The Game Show Forum
The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: Tim L on September 24, 2014, 02:19:21 PM
Me-TV is showing episodes of Celebrity Bowling on it's website as part of their on-demand programming (online only)..Lots of other good shows as well..They switch shows out every Monday..
Thanks for the heads-up. I really dig this show.
Me too. This is one of those rare shows that I never saw when it originally aired, so this modern re-discovery has been an absolute delight.
And hey, MeTV is, at least in some small, small way, showing an interest in game shows! I still say that Cullen's Pyramid would be a fun addition to a retro channel.
Me too. This is one of those rare shows that I never saw when it originally aired, so this modern re-discovery has been an absolute delight.
And hey, MeTV is, at least in some small, small way, showing an interest in game shows! I still say that Cullen's Pyramid would be a fun addition to a retro channel.
I've said this before, but I'd love to see a morning block from say, 10-12, of a few game reruns. Even something more recent like Supermarket Sweep or Shop Til You Drop would be cool, but yeah, Cullen Pyramid would be sweet.
Or Harvey's Feud. I don't think that's airing anywhere right now...
It's also on Roku now too. Peter Rogers Organization, which specializes in reruns from the 60s-90s, now has a Roku channel, and Celebrity Bowling is available there. Not sure how many episodes...
It's also on Roku now too. Peter Rogers Organization, which specializes in reruns from the 60s-90s, now has a Roku channel, and Celebrity Bowling is available there. Not sure how many episodes...
As of 2 weeks ago, about 20. I don't know how often they rotate or add episodes.
Not too often, because I recognize episodes I watched on Roku months ago..
And hey, MeTV is, at least in some small, small way, showing an interest in game shows! I still say that Cullen's Pyramid would be a fun addition to a retro channel.
A nice block of Marshall Hollywood Squares, Cullen Pyramid, 60's Password, and Celebrity Bowling would fit well with the programming of the channel.
/And Harvey Feud
/And Harvey Feud
At this point, the FCC should just require every network to show at least one hour of Harvey Feud per day.
At this point, the FCC should just require every network to show at least one hour of Harvey Feud per day.
It should also qualify for I/E programming: It would teach children synonyms for many common words like "penis", as well as other PG-rated words.
It should also qualify for I/E programming:
E/I. E/I.
It would teach children synonyms for many common words like "penis", as well as other PG-rated words.
There you go quoting Old McDonald again, Mike.
At this point, the FCC should just require every network to show at least one hour of Harvey Feud per day.
It should also qualify for I/E programming: It would teach children synonyms for many common words like "penis", as well as other PG-rated words.
I lol'd. Just call it an anatomy lesson. Problem solved!
There you go quoting Old McDonald again, Mike.
Well played sir.
The choices for streaming the week of 10/20/2014 include Episodes 10, 30, 31 and 37. It was interesting to contrast 10 and 30 with the later episodes that were available the previous week.
I'm not a good bowler (you try for a 300 game, I'm happy with a 300 series) and some of the celebrities weren't either. I'm not sure everyone in Episode 30 was having a good time.
According to Wikipedia (yes, I know...) there were 144 episodes, and MeTV has #144 out there this week as well.
Just a heads up... the streaming choices for the week of 11/3/2014 include Episode 49, which has Tom Kennedy among the Celebrity Bowlers.
This link should work for as long as the episode is available...
Mostly off topic, there are also two episodes for the Adam-12 fans out there, with Martin Milner and Kent McCord teamed up.
Did they ever give away the car?
They gave away a car at least once. I saw an episode back in the day where Michael Cole (the actor, not the rasslin' announcer) and his Mod Squad colleague Tige Andrews accomplished the feat.
Just watched the Tom Kennedy episode. Amazing to see McLean Stevenson being introduced pre-M*A*S*H as a co-star on The Doris Day Show. It's also amazing how totally entertaining this little show can be. In many ways, it's the perfect celebrity game show. The prizes are secondary and everybody is just there to have a good time, so the normal defenses are down.
Very happy to see that there is some streaming content available, and delighted to be reminded how loose this show is.
The selections for the week of 11/10/2014 include an episode with Richard Dawson (one of the opponents is Roy Rogers!). He's referred to by Jed Allan in the intro as "Dick Dawson." His partner is Lyle Waggoner who's noted as being on "It's Your Bet." (Waggoner hosted the last season... I know, most of you knew that already.)
This should work while the episode is available:
I am going to have to check most of these other names...
OK, maybe I'm the only one left here looking forward to see what episodes are posted each week...
This week, 'on topic' guests include Jan Murray, Morey Amsterdam, Fannie Flagg and Nipsey Russell. I wonder whether it would be easier to make a list of game shows on which Nipsey did not appear vs. ones on which he did.
If you don't watch any other one, and you only have a minute, it's worth the start of Episode 70 just to see Jed Allan's outfit :)
I've been enjoying the Roller Derby reruns too!
At this point, the FCC should just require every network to show at least one hour of Harvey Feud per day.
And also, in compliance with the Fairness Doctrine, another hour of Harvey Feud, in rebuttal.
Heh-heh, "butt".
This is slowly becoming a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Very fun show...would love to see it come back with similar prizes, but without trying to replicate the kitsch. Just let it be two pairs of bowlers having fun for half an hour.
Wiki says there was a revival in the fall of 1987, which Jed Allan also hosted. Anyone recall this?
Did they ever give away the car?
They gave away a car at least once. I saw an episode back in the day where Michael Cole (the actor, not the rasslin' announcer) and his Mod Squad colleague Tige Andrews accomplished the feat.
Just watched it... Episode 70: Cole and Andrews bowled a 266 to win the car easily (a 210 was needed). Jed Allan said that the previous high score had been 206 and that was two years previous.
