bunch of survey results into the box and called it a day.

For example: By the end, the kids wanted to simply play Fast Money over and over, so I switched over to the Kids Fast Money cards (each card contains five questions). One of the games had two questions in a row that began with "Name an animal." Two different cards asked, with slightly different wording, for an animal that people ride, each with different point distributions.

Even though the cards were supposed to be played by kids, one of the questions asked (paraphrasing), "Name something you worry about now that you didn't worry about when you were 10 years old." Needless to say, the 11-year-old had trouble with that one. On that very same card, one of the questions asked players to name one of The Wiggles. To no one's surprise, that went over even worse.

The company paid no attention to the number of points available in any given question. I wasn't looking to see whether there were any impossible-to-win Fast Money cards, but there were a lot where the number one answers were mostly in the 20s (we played more than ten Fast Moneys, and only once did a team win). One of the Fast Money questions had only four answers on the card, all of which were worth 18 or fewer points. And then out of nowhere, a question snuck in on a different card where the number one answer was worth 85 points.

The main game cards suffered from the same problem of "way fewer than 100 points are possible" -- not a problem if you follow the game's rules where the winner is the team with the most points, but annoying if you try to use the material to play real Family Feud.

The biggest problem, though, was in the grouping of answers. Or, more accurately, lack thereof. We played a question asking what you should avoid if you're in the tropics -- "mosquitoes" was one answer, "bugs" was a second answer, and "spiders" was a third answer. On a question asking for something that's washed every day, "underwear" and "clothes" were two different answers.

But worst of all... I don't even know what players are supposed to do with this:

( (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 15, 2020, 01:29:09 PM
Just your annual reminder that your local pop-up “Go’ Calendars and Games” is in the midst of their 50 percent off sale. If you still have yet to pick up your annual Jeopardy/Wheel calendar, now is the time.

Go also carries a decent line of game show home games each year. They’re typically overpriced at full price, but the 50% off makes them a bargain. Mine still had Pyramid, umpteen versions of Feud, and a number of the mini games inspired by The Tonight Show and Ellen. I picked up a copy of Danger Word for less than $15.

Per Scott’s post above, buy the Feud games at your own peril.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperSweeper on January 17, 2020, 10:46:06 AM
My family does the daily Family Feud calendar question in a group chat. It’s a fun little diversion.

The 2019 calendar was not perfect, but the quality was fine overall.

The 2020 calendar is TERRIBLE. It seems to be edited as poorly as the recent board games. Random/arbitrary questions, repeated answers, etc. I do not recommend.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 23, 2020, 11:45:11 PM
Our 6-year-old has really gotten into the "Magic Tree House" books, and there was a sale at Barnes & Noble, so hey, that's as good an excuse as any for me to pick up the new Deluxe Edition of Password. It got me over the free shipping threshold, after all. So, here's what's in the box, for those with an ongoing interest in such details, Matt:

* The scoring dial is made of nice, heavy cardboard like the old MB ones, and has a somewhat glossy finish. The pointer is thinner and lays flat against the board, kind of like the old metal ones. For whatever reason, 1 is at the top of the scoring dial instead of 10.

* The cards are printed with "Password Deluxe" on top, numbered 1 A/B through 50 A/B, with asterisks denoting the back sides. They're printed on semi-glossy card stock in perforated sheets of five.

* The leatherette holders seem a bit on the thin side, but they're still better than cardboard.

* There is enough score pad for 400 complete games of Password.

I know the question of "is it worth it" can only be answered after going through a few games' worth of words, but the quality of the materials makes the game feel like it's worth $18. Even the box is nice and sturdy.

Also, it just occurred to me that Endless has been making Password games for 23 years as of 2020. Milton Bradley made them for 24 years.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 25, 2020, 12:27:10 AM
Keeping with the Feud theme, I found a very nice copy of the original 6th Edition from 1983 at Goodwill for $1.99. Opened it up tonight and realized something very odd: Every single survey question for the front game rounds - all 180 of them - has exactly five answers on the board.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 03, 2020, 07:12:08 PM
Per website

The box (at least a prototype), indicates that the game is for "ages 14+."  There is no word as to what the game pieces will consist of, but I hope the cards will be of similar design to the ones used on the show, and also feature betting chips (even if only small punch-out cardboard ones) for the money cards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on February 06, 2020, 04:31:22 PM

Their game AKA seems a lot like Shoot the Works, Double Talk and the Wordplay end game. The "Fruits" card played a little differently, but might be interesting. Name 5 had more potential than I thought, too, although they'd need a good way to judge valid answers.

Both look horrendous, though. Oh, for the 70s when Parker Brothers had terrific designers.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on February 06, 2020, 04:44:56 PM

Their game AKA seems a lot like Shoot the Works, Double Talk and the Wordplay end game. The "Fruits" card played a little differently, but might be interesting. Name 5 had more potential than I thought, too, although they'd need a good way to judge valid answers.

Both look horrendous, though. Oh, for the 70s when Parker Brothers had terrific designers.
AKA wasn’t too bad, IMO, but agreed on Take 5. My eyesight just came back. :P
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on February 07, 2020, 02:01:12 PM
For those of you who don't already know this, AKA was invented by "one of us", which is probably why you can recognize so many game show elements in it.  Today, Aaron Solomon is a producer with a ton of game shows to his credit, but like a lot of us old-timers, he was part of the original Usenet group.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: calliaume on February 07, 2020, 04:23:45 PM
For those of you who don't already know this, AKA was invented by "one of us", which is probably why you can recognize so many game show elements in it.  Today, Aaron Solomon is a producer with a ton of game shows to his credit, but like a lot of us old-timers, he was part of the original Usenet group.
Some of us are fortunate enough to have a signed copy of the game! (Aaron did a promotional appearance out here.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on February 07, 2020, 08:37:03 PM
My guess is that Aaron came up with the concept and may have written the material, but I don’t think the graphic design was his bailiwick.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 13, 2020, 07:57:01 PM
Per website

The box (at least a prototype), indicates that the game is for "ages 14+."  There is no word as to what the game pieces will consist of, but I hope the cards will be of similar design to the ones used on the show, and also feature betting chips (even if only small punch-out cardboard ones) for the money cards.

If you go to Endless Games facebook page, they've responded to inquiries from several people, including myself, and it shows some of the contents, including the game board and questions (on cards!)  They also told me there will be the Money Cards, with betting chips!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on February 14, 2020, 03:48:58 PM
If you go to Endless Games facebook page, they've responded to inquiries from several people, including myself, and it shows some of the contents, including the game board and questions (on cards!)

Couldn't find it, but gosh, the cover of their catalog. Wow.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on February 15, 2020, 12:59:50 AM

Couldn't find it, but gosh, the cover of their catalog. Wow.

It's in this thread:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 23, 2020, 03:52:16 PM
Here is a link to an up-to-date press release for CS from EG:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: vtown7 on February 23, 2020, 07:38:28 PM
Buffalo Games, a company in my neck of the woods, is displaying a table top Plinko game: (

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 23, 2020, 07:53:55 PM
I would like to purchase that immediately, please and thank you.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on February 24, 2020, 01:20:03 PM
I would like to see something next to that for scale. It actually looks like they figured out that it needs to be not small for the chip-drop-effect to work.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on February 24, 2020, 03:24:05 PM
Based on the picture in the lower left corner of the box depicting people standing next to the board, it looks like it might be a little under two feet tall?

(wonders if chips can fly out of the board like they would on the real show if the plexiglass cover weren't present)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 24, 2020, 03:45:09 PM
Or, look off to the right for scale, where you can see the box on the shelf next to Buffalo's pinball and Skee-Ball games they sell at Target. Both of those are fairly large boxes, and I'd say Scott made a pretty good size estimate.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 26, 2020, 01:09:33 AM
Buffalo Games has posted a short video of Plinko in action. You will want your sound up for it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on February 26, 2020, 07:26:02 AM
Buffalo Games has posted a short video of Plinko in action. You will want your sound up for it.
Between this and the table(?) Skee-Ball game, Buffalo Games has made the wheels start to turn
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 26, 2020, 07:33:24 PM
Endless Games website shows what looks like the box bottom's graphics--The only thing mentioned to be included, but not pictured is the betting chips:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 26, 2020, 10:31:20 PM
I know suits don't matter in a game of Card Sharks, but maybe rethink that card face art, gang.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on February 27, 2020, 01:16:49 AM
I know suits don't matter in a game of Card Sharks, but maybe rethink that card face art, gang.
Those aren’t playing cards, those are question cards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 27, 2020, 01:22:45 AM
Check down on the lower right. Isn't that a face-up look at the playing cards?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on February 27, 2020, 01:56:57 AM
Check down on the lower right. Isn't that a face-up look at the playing cards?

No. Question cards. Look at the photos they posted on Facebook.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on February 27, 2020, 10:21:50 AM
Dangit, you're gonna make me go on Facebook? Of all the indignities!

(Thanks for clearing that up.)

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 28, 2020, 01:45:23 PM
Like Adam mentioned, I am certain that those black and white cards, shown in the following picture from EG's facebook photos are the question cards and they will be assigned a number in the corners (up to "70"):

I don't know if the question cards will really be that large in size.  They had a lot of prototype games there, which were probably given to those attending the Toy Fair last week.  If you look closely the red and blue backs of the card decks are not the same design, in accordance with each other, and supposedly the actual games are going to have back-side designs similar to the show.

Also, on the page of the local affiliate carrying America Says, a home game is mentioned as in stores and online, though I have seen no evidence of a home game yet.

Has anyone heard if there really is a home version of America Says, or if there will be one later?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: rstrata on March 04, 2020, 12:24:36 PM
I don't know if the question cards will really be that large in size.  They had a lot of prototype games there, which were probably given to those attending the Toy Fair last week.  If you look closely the red and blue backs of the card decks are not the same design, in accordance with each other, and supposedly the actual games are going to have back-side designs similar to the show.

I don’t recognize the red decks in that picture, but the blue backed ones are Maverick brand cards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on April 09, 2020, 03:06:36 PM
I found an old thumbdrive with a fan-created Wheel of Fortune game from 2006 that's kinda charming. It runs in MS-DOS and is just text, but the application pulls from three Wordpad files for puzzles, wheel configuration, and shopping rooms, so you can customize everything. If you want a copy, PM me here or on some other social media site and I'll send you a link.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on April 11, 2020, 11:01:32 AM
If anyone is looking for ways to pass the time, the Internet Archive has a huge library of old DOS games, including many 80s game show adaptations:

There are versions of Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, Classic Concentration, Super Password, Wipeout, Win Lose or Draw, Hollywood Squares, Now You See It, Card Sharks, Press Your Luck, Double Dare, High Rollers, $100,000 Pyramid and the really awful Price is Right.  There may be more that I haven't found as well. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on April 25, 2020, 07:01:50 PM
Endless Games has posted the instruction booklet for Card Sharks, and it's possible there's either a typo, a change in the front game for the home version, or a change in the front game for Season 2 of the show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bryce L. on April 25, 2020, 07:41:59 PM
Endless Games has posted the instruction booklet for Card Sharks, and it's possible there's either a typo, a change in the front game for the home version, or a change in the front game for Season 2 of the show.
If you're referencing what I think you are, I don't believe that's a typo, since that does match the picture of the game board shown here (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on April 25, 2020, 08:01:48 PM
Ah, sure enough, it does. Interesting, because the prototype they had at the Toy Fair in February used the 10-card setup.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on April 27, 2020, 12:38:20 AM
Ah, sure enough, it does. Interesting, because the prototype they had at the Toy Fair in February used the 10-card setup.

Looks like they realized that making a gameboard with only one fold in it is cheaper than making one with two.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on April 27, 2020, 01:15:28 AM
The only thing that is Endless is their lackof energywhen designing products.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JMFabiano on April 27, 2020, 01:21:48 PM
If anyone is looking for ways to pass the time, the Internet Archive has a huge library of old DOS games, including many 80s game show adaptations:

There are versions of Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, Classic Concentration, Super Password, Wipeout, Win Lose or Draw, Hollywood Squares, Now You See It, Card Sharks, Press Your Luck, Double Dare, High Rollers, $100,000 Pyramid and the really awful Price is Right.  There may be more that I haven't found as well.

Many thanks!  Oddly I had a friend who suggested trying video games to help during this time, so this helps there. 

The Super Password game is really addictive and a pretty solid interpretation of the show.  I know an NES version was to come but never made it....all the same, the computer with the keyboard makes it an easier play as you can quickly type out answers. 

OT, but I saw the PC version of Donkey Kong here too....yeesh, I heard you had to adjust the speed as the game on an emulator plays too fast and the first barrel hits you within a second.  Still true. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on May 25, 2020, 01:49:53 AM
If you're in the market for an original Now You See It home game, here's one that's never been opened for, uh, 90 bucks.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: calliaume on May 25, 2020, 01:45:47 PM
If you're in the market for an original Now You See It home game, here's one that's never been opened for, uh, 90 bucks.

I think I'd get this first for $39.99, even though it's terribly discolored. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 08, 2020, 04:39:01 PM
No, I haven't seen Card Sharks available yet, but I did see in my local Dollar Tree store that EG has released Jeopardy! and WOF card games for $1 in smaller sets.  The J! game is ONLY ONE "episode" worth of material (54 cards), and WOF has 44 puzzle cards and 10 "wheel" cards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on July 08, 2020, 04:49:26 PM
Even at $1 a pop, I wouldn't mind picking up a few stacks. My g/f has brought out the Feud card game for a few game nights, and they're always a lot of fun.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on July 08, 2020, 06:55:43 PM
Aldi is selling a 6-pack of wooden lawn dice for $12.99.  Each die is 3.5" (roughly High Rollers size) and has some heft to it.  These might be fun project dice, filling in the pips with wood putty, then customizing them.

Note these aren't at all Aldis.  The store a mile away didn't have them, but a location 15 minutes away had about 8 sets.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvmitch on July 09, 2020, 11:49:32 AM
Aldi is selling a 6-pack of wooden lawn dice for $12.99.  Each die is 3.5" (roughly High Rollers size) and has some heft to it.  These might be fun project dice, filling in the pips with wood putty, then customizing them.

Note these aren't at all Aldis.  The store a mile away didn't have them, but a location 15 minutes away had about 8 sets.
I have seen something like this at Kohl's on the seasonal summer displays, but haven't taken a close-enough look to see size, materials, etc. I saw that the box said LAWN DICE.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvmitch on July 11, 2020, 07:33:28 PM
At the entrance to my local Target, in the "spot" area where they have dollar items, I found a handful of buzzers. They are being marketed as a tool for teachers. There were all white buzzers, as well as familiar red buzzers with a black base. I bought one for fun ($3). They make a low buzz sound and that's it. A nice prop if you need a few cheap buzzers for a game. I cannot find them on the Target website.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on July 11, 2020, 10:29:14 PM
At the entrance to my local Target, in the "spot" area where they have dollar items, I found a handful of buzzers. They are being marketed as a tool for teachers. There were all white buzzers, as well as familiar red buzzers with a black base. I bought one for fun ($3). They make a low buzz sound and that's it. A nice prop if you need a few cheap buzzers for a game. I cannot find them on the Target website.
The “Family Feud” card game has become very popular during my game nights. I’ll have to hit up Target this week. Thanks!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on July 18, 2020, 10:32:53 PM
If you're in the market for an original Now You See It home game, here's one that's never been opened for, uh, 90 bucks.

I've always wondered why MB printed photos of game contents on the bottom of the boxes on only a few particular games and not others...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 20, 2020, 01:07:31 PM
I've always wondered why MB printed photos of game contents on the bottom of the boxes on only a few particular games and not others...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 20, 2020, 06:46:04 PM
Buffalo Games now has a page dedicated to their Plinko game, "coming soon."

You can also download the instructions to the game!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on July 20, 2020, 07:09:39 PM
You can also download the instructions to the game!
The guidelines on "winning the game" made me lol

I can't say I haven't looked at both this and the Skee-ball game harder than I should.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 20, 2020, 09:49:46 PM
The qualifying game they include is incredibly slight and low on content, but OMG WHO CARES GIMME THAT BOARD.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 21, 2020, 09:14:32 PM
Low on content? With four players and even if the cards are double sided, that's a whopping 5 games worth of content.

That said, they know the target audience doesn't care, so I can't blame them for not putting in the work.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on July 22, 2020, 08:53:18 PM
Aldi is selling a 6-pack of wooden lawn dice for $12.99.  Each die is 3.5" (roughly High Rollers size) and has some heft to it.  These might be fun project dice, filling in the pips with wood putty, then customizing them.

Note these aren't at all Aldis.  The store a mile away didn't have them, but a location 15 minutes away had about 8 sets.
FWIW, if you can't find the dice at Aldi and you're in the greater Midwest (like myself), Menards has similar/the same dice on sale ( for $14.99 (despite my local store having a shelf tag of $17.99), plus the 11% rebate through the end of this week, bringing the price to just 35 cents more than Aldi's.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 22, 2020, 10:03:52 PM
Aldi is selling a 6-pack of wooden lawn dice for $12.99.  Each die is 3.5" (roughly High Rollers size) and has some heft to it.  These might be fun project dice, filling in the pips with wood putty, then customizing them.

Note these aren't at all Aldis.  The store a mile away didn't have them, but a location 15 minutes away had about 8 sets.
FWIW, if you can't find the dice at Aldi and you're in the greater Midwest (like myself), Menards has similar/the same dice on sale ( for $14.99 (despite my local store having a shelf tag of $17.99), plus the 11% rebate through the end of this week, bringing the price to just 35 cents more than Aldi's.

Just an observation- do giant dice come up in this thread more than any other item? I'm thinking they do, with Family Feud variants a close second.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 22, 2020, 10:52:32 PM
Dice are fun. @ me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on July 23, 2020, 10:07:03 AM
Low on content? With four players and even if the cards are double sided, that's a whopping 5 games worth of content.

That said, they know the target audience doesn't care, so I can't blame them for not putting in the work.
And who can forget that classic pricing game, A Digit Missing?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 23, 2020, 06:01:12 PM
And who can forget that classic pricing game, A Digit Missing?

AKA (officially) "Pick-A-Number!"

BTW my local Target store had the game selling at $39.99.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on July 23, 2020, 06:38:55 PM
Buffalo Games now has a page dedicated to their Plinko game, "coming soon."

You can also download the instructions to the game!

I must admit that since I see it includes "authentic lights and sounds", I am tempted to buy it...

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 24, 2020, 12:01:45 AM
BTW my local Target store had the game selling at $39.99.

Whoa, already? I was in Target yesterday and didn't see it. It's not on their site, either.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on July 24, 2020, 12:54:42 AM
Don't buy the Plinko game.

Just got back from Target. Here's the thing. The box shows a single, solid piece for the Plinko board. It's actually two halves held together with wingnuts, which means there's a split running the entire length of board.

So this happens more often than it doesn't. (

EDIT: At least one friend has one that ended up being fine out of the box, but this is, what, a centimeter off due to warping? And it's enough to render the whole game unusable. Even if you end up buying a copy with no problems out of the box, you're going to have to handle it like to museum piece to keep it that way.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 24, 2020, 01:08:17 AM
Oh, that's disappointing. I knew it was two pieces from seeing the demo and reading the instructions, but didn't think it would cause a problem. Maybe manufacturing quality took a dip when they mass produced it.

Demo video on Instagram:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 25, 2020, 03:58:41 PM
Looks like it's homestretch time--EG's webpage is now saying that their new Card Sharks box game is "currently shipping to stores!"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JakeT on July 25, 2020, 08:29:09 PM
Oh, that's disappointing. I knew it was two pieces from seeing the demo and reading the instructions, but didn't think it would cause a problem. Maybe manufacturing quality took a dip when they mass produced it.

Demo video on Instagram:

That's what they call "authentic lights and sounds"?  YIKES!

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: urbanpreppie05 on July 26, 2020, 04:03:49 PM
I mean, the sound of the plinko chips coming down is pretty close...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamPrainito on July 28, 2020, 12:41:43 AM
Found the Plinko game at my local Target tonight.

After the reviews I’ve seen, I had my reservations, but not a bad product for $40.

The trick is to make sure it’s at the proper angle for the chips to drop all the way down without rolling out or falling out.

As long as you do that, and make sure both pieces of the board are flush, you should be fine.

It’s a neat little item.  Always nice to have another TPIR collectable.

I might even drag it to the bar where I host trivia!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JepMasta on July 28, 2020, 12:50:05 AM
If anybody sees the card sharks game at one of their local stores, could you let me know?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 28, 2020, 07:46:23 PM
If anybody sees the card sharks game at one of their local stores, could you let me know?

I haven't seen it anywhere, yet; however while I was in Target today, it looked like a new counter setup was done, and there WASN'T a spot for "Card Sharks," so no sense checking Target stores.

However, I saw one copy of a game based on TRU's "Impractical Jokers," which wikipedia describes as a "reality game show."

There is also an "Ultimate Challenge Pack" game available exclusively at

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 30, 2020, 12:06:59 PM
If you use the Target app, there's currently an offer for 10% off games. Stack the 5% off for using your Redcard, and it brings Plinko down to $34.20.

And returns are very easy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on July 31, 2020, 06:44:48 PM
However, I saw one copy of a game based on TRU's "Impractical Jokers," which wikipedia describes as a "reality game show."

It's not accurate unless it captures the annoying and incessant laughing at each other regardless of how funny the stunt is.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on July 31, 2020, 06:46:50 PM
The trick is to make sure it’s at the proper angle for the chips to drop all the way down without rolling out or falling out.

I might even drag it to the bar where I host trivia!

Did they make it easy to adjust the angle? Will you make the bar version into Art James' Pot O'Gold?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on July 31, 2020, 06:50:18 PM
I just bought a Plinko. To fix the gap, I put a little something between the offending half of the board -- in my case the bottom -- and the brace at the back. At the suggestion of a friend, I chose an index card cut small enough to fit, and folded it until it was just the right thickness. Presto! The two halves are more seamless, and there's been no more flyouts since.

Also, unauthorized use: if you have any half-dollar coins around, they work very well as chips. The included chips are a good deal heavier than that, and travel pretty fast. Half dollars are about the same diameter, but without the added weight, they achieve more of that fun pause-and-bounce the chips on TV do.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 31, 2020, 07:29:59 PM
Earlier today I was in my local Barnes & Noble Bookseller store.  I asked the clerk about the "Card Sharks," game, and they told me their computer showed they have it at the warehouse.  She was kind enough to place an order for the game to their location, and took my name and phone number.  The clerk said the game might arrive next week, and she'd give me call when it comes in.

In the meantime, you can go to the B&N website, and either check on the store's stock status, or even order it online yourself.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on July 31, 2020, 07:37:13 PM
Earlier today I was in my local Barnes & Noble Bookseller store.  I asked the clerk about the "Card Sharks," game, and they told me their computer showed they have it at the warehouse.  She was kind enough to place an order for the game to their location, and took my name and phone number.  The clerk said the game might arrive next week, and she'd give me call when it comes in.

In the meantime, you can go to the B&N website, and either check on the store's stock status, or even order it online yourself.
B&N isn't showing it as available within 100 miles of my location, but it does show as available to buy online and have shipped. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 31, 2020, 10:23:48 PM
Maybe manufacturing quality took a dip when they mass produced it.

Demo video on Instagram:

Mine arrived today, and my suspicion is confirmed. That Instagram video is of a wooden board. The retail product is a heavy cardboard/pressboard with a glossy woodgrain print.

Cardboard warps and bends a whole lot more easily than a similar wood product. I could see the curve and resulting gap from the bottom half as soon as I assembled it. Tried Jason's strips of index card, and that brought my failure rate down from about 90% to about 50%. Then I moved the board and had to make the adjustments all over again.

Another failing of the cheaper board: when the edge of the metal chip hits the bowing edge of the bottom board, it dents right into the softer, unfinished edge, and good luck getting that back to perfectly smooth.

As Adam said, if you get a good batch of pieces and the assembly just right, boy, you've got a nifty-looking Plinko board, now please don't touch it. I have two boys, just shy of ages 7 and 5. Target is getting a return.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 31, 2020, 10:25:25 PM
(double post, deleted)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 01, 2020, 03:58:46 PM
WWTBAM is going to get new video games for varying consoles in Europe and the U.S., in October and November, respectively:

I would also like to see new home box game versions, or even mini travel versions of the show!

One thing I do not understand is why several European nations (including France, Germany, Italy, and U.K.) have released home versions of "The Wall," and the U.S. still hasn't.  Considering the popularity of the show, as well as being originally created in the U.S., I wonder what gives?

