The Game Show Forum
The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: colonial on March 04, 2024, 12:44:57 PM
Actor and comedian Patton Oswalt has been tapped to host the U.S. version of the popular British game "The 1% Club," which is expected to premiere this spring on Amazon Prime.
In a bit of a surprise, it was also revealed that Amazon Prime found a broadcast partner for the show in Fox, which will "broadcast each episode after its streaming debut." Fox has worked with Amazon Prime before on other projects, including the popular Amazon animated series "Hazbin Hotel," but this appears to be a first-of-its-kind broadcasting deal between the two.
I guess while we're talking about Fox, at least part of their summer schedule is out. There is no mention of The 1% Club.
The game shows:
May 16: I Can See Your Voice
Don't Forget The Lyrics
May 28: Beat Shazam (with Jamie Foxx back as host)
The Quiz With Balls
June 3: Name That Tune
As I've said, while The Quiz With Balls sounds awful IMO, at least Fox is doing a new game show that isn't music identification.
I guess while we're talking about Fox, at least part of their summer schedule is out. There is no mention of The 1% Club.
Not surprising, as they just announced the show. I doubt they could get it produced in time for summer.
Besides, Fox is going to have two additional hours a week to fill starting in October when WWE Smackdown leaves the network.
I guess while we're talking about Fox, at least part of their summer schedule is out. There is no mention of The 1% Club.
Not surprising, as they just announced the show. I doubt they could get it produced in time for summer.
The first season is already in the can.
Contestant tryouts were back in May and June of 2023, and it was originally supposed to tape in July 2023 but was delayed because of the strikes -- it ended up taping in February.
(Potential contestants were only told that it was a "quiz show for a major streaming service," but from the sample questions I was given over Zoom, I figured out what it was. I didn't make it on as a contestant -- they called me to be a standby for one of the last couple of taping days, but it was very short notice for a very early call time for a promised payment of only $100, and I actually have a 9-to-5 day job like a regular person.)
Amazon released its premiere date schedule for May, and it appears "The 1% Club" will debut on the streamer May 23 with new episodes airing weekly. The show will premiere on Fox June 1.
*SO* looking forward to this!
I saw a FOX start date of June 3. That date makes more sense since it's a Monday vs. a Saturday, and Name That Tune returns that date.
I echo what Clay said. Having seen the UK and Aussie shows, I am very eager for this.
It is June 3 on Fox. Typo on my part -- apologies.
Show I tried out for and didn't get on. Usually I'm just "whatever" about that. This one, I was disappointed. Legitimately my favorite import format in a LONG time.
We now have a promo spot. (Spoiler alert: One question and answer are shown.)
*SO* looking forward to this!
Seconded, after seeing the promo.
So....this is being produced for Amazon Prime, but Fox is airing it as a summer replacement? Is that how it's gonna work?
So....this is being produced for Amazon Prime, but Fox is airing it as a summer replacement? Is that how it's gonna work?
Amazon and Fox have a deal where Amazon produces and airs the show first, then Fox airs each episode a little over a week after Amazon does.
Will there be a difference in how the show looks on Amazon and Fox? For instance, on the Australian version, it's common for host Jim Jefferies to swear like a sailor. I'm curious if we'll get Patton Oswalt dropping the occasional F-bomb on the Amazon broadcast and be completely sanitized for Fox. Also curious if commercial loads will be the same for both Amazon and Fox, or we'll get, say, a "longer" version on Amazon that doesn't fit the hour-long time slot for Fox.
For instance, on the Australian version, it's common for host Jim Jefferies to swear like a sailor.
Prepositional phrase completely unnecessary. :)
According to an email I just got, the premiere episode is the only one that's going to drop on Amazon Prime Video first. All subsequent episodes will be done the normal way: airing Monday night on FOX, then dropping on Amazon Prime Video shortly after midnight Tuesday morning.
I assume a good deal of you have already seen episode 1. Some may even know the British version.
As someone who helped bring THE CHASE to the US successfully, not to mention considered an awful lot of other imports over the years, I'm curious what those of you who are the most likely viewers would think.
I have very distinct thoughts of my own, but I'll defer them until others offer them.
Thoughts on Patton are secondary.
I assume a good deal of you have already seen episode 1. Some may even know the British version.
As someone who helped bring THE CHASE to the US successfully, not to mention considered an awful lot of other imports over the years, I'm curious what those of you who are the most likely viewers would think.
I have very distinct thoughts of my own, but I'll defer them until others offer them.
Thoughts on Patton are secondary.
So... having watched the British and the Australian version extensively, and having a family who will care a LOT about the Mexican version when it launches later this year...
It's weaker than the other English-language versions. It's not bad, and I think the things that need improvement are less extensive what we saw in the first season of The Chase.
My first concern is... honestly... the pacing of the banter. I think Patton needs to move a bit faster to allow more room for conversation in between questions. One thing Lee Mack's rapid pacing does a good job of is keeping up the show's energy in between questions. That doesn't translate here. Understand, that's not about quality of content so much as quantity. He just speaks... so... much... slower and it hurts a bit. But that can be fixed by coaching.
I also felt the question stack on the preview episode was a bit on the easy side, but I'm assuming either 1) they picked this episode for the preview for that reason or 2) the casting process chose different qualities and they made easier questions to match, or 3) American show = easier content. Time will tell.
I think the graphical changes are a mixed bag. Not a fan of the numbers behind the contestants. Not a fan of moving the clock to the top of the screen. Neutral on the animated contestants in the background of the logo. I liked other changes.
I do appreciate that they largely kept to the spirit of the show in the round and didn't try with too much fuckery beyond that.
I also felt the question stack on the preview episode was a bit on the easy side, but I'm assuming either 1) they picked this episode for the preview for that reason or 2) the casting process chose different qualities and they made easier questions to match, or 3) American show = easier content. Time will tell.
Well, (3) might be closest to the truth, for the obvious reason; apparently, they took a sample of the population, asked them the questions, and calculated what they thought the percentage of all Americans who would get it correct would be. In this case, American show = percentages are likely to be lower.
Speaking of the first episode, I did notice a technicality: in the last question, they never said that the "password" had to be a word. Any of the 24 7-letter palindromes that include A, O, R, T, like ORATAOR, should have been accepted as correct - and for all I know, would have been.
Don, given the nature of the show, I don't think they would have accepted anything but an actual word.