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The Game Show Forum => Game Show Channels & Networks => Topic started by: The Pyramids on April 16, 2005, 11:25:08 AM

Title: 'Family Feud'
Post by: The Pyramids on April 16, 2005, 11:25:08 AM
A trading aquitance just got GSN again after an absence. He wanted to know about the 'Feud'. Here was my email reply. If you too find it informative as well, I aim to please.


Right now GSN is airing late 1978 ABC Dawson shows and spring 1990 Combs syndicated shows.

GSN ended the Combs network shows a little over a year ago, in 3/04, w/ a series of 1992 soap opera weeks. After that the series presumably became the 'Family Feud Chalange.'

'The Family Feud Challange' ran on GSN in the early years to around 1998, but that is just a guess. Bottom line it has not been seen in years now.

The  Dawson syndiacted shows have been a network stable since the start. Last summer 1981 shows were running in mornings. GSN gave them a rest over the winter and now 1981 syndicted shows are back in the morning.

Richard's 1994 comeback aired on GSN in prime time early on, but like the 'Challange' they do not have thee rights and have not been seen in years now. However last year on 10/31/04 GSN floored everyone by airing a 1994 Halloween themed Dawson show.

In the fall of 2002 Friday nights were 'Family Feud Fridays' on GSN. A wealth of hour ABC prime time Dawson celebrity specials aired over the weeks. Syndicated Ray Combs 1/2 hour syndicated 'Bullseye' shows aired too, but only celebrity weeks. No family weeks. On a related note GSN may play some family 'bullseye' shows if the current syndicated run stays intact.

Finally  I have never seen 'Family Fortunes' on GSN.
Title: 'Family Feud'
Post by: zachhoran on April 16, 2005, 07:21:58 PM
[quote name=\'PaulD\' date=\'Apr 16 2005, 10:25 AM\']A trading aquitance just got GSN again after an absence. He wanted to know about the 'Feud'. Here was my email reply. If you too find it informative as well, I aim to please.

GSN ended the Combs network shows a little over a year ago, in 3/04, w/ a series of 1992 soap opera weeks. After that the series presumably became the 'Family Feud Chalange.'


Those soap weeks GSN ended its airing of the CBS Combs Feud run with were not the last half hour CBS Feuds made. Those soap weeks aired originally for four weeks c. May 1991, at 10AM EST before the usual 10:30AM EST Feud episode.
Title: 'Family Feud'
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on April 17, 2005, 03:51:09 PM
[quote name=\'PaulD\' date=\'Apr 16 2005, 10:25 AM\']In the fall of 1992 Friday nights were 'Family Feud Fridays' on GSN.[/quote]
Some information.  Did you get the feed 2 years before GSN debuted?
Title: 'Family Feud'
Post by: aaron sica on April 17, 2005, 04:03:22 PM
[quote name=\'PaulD\' date=\'Apr 16 2005, 11:25 AM\']
'The Family Feud Challange' ran on GSN in the early years to around 1998, but that is just a guess. Bottom line it has not been seen in years now.


It started sometime in 1997, and its last airing was 10/10/97 - FFC ran weekdays from 4-5pm.