While on the subject--I wonder if some/all local stations who carried "America Says," starting last fall, may have gotten sample prototype copies of the rumored "home board game," and it was never mass-marketed.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on August 02, 2020, 04:04:05 PM
One thing I do not understand is why several European nations (including France, Germany, Italy, and U.K.) have released home versions of "The Wall," and the U.S. still hasn't.

You could always buy the crummy Plinko board.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on August 02, 2020, 04:31:56 PM
Target is doing their annual game section reset, which means many of the new games from last year, like one of the Bob Ross games and the Kenny G game, are now on clearance.  Using Target's site for DPCI numbers/UPCs, then searching inventories through Brickseek will point you in the right direction.

Match-O-Rama looks to be the home game version of It's Anybody's Guess that nobody thought they needed.
This was a game I got for $6 yesterday.  The questions are straight-forward like from the original The Match Game.  The game play is "predict how many people to your right it will take to match your answer," with points dependent on how many people you think you will need.  As I mentioned on the socials, would I pay $20 for it?  No.  $6 though?  Sure.  Burger King can survive without my business for one day.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 02, 2020, 06:56:27 PM
One thing I do not understand is why several European nations (including France, Germany, Italy, and U.K.) have released home versions of "The Wall," and the U.S. still hasn't.

You might want to count your blessings. Based on video I've seen of other home versions, the home version is basically a Plinko board with no suspense.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JepMasta on August 04, 2020, 05:08:26 PM
I ordered my Card Sharks game a few days ago, should be here my thursday.  Does anyone already have it? If so, what is it like?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 05, 2020, 07:33:45 PM
I ordered my Card Sharks game a few days ago, should be here my thursday.  Does anyone already have it? If so, what is it like?

A few hours ago, my local Barnes & Noble called and told me they got the copy they ordered me.  I thought of waiting 'til tomorrow to pick it up, but went ahead and drove there to buy it today!

Everything is like what's shown on EG's webpage!  There are cardboard chips you punch out to use in the Money Cards, and the backsides of the cards are designed just like the ones on the show!

As I'd mentioned in a previous post (just a few pages earlier), the question cards ARE just like what my hunch told me.  First look at them, you'd think they were the size of those used on the show!

All-in-all, I think everyone who buys it will be pleased!  If you want to play like the show, just deal out three extra cards, and your ready!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 06, 2020, 07:13:00 PM
While in my local Walmart store, I noticed they had forms attached to the game counter shelves with new layouts.  Although they had completed the transition, I noticed they're adding a new "Deal or No Deal" card game from Spin Master Games.  Priced at $3.97!

Spin Master owns Cardinal Industries, which originally made the card game back in 2005.  Looks like some improvement was made with a special card to help with bank offers.  The original game just had bank offer cards you'd draw at random, and theoretically you could have drawn an offer exceeding the maximum amount left in play.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 10, 2020, 07:12:35 PM
I just saw by accident that Walmart in Canada will be carrying exclusively a "Family Feud Canada" board game.  It will be available in both English and French language versions:


Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tvwxman on August 10, 2020, 09:46:21 PM

Well i certainly hope they learn to spell Briefcase correctly before they release it!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: vtown7 on August 10, 2020, 10:50:13 PM
I just saw by accident that Walmart in Canada will be carrying exclusively a "Family Feud Canada" board game.  It will be available in both English and French language versions:



Pre-ordered them yesterday!  If memory serves this is the first time I've seen a simultaneous French/English release.  Interesting to see how the French one sells, given that French Canadian Family Feud ("La Guerre des Clans") put out a box game for both the 90s and 10s runs.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 12, 2020, 12:59:19 PM
Check your local Walgreens for the Endless Games Jeopardy card games- at my mine, they were discounted to just over $3.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 12, 2020, 05:30:20 PM
I'd heard some rumors about one of these, and when doing a search I was surprised to see this page come up, but the prices are pretty high:

Scroll down toward the bottom, and you'll really be surprised!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 12, 2020, 07:25:12 PM
I'd heard some rumors about one of these, and when doing a search I was surprised to see this page come up, but the prices are pretty high:

Scroll down toward the bottom, and you'll really be surprised!

Somewhere, in a dark cold basement, 100 people are shackled to desks, taking surveys for brand new Family Feud homegame iterations.

As much as I hate Family Feud spitting out all these variants, the baby shower/bachelorette editions are smart, since people always seem to scramble last minute to find games for those parties.The zoo edition feels like a "Monopoly variant" level of overkill.

Let's not overlook that digital party game though- that looks like a solid game control with built in questions, and if that's the case, I would totally get that.

Packaging a plush Whammy with a PYL home game is really smart- considering that the game requires a phone for the spin rounds, I wonder what else comes in the box- questions and Whammy counters, maybe?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JMFabiano on August 12, 2020, 07:35:00 PM
Must have that plush Whammy.

Oh, there's a game too?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on August 12, 2020, 07:44:33 PM
The zoo edition feels like a "Monopoly variant" level of overkill.

Agreed, and definitely a "buyer beware" scenario. We tried the Disney Feud once, and the questions were particularly bad. The points on offer were all out of whack, and even with a group of Disney heads, many answers were left unrevealed, no doubt because the polling results were very wide - few stand-out answers with a lot of responses.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 13, 2020, 12:10:42 PM
Upon further observation--It looks like the "Fast Money" round cards are featuring just FOUR survey questions on each card, and in the full promotional photo for the Kids version, upon closer view, it looks like there's only FOUR spaces to work with!
Title: Seen at a Target store today: PLINKO--The Home Game!
Post by: DjohnsonCB on August 16, 2020, 10:50:39 PM
Sorry if someone else already posted this, but today I was in a Target store where I saw a new home version of Plinko.  It isn't totally cheap--$39.99--but the board is made of wood, it has operating lights (batteries sold separately), and to earn chips you play pricing games such as Now & Then and Hi-Lo.  Feel free to add comments or a pic.
Title: Re: Seen at a Target store today: PLINKO--The Home Game!
Post by: snowpeck on August 16, 2020, 11:48:04 PM
Sorry if someone else already posted this, but today I was in a Target store where I saw a new home version of Plinko.  It isn't totally cheap--$39.99--but the board is made of wood, it has operating lights (batteries sold separately), and to earn chips you play pricing games such as Now & Then and Hi-Lo.  Feel free to add comments or a pic.
There's been extensive discussion about this in this thread and the major problems with it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 17, 2020, 07:52:37 PM
The other day, I saw this in my local Dollar General store:

While looking for the item above at DG's website, this also happened to pop up (which I did not see in the store):
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 17, 2020, 08:36:28 PM
That's a funky-ass lookin' Blokus.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 22, 2020, 01:14:31 PM
When looking at the Walmart website, it shows the Pyramid game with a different box cover:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on August 27, 2020, 12:31:38 PM
The Amazon pre-order page for the new Millionaire game is up, and assuming they don't mess up the music, it could be pretty solid:

"The game offers a complete multiplayer experience with various and unseen game modes, including: “Family”, “Cooperative”, “One at a Time”, “Every Man for Himself”, and “Battle Royale”, to play up to 10 in LAN and up to 100 online"

"Featuring official music, sound effects, country-dedicated sets, and host behavior, this game has all of the ingredients to put you in the chair and under the pressures of the real TV show! All 6 iconic countries are represented in the game, each with its own set and a batch of 2,000 dedicated questions in their mother tongues: including the United Kingdom, USA, Spain, Italy, France, and Germany!"

I think a single release for the whole world feels pretty neat, and hopefully with rendering multiple sets, there will be some quality in other aspects. Devs did confirm that the screenshots provided for preorder were "an early build placeholder".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on August 30, 2020, 01:27:38 PM
Two new games have popped up for your phone/tablet:

1.  "Tipping Point: BLAST", The addition of "blast" is great marketing, but also false advertising.  This game is hardly a "blast", it's dropping coins.  Rinse/repeat.  Don't get me wrong, it's a harmless enough way to kill some time and a question will pop-up from time to time if the right coin falls.  But 99% of the game is dropping coins.

2.  The same developer has created "Two Words with Susie Dent" which is actually quite good.  Think Scrabble, but you only play off of the previously dropped word, and you can change one letter of that word.  It's a two player game and you can play against a FB friend (I have nobody with this game yet), the AI, or a random person.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 30, 2020, 01:30:15 PM
Even more FF gaming is coming.  This one at, though currently out of stock:

Again, upon closer observation, it looks like Fast Money will only use FOUR survey questions, instead of five.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: vtown7 on August 31, 2020, 07:41:48 AM
The fact that the Blockbuster game is out of stock is not lost on me.


/My sister's best friend lives in Bend, OR, the home of the last Blockbuster.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on August 31, 2020, 09:30:49 AM
The first question I pull up on the back of that game's box is to name a Star Wars character.  The #8 answer, as written on the box, is PRINCES LEIA.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence within me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mike Tennant on August 31, 2020, 09:56:37 AM
The first question I pull up on the back of that game's box is to name a Star Wars character.  The #8 answer, as written on the box, is PRINCES LEIA.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence within me.
Especially when Jar Jar Binks comes in at #7.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on August 31, 2020, 10:56:45 AM
The first question I pull up on the back of that game's box is to name a Star Wars character.  The #8 answer, as written on the box, is PRINCES LEIA.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence within me.
Especially when Jar Jar Binks comes in at #7.

I’m suddenly afraid to see what questions are in my Star Wars Family Feud set.

Yes, they made one. I got it for Christmas a couple years ago, never took it out of the packaging.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WarioBarker on August 31, 2020, 12:52:01 PM
The first question I pull up on the back of that game's box is to name a Star Wars character.  The #8 answer, as written on the box, is PRINCES LEIA.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence within me.
Especially when Jar Jar Binks comes in at #7.
Plus, the question is "Name a character from the 'Star Wars' movie".

What inspires even less confidence in me is the "Name a 90's comedy movie" question, featuring such 1990s classics as When Harry Met Sally, Beverly Hills Cop, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Dumb and Dummer.

I’m suddenly afraid to see what questions are in my Star Wars Family Feud set.
Probably something related to "hur hur 'lightsaber'".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on August 31, 2020, 01:26:00 PM
What inspires even less confidence in me is the "Name a 90's comedy movie" question, featuring such 1990s classics as When Harry Met Sally, Beverly Hills Cop, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Dumb and Dummer.
Two of those came out in 1989 (and Christmas Vacation was December 1989), which is close enough for me, and I assume most people, to shrug and move on.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on August 31, 2020, 01:46:50 PM
What inspires even less confidence in me is the "Name a 90's comedy movie" question, featuring such 1990s classics as When Harry Met Sally, Beverly Hills Cop, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Dumb and Dummer.

This does bring to mind a philosophical question, because people like to say, "hey, it's a survey!" when it comes to less-than-correct answers on Feud. But in this case, when so many of the responses are factually incorrect, do we think they should A) weed out the bad ones and keep the good ones, B) play it as is, because it does reflect what was said or C) forget the question altogether?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on August 31, 2020, 03:40:28 PM
But in this case, when so many of the responses are factually incorrect, do we think they should A) weed out the bad ones and keep the good ones, B) play it as is, because it does reflect what was said or C) forget the question altogether?

I lean toward C, although I might go with B if I thought people wouldn't complain too much. Definitely not A (unless the inaccurate answers are all low scoring and the top five or six answers are all accurate).

But most likely C. If that many people are coming up with answers that don't technically fit the parameters of the question, then it isn't a good question to begin with.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TalkingHeadsFan on August 31, 2020, 04:09:23 PM
I'd heard some rumors about one of these, and when doing a search I was surprised to see this page come up, but the prices are pretty high:

Scroll down toward the bottom, and you'll really be surprised!

Check out:

This brings you to a landing page where you see a little more info. on the PYL Board Game and the Family Feud Digital Game. Turns out the Family Feud Digital "Game" is just a generic looking PowerPoint template...too bad.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on August 31, 2020, 07:09:34 PM
The first question I pull up on the back of that game's box is to name a Star Wars character.  The #8 answer, as written on the box, is PRINCES LEIA.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence within me.

Only if Jar Jar Binks was the Number One answer...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on September 01, 2020, 08:52:53 AM
I'd heard some rumors about one of these, and when doing a search I was surprised to see this page come up, but the prices are pretty high:

Scroll down toward the bottom, and you'll really be surprised!

Check out:

This brings you to a landing page where you see a little more info. on the PYL Board Game and the Family Feud Digital Game. Turns out the Family Feud Digital "Game" is just a generic looking PowerPoint template...too bad.


So is the only thing in the box for the PYL "board" game the plush Whammy and the question cards?  If so, they should have just sold the rights to Jackbox Games and gone the whole way with it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on September 01, 2020, 12:04:35 PM
So is the only thing in the box for the PYL "board" game the plush Whammy and the question cards?  If so, they should have just sold the rights to Jackbox Games and gone the whole way with it.
Oh my.  What if Jackbox got into doing video game versions of game shows?  I think I just peed a little in joy of the possibilities.  Conversely, I'd watch a TV version of Quiplash with the right panelists.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on September 01, 2020, 06:32:46 PM
Oh my.  What if Jackbox got into doing video game versions of game shows?  I think I just peed a little in joy of the possibilities.  Conversely, I'd watch a TV version of Quiplash with the right panelists.

When Covid first happened Jackbox streamed a bunch of games with celebrities for charity, most were pretty entertaining.  But yeah, with the quality they put out along with the tech of using your phones, Jackbox versions of games shows would be amazing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 09, 2020, 12:55:02 PM
What inspires even less confidence in me is the "Name a 90's comedy movie" question, featuring such 1990s classics as When Harry Met Sally, Beverly Hills Cop, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and Dumb and Dummer.

This does bring to mind a philosophical question, because people like to say, "hey, it's a survey!" when it comes to less-than-correct answers on Feud. But in this case, when so many of the responses are factually incorrect, do we think they should A) weed out the bad ones and keep the good ones, B) play it as is, because it does reflect what was said or C) forget the question altogether?


I think it's A, but if there's enough bad answers for that question, then you have to throw it out.

I don't remember every thread I've posted on here, but a decade ago we had this same conversation about non-factual answers making it on to Feud surveys.,20801.15.html
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WarioBarker on September 09, 2020, 05:21:42 PM
I think it's A, but if there's enough bad answers for that question, then you have to throw it out.
Adding up the points on the question I mentioned gives a total of 76 with #1 worth just 15 points (resulting in a true #1 answer of "Other", something I'm pretty sure we've derided the show for pulling before). The factually-incorrect answers account for 31 of those points (46 if "Dumb and Dummer" is counted since that's a misspelling), leaving a board that's perfect if a family swept the first two rounds but not good for much else.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 09, 2020, 07:01:08 PM
For the first time, I've seen a listing for such a products at LTD Commodities:

This might just be a promotional prototype box, so don't be surprised one way or the other.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on September 10, 2020, 12:38:41 PM
For the first time, I've seen a listing for such a products at LTD Commodities:

This might just be a promotional prototype box, so don't be surprised one way or the other.

Yeah, looks like they just took the 4th edition photo and slapped a "5th" on only the box, as the manual still says "4th Edition".

It's just wild to me that these have basically been the same since the 80s, short of the smaller puzzle board.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on September 10, 2020, 12:54:18 PM
The puzzle board from the Tyco '92 game got it right, better than Pressman's IMO. Used letter board right there on the board (as opposed to flipping through the manual and looking up how many R's are in Puzzle #62), and there's something much more satisfying about the flappy piece of plastic to reveal the letters on the board itself.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on September 10, 2020, 02:05:24 PM
It's just wild to me that these have basically been the same since the 80s, short of the smaller puzzle board.
You'd think they'd at the very least stop including "Free Play" tokens.

And is it just me, or is $50 / $100 / $200 / $400 / $1000 bills when everything is either $3500 or $500-900 an incredibly bad system?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on September 10, 2020, 02:13:25 PM
I mean, you need $50's regardless of what you do
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on September 10, 2020, 10:03:40 PM
For the first time, I've seen a listing for such a products at LTD Commodities:

This might just be a promotional prototype box, so don't be surprised one way or the other.

Yeah, looks like they just took the 4th edition photo and slapped a "5th" on only the box, as the manual still says "4th Edition".

It's just wild to me that these have basically been the same since the 80s, short of the smaller puzzle board.

Wow, even the same play money. I wonder if those have been in print longer than Milton Bradley Bucks were.

How long has the wheel in those editions not had a $5,000 space?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on September 10, 2020, 10:12:42 PM
Also when did they finally switch from a crayon to a dry-erase marker for the ULB?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 14, 2020, 02:47:46 PM
Beat That! Is a game that comes with a bunch of every day items and 160 different physical challenges with said items. If you’re looking for a stand in for Double Dare/Beat The Clock/ Minute to Win It, this looks to be it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 22, 2020, 09:26:19 AM
EG's new Card Sharks game is now showing at, for $24.99:

There is a short fifteen second promo video which I wouldn't be surprised if it airs during the show, premiering in October.

BTW, a very reputable source told me that the show has been updated and will play just like the box game!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on September 22, 2020, 02:42:55 PM
Something that caught my eye in the Amazon page for the Card Sharks game--Manufacturer Minimum Age:  168.  I hope I'll get thorough enjoyment of this game when, per Endless Games, I'll be old enough to play it in the 2140s.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 22, 2020, 03:47:56 PM
BTW, a very reputable source told me that the show has been updated and will play just like the box game!
It's shown quickly in on-air promos that yes, the front game is now 7 cards. Looks like they kept the same framework from last season and just spaced out the individual cards a bit.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 29, 2020, 07:54:28 PM
Yesterday, I saw the Family Feud Blockbuster Movie edition game for $19.97 at Walmart.  No signs of any of the other editions, nor the PYL board game. 

Today, I'd seen for the first time in any store (B&N here), the Half Truth game from Richard Garfield & Ken Jennings.  Looks like fun!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on September 29, 2020, 09:35:46 PM
It’s very fun indeed.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on September 29, 2020, 11:35:03 PM
Today, I'd seen for the first time in any store (B&N here), the Half Truth game from Richard Garfield & Ken Jennings.  Looks like fun!

I saw that game at a B&N here in NYC and made an impulse buy. Looking forward to playing it some post-Covid day.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 30, 2020, 06:11:29 PM
On Jeopardy's website, they're now promoting a subscription-based customizable Jeopardy (presumably replacing the Classroom Jeopardy kit). It allows for customizable games, as various pictures show different numbers of categories and clues.

The cost? $1500. Per year.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on September 30, 2020, 06:27:25 PM
The cost? $1500. Per year.
While software-as-service is BS, I could almost justify the price if there wasn't a pandemic on.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: RyanCDN on September 30, 2020, 10:24:15 PM
Outside of the deluxe versions of Wheel, I wonder what the cost differential would be to provide more than one wheel for different rounds, or a spinner on a clear plastic sheet/base so to speak that could overlay different round wheel configurations.  I mean, does then mass public care about the wheel layouts or just the game show enthusiasts?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 01, 2020, 01:28:24 AM
Outside of the deluxe versions of Wheel, I wonder what the cost differential would be to provide more than one wheel for different rounds, or a spinner on a clear plastic sheet/base so to speak that could overlay different round wheel configurations.  I mean, does then mass public care about the wheel layouts or just the game show enthusiasts?

The general public doesn't care that much, because you also have to consider the lifespan of the game itself. Just about every game show home game I've bought second hand has unused game material. If the general public is going to play the game 3-6 times tops, then let the game gather dust on the shelf, it wouldn't make sense for the manufacturer to go out of their way to do that.

That being said, considering the anticlimactic nature of the spinner in a Wheel game, I wouldn't mind seeing that piece get appified.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Flerbert419 on October 01, 2020, 07:24:20 AM
Word is that the next Wheel home versions will include the new white handles so you can experience the show at home just like the real contestants.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: RyanCDN on October 01, 2020, 10:48:33 AM

That being said, considering the anticlimactic nature of the spinner in a Wheel game, I wouldn't mind seeing that piece get appified.

I do not want to stray to far off topic, but interesting point.  I certainly see the possibilities of an app for this or many games.  My concern, as a player and collector is playability down the road.  As many apps become obsolete, without a physical spinner if the anything should happen to the app, the main part of the game becomes a “missing part”.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JMFabiano on October 01, 2020, 11:15:14 AM
Word is that the next Wheel home versions will include the new white handles so you can experience the show at home just like the real contestants.

You can get said handles at a drug store too. 

/Ribbed.  For the wheel's pleasure. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on October 01, 2020, 12:43:06 PM
Outside of the deluxe versions of Wheel, I wonder what the cost differential would be to provide more than one wheel for different rounds, or a spinner on a clear plastic sheet/base so to speak that could overlay different round wheel configurations.  I mean, does then mass public care about the wheel layouts or just the game show enthusiasts?

The actual show hasn't had multiple wheel layouts for 24 years, just rearranging the deck chairs the cardboard.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 03, 2020, 09:49:56 PM
Here at the site they show an update "platinum," edition and a really nice "retro" edition:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WarioBarker on October 03, 2020, 11:58:11 PM
Word is that the next Wheel home versions will include the new white handles so you can experience the show at home just like the real contestants.
You can get said handles at a drug store too.
You joke, but based on this post ( which pinned down what the White Thing is (a telescoping vinyl grip for pool poles), you may actually be right, as here in Florida I've seen pool-related stuff sold at drug stores in the past.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 08, 2020, 06:55:01 PM
This week I found the Mini WOF Bingo game at Five below for $5!

Edited 10/09/20:

I also found the WOF 5th edition from Pressman at Meijer for $19.99.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on October 10, 2020, 07:31:56 PM
Went to B&N today and picked up the travel edition of Jeopardy and the deluxe edition of Password (blue box). I also saw the current editions of Card Sharks and Pyramid, both with their respective hosts on the cover. Card Sharks looks interesting. After reading the contents for Pyramid, I remembered why I didn't buy it. Just 10 games. Hell, the MB versions from the 70s had 50 games each.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on October 11, 2020, 09:54:41 AM
After reading the contents for Pyramid, I remembered why I didn't buy it. Just 10 games.

Remember when Pressman said that new printings would have more games? They even told an Amazon reviewer back in December there would be more games:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 11, 2020, 10:30:07 AM
Barnes and Noble is now listing the Press Your Luck and Family Feud retro games, with some description, but no illustrations:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on October 11, 2020, 12:58:17 PM
Quote from: Press Your Luck board game description
plus download the free Press Your Luck Appcessory

I really hope that doesn't enter common parlance.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on October 12, 2020, 10:48:24 PM
Quote from: Press Your Luck board game description
plus download the free Press Your Luck Appcessory
I really hope that doesn't enter common parlance.

I will send you an evite to my webinar about this subject.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on October 13, 2020, 07:40:56 AM
Speaking of appcessories, the same GameStar+ app also has an entry for Wheel of Fortune (maybe a digital wheel as talked about above?) and Jeopardy! listed as "Coming Soon".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 13, 2020, 12:43:08 PM
Regarding the "appcessory":

1. I can't believe I can just download it and play it with no proof of purchase. I figured there would be a QR code inside each box or something that would activate access. $25 gets you a plush Whammy and a couple dozen question cards and, I'm assuming, a score pad, because

2. The app is literally just the board. No scorekeeping, no spin-keeping, no Whammy-keeping. Just spinning and stopping.

3. The app has three rounds: Two like the current show, and a third where the Big Bucks square is $25K/$25K/$25K+Spin. So if you were looking to play the show as it's currently built, you can't.

4. The board simply does not work. The values change on every move of the square, which, fine, it's more random, whatever. But when you hit the Stop button, the board does not stop in the spot you hit; rather, it just picks any random square on the board and decides that's what you get.

5. After about 5 minutes of play with my boys, the board has some obvious glitches. There is a $4,500 square in Round 2 that comes up as a Whammy when you "land" on it. Sometimes you hit a Whammy and nothing happens.

6. There is no rotation of prizes, nor is there any art for the prize squares. Instead, it's "$25,000 SPORTS CAR" or "$20,000 FAMILY CAR," or about four others.

7. The Whammy animations are in full, right from the show. They repeat very quickly. Might be about a dozen of them.

I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on October 13, 2020, 09:09:47 PM
I downloaded it and totally see what you are saying about the board and how it stops.
However, when I cast the app from my phone to my LG TV, the spins seem to be more in "real time" due to the lag between devices. I know not everyone will do this but on my end, it definitely made it playable. Too bad it does not keep score.

I ordered the game from B&N blindly earlier this week, hoping it would be decent but I see it does have its flaws that I was hoping it wouldn't have.

Not that it will matter, but I did shoot the software development team an email about the spinning issue in hopes maybe they will eventually look at it. The great thing is, that it is an app, not physical media so it could be easily fixed.

For those interested, their email is:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on October 14, 2020, 01:07:39 AM

I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.