Catching up to this week's episodes... at the end of #108 Jed Allen shows a copy of... "The Celebrity Bowling Christmas Album" (!!!) which apparently contains excerpts from some of the shows. It wasn't meant to be sold, explained Jed, but there are a few copies available for the asking by writing to Metromedia. If I'd only known back in 1973.
Sadly, there are currently no copies available on at this writing, but it is currently ranked #1,888,157 in Music.
None on eBay either, though there are several copies of the Celebrity Bowling DVD Box Set.
Catching up to this week's episodes... at the end of #108 Jed Allen shows a copy of... "The Celebrity Bowling Christmas Album" (!!!) which apparently contains excerpts from some of the shows. It wasn't meant to be sold, explained Jed, but there are a few copies available for the asking by writing to Metromedia. If I'd only known back in 1973.
I have a picture of it, but don't have one myself. I had assumed it wasn't actually released commercially, but it's nice to have confirmation of that from Jed all these years later.
Haven't watched any of this week's offerings yet but there are two with Richard Dawson and one with Chuck Woolery, who's paired with Jo Ann Pflug, who was Mrs. Chuck Woolery at the time.
Episodes 132 to 136 are posted for the week of 12/15/2014.
Alex Trebek and Jim McKrell are teamed in Episode 133.
I've noticed that there's nary a word from the bowling pro in these later episodes, and that they have more item promotions and therefore less actual playing time.
There were some 'reruns' in the postings for the week of 12/2/2014, but I was able to confirm that Charles Nelson Reilly and Robert Clary rolled a 66 in Episode 142, "beating" the previous low score of 67 recorded by the Lennon Sisters according to Jed Allan at the show close.
Since #142 is the third to last episode of the original series, I'm presuming (hopefully correctly!) that this stands as the lowest-ever score on Celebrity Bowling's run.
This week's episodes range from #144 (apparently next-to-last in the series), then back to #10, #30*, #31, and #37**
*featuring not-yet-Squares emcee John Davidson
**featuring then-Squares emcee Peter Marshall opposing not-yet-Knockout emcee Arte Johnson
Hey, someone else is paying attention :)
Having watched #143 and #144 now, I can confirm with reasonable confidence that the 66 recorded in #142 is the lowest score recorded.
I also watched #10, which had the 206 rolled by Greg Morris and John Beradino, which stood as the top score before #70 when Michael Cole and Tige Andrews scored 266 and won the car easily.
Enough for me to start a "Notable Scores" section in the Wikipedia page for the show, thus confirming that I have too much time on my hands.
I think all of the posts from MeTV for the week of 1/5/2015 were all "reruns" (previously posted eps) since I remember some of the jokes, for example, Jed's saying that "If a team scores 210 or better, we will launch an investigation" and Gary Owens quipping that the sixth frame bowled off camera was "also bowled in the nude."
Since #144 is (apparently?) the finale, were there any comments or hints that it was indeed the last episode?
Since #144 is (apparently?) the finale, were there any comments or hints that it was indeed the last episode?
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe--especially back then--syndicated shows rarely announced their last episode, since nobody on staff really knew if it would be the last or not until they got their staton signups for the following season.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe--especially back then--syndicated shows rarely announced their last episode, since nobody on staff really knew if it would be the last or not until they got their staton signups for the following season.
That, plus episodes ran out of production order in most markets, and it would look a little silly to make a big deal about your last episode in the middle of the season.
There was no indication at the end of #144. There was the usual "See you next time on Celebrity Bowling!" close. I was looking for that too.
Enough for me to start a "Notable Scores" section in the Wikipedia page for the show, thus confirming that I have too much time on my hands.
Did you write this painful paragraph?
In Episode 70, the team of the actor Michael Cole and Tige Andrews scored a 266 (34 less than the maximum "perfect score" of 300), easily surpassing the 210 score needed to win the top prize (a new car at the time). Jed Allan remarked that the previous high score was a 206, which was reached by Greg Morris and John Beradino in Episode 10. Cole and Andrews recorded a "mark" (strike or spare) in every frame bowled, as did Morris and Beradino.
That was so painful to read that I had to go remove the redundancy immediately.
That's Wikipedia. People cooperate.
The edit looks fine to me.
Episodes 132 to 136 are posted for the week of 12/15/2014.
Alex Trebek and Jim McKrell are teamed in Episode 133.
I've noticed that there's nary a word from the bowling pro in these later episodes, and that they have more item promotions and therefore less actual playing time.
An entire season was shot over a 3-day weekend. The bowling pro was probably on the ground in the fetal position.
18 games in 3 days? I did back-to-back 9-game sweepers four months ago.
/Though I know what you were getting at...
Me too. This is one of those rare shows that I never saw when it originally aired, so this modern re-discovery has been an absolute delight.
And hey, MeTV is, at least in some small, small way, showing an interest in game shows! I still say that Cullen's Pyramid would be a fun addition to a retro channel.
Nice to see those CB episodes are still making the rounds...was def an underrated show!
As for Cullen's Pyramid, I've been saying that same thing for awhile...given how many 70s primetime stars of the era appeared on that version, would def be a nice fit for Antenna, Me-TV, Cozi or a similar sub-network.
Chuck Donegan (The Illustrious "Chuckie Baby")
I assume it will only be up for a couple more days, so watch while you still can Alex Trebek teaming with Jim McKrell ( (in matching shirts) against Dick Gautier and Scatman Crothers.
I assume it will only be up for a couple more days, so watch while you still can Alex Trebek teaming with Jim McKrell ( (in matching shirts) against Dick Gautier and Scatman Crothers.
Thanks for posting this. I forwarded the link to Jim.
Unfortunately, the episodes flipped over today, but we now have a Pat Harrington ep and two CNR eps.