The Game Show Forum

The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: aaron sica on December 13, 2024, 08:27:02 AM

Title: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: aaron sica on December 13, 2024, 08:27:02 AM
....if you were old enough.

As most of us here are, I was into TV from an early age. I very much took to "Remote Control" when it was on, but at the time it aired I was still in middle school and then high school, and of course way too young. I knew more than the contestants did!

Any shows (that no longer air) that you were too young to be on when it aired, that you would have, by your own admission, done great if given the chance?

Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: PYLclark86 on December 13, 2024, 12:22:07 PM
Press Your Luck. I feel that I'm highly qualified to hit a button while screaming catchphrases.

Serious answer: Having played $ale with friends, I've gotten pretty good at jumping the gun on questions.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Clay Zambo on December 13, 2024, 12:28:17 PM
1970s-era Password.

And I remember thinking, during a children's-week TJW, that I'd do pretty well at that, but living across the country from TV City it was a non-starter.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: carlisle96 on December 13, 2024, 12:37:01 PM
I climbed the Pyramid many times ... but it's a lot easier to do at home turning your back to the screen
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Casey on December 13, 2024, 01:55:32 PM
I think I'd have done really well on 80s/90s Scrabble.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: BrandonFG on December 13, 2024, 02:26:12 PM
80s Pyramid
Any of the original Passwords
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Blanquepage on December 13, 2024, 02:46:13 PM
Definitely would've killed it on Pyramid, Super Password, or Lingo.
There is one show though that I'd have positively ruled if I were alive back then: Beat the Odds. Words are just my thing.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: TLEberle on December 13, 2024, 03:32:19 PM
80s Pyramid
Any of the original Passwords

If Trivia Nationals can get a toehold (and pick a different weekend than NAQT championships!) I'd love to get the homebrew game show stuff spun back up again, even just a weekend at a time.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: BrandonFG on December 13, 2024, 04:49:21 PM
80s Pyramid
Any of the original Passwords

If Trivia Nationals can get a toehold (and pick a different weekend than NAQT championships!) I'd love to get the homebrew game show stuff spun back up again, even just a weekend at a time.
Agreed. Those were some of the best weekends of my life, no hyperbole.

I’ll also add TTD or TJW to the list.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Winkfan on December 13, 2024, 04:59:03 PM
I've mentioned this before, but as a kid, I was good at Now You See It. Too bad Paley's network threw it out between my 7th and 8th grade stints.

Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Card Shark on December 13, 2024, 05:08:25 PM
I could likely have nailed Card Sharks. I thought I could handle Pyramid. I did...while watching on tv and when I ordered the box game, I didn't even come close.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Ian Wallis on December 13, 2024, 08:42:35 PM
In all honesty, Press Your Luck.  Even after they changed to 32 patterns, I still knew enough of them that I could have done well.  Not like Larson, but probably enough to win big for at least a couple of games.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: jage on December 13, 2024, 08:58:20 PM
I was just in college when Chuck's Lingo was big but without the means to easily get to LA. Also knew about 80% of Rock and Roll J!, which is a far cry of my knowledge on the mother show.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: MikeK on December 13, 2024, 10:01:00 PM
Time Machine.  I have a knack with years.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Ian Wallis on December 13, 2024, 11:33:06 PM
Also knew about 80% of Rock and Roll J!, which is a far cry of my knowledge on the mother show.

Now that you bring it up I'd do quite well on Rock N Roll Jeopardy as well.  There were some boards where I knew just about every answer.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: wdm1219inpenna on December 14, 2024, 09:23:23 AM
I always had a knack for Concentration.  Classic Concentration I think I would have done even better with as there were only 25 numbers instead of 30 and three wild cards instead of just two.  I was (and still am I believe) pretty good at figuring out rebus puzzles.

For this reason, I believe I also would have done fairly well with Catch Phrase back in the day.  Now that I'm almost 58 my reflexes are not as fast as they once were so I might be a bit slow on the ringing in part of the toss-up catch phrase portion of the game.

I also would have done well on Bob Stewart's word game Shoot For The Stars which was on NBC in 1977 for an all too brief period of time.  It would be retooled later as Double Talk on ABC where it also had a fairly short life span.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: BillCullen1 on December 14, 2024, 10:28:42 AM
Being a teenager in the 70s, here's my list:

The $20,000 Pyramid
70s Password
Match Game
You Don't Say
Rhyme and Reason
Shoot For The Stars
Blankety Blanks

I actually tried out for Pyramid in 1978 when I was 19. Made it past Pandolfo but didn't make it past Chan.
As Walter Cronkite would say, "And that's the way it is."
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: beatlefreak84 on December 14, 2024, 12:38:48 PM
The first game show I remember actually being good with the source material was Rock and Roll J!  But that's because most of the questions were classic rock-based.  I doubt I'd do well on a modern version!

Scrabble was another show I would have been good at as I've always been good at word games.  It helped that my very competitive grandmother also liked it, so I had to be on top of my game.  :)

Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: carlisle96 on December 14, 2024, 02:29:28 PM
Being a teenager in the 70s, here's my list:

The $20,000 Pyramid
70s Password
Match Game
You Don't Say
Rhyme and Reason
Shoot For The Stars
Blankety Blanks

I actually tried out for Pyramid in 1978 when I was 19. Made it past Pandolfo but didn't make it past Chan.
As Walter Cronkite would say, "And that's the way it is."

I tried out for $100,000 Pyramid and had the same experience, but it was a different woman. I always thought being an out-of-towner helped. I also applied to $128,000 Question as an expert on old time radio but got back a form letter telling me the series was wrapping up production for that season...and that was that.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: steveleb on December 16, 2024, 02:55:56 AM
Have to assert Pyramid for me.  I had the misfortune to audition when ratings were starting to decline and Bob was tinkering with the win rate.  He personally told me years later I was passed over because they thought I was “too good”.  Having seen how he budgets as a business partner of his years later, I have no reason to believe he was kidding.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on December 16, 2024, 02:52:21 PM
In all honesty, Press Your Luck.  Even after they changed to 32 patterns, I still knew enough of them that I could have done well.  Not like Larson, but probably enough to win big for at least a couple of games.
You might have done even better on the newest version- I haven't tracked for it this season, but in Seasons 1 and 2, there were frequent board shuffles that didn't include a single whammy, in both the front and bonus games.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Neumms on December 17, 2024, 12:35:20 AM
Pyramid and Scrabble. Tic Tac Dough, too, but then that was everybody’s game of strategy, knowledge and fun.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Kevin Prather on December 17, 2024, 01:21:43 AM
Even as a ten-year-old, I probably would have had an easier time on ABC Millionaire than twenty-five-year-old me had on the syndicated show.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: knagl on December 21, 2024, 04:47:06 AM
Pyramid, Super Password, and undoubtedly Supermarket Sweep.
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: mmb5 on December 21, 2024, 07:56:31 PM
Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: clemon79 on December 26, 2024, 07:42:21 PM

Title: Re: Game shows you'd have dominated...
Post by: Jamey Greek on December 26, 2024, 08:37:12 PM
TV Land's Ultimate Fan Search
Rock and Roll Jeopardy!