And yet, 20 years later, still the platinum standard for computer games that Ludia couldn't and Gamestar has yet to achieve.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 14, 2020, 12:48:50 PM

I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.

And yet, 20 years later, still the platinum standard for computer games that Ludia couldn't and Gamestar has yet to achieve.

Amazing what can happen when the developer actually gives a crap, yes?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on October 15, 2020, 12:30:00 AM

I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.

And yet, 20 years later, still the platinum standard for computer games that Ludia couldn't and Gamestar has yet to achieve.

Amazing what can happen when the developer actually gives a crap, yes?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 19, 2020, 07:50:32 PM
Here is a link to a press release about new Family Feud video games coming out next month for various systems:

I saw the Press Your Luck and Family Feud retro edition board games in my local Barnes and Noble.  Some noticeable features on the box bottoms

For FF retro:  the answer cover slides show the yellow/red graphics (used for spaces w/no answers on the show) from the original shows design, and when open they show the popularity number, followed by the answer, and the survey result (example:   1.      answer       47). 

In addition the game has classic survey questions and results, as well as recent questions and results.

The PYL game has a game "scoreboard," for keeping track of total money accumulated and the number of Whammies encountered.  The picture I saw on the box bottom showed for each of the three players a Spins earned and spins passed grid of twelve numbered squares each.  It almost reminded me of how they kept track of spins on "Second Chance,"  the prequel to PYL!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on October 19, 2020, 08:24:05 PM
Regarding PYL: That’s pretty clever.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 20, 2020, 11:40:43 AM
I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.

Has anyone heard from Curt King? I feel like he just kinda fell off the face of the planet (and if something did in fact happen to him, my apologies in advance).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on October 20, 2020, 01:35:47 PM
Hi!  I'm still here!

The PYL game I designed was taken down due to a C&D some years ago.  I've always wanted to do other games, just never found the time, unfortunately.  My heart is to do another "home version" of a real game, but I struggle with that since the copyright holders are pretty aggressive these days.  I'd hate to sink time into something just to get another C&D.

So I hang around here, commenting every so often. Still enjoying the community :)

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamPrainito on October 21, 2020, 10:28:39 PM
Found the Retro Feud game today.  Let the buyer beware!

I’m a sucker for a good cover, and this one has a great watercolor that’s very similar to the old MB versions of the game. That’s the good.

What’s bad is that everything is cardboard.  The 40th anniversary game a few years ago was a better recreation of the old home game, and did it with the plastic board.  Not only that, but the board itself doesn’t even resemble anything from the show.  It looks a lot like a sketch comedy version of a Feud-type game show.

Of course, there’s a dry erase board and marker included, because why not?

I don’t usually buy Feud items because I dislike Steve Harvey and the current version of the show.  This one hit me in a place of nostalgia.  But now the only thing I’m nostalgic for is the $25 I used to have!

We’re gonna pass, Richard!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 22, 2020, 12:35:35 AM
Curt, since you're still here, let me take a moment to offer my thanks for your game. It's now made its way onto my 4th computer, and brought loads of entertainment to plenty of friends - and now, our kids - along the way.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on October 22, 2020, 12:46:11 AM
Hi!  I'm still here!

The PYL game I designed was taken down due to a C&D some years ago.  I've always wanted to do other games, just never found the time, unfortunately.  My heart is to do another "home version" of a real game, but I struggle with that since the copyright holders are pretty aggressive these days.  I'd hate to sink time into something just to get another C&D.

So I hang around here, commenting every so often. Still enjoying the community :)

As someone who discovered PYL on GSN at 9 years old and was absolutely spellbound by both the show and your PC version, thank you for creating something that meant so much to the community then and now.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on October 23, 2020, 01:06:03 AM
I actually have to disagree with Sam's review of the Family Feud game. I bought it on a lark tonight. The cardboard components didn't bother me so much. It's sturdy cardboard and I rather like that it comes out of the box fully assembled. No, the design on the game board doesn't resemble the real show but I actually think it looks quite attractive; it's a red, yellow, and blue combo that manages to capture the look & spirit of the Dawson AND Combs eras, and I like the little extra touch that the ten slats that cover the answers now have the red & yellow checkerboard pattern from Dawson's version on them. The dry erase board is a dry erase board; it's for keeping score and for keeping track of fast money answers, plus three boxes at the top for tracking strikes. That's honestly my only beef with the game--I think it's more fun to have the strikes on cards and slam each one on the table while making a dramatic "BUZZ" sound.

As for contents, the games are on gummed tear-off sheets. It's based on the Milton Bradley design, but with only one survey question on each sheet. You get 60 "modern" main game surveys, 20 "modern" Fast Money rounds, 30 "retro" questions pulled from 1976 games, and 10 "retro" Fast Money rounds. Different fonts are used for the modern and retro content, which is a nice way of visually separating them as you use them.

So that gives you a thumbs-up and a thumbs-down to work with, I guess. But I really do genuinely like this new-old version.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 26, 2020, 07:31:19 PM
I stumbled across this video on Facebook, from an episode of 25 Words or Less, which aired in September.  A contestant showed his copy of the original board game, from long before the TV show.  The facebook site is asking if people would like to see a new board game, and so far there has been strong, positive feedback!

With the recent announcement that "The Wall" will be back for a fourth season, I hope they will finally make a boardgame out of that.  They most recently added one in the UK.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 28, 2020, 02:16:07 PM
The is now showing the box cover and box bottom illustration to give you an idea of what it's like:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on October 28, 2020, 02:24:53 PM
I stumbled across this video on Facebook, from an episode of 25 Words or Less, which aired in September.  A contestant showed his copy of the original board game, from long before the TV show.  The facebook site is asking if people would like to see a new board game, and so far there has been strong, positive feedback!
I remember looking for a copy on Amazon, and only finding the original, which at the time ran for about $100. I'm surprised they haven't come out with a new edition or an app, even before the show premiered.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 02, 2020, 09:21:17 PM
Pressman and Kohl's are doing it again, this time with the new Wheel of Fortune 5th edition board game.  Like they did the last three holiday seasons, they've added 50 more puzzles to this version  and the price I saw was a reasonable $19.99.   Past years it was a lot more!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 07, 2020, 09:57:36 PM
Today, while in my local Dollar Tree store, I'd seen from Spin Master Games a Deal or No Deal Card Game and Family Feud Survey Showdown Card Game, selling for $1 each.  The DOND card game is like the "Jumbo" card game I'd seen earlier at Walmart, only smaller in size, while the FF card game is much like the earlier versions, with only 49 question cards, but same "strikeout" format. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 08, 2020, 09:25:56 PM
Well, here's something unique if you're handy with a scissors: Endless has posted a PDF of the poker chips for Card Sharks. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 08, 2020, 09:44:02 PM
That link turned up a 404 for me, but here it is again (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: DjohnsonCB on November 12, 2020, 03:18:22 AM
When I mentioned that I saw the new Plinko game at Target a short while back--which was new news to me, at least--someone here replied that it was already covered here earlier and that there were flaws in it.  With 47 pages here I don't have time to try and hunt that part of the thread down so could you please tell me what is so bad about the home Plinko game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on November 12, 2020, 03:55:49 AM
Depending on the luck of the draw in manufacturing, one's Plinko board could be seamless, OR, have a big gap that causes chips to fly off the board. The one I bought was minorly flawed in that way, but easily remedied by putting card stock behind the arm that holds up the board. I just kept putting in tiny pieces of index card until the two halves were even, and chips stopped flying off the board.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bryce L. on November 12, 2020, 03:57:15 AM
When I mentioned that I saw the new Plinko game at Target a short while back--which was new news to me, at least--someone here replied that it was already covered here earlier and that there were flaws in it.  With 47 pages here I don't have time to try and hunt that part of the thread down so could you please tell me what is so bad about the home Plinko game?
Basically, the board is in two pieces, and they don't line up correctly, and that makes the chips fly off the board and onto the table.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: urbanpreppie05 on November 12, 2020, 11:56:54 AM
When I mentioned that I saw the new Plinko game at Target a short while back--which was new news to me, at least--someone here replied that it was already covered here earlier and that there were flaws in it.  With 47 pages here I don't have time to try and hunt that part of the thread down so could you please tell me what is so bad about the home Plinko game?

You know what...if every other member has had the "Time" to look for old threads and answers about a HOBBY- so do you. You are just as grown as everyone else on the board and you know how to use a search bar. Enough with the excuses.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 12, 2020, 12:12:18 PM
When I mentioned that I saw the new Plinko game at Target a short while back--which was new news to me, at least--someone here replied that it was already covered here earlier and that there were flaws in it.  With 47 pages here I don't have time to try and hunt that part of the thread down so could you please tell me what is so bad about the home Plinko game?

You know what...if every other member has had the "Time" to look for old threads and answers about a HOBBY- so do you. You are just as grown as everyone else on the board and you know how to use a search bar. Enough with the excuses.
I highly recommend using the search bar up top and filtering your results so that it only shows replies from this thread. It only takes a few seconds and will save you from replies like the one above.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on November 15, 2020, 03:34:25 PM
There's a new Family Feud 2021 game out for Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PS4 - and it's rather good!

Developed by Snap Finger Click (many former team members of the Buzz games for PlayStation) and published by Ubisoft, this is the general polish I've been looking for in a game show game. All the board graphics and typefaces are correct, there's an attention to detail, and the host (a fictional Lucky McCoy) has fully recorded dialog including all game questions and answers and will even add in personal quips for some surveys. Developer is working on a patch to round out a couple of graphics issues, but I'm extremely impressed. There's even a "live stream" mode where you can have your streaming audience guess with you, or you can fill in your own surveys that people respond to on chat.

Here's a video from a Developer Stream of the game:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on January 02, 2021, 09:25:52 PM
Has anyone tried out the play test version of Jeopardy yet?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on January 05, 2021, 03:07:42 PM
Has anyone tried out the play test version of Jeopardy yet?

It's impressive from a tech perspective. Think something like a Jackbox game, but using real Jeopardy! episodes. It's been out for a while for Android TV and Apple TV, but it seems it's made the jump to Consoles and Windows Store with plenty of episodes included for the $25 asking price (the Xbox/Windows version is a "Play Anywhere" app so you can play it on both for the same price). Good to note that if a clue doesn't get revealed in the game, it doesn't get revealed in PlayShow - it only uses the answers from the full episode.

However, the broken timers and poor text to speech really ruin the experience. The awful text-to-speech means that you can't really say the answer, and the timers are too short to type the full answers (plus the answer recognition doesn't have a built in thesaurus, so many answers that are correct get marked as wrong).

I know they have added some S1 and S2 episodes that I need to try out, but the DLC is a little spendy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on January 05, 2021, 07:42:44 PM
Is it something you can play over Zoom or does everyone need to be in the same room?  We've played so much Jackbox during COVID it's getting a bit old, I've been looking for a similar game where only one person needs to own it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mike Tennant on January 27, 2021, 09:36:29 AM
We're moving out of state and unloading some stuff on eBay. Included are the following gs home versions:

Concentration (1st ed.) (

Seven Keys (

Double Exposure (very rare) (

Joker! Joker!! Joker!!! (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 11, 2021, 01:20:24 PM
Usually the month of February is the time for the annual New York Toy Fair.  Originally, it was announced it would be delayed until May, but early in January it was announced as being cancelled!

Sometimes, some game show games are released unannounced.  There could be some this year, including the yet-to-come versions of Family Feud.  Endless Games website is now showing an "insert," of new products, which doesn't have GS related stuff, but new jigsaw puzzles, and other games.

I hope there will finally be a home version of "The Wall," here in the U.S., and maybe a new version of "25 Words or Less,"  and maybe even "The Chase."  It would also be nice to see "Jeopardy!" updated with new material.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on February 11, 2021, 01:31:59 PM
I hope there will finally be a home version of "The Wall," here in the U.S., and maybe a new version of "25 Words or Less,"  and maybe even "The Chase."
With the success of the daytime show, I'm surprised there's not a new home version of 25 Words. It is extremely rare on Amazon, and the last time I looked, the seller wanted about $100. I'm good. :P
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 24, 2021, 08:52:31 AM
Apparently, my earlier post mentioning the 25 Words or Less facebook page asking fans if they would like to see a new box game, generated enough interest.  An article at Toy Book mentions it will be released in June from USAOpoly (aka The OP).  No illustration at this time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: peiboy91 on March 03, 2021, 08:16:17 PM
I just got the Family Feud Digital Party Game ( that can be played over Zoom and other services where you can share a screen. The look and feel of the show is there with the graphics and sound effects, and it comes with 50 questions (5 in each game).

However it runs on PowerPoint so it's limited with what it can do. There's no double or triple rounds, steal answers add to the bank in each round, and there's no Fast Money. Still it's not bad for $10, and I would think there's a way to hack it to add your own questions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 04, 2021, 11:04:22 AM
Not sure if I've ever psoted this here, but I stumbled upon a website with surprisingly decent PowerPoint game show controls that are free to download.. See for yourself.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 09, 2021, 05:28:27 PM
I recently bought from an online company called Continuum Games, mini-sized Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy games w/apps, from Imagination Gaming--the same people who released the Family Feud and Press Your Luck board games w/apps.  Coming in packaging similar in size to the company's Family Feud Late Night edition game; these can be played with or without the apps:

The J! game comes with cards and stands that are similar but different in design to the Outset Media versions of J!  The app lets you add sound effects, random placement of Daily Doubles (person acting as host does that if playing without the app), and allows players to write FJ! wagers and responses on their phone screens.  There's enough material for 15 games without repeating.

The WOF app allows players to add sound effects, and a video wheel simulator (though a smaller cardboard wheel with a spinning arrow is included, for playing game without app.  EG should've included one like it, with their "Quick Pick" game years ago.)  You still write the letters on a dry erasable puzzle board included with the game.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on March 12, 2021, 03:53:43 PM
Looks like the UK is getting set to release new versions of a couple of favorites -
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jlgarfield on March 15, 2021, 02:35:15 PM
Regarding the "appcessory":

1. I can't believe I can just download it and play it with no proof of purchase. I figured there would be a QR code inside each box or something that would activate access. $25 gets you a plush Whammy and a couple dozen question cards and, I'm assuming, a score pad, because

2. The app is literally just the board. No scorekeeping, no spin-keeping, no Whammy-keeping. Just spinning and stopping.

3. The app has three rounds: Two like the current show, and a third where the Big Bucks square is $25K/$25K/$25K+Spin. So if you were looking to play the show as it's currently built, you can't.

4. The board simply does not work. The values change on every move of the square, which, fine, it's more random, whatever. But when you hit the Stop button, the board does not stop in the spot you hit; rather, it just picks any random square on the board and decides that's what you get.

5. After about 5 minutes of play with my boys, the board has some obvious glitches. There is a $4,500 square in Round 2 that comes up as a Whammy when you "land" on it. Sometimes you hit a Whammy and nothing happens.

6. There is no rotation of prizes, nor is there any art for the prize squares. Instead, it's "$25,000 SPORTS CAR" or "$20,000 FAMILY CAR," or about four others.

7. The Whammy animations are in full, right from the show. They repeat very quickly. Might be about a dozen of them.

I remain amazed that one person was able to do 20 years ago, in his spare time for free, what no software company has been able to do since.

My goodness, I had considered purchasing the Press Your Luck home game, but now with those points, I am reconsidering. - Does anybody have the Senario plug-and-play Who Wants to be a Millionaire? game from 2005. I want to know if it's any good.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on March 15, 2021, 03:40:12 PM
Does anybody have the Senario plug-and-play Who Wants to be a Millionaire? game from 2005. I want to know if it's any good.
It's okay, faithful to the show at the time and has the option to use or disable the question timer. The music is a little on the annoying side (it can be disabled as well), sometimes the text is a little difficult to read and it's not uncommon for the same question to pop up two games in a row.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 19, 2021, 07:55:15 PM
There have been some online distributors taking "pre-orders," for the new 25 Words or Less board game, most of which are not showing a peek at the game/contents.  This distributor, located in Canada, shows more info than any other:

Here is a link with a peek and info for the latest Family Feud board game, associated with Carnival Cruise Lines:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on April 23, 2021, 04:35:31 PM

Did anyone here pick up this Wheel game?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 28, 2021, 07:35:53 PM
You can now preorder the 25 Words or Less game at Usaopoly's website.  Click this link, and you will see additional/sharper images of it:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on May 11, 2021, 12:36:01 PM

Did anyone here pick up this Wheel game?


From a different website, here are some more in-depth illustrations and information:

Both have small dry erase boards/markers.  You'll see the WOF game has a green marker to shade the unused spaces.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on May 12, 2021, 11:22:56 AM

Has a new Card Sharks game that heavily borrows from the Eubanks Era, but with 7 card rows like the current version.

I also keep getting ads/notifications from them about a Press Your Luck Online Game, Press Your Luck Poker and Press Your Luck Gin Rummy but they are nowhere to be found on the site.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on May 12, 2021, 12:16:04 PM

Has a new Card Sharks game that heavily borrows from the Eubanks Era, but with 7 card rows like the current version.

They worked music from both Perry and Eubanks Eras in as well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on June 01, 2021, 05:49:12 PM
You can now preorder the 25 Words or Less game at Usaopoly's website.  Click this link, and you will see additional/sharper images of it:
Looks like you can now order for shipping. I splurged, even though the 2-day shipping is almost as much as the game itself. I've been spoiled by Prime, so hopefully Amazon doesn't stock it anytime soon.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 01, 2021, 06:29:36 PM
You can now also get a peek at the rules, which are the same as the original board game:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 03, 2021, 01:22:36 PM
Looks like the UK is getting set to release new versions of a couple of favorites -

You can get a peek at those and other games now at:

The LINGO game looks neat in how you drop these different colored, transparent tiles down the board, for letter status.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on June 15, 2021, 10:43:01 PM
Apparently this is a thing.  Bullseye (UK) coming to Switch next week this Thursday, June 17th.  Yours for the low, low, $ale of the Century price of $/£12.99.  Looks like your usual Switch shovelware.

/if Tony Green isn't shouting "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN ONE!" I want my money back.
Title: Bullseye (UK 80s game show) coming to Nintendo Switch
Post by: Jamey Greek on June 16, 2021, 11:48:53 PM
I tried copying the release and the upcoming website.  But my tablet would not let me copy and paste.  But Bullseye (UK) is coming to Nintendo Switch and according to Wink's fb page, apparently it will be available in the US as well.

(Merged with existing Video Game/Home Game thread - RS)
Title: Re: Bullseye (UK 80s game show) coming to Nintendo Switch
Post by: aaron sica on June 17, 2021, 07:52:28 AM
This is also mentioned under the long-running Home Games/Video Games thread. Mods, can it be moved there?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 17, 2021, 12:25:52 PM
This fall, Spin Master Games/Imagination Gaming will be releasing a new Family Feud Disney themed box game, exclusively at WalMart:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on June 17, 2021, 05:15:24 PM
I spent $13 + tax on Bullseye for the Switch so you don't have to.  I streamed my games on Twitch:  I knew going in that this was going to be a flaming bag of dog feces.  I just didn't think the bag would hold 30 gallons of waste.

You can't change your player name.  The game doesn't keep track of high scores.  And you can see how I broke the game during my 3rd playing.  Enjoy?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: weaklink75 on June 17, 2021, 06:48:33 PM
I spent $13 + tax on Bullseye for the Switch so you don't have to.  I streamed my games on Twitch:  I knew going in that this was going to be a flaming bag of dog feces.  I just didn't think the bag would hold 30 gallons of waste.

You can't change your player name.  The game doesn't keep track of high scores.  And you can see how I broke the game during my 3rd playing.  Enjoy?

So it was full of bull feces instead?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on June 17, 2021, 08:19:30 PM
I spent $13 + tax on Bullseye for the Switch so you don't have to.  I streamed my games on Twitch:  I knew going in that this was going to be a flaming bag of dog feces.  I just didn't think the bag would hold 30 gallons of waste.

You can't change your player name.  The game doesn't keep track of high scores.  And you can see how I broke the game during my 3rd playing.  Enjoy?

Watching that makes me miss the version that was on WeDigTV a decade ago, and that one was free.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mr. Armadillo on June 18, 2021, 12:26:46 PM
That dartboard wouldn't look out of place on a Nintendo 64.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on June 20, 2021, 11:09:06 AM
I think I've seen more faithful adaptations on the ZX Spectrum.  Pass.

So it was full of bull feces instead?

The term you're looking for is "bull pucky".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 20, 2021, 05:05:18 PM
Walmart's website is now offering the new Disney themed Family Feud game for online purchase and shipping to your home.  It will probably turn up in stores very soon.  You will notice that the game includes a little card holder with Mickey Mouse ears:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 21, 2021, 01:06:24 AM
Kohl's has the Card Sharks game on clearance for $12.49. Also, if you return an Amazon purchase there, you'll get a coupon for 25% off an in-store purchase.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 24, 2021, 02:23:29 PM
Some Target stores now have the All-New Platinum Edition of Family Feud on their shelves
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 11, 2021, 09:09:25 AM
I just found on, yet another new Family Feud box game, called "The Big Buzzer" edition!  I though it was neat, seeing how the  new "Disney," themed version features a card holder, w/Mickey Mouse ears;  This version has an electronic buzzer, with the show's logo embossed on it:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 14, 2021, 03:35:30 PM
It's coming rather late with it being a summer-time toy, but I just found this being available for "pre-order":

Based on the stunt competition, not the Peter Tomarken produced/hosted game show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 07, 2021, 06:12:25 PM
In an earlier post, I'd mentioned about the "All-New" Platinum Edition of Family Feud.  Here is the box image for that:

Also this version was just listed recently:

At, you may now purchase the "Digital Party Game" versions of the Baby Shower, Bachelorette Party, AND Wildlife editions.  The Wildlife edition board game is still listed as "Coming Soon," but has a somewhat different box cover, still indicating the "San Diego Zoo," but using what might be the zoo's official logo
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 07, 2021, 08:36:53 PM
In an earlier post, I'd mentioned about the "All-New" Platinum Edition of Family Feud.  Here is the box image for that:

Also this version was just listed recently:

At, you may now purchase the "Digital Party Game" versions of the Baby Shower, Bachelorette Party, AND Wildlife editions.  The Wildlife edition board game is still listed as "Coming Soon," but has a somewhat different box cover, still indicating the "San Diego Zoo," but using what might be the zoo's official logo
Serious question- has the Harvey Feud had more home versions than any other iteration of any game show? Between the home games, card games, travel games, games in a box, digital party games, mustache in a box games and whatever else they come up with, there's got to be 20 plus versions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on September 07, 2021, 08:53:02 PM
In an earlier post, I'd mentioned about the "All-New" Platinum Edition of Family Feud.  Here is the box image for that:

Also this version was just listed recently:

At, you may now purchase the "Digital Party Game" versions of the Baby Shower, Bachelorette Party, AND Wildlife editions.  The Wildlife edition board game is still listed as "Coming Soon," but has a somewhat different box cover, still indicating the "San Diego Zoo," but using what might be the zoo's official logo
Serious question- has the Harvey Feud had more home versions than any other iteration of any game show? Between the home games, card games, travel games, games in a box, digital party games, mustache in a box games and whatever else they come up with, there's got to be 20 plus versions.

In the multi-formatted game category -- most likely.

Now if you are talking one manufacturer/same formatted home game, I think Milton Bradley's original Concentration  home game is the clear winner with well over 25 editions that came out over the years and all pretty much the exact same contents, save for a different puzzle roll.

/ Still dreading the day when Steve Harvey pairs up with Justin Timberlake for the Family Feud D*** In A Box Edition.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on September 07, 2021, 11:07:29 PM
In an earlier post, I'd mentioned about the "All-New" Platinum Edition of Family Feud.  Here is the box image for that:

Also this version was just listed recently:

At, you may now purchase the "Digital Party Game" versions of the Baby Shower, Bachelorette Party, AND Wildlife editions.  The Wildlife edition board game is still listed as "Coming Soon," but has a somewhat different box cover, still indicating the "San Diego Zoo," but using what might be the zoo's official logo
Serious question- has the Harvey Feud had more home versions than any other iteration of any game show? Between the home games, card games, travel games, games in a box, digital party games, mustache in a box games and whatever else they come up with, there's got to be 20 plus versions.
Didn’t Jeopardy! have like two dozen from the Fleming version alone?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 08, 2021, 12:14:57 AM
You had 24 Milton Bradley editions of Password, at least 8 from Endless, and 1 from cardboard - er, Cardinal.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on September 08, 2021, 06:45:36 AM
Didn’t Jeopardy! have like two dozen from the Fleming version alone?

MB made it to the 14th edition by 1982 (so 13 total).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: mystery7 on September 08, 2021, 06:38:18 PM
Milton Bradley issued 24 or 25 editions each of both Password and Concentration. Now if we add different platforms to those new board game editions, Feud has to be at least right up there with Milton Bradley and Endless board game editions, floppies, ROMs, Karn DVDs, O'Hurley DVDs, Steve Harvey card games and Android/iOS editions. I think it wins for number of platforms it's been on, if not total number of versions.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 09, 2021, 10:39:33 AM
In an earlier post, I'd mentioned about the "All-New" Platinum Edition of Family Feud.  Here is the box image for that:

Also this version was just listed recently:

At, you may now purchase the "Digital Party Game" versions of the Baby Shower, Bachelorette Party, AND Wildlife editions.  The Wildlife edition board game is still listed as "Coming Soon," but has a somewhat different box cover, still indicating the "San Diego Zoo," but using what might be the zoo's official logo
Serious question- has the Harvey Feud had more home versions than any other iteration of any game show? Between the home games, card games, travel games, games in a box, digital party games, mustache in a box games and whatever else they come up with, there's got to be 20 plus versions.

Off hand I don't know how many altogether have been from Cardinal/Imagination Gaming/Spin Master; however, if I'm correct in just the last 12 months, they have released TEN different themed versions!  Milton Bradley used to release a new regular edition, on average, once every year.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the fall of 2022/2023, Pressman will release a 40th Anniversary edition of WOF, partly for that reason, but also because 2022 marks Pressman's 100th anniversary!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 09, 2021, 10:46:05 AM
Didn’t Jeopardy! have like two dozen from the Fleming version alone?

MB made it to the 14th edition by 1982 (so 13 total).

Absolutely right! For those unfamiliar with the story, Milton Bradley released a total of 13 editions, but didn't identify a "13th" edition among them (triskadecaphobia, reportedly.)  Likewise with Password and Concentration!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 16, 2021, 07:46:45 PM
The webpage has just added a Digital Party Game version with a Halloween theme!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 17, 2021, 11:39:44 PM
The webpage has just added a Digital Party Game version with a Halloween theme!

Who is this for? I understand why you might have a bridal/baby shower version of the game, as those are continuing to happen virtually. But I would imagine that most people doing anything Halloween themed are doing it in person, and not all workplace are big on Halloweeen/costume parties.

At $10 a pop, they're the right impulse purchase price point. Wonder how many of these they've sold.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: weaklink75 on October 01, 2021, 01:11:04 PM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 02, 2021, 02:04:55 PM
At $10 a pop, they're the right impulse purchase price point. Wonder how many of these they've sold.

So....$10 was definitely a good impulse purchase price point. Out of mobid curiosity, I bought it.

It's a PowerPoint game control with macros, but it's done well and looks appealing. This version comes with 50 preloaded questions and a downloadable question PDF file akin to the answer booklet that came with dry-erase versions of the game. The questions are actually straightforward and don't delve into the "You can't say (redacted)" territory, so that's a welcome surprise. Each game is 5 single point rounds. There's no Double/Triple rounds, and no Fast Money. Highest score after 5 questions is the winner. Wash, rinse repeat.

Most people in the game show community have access to more sophisticated game controls that render this one useless, but for the Average Joe that doesn't need/want to learn button combos to play a few rounds of Family Feud, this game features most of the bells and whistles, and I think there's just enough here for that crowd to warrant a $10 price tag.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 03, 2021, 04:48:50 PM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bryce L. on October 03, 2021, 05:04:50 PM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Appeared to show the front and back of the box (whether actual product or mockup, I couldn't tell you).

EDIT: Here's the promo in question...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Fedya on October 03, 2021, 06:24:04 PM
Take that game to your local supermarket and play!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 07, 2021, 11:18:16 AM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Appeared to show the front and back of the box (whether actual product or mockup, I couldn't tell you).

EDIT: Here's the promo in question...

Being the avid box game collector I am, I was very surprised, and thrilled to read about this.  I hope it will be in stores, soon; though I am going to try to win a copy during the "Watch and win," week!

The other day I was inside one of the major department stores in my area (I'm not going to say which), and they had taped to some display counters photocopies of products for the holiday season.  Although they didn't have in stock the actual merchandise I was surprised to see shown in the plans for this year were card game and box game versions of ...........WWTBAM.  Apparently, the card game has been available for awhile at

Of the seven detailed click-on images, the last two clearly indicate a U.S. version.  You will even notice clearly states if ordered from the U.S version will be shipped, and the British version if bought at

Here is a look at the U.S. box game, from the Ginger Fox games catalog:

It's been a long time since there has been any Millionaire themed board/card games here in the U.S.  There almost was a combination DVD/Board game from University Games/Imagination Gaming years ago.  I hope that Ginger Fox will release games based on The Chase here in the U.S., like they have done in the U.K.

Wonder whatever happened with the so called "America Says," board game.  Nobody from GSN seemed to have heard anything about such a product.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 08, 2021, 10:33:53 AM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Appeared to show the front and back of the box (whether actual product or mockup, I couldn't tell you).

EDIT: Here's the promo in question...
A couple takeaways based on the blurry box images:

You can make out from the corner of the box that it's made by Imagination Gaming- they did Press Your Luck and the recent Wheel and Jeopardy games, all of which had a mobile app component.

The back of the box shows a mobile companion app as well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 08, 2021, 04:40:09 PM is now taking preorders for Supermarket Sweep, and showing box art and contents on their site:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on October 12, 2021, 10:15:57 PM
Has anyone tried the Millionaire PC game that came out last year? If so, what did you think of it? (

I've been on a bit of a Millionaire kick lately watching older British episodes and I've been trying to find a good PC version. I still have the original Jellyvision one on CD-ROM but it doesn't work on modern PCs due to issues with DirectShow, and the only other one I have is the 2010 Ludia one.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on October 15, 2021, 01:51:23 PM
Has anyone tried the Millionaire PC game that came out last year? If so, what did you think of it?

It's bad. Really. Bad. I'd recommend watching a stream before buying:

Super clunky, audio voice overs are awful, only uses France/Rave soundtrack, no QA was done on the question banks, the lights don't even go down with the "lights down" cue - like they got 75% of the way there and were told "ship it".

Consider trying some of the old UK games ( from the Internet Archive, they work great (even on modern PCs).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on October 15, 2021, 05:03:49 PM
Has anyone tried the Millionaire PC game that came out last year? If so, what did you think of it?

It's bad. Really. Bad. I'd recommend watching a stream before buying:

Super clunky, audio voice overs are awful, only uses France/Rave soundtrack, no QA was done on the question banks, the lights don't even go down with the "lights down" cue - like they got 75% of the way there and were told "ship it".

Geez, and I thought the Ludia one dragged. I found myself skipping through that stream just to see each correct answer.

Thanks for the Internet Archive link, I'll give the British one a try.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 19, 2021, 01:42:51 PM
Every Jackbox Party Pack has at least one game with trivia and/or game show elements to it. The recently-released eighth edition has two such games.

Poll Mine pits two teams against one another to find the rankings to survey questions- some rounds will ask for the top three answers, some may ask for the answers that ranked towards the middle, and the final round requires the teams to find the answers in order of least popular to most. The catch is that all of the survey data comes from the responses of the players in the game. You may get asked to rank the most essential add-ons for an ice cream sundae or which animal would be scariest if it had wings. I think it has a high replay value.

The Wheel of Enormous Proportions is the other game- players answer trivia questions in order to earn wedge selections on a giant wheel. Questions have a lot of variation- you may be asked to select the European car companies from a list of 12, make an educated numeric guess ala Card Sharks, or you might get pitted in a 30 second Dis or Dat round. There's a lot of variety in the trivia, so it's much appreciated. The Wheel is where you score all of your points, with the first player to hit the goal score winning. The wheel portion of the game is a little unremarkable, but it's still a solid addition for the trivia alone.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 20, 2021, 12:07:46 AM
Found a Plinko board for $1.99 at Goodwill on Monday. Put it together, and lo and behold, the two pieces are nearly flush and it works. The sound seems to be broken, but the LED lights work, and I'm fine with that for my investment.
Title: Found at Bomgaars in CB, Iowa: Card Sharks home game
Post by: DjohnsonCB on October 20, 2021, 09:41:45 PM
Saw this tonight for the first time--the Endless Games version of Card Sharks.  I'm positive it's been discussed here before, but couldn't find a thread on it, even after typing Card Sharks in the Search bar.  Is it any good?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 21, 2021, 04:56:30 PM
I think you'd like it, since the game is 100% played like the ABC-TV version!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on October 21, 2021, 05:22:56 PM
Speaking of Endless Games, I read they were just bought out by Goliath Games. Don't know what that will mean for the future of their role producing Game Show Games. One of their upper management staff is staying on though so that may help. He's been with them since the beginning.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 22, 2021, 11:11:16 AM
Speaking of Endless Games, I read they were just bought out by Goliath Games. Don't know what that will mean for the future of their role producing Game Show Games. One of their upper management staff is staying on though so that may help. He's been with them since the beginning.

“The kids’ games will transition to the Goliath brand,” David Norman, president of Goliath’s North American office says. “Family and adult titles will remain under the Endless Games brand.”

Although nothing specific, I wouldn't be surprised if they could be working on an updated version of Password, to coincide with the proposed NBC revival.

Goiliath acquired Pressman a few years ago, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, I would not be surprised if a new WOF game is planned to coincide with the show's  40th season next year, as well as Pressman's 100th anniversary!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on October 28, 2021, 05:20:02 PM
Goiliath acquired Pressman a few years ago, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, I would not be surprised if a new WOF game is planned to coincide with the show's  40th season next year, as well as Pressman's 100th anniversary!
New glittery box, same contents with the only difference being the color of the wheel and puzzleboard plastic.

I get that it’s an easy money grab for the license, but I wish Pressman would try something different with their Wheel box game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 01, 2021, 02:02:19 PM
Although it's not yet available for purchase at this time, the San Diego Zoo's website is going to have the Family Feud Wildlife edition available soon.  This is the first time the box botton illustration is shown:

Some of you might be interested in investing in Gamestar+.  This website has all kinds of info, as well as videos, you might find interesting.  They show what might be a prototype box cover for Family Feud in the window where you click to see the video presentation, complete with comments from Steve Harvey:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 01, 2021, 03:15:25 PM
Honestly, while I’m always wary of a company who’s the self proclaimed “Netflix of (Blank)”, I think there’s something here. A lot of those DVD games weren’t fully interactive in that the game relied you to tell it what was happening on the real life board/score pad to move forward. I’d consider paying $5 a month to stream the Scene It library along with a bunch of interactive game shows.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on November 01, 2021, 06:38:11 PM
Honestly, while I’m always wary of a company who’s the self proclaimed “Netflix of (Blank)”, I think there’s something here. A lot of those DVD games weren’t fully interactive in that the game relied you to tell it what was happening on the real life board/score pad to move forward. I’d consider paying $5 a month to stream the Scene It library along with a bunch of interactive game shows.

I'm surprised the Netflix hasn't even ventured out in that direction - licensing notwithstanding.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 03, 2021, 02:56:18 PM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Appeared to show the front and back of the box (whether actual product or mockup, I couldn't tell you).

EDIT: Here's the promo in question...

The Android Gamestar App has been updated with the Supermarket Sweep game component and they also added something for a Deal or No Deal game. The Supermarket Sweep app contains the alternative theme in the clear as well as the Big Sweep and Super Sweep Music that they use. The actual game is still in the pre-order stage on Amazon and says it releases on November 9th.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 03, 2021, 10:52:51 PM
Apparently a Supermarket Sweep game is coming- Buzzr is giving some away in a watch and win promotion…

Was the promo showing actual product image, or just horizontal scrolling message mentioning the upcoming give away?
Appeared to show the front and back of the box (whether actual product or mockup, I couldn't tell you).

EDIT: Here's the promo in question...

The Android Gamestar App has been updated with the Supermarket Sweep game component and they also added something for a Deal or No Deal game. The Supermarket Sweep app contains the alternative theme in the clear as well as the Big Sweep and Super Sweep Music that they use. The actual game is still in the pre-order stage on Amazon and says it releases on November 9th.
Can confirm that the iOS version has been updated as well. The Deal or No Deal component is essentially a bank offer calculator.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on November 04, 2021, 01:46:35 PM
Good to note that the Amazon listing for the UK version of the Millionaire board game, also has images of a US board game ( that's not available on Amazon US yet.

Each question card has a "lifeline" QR code that you can scan. 12-question stack, looks like "Ask the Host" is included as well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 16, 2021, 03:37:07 PM
An online store, is showing, "Jumbo Card Game," versions of J!, WOF, PYL and DOND.  Here is the link to PYL:

The DOND is listed as "out of stock" at this time.

I also stumbled across these at (Canada):

I found the J! and PYL games at my local Go Toy and game store.

You'll notice those have content in both English and French.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on November 16, 2021, 04:18:23 PM
The DOND one can be found at Walmart ( also.

Fleet Farm is a store chain in the upper Midwest (mainly MN and WI, and a few in IA, ND and SD).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 16, 2021, 04:22:16 PM
The DOND one can be found at Walmart ( also.

I meant' to mention that the box art to the one at fleetfarm is different, showing a cell-phone for app use, but that's probably all it is.  The exact same contents, I'll bet!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 22, 2021, 11:42:33 PM
If you feel like trying your luck, Target has Plinko at a Black Friday/clearance price of $14.24. (I recently scored the Goodwill find of a lifetime with a working board for $1.99.)

I know someone on here used half-dollar coins instead of the included chips. I found something that works even better: 30 mm stainless steel stamping blanks. They're a bit lighter and smaller, so they have a little more bounce and unpredictability to them. And their size means using 1" round stickers to decorate them gives you that nice Plinko chip look with a shiny metal edge. I got a 10-pack on Amazon for $8.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 27, 2021, 07:12:19 PM
Card Sharks has migrated out of the games section and into the discount racks at Barnes & Noble. $10.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on November 28, 2021, 11:13:04 AM
Family Feud for the Switch/PS4/XBox One is $14.99 at Best Buy, at least at the time of posting.  The Switch version moves a little slow for my taste i.e. you can't skip through dialogue.  Otherwise, it's not bad for the price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 28, 2021, 12:32:55 PM
Family Feud for the Switch/PS4/XBox One is $14.99 at Best Buy, at least at the time of posting.  The Switch version moves a little slow for my taste i.e. you can't skip through dialogue.  Otherwise, it's not bad for the price.
I have the Xbox One version- we cannot skip either.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on November 28, 2021, 04:09:09 PM
Card Sharks has migrated out of the games section and into the discount racks at Barnes & Noble. $10.
Still full price here.

EDIT: One location was full price, the other had it for $9, so I scooped one up for that price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on November 28, 2021, 05:32:09 PM
Card Sharks has migrated out of the games section and into the discount racks at Barnes & Noble. $10.

For that price I'll add it to my Christmas list. It's probably an indication that the show itself is done.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on November 29, 2021, 02:17:48 PM
Looks like Rolling In It will have a home game version:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 29, 2021, 03:53:20 PM
Looks like Rolling In It will have a home game version:
I love that the cover art features Stephen on the set, albeit Photoshopped. One thing I've noticed about current US home games is that the covers are kinda bland*. Just a headshot of the host(ess) and whatever graphics.

*/Generally speaking
//I don't need exceptions to the rule
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 29, 2021, 11:22:36 PM
It's a fun looking little setup, but the description says batteries are not required, which means you're just getting a sheet of cardboard to roll your plastic coins down for $45+.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 30, 2021, 02:15:14 AM
It's a fun looking little setup, but the description says batteries are not required, which means you're just getting a sheet of cardboard to roll your plastic coins down for $45+.
Which is quite a shame, since Tipping Point does have the fully motorized game board. That being said, I would think that including a working conveyor belt for an authentic experience would drive the game's price to the $100 range.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on November 30, 2021, 04:04:54 PM
Got my Card Sharks at B&N for $8. Be careful at checkout. The clerk scanned the bar code and it rang up at $24.99. Pointed out the sticker and resolved the issue.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on November 30, 2021, 04:45:56 PM
Got my Card Sharks at B&N for $8. Be careful at checkout. The clerk scanned the bar code and it rang up at $24.99. Pointed out the sticker and resolved the issue.
Yep, same thing happened to me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 01, 2021, 04:07:29 PM
If you’re looking to have a game night where you play Minute to Win It/Beat The Clock/Double Dare, check out “Beat That”. $24 gets you a bunch of in-box materials and accompanying physical challenge cards, and the $33 combo adds a separate deck of challenge cards that incorporate common household items.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 08, 2021, 01:01:18 PM
It looks like the Wildlife edition of "Family Feud" is now available at as well as  The latter site is now also showing a digital version with a Christmas theme to it!

The new WWTBAM board game is now available at
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on December 08, 2021, 05:48:23 PM
The new WWTBAM board game is now available at {snip}
Interesting that some photos feature American dollar amounts, while others are for British pounds. Just an observation.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on December 09, 2021, 10:46:47 AM
Trying to find the 25 Words or Less game with Meredith's picture on the box. That is one hard game to find.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on December 09, 2021, 07:02:58 PM
$14.99 on Amazon right now, but it is on backorder until after Christmas.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on December 09, 2021, 07:57:15 PM
Th3 original g@me from Winning Moves should be on eBay.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: WhammyPower on December 09, 2021, 09:48:16 PM
Trying to find the 25 Words or Less game with Meredith's picture on the box. That is one hard game to find.
My local FLGS has a few ( for $20 + $12 shipping, if you really want one now.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 20, 2021, 06:14:02 PM
My local Kohls department store had the WWTBAM board game for $36.95, and I was surprised it was NOT on sale, especially this week!  I imagine you can use a coupon for some savings.

With the news in the last couple of weeks about Pictionary getting a "firm-go" and renewal of "25 Words or Less" and "You Bet Your Life with Jay Leno," I've wondered if maybe home versions will come out.  25WOL did release a new board game this year, Pictionary already has a board game, and will probably just put promotional notation on the box next year.  It would be nice to see a board or card game based on YBYL.  This version is the only revival to do so well, that it's been renewed. 

Ginger Fox, which makes the new WWTBAM board/card games, makes British card games based on "The Chase," and "University Challenge," so maybe they will release "The Chase," and "College Bowl," board or card games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on December 21, 2021, 03:26:30 AM
Don’t know if this is the right place for it but don’t wanna start another topic either…

For those of us who have Amazon devices and play the J!6 clues every day, there’s been a slight change. Although the clues were read by Alexa, Alex Trebek’s voice was still featured in some capacity even after his passing. This week, they updated the J!6 skill and Mayim Bialik is now performing those roles.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on December 21, 2021, 12:53:36 PM
For those of us who have Amazon devices and play the J!6 clues every day, there’s been a slight change. Although the clues were read by Alexa, Alex Trebek’s voice was still featured in some capacity even after his passing. This week, they updated the J!6 skill and Mayim Bialik is now performing those roles.

Same for Hey Google as well.

Picked up the WWTBAM board game. Question sets are solid, but it's a 12-step money ladder. With the way the cards are setup, it's pretty easy to play alone (forgiving the Ask the Host lifeline), and there's bonus questions if you scan a QR code on the instruction manual.

Was pretty disappointed with the "virtual lifelines" - basically the only data not on the card it's giving you is an Ask the Audience graph. I was really hoping for Ask the Host or Phone a Friend audio - or any audio at all. When you select PAF - it literally says "Call someone or ask someone not playing the game on their answer". Given how important music is to the WWTBAM experience, it would seem like a no-brainer to license the music and do some sort of soundboard like the Gamestar+ games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 21, 2021, 10:48:19 PM
Don’t know if this is the right place for it but don’t wanna start another topic either…

For those of us who have Amazon devices and play the J!6 clues every day, there’s been a slight change. Although the clues were read by Alexa, Alex Trebek’s voice was still featured in some capacity even after his passing. This week, they updated the J!6 skill and Mayim Bialik is now performing those roles.
I know time marches on and all, but I was sad to see this change. It was nice still being able to hear Alex’s voice in some capacity.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on December 22, 2021, 12:23:52 AM
If you play J!6 through the website (, you can still hear Alex.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on January 13, 2022, 01:14:49 PM
Being we're all game show nerds, I'm sure you've seen a bunch of Facebook recaps of the Wordle ( game, which is basically Lingo minus the bingo. The site allows you to play a new word once or twice a day.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 13, 2022, 03:13:41 PM
Unfortunately, the Annual Toy Fair in NYC, originally declared a go for February19-22, was cancelled this week, due to the upsurge in Covid.  So, no early unveilings of new toys and games this year.  I won't be surprised, if Pressman retains the licensing rights to WOF, if they release new versions of that in honor of it's 40th anniversary year, starting this fall.  2022 also marks Pressman's 100th anniversary.  Their first game show related game was '"Groucho TV Quiz" game, in 1954.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: DoorNumberFour on January 21, 2022, 04:43:50 AM
My buddy Cory and I are actively working on translating Lingo for the Nintendo DS, which was only released in the Netherlands in 2011 and uses GSN Woolery season 1 graphics and SFX. Currently focusing on the game material and replacing the 40,000+ word Dutch game dictionary with English words. Should be done this weekend. Will share download info when ready.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on January 21, 2022, 08:00:32 PM
The UK "Lingo" mobile app is now available in the USA, which is very smart timing considering the popularity of a certain Lingo rip-off.  It's Lingo as you know it, but with a choice of 4, 5, or 6 letter words.  If you solve the word, you get bingo balls (you don't get to pick yourself) for your card.  Like most cell phone "game show" apps today, it's played for stars and treasure chests so just lots of little hooks to keep you playing.  The game is ad heavy, so be prepared.  I found it in the Apple store just by searching "lingo", don't know about android. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 21, 2022, 08:56:47 PM
Strange that the official app has the bingo element when the UK game show doesn't. It is available on Google Play.

I've also had a free Lingo app for a while that offers 5, 6, and 7-letter words. No bingo element, though, which is a part of the game I genuinely like.

The best solitaire Lingo game I've played remains the one I had an eternity ago on my Handspring Visor.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on January 21, 2022, 09:03:40 PM
I still bust out Jason Wuthrich's old Lingo software from time to time. Works flawlessly even on 64-bit Windows 10.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 21, 2022, 11:35:50 PM
That's who made it! I was playing it last weekend and could not remember for the life of me.

The official UK Lingo app has everything bad about modern mobile gaming crammed into one package that really sucks down my battery. I'll have my fun with it for now, but I can already tell I'm about a week or two away from it just becoming thankless grinding.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 24, 2022, 01:47:26 PM
The best solitaire Lingo game I've played remains the one I had an eternity ago on my Handspring Visor.
Years ago when Amazon envisioned the e-ink Kindles moving past just being used for reading, they had a games store that had a fun official Lingo app from GSN.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 28, 2022, 11:18:00 AM
Certainly no surprise that more Family Feud merchandise is due out this year.  The first new products I've found can be ordered online, and shipped to select Target stores in your area.  This version plays a lot like the DVD game versions, only there is no DVD--you need the "streaming app," to play.  Apparently, according to the box bottom, it includes bonus "Survey Says" cards, but no detail about them (probably for "Fast Money," play, or manual play without the app).  When you click the link below, you can even play a video demonstating the game:

Edited 3/1/22:  When I first stumbled across the link mentioned above, I didn't notice that I was referencing ONE particular store in my area that did not have the item, but was allowing online order for store pickup.  After my original post, I found and bought a copy at a different Target store in my area.  The bonus cards are packed like the usual "Strikeout Card game" but the packaging for it indicates that they're not to be sold separately.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on March 04, 2022, 01:52:39 PM
Trying to find the 25 Words or Less game with Meredith's picture on the box. That is one hard game to find.

Update - found it in a store for a reasonable $15. I grabbed it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on March 08, 2022, 04:06:21 PM
FYI: The Supermarket Sweep home game is in stock on Amazon, after not being available since before the holidays.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on March 08, 2022, 08:30:58 PM
FYI: The Supermarket Sweep home game is in stock on Amazon, after not being available since before the holidays.
Also on the shelf at Barnes & Noble.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 08, 2022, 11:03:05 PM
Just bought the Millionaire home game made by Ginger Fox, who have become the go-to manufacturers of UK game show home games. UK rules apply to the US box version, with a 12 step money ladder and the “set your second safe haven” rule.

The game comes with what looks like an equal number of cards for each money ladder step. Rules say that everyone plays the same question at the money level of the leading player, so I could see most people burning through the top third of the in-box questions fairly quickly. Obviously you don’t have to play that way, but I’d imagine this game is more fun by playing with others than as a solo effort.

Every question card has a QR code if you want to use your smartphone for lifelines, but there are non-digital ways to handle them as well. The digital options are not necessary, but they’re nice to have. Would have been more impactful to have a Gamestar-like digital component with cues and the 30 second Phone A Friend clock.

It’s a pretty good effort overall- would love to see Ginger Fox port over their box version of The Chase.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 10, 2022, 04:22:00 PM
would love to see Ginger Fox port over their box version of The Chase.

Well, to the best of my knowledge, Ginger Fox has a CARD game version of the British version, now known as "Beat the Chasers."  The board game in the UK is from Ideal/John Adams Games.  I don't know about any US version in the works, but we've seen surprises pop up occasionally, so can't rule out anything right now.

BTW, a couple of sources have mentioned there is soon going to be another FF board game, subtitled "Funniest Ever Questions."  No pics or details, as of now.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on April 02, 2022, 02:28:43 PM
Over on Etsy, there are a couple different users selling their game show software, covering a pretty decent range from Family Feud to Scrabble to Millionaire, with some deeper cuts thrown in here and there. That said, be prepared to pay a premium, as most are between $60 and $100.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on April 04, 2022, 11:17:39 AM

It's not that I'm not impressed.  I am, really.   But how much of a demand is there, honestly, for Three on a Match presentation software?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on April 04, 2022, 03:55:45 PM

It's not that I'm not impressed.  I am, really.   But how much of a demand is there, honestly, for Three on a Match presentation software?

As someone who's been putting on game shows at conventions for over a decade now, I love bringing out classic, under-represented games as a counterpoint to the usual Jeopardy! and Family Feud affairs. Three on a Match would fit in well as a game that's rather simple to explain, yet has a different enough strategy than what your average con-goer is used to in game shows on the air today.

ETA: You get 10 people cosplaying as anime/video game villains standing in a line, you've got an impressive live endgame for Whew!.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on April 04, 2022, 04:48:43 PM
As someone who's been putting on game shows at conventions for over a decade now, I love bringing out classic, under-represented games as a counterpoint to the usual Jeopardy! and Family Feud affairs.

But -- honest, non-snarky question -- do conventiongoers end up loving classic, under-represented games? I think, eventually, some convention hosts can get to be a "brand", and whatever they put under their banner can get some eyeballs. But I also recall several Greggo uploads on YouTube where he wasn't shy about saying how few people were in the audience.

There's also the rub that, with the right convention celebrities playing, people come to see them, regardless of what game they're playing. So you can get away with something like Body Language, where the title has less marquee value.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on April 04, 2022, 05:05:10 PM
But -- honest, non-snarky question -- do conventiongoers end up loving classic, under-represented games? I think, eventually, some convention hosts can get to be a "brand", and whatever they put under their banner can get some eyeballs.

I'm lucky to be a part of one of those "brands" known for quality programming at our home con and cons throughout the greater Toronto area. To answer your question, some of them get more eyeballs than others, to be sure. A decade ago, Press Your Luck was a dormant franchise whose most recent revival on cable bore little resemblance to the original program on which it was based. Doing it over the course of a few years grew the audience, and people in the audience got used to the fun of chanting and offering advice to the players on stage.

I'm also lucky in that our team gets to use a smaller, one-night-only "baby sister" convention as something of a testing ground for gauging audience reactions to those under-the-radar game shows. In the last year pre-COVID, I had almost 100 people in the audience (a near-full room) for a game of Whew! in which the players couldn't read the bloopers on-screen, with the Gauntlet rendered as 10 numbered arches. We're still talking about bringing it back to the main convention.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on April 04, 2022, 05:40:15 PM
Three on a Match would fit in well as a game that's rather simple to explain,

You lost me.

Now that it's possible to once again gather with small groups of vaccinated people, I've recently attended a couple of game show–themed game nights in which a not insignificant portion (roughly one-third?) of the attendees were a) new to the gathering and b) not as well versed in the genre. And what we've quickly discovered is that for the uninitiated, Family Feud and Match Game have been easily the most well received games. Some people are willing to try some of the other games -- sometimes after seeing the veterans play an "episode" -- but when we play those two, that's when you can tell everybody's having the most fun.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on April 04, 2022, 07:29:57 PM
[For] the uninitiated, Family Feud and Match Game have been easily the most well received games. Some people are willing to try some of the other games -- sometimes after seeing the veterans play an "episode" -- but when we play those two, that's when you can tell everybody's having the most fun.

And that's also why year after year we do both of those games at our home con. Hell, the plan for 2020 before, y'know, *gestures wildly at everything*, was to revamp Match Game into MGHSH, except actually do it right and write jokes and bluffs for the "celebs".
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on April 04, 2022, 08:06:31 PM
But -- honest, non-snarky question -- do conventiongoers end up loving classic, under-represented games?
Conventiongoer, yes. Conventiongoers less likely. That being said, my motives for making a game for me to present are slightly different than making a game for public use.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 13, 2022, 01:30:32 PM
When you go to, they now have Card Sharks, Family Feud, and Plinko Pegs for play on your computer.  CS plays like the main game of the ABC revival, but no Money Cards bonus round.  Family Feud is a lot the same, with some fun scoring twists, and when I played Plinko Pegs, it felt more like a pinball game simulator, with no flippers.  Of course, Plinko is based on Pachinko pinball, but check it out, and you'll see what I mean.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on April 13, 2022, 02:52:55 PM
and when I played Plinko Pegs, it felt more like a pinball game simulator, with no flippers.  Of course, Plinko is based on Pachinko pinball, but check it out, and you'll see what I mean.

Lemme guess, Peggle.


surprisingly, not Peggle!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on April 13, 2022, 03:12:54 PM
The CS game has the Money Cards but you have to select it separately. It is it's own entity. I prefer playing on which is where the Buzzr games are from. I love Plinko Pegs. They've been out quite some time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 14, 2022, 06:38:57 PM
I found something new at, with an October 4 release date:

Edited:  The Jeopardy! game tin is the only one I found at, however there have been similar ones in the UK, including WOF, TPIR, Blankety Blank (aka MG in USA) and Play Your Cards Right (CS in USA).  Wonder if any of them will be available here, (let alone WOF, for its 40th season).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 14, 2022, 06:55:16 PM
The CS game has the Money Cards but you have to select it separately. It is it's own entity. I prefer playing on which is where the Buzzr games are from. I love Plinko Pegs. They've been out quite some time.

Well, maybe just the main game if you go to buzzrtv's website.  That's all I've been able to do, so far.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on April 14, 2022, 07:05:30 PM
The CS game has the Money Cards but you have to select it separately. It is it's own entity. I prefer playing on which is where the Buzzr games are from. I love Plinko Pegs. They've been out quite some time.

Well, maybe just the main game if you go to buzzrtv's website.  That's all I've been able to do, so far.

I *think* you have to have some sort of account with them to see the Money Cards option. I think it's odd because at the beginning you have the option to play the Main Game or Money Cards and it would be so much better if you went to the Money Cards when you win rather than have to go all the way back and select it. If I'm not mistaken I think it even remembers your winnings from Main Game and you gamble with your own Main Game winnings not house money. Pretty nice game though!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: narzo on April 19, 2022, 04:19:03 PM
There is a new app for the current version of "Weakest Link" in the apple app store.  As you find with most app takes on game shows, you play each level for points with a banked point goal at each level to move on.  Performing certain tasks on each level will award you a "jewel", when you do thinks like bank the goal in 30 seconds or get a certain number of questions correct in a row.  I'm actually impressed with the questions.  I'm a pop-culture dummy so those kill me, but there's some difficult history, geography, and literature questions thrown in as well.  I will be curious to see how soon questions start to repeat.  The app is add supported (one after each level) but you can pay to remove them if you like (hey, "Lingo", you hearing that idea?")

Also of interest, the creator of this app also has one available in the US for "Small Fortune" (never saw it) and the British show "Very Hard Questions".  I've downloaded them both buy haven't had a chance to sample their content yet.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 20, 2022, 01:13:27 PM
Follow-up to one my earlier posts:

Igloo Books IS planning on releasing a WOF game tin simultaneously along with J! as shown here:

Imagination Gaming has some new "Game Box"es available now, some of which I've mentioned before.  But when you click the following link, you can access all SIX products, and see what they are like inside, too:

You'll notice the new FF games, as well as the J! and PYL games are in English/French.  It looks like the FF questions cards have English on one side and French on the other.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 22, 2022, 01:13:48 PM
As I mentioned last fall, Goliath Games acquired Endless Games.  I'd just seen a digital version of Goliath Games' catalog for 2022.  They will continue to release the J! and WOF cards games (minus the Junior editions), as well as both the regular and "deluxe" editions of Password under the EG brand name.  Of course, Goliath acquired Pressman earlier, and they showed a "6th edition" WOF game, but just pictured it with the updated edition number.  No mention of "40th anniversary," which I thought was going to happen.  They also showed their Are You Normal? game and mentioned in the catalog, "Adapted from the Oprah Winfrey Network game show."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on April 22, 2022, 01:56:38 PM
Of course, Goliath acquired Pressman earlier, and they showed a "6th edition" WOF game, but just pictured it with the updated edition number.  No mention of "40th anniversary," which I thought was going to happen.
Pardon me if I’m wrong here, but have they released an anniversary edition past the silver one 15 years ago? Only asking because Pressman has never really been the type to do that..
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 23, 2022, 01:40:25 PM
That is a good point you mention.  I just kind of thought they might do so, being it marks a milestone of sort.  Pressman itself mentions they've been around "since 1922," rather than get specific in saying this year marks their 100th anniversary!  Not that I feel it's important for Pressman or any other manufacturer to do so, it was just a thought on my part.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on April 23, 2022, 03:56:07 PM
Honestly, I'm hoping they do something...anything! Even Family Feud adding the 70s surveys to the 40th Anniversary edition was a nice perk. Watching Pressman release the same game over and over since 1985 with no variation has been kinda blah.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on April 23, 2022, 08:05:43 PM
Honestly, I'm hoping they do something...anything! Even Family Feud adding the 70s surveys to the 40th Anniversary edition was a nice perk. Watching Pressman release the same game over and over since 1985 with no variation has been kinda blah.

Aside from the Deluxe edition, Wheel has been relatively uninspiring.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on May 03, 2022, 07:31:17 PM
Recent reports indicate that a new version of Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? for video game consoles will be released later this year (no firm date).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on May 06, 2022, 01:49:51 PM
I picked up the GameStar+ version of Family Feud from Target for $10 (half-off sale), and it's basically a new version of the old DVD game, but with a website you go to instead of popping in the DVD. In the box is a code that you activate on - so basically the box is worthless after you activate the code. No apps yet for Google TV/Samsung - but it worked on my TV's web browser. The videos are really slick and it's very well produced.

Not really seeing this as a "Netflix for games" as they are promising. Felt disappointing that you have the ability to build a full webapp, and it still can't keep score for you.

They do throw in a card game in the box as well, presumably to add some value to the game (and heft to the box).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 13, 2022, 12:24:13 PM
In one of my earlier posts, I'd mentioned that Pressman toy marks it's 100th anniversary this year.  Slated for a November release is a book about their history:

This book is being published by Abbeyville Press, which published the excellent Come On Down!!! by Jefferson Graham.

This past weekend, I noticed on the B&N website some additional pics of the J! game tin/book from Igloo Books:,value%5B1%5D&set=key%5Bresolve.width%5D,value%5B300%5D&set=key%5Bresolve.height%5D,value%5B10000%5D&set=key%5Bresolve.imageFit%5D,value%5Bcontainerwidth%5D&set=key%5Bresolve.allowImageUpscaling%5D,value%5B0%5D&product=path%5B/pimages/9781838528898_p3_v4%5D&call=url%5Bfile:common/decodeProduct.chain%5D
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 14, 2022, 11:48:08 AM
Last week, I acquired on eBay a copy of the Celebrity Name Game box, which I bought out of my curiosity's sake.  It's been six years since it was released in stores, but I'd noticed this was different from what I had.  The first one I'd bought years ago, had the PlayMonster brand name/logo on it, and a card holder with built-in electronic timer, plus scoring chips and sheets. 

What I bought last week, does NOT show the PlayMonster logo, nor (surprisingly) a UPC barcode.  I opened it to find there is no card holder w/timer, and has a scoring track, with two pawns, plus 10 punch-out chips.  Primarily because of no UPC barcode, I wondered if this could be one of many prototype versions, from the 2016 Toy Fair.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on June 14, 2022, 01:16:06 PM
Last week, I acquired on eBay a copy of the Celebrity Name Game box, which I bought out of my curiosity's sake.  It's been six years since it was released in stores, but I'd noticed this was different from what I had.  The first one I'd bought years ago, had the PlayMonster brand name/logo on it, and a card holder with built-in electronic timer, plus scoring chips and sheets. 

What I bought last week, does NOT show the PlayMonster logo, nor (surprisingly) a UPC barcode.  I opened it to find there is no card holder w/timer, and has a scoring track, with two pawns, plus 10 punch-out chips.  Primarily because of no UPC barcode, I wondered if this could be one of many prototype versions, from the 2016 Toy Fair.
It sounds like you and I have the same copy. Is the scoring track badly misaligned in yours?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: DoorNumberFour on June 14, 2022, 02:30:48 PM
If you have access to a European Nintendo Switch account, The Chase is now available:

I talked to Barnstorm Games this week, and they said to expect Tipping Point on Switch to release by year’s end.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 14, 2022, 04:34:43 PM
Last week, I acquired on eBay a copy of the Celebrity Name Game box, which I bought out of my curiosity's sake.  It's been six years since it was released in stores, but I'd noticed this was different from what I had.  The first one I'd bought years ago, had the PlayMonster brand name/logo on it, and a card holder with built-in electronic timer, plus scoring chips and sheets. 

What I bought last week, does NOT show the PlayMonster logo, nor (surprisingly) a UPC barcode.  I opened it to find there is no card holder w/timer, and has a scoring track, with two pawns, plus 10 punch-out chips.  Primarily because of no UPC barcode, I wondered if this could be one of many prototype versions, from the 2016 Toy Fair.
It sounds like you and I have the same copy. Is the scoring track badly misaligned in yours?

Yeah, it too is misaligned, and I said to myself, why the chips?  Just move your pawn one space (or two for later rounds) for each right identification!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 01, 2022, 12:00:29 AM
If anyone's looking for a set of Dice Game dice, these sure seem like they will do the trick for $22. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2022, 01:35:52 PM
If anyone's looking for a set of Dice Game dice, these sure seem like they will do the trick for $22. (

I love the people who think changing the value of a Yahtzee Rollzee is what's gonna keep Hasbro off their nads.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 01, 2022, 02:02:19 PM
A six die Rollzee would be quite a feat.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2022, 03:18:44 PM
A six die Rollzee would be quite a feat.

I believe Die #6 is to be used in Furkle on the other side of the whiteboard.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on July 04, 2022, 12:34:49 PM
I bought a set off of Wayfair and they arrived a few days ago. Definitely would recommend picking up a set.

If it's important to you, the dice have the "North American" 1 where the pip is the same size as all the others, as opposed to the "Chinese" 1 where the single pip is much larger than all the others.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Clay Zambo on July 04, 2022, 04:48:24 PM
If anyone's looking for a set of Dice Game dice, these sure seem like they will do the trick for $22.

And with 6 of 'em, you can play Deluxe Dice Game for a Ferrari (or Lucid). ;)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 05, 2022, 01:21:13 PM
I noticed at that they will be soon stocking the Family Feud "Survey Says," jumbo card game.  The same card game is included with the Gamestar+ edition as a bonus.  When in my local Walmart store, I didn't see the card game, but I noticed a spot in the same aisle showing a Family Feud "Survey Says," full size game for around $20.  There wasn't any in stock, just a descriptive label w/price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on July 06, 2022, 11:04:27 AM
I love the people who think changing the value of a Yahtzee Rollzee is what's gonna keep Hasbro off their nads.

They can certainly complain about the name if they want in a "marketplace confusion" sense, but given how similar Yahtzee is in name to the public domain implementation, that is tricky.  They can't do anything about the game itself, since game rules cannot be protected.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 06, 2022, 06:06:03 PM
They can certainly complain about the name if they want in a "marketplace confusion" sense, but given how similar Yahtzee is in name to the public domain implementation, that is tricky.  They can't do anything about the game itself, since game rules cannot be protected.

I'd agree if they were stealing the public-domain part of the name, instead of the trademarked embellishment. "We're just a version of the public-domain game of Yacht" is one thing." "We're a dice game totally trading on the name of Hasbro's product" is going to get a lot less sympathy from the court.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on July 07, 2022, 09:47:11 AM
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamPrainito on July 25, 2022, 02:07:37 AM
Several pages back, someone mentioned an upcoming "All-Time Funniest Questions" Feud game.  Does anyone have more information on this?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 25, 2022, 12:56:53 PM
Several pages back, someone mentioned an upcoming "All-Time Funniest Questions" Feud game.  Does anyone have more information on this?

Here is where I first got such information:

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a "working title,' and maybe what I found out here is what might soon be available:

The same site also showed this:

As well as this:

I'm wondering if like with FF, the J! game is being made with different themes in mind.

BTW the WOF and J! game tins w/books are apparently being delayed until December, 2022.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SamPrainito on July 27, 2022, 04:48:20 AM
Thank you, Bob!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 01, 2022, 08:06:48 PM
Just stumbled across this at Target's website:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 09, 2022, 01:30:28 PM
While shopping at my local Meijer store, I'd seen a counter update in the toy & game aisle.  A spot was marked for "Password."  It also read "small box" leading me to believe it may come in a box about the size of the one Cardinal released several years ago.

Since they had none in stock, I'm wondering if it will feature new graphics related to the new series (premiering tonight), and maybe if they'll promote this version during the show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 10, 2022, 12:56:24 PM
I stumbled across thie website, listing a lot of products from Imagination Gaming as "coming soon.":

There's a lot of game show related items, as well as a new version of the popular "Scene It," using Gamestar Plus instead of DVDs.

I imagine (no pun), that the ones listed as 6 * 9, are of the "Ready to Roll," variety of smaller sized games.  Curious to see what the DOND, and J! ones are like.  Also, they listed "Fast Feud--Top Answers Only."  That seems like a small size card game if you're only playing an entire game like the current series "sudden death."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 12, 2022, 12:45:57 PM
Here is an update on the new FF "Steve's All-Stars Edition":

When you click the link, scroll down the thumbnail pic showing an image of the box bottom, click that, and when you read the information, you'll see it says that of the 150 "face off" cards, 50 of them have a scannable QR code to let you watch a clip of the same question played on an actual show!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on August 12, 2022, 07:31:42 PM
So in other words, if you get this game, you can scan the QR codes to see every "Penis" answer (and every variation thereof) in one seating.

I'll pass..
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 01, 2022, 12:59:54 PM
Earlier today, while in my nearby Meijer store, they had the "small box" version of Password, with graphics identical to the regular version (red background color, and the "football" shaped logo).  The only noticeable difference other than the box size is, it now says Goliath as the brand.  An earlier report said just the children's games from EG were going to change brand names, not so in this case. 

Not in stock, but labeled on the shelf was the Jeopardy game I'd mentioned earlier.  Unlike what the Walmart site showed as being called "family edition,"  Meijer's shelf label showed it to be called "Jeopardy! Generations."   The mfrs UPC number was the same at both retailers.

Yesterday, I found at FiveBelow, a box game called "That's my Jam," but it doesn't seem to be related to the NBC show starring Jimmy Fallon.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: tyshaun1 on September 02, 2022, 07:31:13 AM
So in other words, if you get this game, you can scan the QR codes to see every "Penis" answer (and every variation thereof) in one seating.

I'll pass..
Your continued hate boner for this show is spectacular.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on September 06, 2022, 04:18:39 PM
The earlier announced revision of AYSTAFG, for multiple video game consoles and PCs is now available.  Keeps the spirit alive, even though it doesn't play faithfully to the show.  You can check the different consoles it's available for at:

Over the weekend, I found Target showing the new Family Feud Kids VS Adults edition.  Currently out of stock, they show the box are and more:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on September 06, 2022, 07:43:43 PM
So in other words, if you get this game, you can scan the QR codes to see every "Penis" answer (and every variation thereof) in one seating.

I'll pass..
Your continued hate boner for this show is spectacular.

I have to agree.

Like seriously Tim, let it go already. We get you don’t like the direction the show took when it came to writing. Lord knows you ain’t the only one. But for Christ’s sake, the joke is farting dust.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on September 06, 2022, 09:23:19 PM
Is it really just Tim? Penis jokes on this forum have been a thing since Steve started hosting, give or take a year.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on September 06, 2022, 10:14:16 PM
Personally, I think it's gone on too schlong.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 11, 2022, 12:35:45 PM
I was in my local Kohl's store over the weekend, and noticed they had the sixth edition of WOF for around $20.   Like in the past few years, the versions at Kohl's featured 150 puzzles, instead of 100 like at all other retailers carrying it.  It also still features the misconstrued "Free Play," wrinkle.

I also saw the Jeopardy and WOF card games, now under the Goliath brand name.  That is contrary to what was quoted in a post by bwood and me made last year at this time:

Speaking of Endless Games, I read they were just bought out by Goliath Games. Don't know what that will mean for the future of their role producing Game Show Games. One of their upper management staff is staying on though so that may help. He's been with them since the beginning.

“The kids’ games will transition to the Goliath brand,” David Norman, president of Goliath’s North American office says. “Family and adult titles will remain under the Endless Games brand.”

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on October 14, 2022, 06:24:22 PM
If you have access to the UK App Store, there's a new Moneybags app.  Downloaded it but haven't played it yet.

Seems like the content is coming out in "episodes" rather than in question packs.  You can pay £3.49 to remove ads from the game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Brig Bother on October 15, 2022, 12:10:08 PM
All "episodes" should have been released, one came out daily with each show. The series has now finished.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 01, 2022, 01:14:33 PM
I found and purchased the new Jeopardy board game from Spin Master Games the other day.  Judging from the descriptions on the box bottom, my hunches were pretty much all correct.

Unlike the notation reads, this game does NOT have a Double Jeopardy! round.  You play the Jeopardy round using only five categories (like most previous home versions), but the nice thing is the way you place Daily Doubles.   There are five DD "slides," with $200-$1000 values on one side, and "Daily Double" on the other side.  It makes it much less likely for a player to locate the DDs compared to the MB, Pressman and Hasbro versions (given the way the DD slides were designed then).

Although you can always ignore the rules the manufacturer provides, the rules included require you to start from the top and work your way to the bottom.  Apparently you don't get penalized for incorrect responses, and each Daily Double (two used in the game), there is no wagering, it is just a chance to double your accumulated "cash" with a correct response (again no penalty for incorrect responses).  Only "Final Jeopardy!" is 100% faithful.

With this being called "Family Edition," I hope Spin Master Games will release a version 100% faithful.  The only good thing is the new grid board IMHO.

I hope the game tin from Igloo books, due next month, will be better!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on November 01, 2022, 01:42:17 PM
Twenty game cards, eh? Same potential issue as the recent Pyramid home game. I know that many of the members of the board are more dedicated to playing their favorite home games than the average bear, but I'm still part of the camp that says the average group playing a game like this is going to play with it fewer times than there is material for (compared to the past), and I'm sensing that because of cost cutting by companies, we're going to see more of this. I'm in the process of co-developing a new game project with the firm that managed to sell my family card game, Trashed, to Winning Moves. We did some runthroughs with a demo model, and it was fascinating how the firm immediately stripped the components to the bare minimum. Cost/production savings. Should the company decide to add some frills to make it more appealing (perceived value for the dollar), it's up to them. This game involves deciphering puzzles, and when I asked how much material to prepare, I was figuring on roughly 90-100 puzzle sets. They suggested 300. It's done, but still think it's too many. Maybe 150 and save the rest for a second edition, should it reach that level of success? All I'm saying is, the average person is always attracted by the next new shiny object that's getting buzz, and the excitement over many games is fleeting. I also think companies are picking up on that, and to save money, they'll cut back on material. Not great for dedicated fans of the game, but they're playing the percentages. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 02, 2022, 08:17:07 PM
and when I asked how much material to prepare, I was figuring on roughly 90-100 puzzle sets. They suggested 300.

How many puzzle sets are used in a typical game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: parliboy on November 02, 2022, 09:01:26 PM
I'm in the process of co-developing a new game project with the firm that managed to sell my family card game, Trashed, to Winning Moves.

Goes down BGG rabbit hole...

Wait a minute, you did Rhino Hero?  Holy shit!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 03, 2022, 01:00:25 PM
Not sure if this has been posted. If you like game controls but don't have the dollars to purchase them, see link below for a series of powerpoint controls that are surprisingly detailed and well put together.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: The Ol' Guy on November 03, 2022, 04:23:27 PM
Thanks for the question, Bro. Lemon. The last I heard, four puzzles for a game with 4 or more players in teams, six puzzles for a three-player game. The person in charge of the game board with clues (think of a FF-style board) rotates. If it's team vs. team, high score team after four puzzles wins. Unless there's an extra player who can serve as permanently running the game board, a player from each team takes turns at the board. In a three-player game, each player gets a chance to control the board twice and have four chances to score as individuals. With a set of 100 puzzles, that comes out to roughly 18 to 25 complete games before going through all the material. I'd think at most 150 would be a good total. The firm is making pitches to companies stating the game has 300 puzzles. It's probably a very appealing number to a potential manufacturer. It could very well be that any company that decides to buy the rights will make their own decision as to how many puzzles they choose to print, based on costs or how hard or easy they want the game to be.  Rhino Hero? Not mine, but I could have been the inspiration for the hefty character... :-)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 04, 2022, 03:43:59 PM
Thanks for the question, Bro. Lemon. The last I heard, four puzzles for a game with 4 or more players in teams, six puzzles for a three-player game.

Got it. I guess at that point, the question is one of how quickly the game plays. If it's only six puzzles with three, is the game over in 20-30 minutes, or is the experience still 60-90 minutes? If it's the former, I can see them wanting 50 games worth of content as opposed to the typical 25-30, and ESPECIALLY if the content isn't really reusable.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on November 14, 2022, 08:11:56 PM
Wordle has a "home game" out...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 17, 2022, 03:21:28 PM
Wordle has a "home game" out...

I mentioned it in a separate post, since Wordle itself is NOT a game show!  While on the subject, I found in my local Kohl's store a similar game from University Games called "5-letter WORDLET"  Also, LINGO is reportedly permiering on CBS Prime-time come January 11, 2023!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: curtking on November 18, 2022, 02:32:47 PM
Found this at my local Food Lion yesterday.  Are any of these games any good?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 18, 2022, 02:53:45 PM
We have the Feud card game that we bought from Five Below. If that version is anything like what we have, it's a fun game but no buzzer*. Pretty much individual survey questions printed on each card.

*Can't tell from the pic but is the buzzer simply a mobile app where you press a button to ring in?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 21, 2022, 05:27:08 PM
Found this at my local Food Lion yesterday.  Are any of these games any good?


Is FoodLion associated with Kroger?  If not, can somebody post a follow-up if they see these games anywhere else?  Did FoodLion also have the "Fast Feud--Top answers only," game?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on November 21, 2022, 05:51:41 PM
Is FoodLion associated with Kroger?
To the best of my knowledge, no. I know Kroger and Harris Teeter are, however. Given how large the Kroger stores are around here, I wouldn't be surprised if they sold the games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on November 21, 2022, 06:23:28 PM
Food Lion is owned by Ahold Delhaize Group, for the record.

They also own Giant of Maryland, Giant of Pennsylvania/Martin’s Food Stores, Stop & Shop, and Hannaford. So if any of you are familiar with any of these chains, they’re all corporate siblings.

Full disclosure: they are also my employer.

To the best of my knowledge I have not seen any of these games in store.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: mystery7 on November 22, 2022, 02:19:04 PM
Can I just say I wish Ahold would settle on branding all their identical stores as Stop & Shop? Or just do what Prince did and be known as a logo? I'm tired of having to show my "Martin's Giant & Shop" card at the register in this area, where it's Giant near work and Martin's at home. The people from our Martin's gas stations and Giant Eagle would probably appreciate that too.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 23, 2022, 06:03:53 PM
Found this at my local Food Lion yesterday.  Are any of these games any good?
I have Wheel and Jeopardy, but the versions in the cube box. I didn't expect much except new content for game nights with my non-game show friends.

Is FoodLion associated with Kroger?  If not, can somebody post a follow-up if they see these games anywhere else?
The two Dave and Buster's in my area carry Deal, PYL, J and Wheel for about 1500 tickets apiece. Not bad for a fun day out.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: GSRebich on November 30, 2022, 09:06:37 PM
I work at the Food Lion in Beckley, WV and we have those games display with our Christmas items.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 01, 2022, 01:00:00 PM
Spin Master Games' Facebook page now shows a video demo of their new Jeopardy! game:

Walmart in my area is the first spot to stock the new sixth edition of Wheel of Fortune (the standard version, not the bonus version, sold at Kohl's).

Ollie's Bargain Outlet has Alex Trebek's autobiography in stock selling for $4.99, and Card Sharks for $7.99!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: colonial on December 28, 2022, 10:34:16 PM
Took my daughter to Dave and Busters in Orlando to celebrate a strong report card when we came upon WOF, J! And PYL "Game Boxes" for 1400 points each.

We did not look inside the boxes but, based on the descriptions, the game material was in English and French. I found some basic info on Walmart Canada's website (which included a pair of FF boxes), but that's it.

My daughter had enough points to get at least one box, but she opted for a My Hero Academia poster and a kazoo.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 29, 2022, 02:35:44 PM
Took my daughter to Dave and Busters in Orlando to celebrate a strong report card when we came upon WOF, J! And PYL "Game Boxes" for 1400 points each.

We did not look inside the boxes but, based on the descriptions, the game material was in English and French. I found some basic info on Walmart Canada's website (which included a pair of FF boxes), but that's it.

My daughter had enough points to get at least one box, but she opted for a My Hero Academia poster and a kazoo.


IIRC, those versions are in English and French, except for WOF, which is English only.   The pair of FF game boxes are the Kids edition and a "movies," edition (both English and French).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: PYLdude on December 29, 2022, 03:41:10 PM
My question is how much was the kazoo.

I also finally may have my excuse to go to my local D&B which has been open for about four years now and which I have still yet to visit.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: colonial on December 29, 2022, 09:50:46 PM
Here are the boxes in question that I saw at the Orlando D&B ...

The kazoo was 100 points -- my daughter's prize selection is improving. When she started going, she would redeem for Fun Dip and only Fun Dip.


Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on December 29, 2022, 09:53:44 PM
First, congratulations to your daughter. Also, how did she roll up that kind of bankroll?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 04, 2023, 12:26:28 AM
First, congratulations to your daughter. Also, how did she roll up that kind of bankroll?
Buy credits on sale, then go on Wednesday for half price games. It’s the only way to fly.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 04, 2023, 02:53:47 PM
Quick curious question:

Yesterday I was at a collectibles store where a wrestler (Danhausen) was doing a signing, and while we were in line waiting it for start I was browsing a little, and I happened across a Tic-Tac-Dough home game in fairly good condition for $10, so I snapped it up. Turns out it was mostly content complete; I don't think all of the play money was there (maybe, but I doubt it? Seems like a small stack), but definitely all of the question cards, and as a bonus, a complete set of static-cling X's and O's from a Hollywood Squares home game. (Well, ok then!)

Here's the question: The Bonus Game cards, according to the instruction sheet, should have had eight dollar values and Teh Dragon. (Yes, I know.) But for some reason I have six dollar values and three Dragons. Obviously I don't care; it's 2022 and I could make my own set of Bonus Game cards (complete with proper TIC and TAC, of course) that would blow these out of the water if I cared that much. But I can't remember from my original set back in the day; was that a content mistake or did this previous owner actually cull this together out of three sets?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on January 04, 2023, 03:29:04 PM
I wonder if the game had extra Dragons, because you need those, and the money tabs were seen as more expendable. I recall mine having eight money and one critter—no TIC or TAC.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 04, 2023, 03:45:56 PM
I recall mine having eight money and one critter—no TIC or TAC.

Yours at least matches up with what the rulesheet says should be there. I didn't get around to checking which money amounts were missing, to see if they were actually trying to match up with the ones that existed in a TIC-TAC-Dragon configuration.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Mike Tennant on January 04, 2023, 04:33:27 PM
My copy has:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on January 04, 2023, 04:34:53 PM
Semi-OT question:  Is there any place someone could buy large amounts of Milton Bradley play money, outside of pilfering it from many innocent home editions?  I'm teaching Financial Literacy next semester and my principal suggested using Monopoly money for simulations, but multiply the values times 10.  Forget that; I know there are $5000 bills in MB bucks.

If anybody can help, cool.  If I need to sacrifice some home games for the cause, cool but with reluctance.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on January 04, 2023, 06:17:54 PM
Semi-OT question:  Is there any place someone could buy large amounts of Milton Bradley play money, outside of pilfering it from many innocent home editions?  I'm teaching Financial Literacy next semester and my principal suggested using Monopoly money for simulations, but multiply the values times 10.  Forget that; I know there are $5000 bills in MB bucks.

If anybody can help, cool.  If I need to sacrifice some home games for the cause, cool but with reluctance.

I saw some eBay sellers and interesting things on etsy, but when I needed "monopoly money" I just made my own. I found a decent enough picture of Life money ( which was my first inclination for big bills.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on January 04, 2023, 06:41:22 PM
I’ve sold some play money on eBay from MB, Life and Payday. Mike, I sent you a private message.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 05, 2023, 01:39:11 PM
My copy has:


This is what I believe the rulesheet told me to expect. Anyone know offhand what the TIC-TAC-Dragon money distribution was?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Marc412 on January 05, 2023, 01:54:25 PM
100, 150, 250, 300, 400, 500, Tic, Tac, Dragon
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 05, 2023, 02:32:13 PM
100, 150, 250, 300, 400, 500, Tic, Tac, Dragon

Thanks. Even more curious. What I have here is $100, $150, $200, $300, $350, $500, and the three Dragons.

I was thinking anybody hardcore enough to put together a set of bonus cards with three Dragons, keep the game question content complete, AND keep the box in as good a condition as it was was going to get the remaining dollar values true to TV, too, but clearly they didn't. Hmm.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on January 05, 2023, 02:53:37 PM
But I can't remember from my original set back in the day; was that a content mistake or did this previous owner actually cull this together out of three sets?

Every complete copy I can find has 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 with 4 dragons. I imagine the original way the cards were before perforating necessitated a multiple of 4 (as that's a total of 12). And of course, one copy I corroborated with on eBay had the original owner pencil in "TIC" and "TAC" over two of the dollar amounts. Fans be fans, in any decade :)

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 05, 2023, 03:56:39 PM
Every complete copy I can find has 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 with 4 dragons. I imagine the original way the cards were before perforating necessitated a multiple of 4 (as that's a total of 12). And of course, one copy I corroborated with on eBay had the original owner pencil in "TIC" and "TAC" over two of the dollar amounts. Fans be fans, in any decade :)

That would be a much more Occam's-Razor-explanation for what I have here. I think later today I might break out the Photoshop and cardstock and see what I might be able to whip up, just out of curiosity.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on January 05, 2023, 08:29:40 PM
Here's a screenshot ( from my copy of Greggo's software that features the nine bonus boxes, just to save everyone some time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 06, 2023, 05:37:23 PM
Here's a screenshot ( from my copy of Greggo's software that features the nine bonus boxes, just to save everyone some time.

Much appreciated! I ended up grabbing one from the Flashgames one. (There's a blast from the past, right?) I have pretty good slides for the boxes, now I need to cobble together a card back.

I figure I can do one of two things: I can either try to make it look like a category that reads "BONUS GAME" (except aside from culling the letters from an old screenshot from a Netgames thread that actually happens to happen to have all of those letters I'm not sure how to do it in a way that looks authentic and decent) or I can just find a Tic Tac Dough logo and put it against the pink number background, which would probably end up garish AF but would totally be fitting with the show. :)

Massive longshot, but has someone made that category font? I've come close but can't hit it exactly.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on January 06, 2023, 07:55:55 PM
I've recently acquired copies of the Imagination DVD Games for To Tell the Truth and Beat the Clock. The history I have heard of them in the past is sporadic. Were they only released in that special tin? I just have the games and cases.
The backs also list Double Dare (Trebek presumably), What's My Line, Tatttletales and Play Your Hunch. I assume those never saw the light of day.

TTTT features Burton as announcer and music and clips from TTTT 00-01. Burton dubs over any questions and affidavits. It's a 2 team game, and you play 3 rounds each of Burton asking contestants 1 different question each. After each 3 questions, you can try to guess or listen to 3 more questions, but it's worth fewer points. I think there's up to 3, maybe 4 rounds of questions with those particular contestants before you must answer. After that, they give bonus points if you can answer how the audience voted. Most points at the end wins.

Didn't get much into BTC, but the only footage I saw was they use the 50s clock intro in some capacity as a game opener. Other than that, it's just graphics that we're made specifically for the game with an unnamed voice-over host. The format is similar to Nick DD with a question round, then stunts until a winner is determined for the Bonus Round which is scrambled phrases.

I found an entry for TTTT on a "Lost Media" page, proclaimed as "Lost" but I know that term is used extremely loosely and usually just means that that particular person has never seen it.

TTTT was kinda fun. BtC may be in a Party setting but they have a list of suggested props to have on hand for the stunts portion to be executed correctly so it requires some preparation. Of course, the technology is dated now but was neat in 2006.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 07, 2023, 12:54:05 AM
I have pretty good slides for the boxes, now I need to cobble together a card back.
I'd say they came out pretty well!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on January 07, 2023, 05:39:52 AM
That is some excellent handiwork! What is your design program of choice?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on January 07, 2023, 10:24:40 AM
I'd say they came out pretty well!

BEAUTIFUL! Care to share the files with the group so we can make our own if desired?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on January 07, 2023, 10:38:15 AM
I’d say those look pretty damn legit. Nice job!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: KrisW73 on January 07, 2023, 11:13:11 AM
Those cards are pretty damn nifty!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 07, 2023, 11:33:46 AM
I'd say they came out pretty well!

Now that, my good man, is what's Kraken.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on January 07, 2023, 11:40:23 AM
I have pretty good slides for the boxes, now I need to cobble together a card back.
I'd say they came out pretty well!
Those look very nice.  What kind of materials were used?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Vgmastr on January 09, 2023, 11:46:22 PM
Arcade1up, which specializes in making replica arcade games for home use, has announced a Wheel of Fortune casinocade machine.  It features four different Wheel of Fortune slot machine games along with 21 other casino and puzzle games.  I'd be more interested if it had some of the actual Wheel of Fortune arcade games on it, but it would be a cool looking addition to a game room.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on January 10, 2023, 04:43:25 PM
I got confirmation from Arcade1Up that these are NOT the IGT licensed versions that you might see in a real-world casino, but are versions that are currently available in the Wheel of Fortune Slots mobile app (not the IGT one).

Arcade1up, which specializes in making replica arcade games for home use, has announced a Wheel of Fortune casinocade machine.  It features four different Wheel of Fortune slot machine games along with 21 other casino and puzzle games.  I'd be more interested if it had some of the actual Wheel of Fortune arcade games on it, but it would be a cool looking addition to a game room.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 10, 2023, 05:26:25 PM
That is some excellent handiwork! What is your design program of choice?

Really just Photoshop, and mostly just copypastas from a couple of Flashgames screengrabs (and I found that plenty-high-enough-res TTD logo someplace) with a little bit of layer work to clean up some color artifacts and such, resized to poker-card width (which made them a little smaller than poker card height, which bugged for a second until I realized it was going to make getting all nine on one page a LOT easier) then I printed on our laser printer on decent cardstock (I tried to make it into a PDF but I must have been doing something wrong as it didn't wanna line up quite right on both sides (I have guesses) so I just ran one side through and then reloaded the cardstock for the other side and that was fine), laminated, cut with a paper slicer, and finished with the corner rounder.

Here y'all, enjoy. I made the main pages into PNGs as well in case someone doesn't have Photoshop. This link will die in a week so get it while it's hot:!AkS0q-G_hT_GmpF_srlleYMdTs7YPw?e=y9agod
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 10, 2023, 05:33:44 PM
Those look very nice.  What kind of materials were used?

110-pound cardstock, an HP LaserJet 400 Color M451dw printer, standard lamination pouches with a $20 Swingline laminator, this ( paper slicer, and the small setting on this ( corner rounder.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on January 10, 2023, 06:33:37 PM
If I still had the home game, I would try to load them into NANDeck and make M:TG sized cards to aid my fumble fingers. The workmanship is outstanding.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on January 12, 2023, 07:28:05 PM
Looks like Jeopardy! PlayShow is now on the Nintendo Switch as of last August. I don't remember it being mentioned:

I don't know much about it but we had a trial years ago on our FireTV and it was buggy.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on January 17, 2023, 04:57:37 PM
Looks like Jeopardy! PlayShow is now on the Nintendo Switch as of last August. I don't remember it being mentioned:

I don't know much about it but we had a trial years ago on our FireTV and it was buggy.

It's better, but the overall concept is still flawed to me. I found that the 80s pack played the best at small parties, but them being linked to just watching episodes still didn't work for some people. The voice recognition is very buggy, and it all feels like it's powered by apps that won't be supported in a few years. Lack of new DLC has me concerned that this might be retired soon.

It's been nearly 6 years since the last licensed J! video game, and hopefully someone will pickup the license soon.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 25, 2023, 12:20:54 PM
Last week, I bought on the Jeopardy! game tin by Igloo Books.  The biggest disappointment is that it only has enough material for TWO complete games!  Although there are 12 different FJ! categories/clues.

When they say that it has "56 prize cards," they mean that there are 8 sets of seven money value cards.  Six cards in each set have the clue value on one side and the Jeopardy logo on the other.  The seventh one in each set says "Daily Double," on the reverse side.  As a bit of a spoiler, this means that the "Daily Doubles," for DJ! would each be hidden behind a different value (ex. $2,000 in one category and $1,200 in a different one).

Nice collectible tin, but not a great game (the Hasbro/Parker Bros. version from 1999 is still the best).

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 05, 2023, 12:55:53 PM
Since the pandemic, and two Toy Fair cancellations. what used to occur about now, takes place in the fall in Dallas.  No new home games to report at this time.

Recently, I've gotten a bit active in finding old games on eBay and similar sites.  I acquired a "Still sealed," copy of MB's last Jeopardy! game from 1982.  Billed as the fourteenth edition, it like Concentration and Password was actually the thirteenth version, with MB deliberately skipping the numerical value, due to triskadecaphobia (fear of number thirteen).

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 06, 2023, 11:43:09 AM
After acquiring a copy of MB's Camouflage game from eBay last week, I'm wondering could the show have started out locally and gotten it's own home game before airing nationally, or could they have stopped promoting the show on the box game after the show's cancellation.  The first illustration is similar to the one I got.  You will notice there is no mention of the TV show, and no extra transparent plastic sheets for play on your TV.

The next two box illustrations mention the show, and the extra sheets being included.  Only the final illustration shows (in rather fine print) "as seen on ABC-TV"
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: alfonzos on March 10, 2023, 05:42:26 PM
After acquiring a copy of MB's Camouflage game from eBay last week, I'm wondering could the show have started out locally and gotten it's own home game before airing nationally, or could they have stopped promoting the show on the box game after the show's cancellation.
I have this one in my collection and, FTR, I am dumbfounded as to how awful this home game is.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: dazztardly on March 10, 2023, 11:11:09 PM
I have pretty good slides for the boxes, now I need to cobble together a card back.
I'd say they came out pretty well!

Nice job, they look pretty cool. I drew the original graphics for that flash game probably around twenty years ago. I recreated everything in vector with graphic software called Xara. The logo took probably the longest, almost a couple weeks. Retracing it off of the Ideal board game box art. The dragon was recreated pixel by pixel off referencing from several screengrabs. When Wink Martindale's social media team released a limited edition t-shirt, they used my dragon graphic for it.

Again, awesome work putting those cards together.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on April 07, 2023, 01:48:20 PM
After going through some old storage boxes, I finally found an old TV Guide insert, from 1993, that I thought might look interesting, though no longer available for sale:

I don't think you can directly link to something in your email inbox (I'm seeing nothing).

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 07, 2023, 07:26:56 PM
Sorry, I'll try to work it out.  If anyone knows how to get it working from a PDF file let me know.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on April 11, 2023, 07:30:31 PM
Anybody familiar with "Um, Actually" a streaming game show:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jlgarfield on May 03, 2023, 10:13:15 PM
So I'm the about getting this 1986 $ale of the Century Quizzard board game - is it any good? I know there is video review, but I just want your thoughts, from you guys.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on May 03, 2023, 11:06:03 PM
It is very nice, though you may find many of the questions from that 37-year-old book rather outdated.

My only quibble with it is that they replaced the "earn your way up to bigger prizes" mechanism for the end of the game with "take a random WINNER card, there's your prize." Presumably this was done because the US show had ditched buying grand prizes for the Winner's Board by then, but it's a gameplay feature that works very well with the home version, and is something you can easily add back to the game.on your own.

If you'd want to go the extra step and get the Winner cards with prices printed on them, there's often someone selling sets of cards from an Aussie home game, and the shipping's cheap because they're not sending out that whole giant box.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on May 03, 2023, 11:21:09 PM
The problem of the random cards is that you can win either a $3,000 living room or the $50,000 briefcase (or even $150,000 if you got a misprint or different edition).

The trivia is thifty-five years stale and web browsers can allow you to have buzzer battles with people on opposite ends of the continent so the only mark in its favor would be for completeness or if you wanted to play the game knowing exactly what you were in for.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on May 04, 2023, 01:42:05 PM
So I'm the about getting this 1986 $ale of the Century Quizzard board game - is it any good? I know there is video review, but I just want your thoughts, from you guys.

I had one nit with the Quizzard: It flashes for a couple seconds before indicating who buzzed first, giving you a little extra time to think. But it was still fun back in the day.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Strikerz04 on May 05, 2023, 06:53:05 PM
The problem of the random cards is that you can win either a $3,000 living room or the $50,000 briefcase (or even $150,000 if you got a misprint or different edition).

The trivia is thifty-five years stale and web browsers can allow you to have buzzer battles with people on opposite ends of the continent so the only mark in its favor would be for completeness or if you wanted to play the game knowing exactly what you were in for.

Or you could strike gold with the "Temptation" AU board game. I managed to get one from ebay back in 2006. I accidentally ordered two US game versions with the 50K and 150K Jackpots.

If the quizzard and standard Sale books are too dated, Maybe find an equivalent book of the most recent trivia and give a game from there.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: DJDustman on May 06, 2023, 07:47:38 PM
I snagged a Temptation board game. Nice setup but the quizzard buzzers are as wonky as 1986. Also the fame game cards are a let down as they have Aussie shows or so as the "faces" and you can tell which one would have a ten, fifteen, etc.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on May 15, 2023, 01:05:07 PM
Hard to believe this TV Guide insert offer was from 30 years ago!  I probably would've bought one, if it looked like a genuine WOF item.  Though many would've turned it down because of the price.

Edited by me:

Thanks for making it simpler for other interested parties to see what I am glad to have finally been able to share.  I also shared it on the facebook page on game show memorabilia.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on May 15, 2023, 01:07:10 PM
You beat me to the punch by a second! I was going to post about this after seeing your FB post. I'll save you the trouble of people having to click on a link :). I wonder if this was ever made. I honestly have NO recollection of it at all.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on May 15, 2023, 01:10:01 PM
You beat me to the punch by a second! I was going to post about this after seeing your FB post. I'll save you the trouble of people having to click on a link :). I wonder if this was ever made. I honestly have NO recollection of it at all.

I don’t think I’ve ever wanted a home game more than I do right now. That’s beautiful.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Adam Nedeff on May 15, 2023, 01:35:46 PM
I love it, but there's just one agonizing oversight for needs the Pressman-style interchangeable wedges. Add those and I'd fork over my $495 in 1993 money.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on May 15, 2023, 02:07:37 PM
That is gorgeous. I was Googling "wheel of fortune "danbury mint"" in order to find more info on it, but alas, nothing's shown up so far. I can't imagine many of them sold, so they're certainly rare pieces indeed. As someone who loves wooden-case editions of board games (I have a couple from Winning Solutions) this would be a treasure to own.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on May 15, 2023, 02:43:37 PM
That is gorgeous. I was Googling "wheel of fortune "danbury mint"" in order to find more info on it, but alas, nothing's shown up so far. I can't imagine many of them sold, so they're certainly rare pieces indeed. As someone who loves wooden-case editions of board games (I have a couple from Winning Solutions) this would be a treasure to own.

I took it a step further and tried some old newspapers. Also turned up nothing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on May 15, 2023, 02:52:04 PM
That is gorgeous. I was Googling "wheel of fortune "danbury mint"" in order to find more info on it, but alas, nothing's shown up so far. I can't imagine many of them sold, so they're certainly rare pieces indeed.
I mentioned to people off this board that I wouldn't be surprised if the number made was zero, especially since Danbury Mint would have had to create and sell a certain number of games to turn a profit.  If the interest isn't there, why move forward?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on May 16, 2023, 10:59:18 AM
I love it, but there's just one agonizing oversight for needs the Pressman-style interchangeable wedges. Add those and I'd fork over my $495 in 1993 money.

What I think it would even better than the interchangeable wedges, Adam, would be interchangeable cardboard wheel diagrams, where you could change the whole 24 amounts with subsequent rounds.  Even include the $Million Dollar wedge, and a bonus round insert for added fun.  Mattel did a similar concept for its Wheel of Fortune Bingo game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on June 22, 2023, 12:59:14 PM
It may not be that big a deal to many, but the first new item for this year that I have seen is a mini-pack version of the Family Feud Survey Says game.  Exclusively at select Dollar Tree stores for $1.25!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on June 22, 2023, 07:50:44 PM
What I think it would even better than the interchangeable wedges, Adam, would be interchangeable cardboard wheel diagrams, where you could change the whole 24 amounts with subsequent rounds.

For Five Hundred Damn Dollars I think I expect a slightly better material than cardboard.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on June 23, 2023, 11:08:47 AM
The maker of those 3-D printed Showcase Showdown and Wheel of Fortune wheels has branched out to mini pricing game sets. I don't know that I'd necessarily consider them practical, but they certainly are adorable. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 30, 2023, 10:08:10 PM
Buffalo Games is releasing a new version of Plinko. The board is smaller, there are only 7 slots instead of 9, there's no light or sound, the chips appear to be plastic, and the attempt to make a standalone game out of it seems weird. Overall it's a product that appears to be less worth $20 than its flawed predecessor did at $40.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 01, 2023, 01:35:52 PM
I'm not sure if this other item at Target is new, or just repackaged in a smaller box, and showing new graphics:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 14, 2023, 12:35:02 PM
Earlier today I stumbled across this image of the prototype box art for the Ideal home version of Hollywood Squares.  I know it was shown this way on the show, before hitting stores back in 1974 or 1975.

I remember seeing it with the rather serous looking picture of Peter Marshall and his eyeglasses.

While on this subject, the 2023 New York Toy Fair was held two weeks, and there's been no word about any new game show games coming out in time for the holidays, but some surprises have popped up from time to time.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on October 20, 2023, 10:33:19 PM
I was in my local Five below store tonight, and they had the Jeopardy game from Igloo Books in cardboard packaging for only $5!  They also had, for the same price, the FF Survey Says GameBox, which sells for much more almost everywhere else.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on December 19, 2023, 05:13:49 PM
A new "Millionaire Champions" game was released for iOS (and Android soon) today. This is based on the Apple TV/Mac game. Play the current game with four lifelines, or play "Champions" games with stacks of questions (and graphics/set/lifelines from the 2000s) from some of the Regis-era Millionaire winners.

Premium game with no ads, or in game currency - costs $3. Well worth it:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on May 01, 2024, 12:23:35 PM
I've been aware of the following products "coming soon," for awhile, but in recent years, I felt it would be best to just wait to mention anything until the actual items turn up somewhere:

Surprisingly I haven't yet seen any U.S. sites or retailers showing the new ones.  The official site ( is "currently unavailable"

The site these old/new FF games are being listed at, is located in Canada.  They are listed as "sold out."

Those prices, bear in mind, are Canadian Dollars.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on May 01, 2024, 04:46:24 PM
Buffalo Games is releasing a new version of Plinko. The board is smaller, there are only 7 slots instead of 9, there's no light or sound, the chips appear to be plastic, and the attempt to make a standalone game out of it seems weird. Overall it's a product that appears to be less worth $20 than its flawed predecessor did at $40.

Does anyone know if this version fixed the problem with keeping the chips on the board? It would be for a 7-year-old who might not realize it's dull right away.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on May 02, 2024, 12:36:20 AM
Buffalo Games is releasing a new version of Plinko. The board is smaller, there are only 7 slots instead of 9, there's no light or sound, the chips appear to be plastic, and the attempt to make a standalone game out of it seems weird. Overall it's a product that appears to be less worth $20 than its flawed predecessor did at $40.

Does anyone know if this version fixed the problem with keeping the chips on the board? It would be for a 7-year-old who might not realize it's dull right away.

Looks like it was addressed. This version seems to have a clear plastic cover over the pegs? That's what it looks like to me.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on July 01, 2024, 12:16:27 AM
I know it's come up a few times how so many sellers of giant playing cards only offer a red deck or a blue deck, not both. Well, here's both, packaged together, and a massive 11"x17" size that would make them pretty dang close to what Jim Perry flipped. Reviews point to the cards being fairly heavy and sturdy. The downside is that the card faces aren't especially attractive. (
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on July 01, 2024, 07:32:29 AM
The downside is that the card faces aren't especially attractive.

The upside is that the model in the picture *IS*.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on July 01, 2024, 10:19:44 AM
I don't recall how much we've talked about it here, but there's a fantastic Etsy store that 3D prints game show props. Ever wanted a Price Is Right playset akin to a Barbie Dream Home or a Ninja Turtles Technodrome? This shop does a ton of pricing games, Wheel of Fortune configurations, and even secondary props like free spin tokens. Seller is extremely nice and is open to doing custom items as well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Matt Ottinger on July 01, 2024, 10:23:26 AM
I don't recall how much we've talked about it here, but there's a fantastic Etsy store that 3D prints game show props. Ever wanted a Price Is Right playset akin to a Barbie Dream Home or a Ninja Turtles Technodrome? This shop does a ton of pricing games, Wheel of Fortune configurations, and even secondary props like free spin tokens. Seller is extremely nice and is open to doing custom items as well.

This is a world I don't even care about, and WOW, my jaw dropped.  Those are amazing.  Does anybody here own any of her creations? Are they as terrific looking up close?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 01, 2024, 10:54:04 AM
This is a world I don't even care about, and WOW, my jaw dropped.  Those are amazing.  Does anybody here own any of her creations? Are they as terrific looking up close?

Specifically I had asked Molly to create a Wheel that was patterned on the deluxe box game/mid-80s wheel, as well as some hook-on wedges to liven things up. The idea was to bring it along to the Boot Camp a couple of years ago and give my friends something to do at night after the festivities.

My only complaint is that the wheel doesn't always sit right between the knob and base but my word, it is gorgeous work. She is also very receptive (as you would imagine) and quite happy to make tweaks and such. I don't know if she's a fan like One of Us, but the actual finished product is so close you could be excused thinking she was.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2024, 12:56:38 PM
The downside is that the card faces aren't especially attractive.

They aren't, but they *are* stylized in a way, and so were the CS cards, so there's that.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 02, 2024, 11:27:08 AM
I've been aware of the following products "coming soon," for awhile, but in recent years, I felt it would be best to just wait to mention anything until the actual items turn up somewhere:

Surprisingly I haven't yet seen any U.S. sites or retailers showing the new ones.  The official site ( is "currently unavailable"

The site these old/new FF games are being listed at, is located in Canada.  They are listed as "sold out."

Those prices, bear in mind, are Canadian Dollars.

A couple of outside sources have led me to wondering the future of Imagination Gaming and Gamestar+ (individually, as well as in partnership).  As mentioned earlier, their site is "unavailable," and I'd seen a catalog issued a year ago,

showing more WOF and J! small travel versions with different themes to them, which are not shown in their 2024 catalog.  Non-relevent to games shows, it seems to be taking IG a very long time to release the U.S. version of a "Disney Game Night" game (combined board and digital app game).  Among the ones that were planned/pictured for 2023, were "Foodie" editions of FF. J! and WOF; plus, a "Generations," FF; "Movie Edition," J!, and "Music Edition," WOF.

Recently, IG released a new full-size version of DOND in Australia (with a promo of a contest where a lucky buyer of a copy of the game could qualify to win a million Aussie dollars).  I emailed IG to see if they will be releasing a new full-size version in the U.S.  as well as the other games mentioned above, but no response from anybody.

It's not the first time IG has not released items they promoted.  Years ago, when they had a myspace site, they promoted a DVD game version of Temptation--The New SOTC was coming to the U.S., but didn't.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on July 02, 2024, 12:22:51 PM
It's not the first time IG has not released items they promoted.  Years ago, when they had a myspace site, they promoted a DVD game version of Temptation--The New SOTC was coming to the U.S., but didn't.

But they did offer lots of love as a consolation...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on July 04, 2024, 01:15:31 AM
Just read that Imagination no longer has licenses for WoF, Jeopardy! And PYL and have been required to remove those games from their app, despite the physical portions of the games still being available online and in store advertising the playalong Gamestar App.

However, I also read they have rebuilt the Supermarket Sweep portion of the Gamestar App for that board game and everything is functional once again.
The Supermarket Sweep game is still for sale on Amazon and it is now around $13. It was closer to $30 upon initial release.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 06, 2024, 12:09:06 PM
With that in mind, I wonder does Imagination Gaming still hold the licensing rights for Family Feud products.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on July 06, 2024, 08:33:53 PM
With that in mind, I wonder does Imagination Gaming still hold the licensing rights for Family Feud products.

I would assume yes, at least for now, since it is still listed on Gamestar App & Play.
The only shows currently listed are DoND, Sweep and FF.
I emailed someone at Imagination because the Bonuses still don't scan for SS and he said that another update is coming soon to fix any residual issues.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 23, 2024, 01:41:12 PM
I've been a little pessimistic as to whether any new games are coming out this year, since I don't see any sneak peeks nor press releases about any. 

The recently announced Talk About reboot is slated for 2025, but I don't know if the board/card games will be released unless a new series premieres.

Some of this years new shows look like they might make good home games.  I just found out that The Floor is scheduled to return on Fox, Sept. 25; do you think that could be a good home game?  Maybe too difficult to make a board game, but maybe easier as an app/video game.  Could it be more people prefer electronic/computer/phone app games over board games in this day and age.

Maybe just certain formats would work well.  In 2016, Family Feud became part of Cardinal Industries/Spin Master/Imagination Gaming after a long-time association with Endless Games.  EG released about ten different FF games from 1997-2017.  After the transition in 2016, the above mentioned threesome of CI/SM/IG has released 20 standard size board game editions, plus the specialty card games/game cubes/travel size games.  There's no information anywhere, right now. about more FF products coming, but there have been surprises before, including Walmart/Target exclusives.

If you'd like to share thoughts, you may.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on July 23, 2024, 05:24:47 PM
I just found out that The Floor is scheduled to return on Fox, Sept. 25; do you think that could be a good home game?  Maybe too difficult to make a board game, but maybe easier as an app/video game.  Could it be more people prefer electronic/computer/phone app games over board games in this day and age.

I think content would be ridiculously expensive to produce (photo clearances cost money (unless you are going wholly public-domain, and now you have to spend money doing stupid amounts of research to make sure your images ARE IN FACT public domain)), and you would need a lot of it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on July 23, 2024, 05:54:18 PM
I think content would be ridiculously expensive to produce (photo clearances cost money (unless you are going wholly public-domain, and now you have to spend money doing stupid amounts of research to make sure your images ARE IN FACT public domain)), and you would need a lot of it.
I remember the game Picture Pursuit where correct answers to a Trivial Pursuit question would open one of twelve doors to reveal a portion of a picture or portrait, and the end goal was guessing the pictures. I have to imagine that pictures of real people have to be cleared. Same with the game Snapshot, except all of those were all black and white and I don't recall any specifics.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 24, 2024, 02:03:25 PM
I think content would be ridiculously expensive to produce (photo clearances cost money (unless you are going wholly public-domain, and now you have to spend money doing stupid amounts of research to make sure your images ARE IN FACT public domain)), and you would need a lot of it.
I remember the game Picture Pursuit where correct answers to a Trivial Pursuit question would open one of twelve doors to reveal a portion of a picture or portrait, and the end goal was guessing the pictures. I have to imagine that pictures of real people have to be cleared. Same with the game Snapshot, except all of those were all black and white and I don't recall any specifics.

You both raise some good points there,  But I've wondered the chances of some, given they may have foreign home versions with home games marketed. 

There hasn't been an American version of The Wall, where it originated, but foreign editions have been released.  There is a UK board game based on The 1% Club.  I also think Lucky 13 would be fairly easy to do.  I could imagine a new one based on WWTBAM, if only to commemorate it's silver anniversary, as well as a new WOF in the next year, marking 50 years overall!

Regarding the use of photos, particularly if color prints, I wonder if when Pressman released their $100,000 Pyramid game their printing of the game material in color, like the show, was rather expensive (I'm sure it was!), that it led to them trying to keep the cost down by only using the limited subjects and all in the game (they didn't even include scoring dials like all the other versions).
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on July 25, 2024, 10:10:27 AM
I think content would be ridiculously expensive to produce (photo clearances cost money (unless you are going wholly public-domain, and now you have to spend money doing stupid amounts of research to make sure your images ARE IN FACT public domain)), and you would need a lot of it.
I remember the game Picture Pursuit where correct answers to a Trivial Pursuit question would open one of twelve doors to reveal a portion of a picture or portrait, and the end goal was guessing the pictures. I have to imagine that pictures of real people have to be cleared. Same with the game Snapshot, except all of those were all black and white and I don't recall any specifics.

I also have Picture Pursuit and still bring it to my trivia meetup group. I use more recent editions of TP with the pics, since the original questions are almost 30 years old.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on July 31, 2024, 11:56:37 AM
While inside my local Target store, I noticed they updated their board game counter.  They no longer had the Family Feud related products labeled, (had been out of stock for several months), but new on board was this game, Outsmarted.  Available online for some time, this is the first time I've seen in it in any retail store:

The box was more square shaped, and, like in a couple of the other pictures, it is subtitled 'The Live Quiz Show"

While a few earlier posts mentioned a spin-off of Trivial Pursuit (Picture Pursuit), Target had another new spin-off called "Drop Trivia":
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on July 31, 2024, 04:20:45 PM
Outsmarted is a pretty decent game.  I got it for Christmas.  I like the fact you can play with others around the internet and the questions (some timely) are from their online database.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on August 01, 2024, 12:11:33 AM
Another great feature of Outsmarted is the ability to set the age/difficulty of each player, so kids and adults can play together on a more level playing field.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 02, 2024, 08:26:58 PM
One of the things I love about this community in recent years is that people are now filling voids on Etsy for things that directly appeal to our fandom.

First, for just $30, you can have a woodcut version of a Price nametag, customized:

Second, for $179, you can have a 3d printed replica of the classic gold Wheel puzzle board, complete with letter tiles. $349 gets you the entire 1990 stage setup, complete with wheel, contestant backdrops and bonus round envelope prop.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on August 02, 2024, 09:33:31 PM
$349 gets you the entire 1990 stage setup, complete with wheel, contestant backdrops and bonus round envelope prop.


Seriously, that's like the 80s deluxe home game on steroids. Once school starts again and money isn't an issue for me it'll be hard to resist pulling the trigger on this.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 05, 2024, 02:21:17 PM
Seriously, that's like the 80s deluxe home game on steroids. Once school starts again and money isn't an issue for me it'll be hard to resist pulling the trigger on this.

Unless there's a little stick or knob to control a slide rod so Vanna can "walk" back and forth on the puzzle board, kit fails.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: alfonzos on August 25, 2024, 09:51:16 PM
The only thing that is Endless is their lackof energy when designing products.
I decided to make my own aids to make the home game more like the television show. Digital readouts (one for the guesser, one to reveal the correct answer), freeze bars, one "higher/lower" sign for each player.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 25, 2024, 10:13:17 PM
Did you get the life trackers from Game Crafter?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on August 27, 2024, 02:48:55 PM
Did you get the life trackers from Game Crafter?

It looks like he made them himself with construction paper and brads. I'm sure there's several printables for them out there. I've already 3D printed like three myself trying to find one I really like.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 28, 2024, 12:41:40 PM
Here's a look at Jeopardy! for the Infinity game table:

No release date set, yet

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on August 28, 2024, 12:55:17 PM
Here's a look at Jeopardy! for the Infinity game table:

No release date set, yet

I wonder if this is gonna be like the Wheel of Fortune where (seemingly to save money) they didn't license the music, based on the video clip they posted.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on August 28, 2024, 03:26:20 PM
How do you license Jeopardy!'s IP and not the think music? That'd be like licensing Press Your Luck, but instead of the Whammy, you have to avoid goblins or something.

/we resemble but are legally distinct from the Lollipop Guild...
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on August 28, 2024, 03:37:13 PM
How do you license Jeopardy!'s IP and not the think music? That'd be like licensing Press Your Luck, but instead of the Whammy, you have to avoid goblins or something.

/we resemble but are legally distinct from the Lollipop Guild...

I believe Griffin's estate still gets paid every time "Think!" is played, so I'd imagine they'd want to avoid the royalty.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: nowhammies10 on August 28, 2024, 04:36:08 PM
I believe Griffin's estate still gets paid every time "Think!" is played, so I'd imagine they'd want to avoid the royalty.

So you cut them a cheque and bite the bullet. If there's one thing Jeopardy! is known for, it's "Think!". Excluding it from a home video game where you've gotten the license to everything else -- name, format, graphics, etc. -- is baffling.

I notice the clues aren't rendered in Korinna either. That's a little more excusable, but again, it's a minor detail that seems effortless to get right if they really wanted to.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BrandonFG on August 28, 2024, 05:06:20 PM
So you cut them a cheque and bite the bullet. If there's one thing Jeopardy! is known for, it's "Think!".
Is this officially being made by Sony or Infinity? If it's the latter, it could come down to licensing costs. I don't know much about Infinity, but I wouldn't be surprised if the rights are more than they want to spend right now. If you really want the authentic experience, you could always do a soundalike think cue, or have someone play the think music from his or her phone.

Case in point: there was a movie called Hall Pass that used the "DUN DUN!" from Law and Order. It cost the producers $150K to use a gavel thump. I imagine that cue cost even more.

/Not a movie I recommend FWIW
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on August 28, 2024, 06:24:03 PM
Is this officially being made by Sony or Infinity? If it's the latter, it could come down to licensing costs. I don't know much about Infinity, but I wouldn't be surprised if the rights are more than they want to spend right now. If you really want the authentic experience, you could always do a soundalike think cue, or have someone play the think music from his or her phone.
Part of the "Jeopardy" experience is the name. If you're making Jeopardy, you have the big blue board with categories, escalating dollar values and the DDs.

If they don't want to pay for Think! they should be making a different game, or putting a generic skin on it.

/that 30 second piece of music made Merv roughly $2 million annually if Reddit is to be believe. I would imagine it to be a great deal more, given that it is heard at sporting events as well as various video games. And that's to say nothing of the profits from just the show itself.

(Monsieur Long/Sans Whammies covered the same ground. You pay the fee to use the music.)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 30, 2024, 01:32:08 PM
In a recent posting I wrote, I mentioned how I've felt rather pessimistic about any new home games coming out this year.  There is soon going to be a new version of WOF in the UK:

Judging by the design, it looks like it might be designed by the people behind Imagination Gaming.  IG has done mini-versions using similar dry-erase cards and markers, plus the color of the packaging and instructions give me the impression, it would look nice on a 50th anniversary edition (only imagining that, right now!)

I don't see any hints from Pressman of such games, but while I was trying to search for anything, I found a website archiving Pressman's past catalogs.  Here from 1987:

The actual products had different looks to certain ones shown, such as their "The New Dating Game," the actual show title "The All-New Dating Game."  Also a blue box for the Junior edition of WOF, and "Deluxe" Jeopardy! was called "Electric" Jeopardy!

I'd never heard of any such item being released (and I don't think it was), but here from 2002 is a very interesting game (WWTBAM Entertainment edition):

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Nick on August 30, 2024, 10:17:26 PM
I believe Griffin's estate still gets paid every time "Think!" is played, so I'd imagine they'd want to avoid the royalty.

My question is has there ever been a legal test that's determined Think! "resembles but [is] legally distinct" from I'm a Little Teapot?

Because if there hasn't or the answer is in the affirmative, then use the kiddy tune for the game and see who notices.  It's hit the public domain by now, right?  I suppose if not, the rights would be cheaper and then you get something that at least sounds like the TV show.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on August 31, 2024, 10:07:09 AM
If I were them and didn't want to pay to license the actual tune, I'd use this:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on August 31, 2024, 10:49:19 AM
I believe Griffin's estate still gets paid every time "Think!" is played, so I'd imagine they'd want to avoid the royalty.

That highly likely is why when Pressman released ESPN Jeopardy! they used the theme to ESPN Sports Center, instead of the "Think," music!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on August 31, 2024, 02:05:33 PM
In a recent posting I wrote, I mentioned how I've felt rather pessimistic about any new home games coming out this year.  There is soon going to be a new version of WOF in the UK:

Judging by the design, it looks like it might be designed by the people behind Imagination Gaming.
The dry erase contestant scoreboards look so jarring after using play money for decades, but I guess that if you're not Pressman, who've been cranking out the same plastic molds for 40(!) years, the most economical way to profit from this license is to cut down on manufacturing costs.

I'd never heard of any such item being released (and I don't think it was), but here from 2002 is a very interesting game (WWTBAM Entertainment edition):
Interesting to me that the Millionaire license didn't get used to crank out specialty game packs like this more often. especially at the height of the show's popularity.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: JasonA1 on August 31, 2024, 04:33:46 PM
In a recent posting I wrote, I mentioned how I've felt rather pessimistic about any new home games coming out this year.  There is soon going to be a new version of WOF in the UK:

Would this make it the first box game of Wheel to have a proper bonus round?

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Joe Mello on August 31, 2024, 11:23:40 PM
In a recent posting I wrote, I mentioned how I've felt rather pessimistic about any new home games coming out this year.  There is soon going to be a new version of WOF in the UK:

Would this make it the first box game of Wheel to have a proper bonus round?

The version that used cards instead of a wheel had a bonus round.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: alfonzos on September 03, 2024, 06:14:51 PM
It looks like he made them himself with construction paper and brads. I'm sure there's several printables for them out there.
Correct. Made of poster board and paper fasteners.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 04, 2024, 07:01:06 PM

Vinegar. And they wonder why we make fun of their cooking.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on September 04, 2024, 08:45:58 PM
Vinegar. And they wonder why we make fun of their cooking.

To be fair, I had an excellent ribeye with bearnaise not long ago at a steakhouse here in town. :)

/though I do prefer a nice au poivre
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on September 04, 2024, 11:26:24 PM
More from the "Etsy Will Cause Me Financial Stress" category:

A Bankrupt space pin, $11:

An 18 space customizable horizontal wheel- comes in three colors, $239:

A wall mounted pachinko/plinko style game, perfect for recreating your favorite lottery game shows, $280:

And finally, a customizable Jeopardy diorama. Buyer can customize the categories, contestant names and images, $180:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: SuperMatch93 on September 05, 2024, 12:00:46 AM
If anyone's interested in a do-it-yourself wheel project, I suggest getting one of these. (

It has 72 spokes, and I've seen people turn these into Wheel of Fortune wheels with very nice results.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TLEberle on September 05, 2024, 12:10:44 AM
I was going to say, that looks more Instant Riches than TPIR.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on September 05, 2024, 03:16:42 PM
If anyone's interested in a do-it-yourself wheel project, I suggest getting one of these. (

It has 72 spokes, and I've seen people turn these into Wheel of Fortune wheels with very nice results.

I love how they jump between "mathematically completely fair" and "holy crap PLEASE open a casino with these" on the odds chart.

EDIT: No, it's only the singleton bets that are broken. The math on the six-box (if you played every possible six-box) is more work than I care to do but it seems more or less right. But on both of the singletons you're making a buck on every bet. And yes, I'm putting way too much thought into this. :)
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 21, 2024, 02:31:22 PM
I know it's come up a few times how so many sellers of giant playing cards only offer a red deck or a blue deck, not both. Well, here's both, packaged together, and a massive 11"x17" size that would make them pretty dang close to what Jim Perry flipped. Reviews point to the cards being fairly heavy and sturdy. The downside is that the card faces aren't especially attractive. (

Update on this: The price on Amazon dropped to $34.99 for the two-deck set, the same price as just a single deck. I'm just a man, I can only hold out so long, so I gave in and bought them.

These cards are worth the money. Each deck weighs in at just under seven pounds. The card stock seems pretty thick and durable, and has a glossy coating on both sides. They were packaged well, with both decks wrapped together in thick clear plastic, and the cards wrapped in cellophane inside each box. No damage, quality printing, and the faceless face cards actually work pretty well.

Get 'em if you're into that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on October 23, 2024, 05:23:42 PM
No damage, quality printing, and the faceless face cards actually work pretty well.

Okay, so I'm super confused. So the actual accurate design is the image I'm seeing in the review from "Beth" in Reviews With Images? I was going to be unreasonably pissed that the Jack of Hearts wasn't one-eyed, but it appears that the no-face design kinda rectifies that and is appropriately modernized for a Card Sharks deck.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on October 23, 2024, 10:40:38 PM
Okay, so I'm super confused. So the actual accurate design is the image I'm seeing in the review from "Beth" in Reviews With Images? I was going to be unreasonably pissed that the Jack of Hearts wasn't one-eyed, but it appears that the no-face design kinda rectifies that and is appropriately modernized for a Card Sharks deck.

That is correct.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 01, 2024, 01:29:36 PM
Just saw this on the Target website:

On my way there to check it out.  I curious to see if this is a different company making it.  No brand name is visible in the picture shown.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on November 01, 2024, 02:06:54 PM
I curious to see if this is a different company making it.  No brand name is visible in the picture shown.

The product description says it's being made by Spin Master.

Still frustrating that we don't have a modern FF game that isn't using a whiteboard as the big board, but I guess it keeps costs down.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 02, 2024, 12:24:58 PM
The product description says it's being made by Spin Master.

Sorry, I didn't see that.  Spin Master and Imagination Gaming worked together on many FF games, then in the last few years, it was IG and Gamestar+ with no mention of SM at all.

I tried unsuccessfully to try to show what was a Spin Master ad at Walmart's site which showed a very similar box design, with the same Steve Harvey pic, only (I'm sure just digitally altered) showing his coat/shirt/tie in a golden color, and saying "all-new gold edition."  When searching for it for purchase, it didn't come up, most likely because it's not available at this time.  Just have to wait and see.

I also later noticed in the Target images of the Big Buzzer edition, the main game (aka Face-Off) questions, they contain a maximum of six answers, not eight, as earlier versions!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 03, 2024, 01:53:12 PM
Here is the picture from I was referring to:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 04, 2024, 02:16:39 PM
Here is a video from TicTok showing a couple of young men playing a variation on FF, using questions from, and showing props from the "Gold" edition, so it appears there is one now or coming later:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 05, 2024, 04:49:59 PM
If you have an Ollie's Bargain Outlet near you, I spotted the Supermarket Sweep Imagination Board Game for $4.99. Of course, inventory may vary by location!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 06, 2024, 10:55:59 AM
The Ollie's near me didn't have the SS game; however, interestingly they had Pictionary vs AI for the same $4.99 price!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 07, 2024, 11:01:28 AM
The Ollie's near me didn't have the SS game; however, interestingly they had Pictionary vs AI for the same $4.99 price!

At my local store, the Pictionary AI game happened to be directly beside the SS Game. We bought both. I already own SS but bought another copy at that great price.

We found the SS Game on one of those displays in the middle of the aisle they have seasonal toys on. It was on the bottom of the display. They have a ton of stuff out for the holidays so if you ever go back in, make sure you look in the less visible spots on those big rack displays if you haven't done so already! They are not in the regular board game aisle in most stores!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 07, 2024, 08:33:02 PM
I was in a different Ollie's location today, again no SS game, but I saw at the same $4.99 price Pictionary Air 2! 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jsach on November 07, 2024, 10:50:04 PM
Went to my local Ollie's today, multiple copies of Supermarket Sweep for $4.99! Exactly where it was noted as being, on a display in the center next to Pictionary AI.

The local Boscov's near me has had Supermarket Sweep on sale for the past year or so for $30 and I've been tempted to get it for a while, so I'm glad I didn't. On my most recent trip out they also had the Gamestar Family Feud for $19.99 and in their bargain area they had a recent Who Wants To Be a Millionaire game for $8.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 08, 2024, 10:00:44 AM
There’s a new Wheel of Fortune game on Apple’s App Store- Wheel of Fortune Daily. Players can playa daily bonus puzzle and a five Tossup Round, which suggests this is Wheel’s way of getting into the “daily puzzle streak” market that the NYT created.

Currently the app is only available on Apple products with an Arcade subscription, but typically these exclusivity deals last about six months. Expect this to land on Android in Spring 2025.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 08, 2024, 02:59:49 PM
There’s a new Wheel of Fortune game on Apple’s App Store- Wheel of Fortune Daily. Players can playa daily bonus puzzle and a five Tossup Round, which suggests this is Wheel’s way of getting into the “daily puzzle streak” market that the NYT created.

So it's Wheel of Fortune....with no interaction with the Wheel of Fortune?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 08, 2024, 07:47:23 PM
You spin the wheel at the start of each bonus round to determine its worth, but the money then isn't used for anything. So you do spin a wheel, but it has no bearing on ranking and there's nothing to buy with the money.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on November 09, 2024, 07:55:07 PM
There was one unopened copy of Supermarket Sweep at the location closest to me.

Unrelated but maybe of interest to board game/Monopoly collectors:  Ollie's has Monopoly Jackpot for $10.  I haven't seen that game in stores since before COVID.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 09, 2024, 09:31:15 PM
For those that want the SS Game and don't have an Ollie's nearby, or can't find it at Ollie's, it's $12.90 on Amazon currently.
Still a decent price.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on November 10, 2024, 12:04:25 AM
Found the Supermarket Sweep game at one of the Atlanta-area Ollie's locations, $4.99 as mentioned above. It was on the board game aisle and not in the seasonal section, so look in both places if you need to.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 10, 2024, 01:22:08 PM
Found the Supermarket Sweep game at one of the Atlanta-area Ollie's locations, $4.99 as mentioned above. It was on the board game aisle and not in the seasonal section, so look in both places if you need to.
If I recall, the companion app is no longer supported for SS.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 10, 2024, 06:27:23 PM
Found the Supermarket Sweep game at one of the Atlanta-area Ollie's locations, $4.99 as mentioned above. It was on the board game aisle and not in the seasonal section, so look in both places if you need to.
If I recall, the companion app is no longer supported for SS.

I have on my phone and everything appears functional, though I don't own the game so I'm not sure if the scanner still works.

Fun thing about that app: It lets you switch countries at will so you can do Aussie DoND with what seems to be a pretty good banker calculator. Which is nice, because the American version on the same app is going to offer you over $250K after your first six cases.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: snowpeck on November 10, 2024, 08:22:44 PM
Found the Supermarket Sweep game at one of the Atlanta-area Ollie's locations, $4.99 as mentioned above. It was on the board game aisle and not in the seasonal section, so look in both places if you need to.
If I recall, the companion app is no longer supported for SS.
It looks like it's still there. They did move Press Your Luck, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy to a different "legacy" app, but they seem to still be functional as well.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MikeK on November 10, 2024, 10:20:55 PM
The SS app still scans the product cards.  It is not working with the bonus item cards.  Since bonuses are random amounts from $50-300, multiplying the roll of a d6 by 50 does similar.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on November 11, 2024, 04:25:14 AM
Found the Supermarket Sweep game at one of the Atlanta-area Ollie's locations, $4.99 as mentioned above. It was on the board game aisle and not in the seasonal section, so look in both places if you need to.
If I recall, the companion app is no longer supported for SS.

The App still works, they updated it in July and changed a few things. The only thing we have issues with are the Bonus Inflatables, they seem to be a different style of UPC barcode and will not focus and scan. We just make our own rules there.
I asked the company about it and they said they were working on another refresh of the App and that was on the list, but I dont think they have fixed that aspect yet, if they even plan to at all still. However, the regular products scan just fine!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 20, 2024, 01:57:55 PM
Walmart's website is now showing the "Gold," edition of Family Feud available on line for shipping (w/arrival date of November 29).  The online purchase price is $16.99.  Since I already showed a picture of the box cover art, here is one of the game contents:

When reading the description, this version, like the "Big Buzzer," from Target, mention "One Steve Harvey Card."  I believe that is to cover one side of the "Fast Money" survey cards.  But you'll notice in the picture a card depicting a "buzzer" button, apparently to simulate who's first on a "Face Off."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: MSTieScott on November 20, 2024, 03:31:45 PM
Walmart's website is now showing the "Gold," edition of Family Feud available on line for shipping (w/arrival date of November 29).  The online purchase price is $16.99.  Since I already showed a picture of the box cover art, here is one of the game contents:

The front of the pictured Fast Money card lists only three or four answers per question, even though there clearly would have been more lower-point answers given. That's no fun.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on November 21, 2024, 04:57:51 PM
When reading the description, this version, like the "Big Buzzer," from Target, mention "One Steve Harvey Card."  I believe that is to cover one side of the "Fast Money" survey cards.  But you'll notice in the picture a card depicting a "buzzer" button, apparently to simulate who's first on a "Face Off."

Since a card has two sides, I have to assume Endless is gonna Endless and the obverse side of that card has a picture of Steve Harvey's schwanz or whatever to cover up the Fast Money question backs.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on November 26, 2024, 12:00:20 PM
Walmart is now showing a new FF "Jumbo Card Game" (Priced at $3.97):
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on November 27, 2024, 12:11:44 AM
Walmart is now showing a new FF "Jumbo Card Game" (Priced at $3.97):

Through no fault of your own, this thread has unfortunately become the "New Variant of Family Feud is out" thread.

If you'd like a no-frills buzzer software for your home use, our boy Travis has you covered- Buzzer Grid is available on Etsy for $5. Accomodates up to eight players, various scoring, and a game clock.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on November 27, 2024, 12:39:28 AM
Looks like it's now down to $3.74 for Wednesday 11/27 only if you click on the link above.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on November 30, 2024, 03:52:57 PM
Make that two dollars and forty-nine dang cents through the weekend.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 01, 2024, 02:49:55 PM
We've already heard talk about new Talk About board/card games coming in 2025.  Also planned for 2025 is a new electronic WOF game from Educational Insights.  Here is a catalog entry picturing what's at least a prototype:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 01, 2024, 10:25:37 PM
We've already heard talk about new Talk About board/card games coming in 2025.  Also planned for 2025 is a new electronic WOF game from Educational Insights.  Here is a catalog entry picturing what's at least a prototype:'s essentially a repackage of the '95 LCD game? Even if you angle this as a classroom aid (which, considering how many people learned words and letters by watching, seems long overdue), this comes off as outdated.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on December 03, 2024, 12:26:30 AM
As of 12/2/24, Gamestar App and Play is now subscription based at a price of $3.99/YR. They said the reason is to fund future development.
Not sure how that's going to go. Nothing really on there to justify a subscription (yet), but it's only $4/yr.

SS has not been updated yet as promised, as Bonuses still don't scan in app.

Hopefully they have some new items in the pipeline to justify a subscription
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on December 03, 2024, 03:23:24 AM
We've already heard talk about new Talk About board/card games coming in 2025.  Also planned for 2025 is a new electronic WOF game from Educational Insights.  Here is a catalog entry picturing what's at least a prototype:

I see any sort of handheld game release as a win in 2025, given how rare it feels now.

I wonder if this means we'll see a return of Classroom Jeopardy! in some form, now that they are working Sony again in some capacity.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 03, 2024, 12:34:58 PM
As of 12/2/24, Gamestar App and Play is now subscription based at a price of $3.99/YR. They said the reason is to fund future development.
Not sure how that's going to go. Nothing really on there to justify a subscription (yet), but it's only $4/yr.

This year, I've felt rather skeptical about the partnership between Imagination Gaming and Gamestar+, and now wonder, if there is some kind of trouble and that it may be related to the above mentioned move.

Partnerships have gone one way or another in the last three/four years.  After a partnership with IG/Spin Master, the last couple of years have been IG/Gamestar.  An early 2024 catalog was showing a lot more products were planned, Including "Generations" editions of FF, WOF, and J! in the smaller boxes, plus a FF Office _______ Edition (Party?) (shown below. at far left--2023 Toy Fair):

Although I recently showed the website listings for two new FF games, they are both branded by Spin Master, and do NOT mention Gamestar+.

BTW, the guy, second from the far right, is Dan Rowen, who earlier this year left IG, and made the annoncement about the new project involving Talk About.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on December 05, 2024, 02:37:30 PM
I've been hoping to find a "Disney Game Night" products from Imagination Gaming, which has been available in UK and Australia for some time.  I've finally seen details come up at a Canadian website, with some rather surprising differences, relating to what was supposedly going to include a digital version of Family Feud. In the first image below, the UK edition accurately shows the Family Fortunes title and the Fremantle logo.  On the Canadian version, sorry for the smaller image, the game is shown as Feud Master: The Survey Game, and no mention of Fremantle.  It's looking like Imagination Gaming has indeed severed ties with Fremantle.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 08, 2025, 10:58:26 AM
Here is a larger, sharper image of the new electronic WOF game coming this spring:

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 09, 2025, 01:08:05 PM
I'd just seen a digital copy of Goliath Games' 2025 catalog.  Apparently, they are planning a Seventh edition of WOF, with a new look to the cover logo:

They are also planning a U.S. edition of the popular international hit "The Traitors,":

Both games are "Pending licensor approval."

In addition, they still hold the license to "Password," which is apparently available only in the smaller size box; and the "J!" Card Game!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 14, 2025, 09:13:33 AM
I'd just seen a digital copy of Goliath Games' 2025 catalog.  Apparently, they are planning a Seventh edition of WOF, with a new look to the cover logo:

You might have mentioned it here already, but i had no idea Goliath bought Endless and Pressman. The catalog isn't working- did they rebrand the games as well?

Here is a larger, sharper image of the new electronic WOF game coming this spring:

Here's a video of someone playing it. Announcer sounds like the guy who did all the Ludia games.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: BillCullen1 on January 14, 2025, 10:09:50 AM
Here is a larger, sharper image of the new electronic WOF game coming this spring:


I just might get this game. I remember in the 90s Tiger Electronics had an electronic version of WOF and several other game shows.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on January 14, 2025, 03:13:58 PM
So you're literally only using half the wheel, it looks like?
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 14, 2025, 03:32:16 PM
So you're literally only using half the wheel, it looks like?
This, and I'm assuming there's no real use for a million dollar wedge on a game like this.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on January 14, 2025, 03:32:56 PM
So you're literally only using half the wheel, it looks like?

Half of that since only every other wedge lights up.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on January 14, 2025, 07:13:19 PM
This, and I'm assuming there's no real use for a million dollar wedge on a game like this.

Looks like it's only there for show. As Neumms pointed out, not every wedge lights up. I watched the video and apparently there's six rounds (no mention of a bonus round). People looking for the authentic show experience may be disappointed...Looks like this game's main focus is just to solve puzzles.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: TimK2003 on January 14, 2025, 07:59:16 PM
I'm surprised that they are still cranking out handheld electronic Wheel of Fortune games when for around the same price -- or less -- you can get the same thing on your handheld electronic smartphone, with better graphics and and a crapload more puzzles.   Yeah, you may have to skim through some annoying ads from time to time, but sometimes you can pay a little more to rid them completely or have options to cut the ads short. 

Plus it doesn't become an e-waste brick sitting in an old drawer when the novelty (or battery) wears out, or you've memorized most of the puzzles.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: aaron sica on January 14, 2025, 10:29:28 PM
I'm surprised that they are still cranking out handheld electronic Wheel of Fortune games when for around the same price -- or less -- you can get the same thing on your handheld electronic smartphone, with better graphics and and a crapload more puzzles. 

I've been playing the WoF Free Play off and on for years.....It's fun and engaging and they've added to it over time. Very good point.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Sodboy13 on January 14, 2025, 10:46:26 PM
Wow, handheld LCD gaming technology really did peak thirty years ago, didn't it?

Even the old TV play-along WOF gadget had four lines' worth of puzzle board and a pseudo-wheel with a full array of dollar amounts and spaces. And the Irwin one from about 15 years back gave you the big wheel to spin and a backlit screen. This thing is just every corner cut.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 15, 2025, 11:40:06 AM
So you're literally only using half the wheel, it looks like?

Half of that since only every other wedge lights up.

It would've been interesting to see how it would utilize the Million Dollar wedge, but now I see it does not play at all.  A bit disappointing, but I think I'd still buy it as a collector's item.

I apologize that the links to the Goliath Games catalog entries are NOT accessible now, but maybe later on they will. 

Even though their WOF board game entry was showing the FREE PLAY wedge and tokens, maybe when it is released they will be eliminated, since the show does not use it anymore. 
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 15, 2025, 11:49:32 AM
I'd just seen a digital copy of Goliath Games' 2025 catalog.  Apparently, they are planning a Seventh edition of WOF, with a new look to the cover logo:

You might have mentioned it here already, but i had no idea Goliath bought Endless and Pressman. The catalog isn't working- did they rebrand the games as well?

I apologize that the pages are not accessible, but maybe later.  Although some Endless Games products are still marketed under that name, they did rebrand Password and the card game versions of J! and WOF.  The WOF board game is still (as of now) marketed under the "Pressman," name!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 15, 2025, 11:57:37 AM
Wow, handheld LCD gaming technology really did peak thirty years ago, didn't it?

Even the old TV play-along WOF gadget had four lines' worth of puzzle board and a pseudo-wheel with a full array of dollar amounts and spaces. And the Irwin one from about 15 years back gave you the big wheel to spin and a backlit screen. This thing is just every corner cut.
On one hand, this seems like a great gift for a young Wheel Watcher who can more easily comprehend smaller puzzles. On the other, this doesn't even have all the features of the Tiger '95 electronic version, which you could probably find on eBay for $2.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 21, 2025, 01:02:07 PM
Target now has a new "card" game based on Survivor.

As you can see on the box, host Jeff Probst designed it!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on January 23, 2025, 06:32:20 AM
So I picked up the new Wheel of Fortune handheld game from Educational Insights, and there's a fun detail on the back of the box:

"Featuring the voice of Jimmy McGuire, Stage Manager of Wheel of Fortune."
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on January 23, 2025, 09:13:45 AM
So I picked up the new Wheel of Fortune handheld game from Educational Insights, and there's a fun detail on the back of the box:

"Featuring the voice of Jimmy McGuire, Stage Manager of Wheel of Fortune."

Did you buy it at a store (which?), Or online?

Jimmy McGuire holds the same job on J! now.  He originally was hired  as a "Clue Crew," member.  It surprises me that neither he, nor any other  former "CC" member was given the chance to guest host.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Hastin on January 24, 2025, 03:16:13 AM
Did you buy it at a store (which?), Or online?

Amazon, but it shipped from Educational Insights in an EI box via UPS.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: clemon79 on January 24, 2025, 04:43:58 PM
"Featuring the voice of Jimmy McGuire, Stage Manager of Wheel of Fortune."

Um, Stage Manager is an impressive title for Our Town, and that's about it.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Neumms on January 25, 2025, 09:15:56 PM
Um, Stage Manager is an impressive title for Our Town, and that's about it.

Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: jjman920 on January 26, 2025, 10:39:19 PM
It surprises me that neither he, nor any other  former "CC" member was given the chance to guest host.
It really surprised me since, at least prior to the pandemic when I had been to tapings of the show, he hosted the practice games. I would've thought that, along with his highly visible role as a Clue Crew member for almost 20 years at that point, would've made him a shoo-in to guest host.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 18, 2025, 08:34:18 PM
This ad page from the February edition of edPlay magazine, shows what apparently is a smaller-sized box of 25 Words or Less, and showing a different logo, from The OP games coming to the Toy Fair in about another week and a half:
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on February 27, 2025, 09:13:50 PM
New versions of Wheel and Pop Culture Jeopardy are coming from Just Play. Link oriignally came from our own Chad Mosher, who was a writer on the PCJ box game.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on February 28, 2025, 08:32:55 PM
It's always interesting to me when a different company comes out with a familiar title.  With a new 7th edition of WOF planned by Pressman/Goliath, I wonder what will be different about Just Play's version.

Last year we found out about plans for new board and card games based on Talk About.  Hopefully, that will happen as well.  The annual Toy Fair in NY is the next four days.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 02, 2025, 02:50:26 PM
I'd mentioned earlier about a possible new look to the 25 Words of Less box game.  Below is a link to a photo of members of The OP game company apparently demonstrating it at the annual Toy Fair.

I wondered if the TV show was not returning this fall, but apparently it is!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on March 03, 2025, 03:25:54 AM
I wondered if the TV show was not returning this fall, but apparently it is!
There’s always the very real possibility that the show is getting a visual overhaul- it’s going into Season 6, which would be around the time most shows get their first noticeable set/graphics change.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 04, 2025, 01:06:12 PM
I saw this seventeen second video at tiktok, and in the last couple seconds you see a demo of their "Skip it," toy, near a display for their WOF and PCJ! games, complete with a life-size cutout of Ryan Seacrest:

EDIT: Now here is a somewhat better view from instagram (near the end of the video):

My apologies if there is any problem.

P.S.--A closer view on my part: It looks like Ryan Seacrest is pictured on the box cover.  Of course, things can change along the way!
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on March 06, 2025, 01:46:43 PM
Was in an Ollie's Bargain Outlet today and noticed they bought out a large amount of old stock from Imagination. Might be a sign they are getting bought out or ceasing operations. I know they also lost some rights to IP as well recently.
We saw quite a few different versions of Family Feud (Kids v Adults, Bachelorette, Regular, etc) as well as the bigger box game versions of WoF and Jeopardy. Saw some more Supermarket Sweep as well. SS Game was $4.99, the rest seem to be priced at $9.99.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 06, 2025, 09:00:38 PM
Was in an Ollie's Bargain Outlet today and noticed they bought out a large amount of old stock from Imagination. Might be a sign they are getting bought out or ceasing operations. I know they also lost some rights to IP as well recently.
We saw quite a few different versions of Family Feud (Kids v Adults, Bachelorette, Regular, etc) as well as the bigger box game versions of WoF and Jeopardy. Saw some more Supermarket Sweep as well. SS Game was $4.99, the rest seem to be priced at $9.99.

I'd never seen their WOF, nor J! games in those full size boxes.  All the games I saw have thin cardboard, and the top apron opens, instead of requiring you to lift the whole box top.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: bwood on March 07, 2025, 09:36:53 AM
Was in an Ollie's Bargain Outlet today and noticed they bought out a large amount of old stock from Imagination. Might be a sign they are getting bought out or ceasing operations. I know they also lost some rights to IP as well recently.
We saw quite a few different versions of Family Feud (Kids v Adults, Bachelorette, Regular, etc) as well as the bigger box game versions of WoF and Jeopardy. Saw some more Supermarket Sweep as well. SS Game was $4.99, the rest seem to be priced at $9.99.

I'd never seen their WOF, nor J! games in those full size boxes.  All the games I saw have thin cardboard, and the top apron opens, instead of requiring you to lift the whole box top.

This was my first time seeing them in the bigger square boxes. I've only seen them in the tall rectangular boxes or the "Game Box" cube. I don't know if the box is the only difference or not. There's really nothing in them that is worth anything from what I saw on the back.
The J! Game is just cards it seems, no board or anything, just something to hold up the cards (can't keep track of what clues are used).
Wheel just be a spinner and dry erase board with some puzzle cards for material that look like the board to show you where to write it on the grid.
Pretty big box with not much inside.

I'll only get them if I get an Ollie's coupon in the mail like they usually send out.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 07, 2025, 11:45:45 AM
Was in an Ollie's Bargain Outlet today and noticed they bought out a large amount of old stock from Imagination. Might be a sign they are getting bought out or ceasing operations. I know they also lost some rights to IP as well recently.
We saw quite a few different versions of Family Feud (Kids v Adults, Bachelorette, Regular, etc) as well as the bigger box game versions of WoF and Jeopardy. Saw some more Supermarket Sweep as well. SS Game was $4.99, the rest seem to be priced at $9.99.

I'd never seen their WOF, nor J! games in those full size boxes.  All the games I saw have thin cardboard, and the top apron opens, instead of requiring you to lift the whole box top.

This was my first time seeing them in the bigger square boxes. I've only seen them in the tall rectangular boxes or the "Game Box" cube. I don't know if the box is the only difference or not. There's really nothing in them that is worth anything from what I saw on the back.
The J! Game is just cards it seems, no board or anything, just something to hold up the cards (can't keep track of what clues are used).
Wheel just be a spinner and dry erase board with some puzzle cards for material that look like the board to show you where to write it on the grid.
Pretty big box with not much inside.

I'll only get them if I get an Ollie's coupon in the mail like they usually send out.

When you listed the FF games, I'd noticed you mentioned "(Kids v Adults, Bachelorette, Regular, etc)."  I checked at another Ollie's location to find they also have the "Disney," edition, without the "Walmart exclusive"," notation, and without the Mickey Mouse shaped holder for the cards.
Title: Re: Game Show Home Games/Video Games Thread
Post by: Bob Zager on March 07, 2025, 12:30:33 PM
And now, some pictures of what's been talked about this week, regarding WOF and Jeopardy! games:

First, a promo for the Ollie's Bargain Outlet deal:

And now, a new Instagram video from Just Play:

I'm not overly confident, but it looks like the material, and game concept may be the same as SpinMaster's single round play game.  But if it does feature true J! and DJ! rounds, it may be the best home game version ever!