Wheel and J! are pre-empted tonight in Cincinnati for coverage of the Cincinnati Auto Show.
Will Smith played Hutch?
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 07:33 PM\']Wheel and J! are pre-empted tonight in Cincinnati for coverage of the Cincinnati Auto Show.
Because we know the Cincinnati Auto Show is more important than a game show, don't we, Brian :)
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 07:33 PM\']Wheel and J! are pre-empted tonight in Cincinnati for coverage of the Cincinnati Auto Show.
Will Smith played Hutch?
No flames, just a serious question, and I really would like an answer, although I probably won't get one.
Brian, why do you think anyone outside of Cincinnati would care?
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 05:37 PM\']No flames, just a serious question, and I really would like an answer, although I probably won't get one.
I thought his posts here were subject to moderator's approval. If so, WHY is crap like this being approved? And if not, WHY NOT?
The reason is no doubt the same reason that Henke litters the Internet with crap like "the Cincinnati station joined Letterman 30 seconds late... someone please tell me how he was introduced..." Even though those posts go totally unanswered, the next time it happens he'll be right there again.
He never explains his motivations; I'm sure he perceives himself to be "special" and entitled to waste time on Mommie's computer like this.
Unless he would like to explain for our benefit...
[quote name=\'melman1\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 05:08 PM\']I thought his posts here were subject to moderator's approval. If so, WHY is crap like this being approved? And if not, WHY NOT?
Were I a betting man, I would guess that Our Benevolent Moderator In Charge Of Such Things was hoping that with the demise of that idiotic lottery show, Henke would shut the hell up and fade into the woodwork, instead of having to add someone to his list of moderated beings (most of whom complain bitterly (and usually stupidly) in lengthy email threads whenever a post gets denied), which then takes even more time away from actual useful pursuits.
I fear he was incorrect. :)
[quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 08:33 PM\']Wheel and J! are pre-empted tonight in Cincinnati for coverage of the Cincinnati Auto Show.
Children, this is just a reminder: never eat paste.
Brian, please read the following carefully: just because Wheel or J! is preempted doesn't make it something to post in the board. Okay? Please, think before you post.
[quote name=\'PYLclark86\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 08:45 PM\'][quote name=\'brianhenke\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 08:33 PM\']Wheel and J! are pre-empted tonight in Cincinnati for coverage of the Cincinnati Auto Show.
Brian, please read the following carefully: just because Wheel or J! is preempted doesn't make it something to post in the board. Okay? Please, think before you post.
You're fairly new here I take it, so you may not be as familiar as some of us arewith the history of Henke or some other less-than-popular people here. Henke's post in this case is on topic, but matters to only a very small percentage of people on this board(i.e. Ohioans who have Cincy network stations in their viewing areas), which is why some don't like his posting in this manner.
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 09:47 PM\']You're fairly new here I take it, so you may not be as familiar as some of us arewith the history of Henke or some other less-than-popular people here. <Description of Henkeism cut>
No, I knew what I was getting myself into. But now we can at least say we tried. No, I was trying to put in something more than a witty remark in order to make SOME worth on this pile of webstuff that Henke spewed. Trust me, I picked up on the dreck that is Henkeism quickly.
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 06:47 PM\']You're fairly new here I take it, so you may not be as familiar as some of us arewith the history of Henke or some other less-than-popular people here. Henke's post in this case is on topic, but matters to only a very small percentage of people on this board(i.e. Ohioans who have Cincy network stations in their viewing areas), which is why some don't like his posting in this manner.
What the hell did ANY of this have to contribute?
(Yes, I know it's Zach. No need to remind me.)
[quote name=\'PYLclark86\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 09:00 PM\'][quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 09:47 PM\']You're fairly new here I take it, so you may not be as familiar as some of us arewith the history of Henke or some other less-than-popular people here. <Description of Henkeism cut>
No, I knew what I was getting myself into. But now we can at least say we tried. No, I was trying to put in something more than a witty remark in order to make SOME worth on this pile of webstuff that Henke spewed. Trust me, I picked up on the dreck that is Henkeism quickly.
People use witty retorts on me when I respond to posts in a certain way, too. I figured you probably figured out who is liked and unliked
[quote name=\'PYLclark86\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 06:00 PM\']No, I knew what I was getting myself into. But now we can at least say we tried. No, I was trying to put in something more than a witty remark in order to make SOME worth on this pile of webstuff that Henke spewed. Trust me, I picked up on the dreck that is Henkeism quickly.
Next step: learning that Horan isn't worth your time, either.
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 10:12 PM\']Next step: learning that Horan isn't worth your time, either.
So that's what the second step is!
Step 1: Post at Invision
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: PROFIT!
[quote name=\'PYLclark86\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 07:17 PM\']So that's what the second step is!
Step 1: Post at Invision
Step 2: ?????
Step 3: PROFIT!
That's what Chris initially thought, and look at him now. Destined to eat gazpacho for the rest of his life.
[quote name=\'whoserman\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 06:22 PM\']That's what Chris initially thought, and look at him now. Destined to eat gazpacho for the rest of his life.
Pad Thai tonight, actually.
And I think I like the new guy. Anyone who knows when to pull out Slashdot/Fark humor is OK by me. :)
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 10:30 PM\']Anyone who knows when to pull out Slashdot/Fark humor is OK by me. :)
I was wondering whether or not anyone would get that Slashdot/Fark/South Park refference.
[quote name=\'PYLclark86\' date=\'Feb 23 2006, 06:32 PM\']I was wondering whether or not anyone would get that Slashdot/Fark/South Park refference.
Oh, yer fine there. Many South Park viewers around here, and at least a couple Slashdotters/Farkers.
Catching up after 18 not-terribly-pleasant hours...
Mr. Melman: No, Mr. Henke isn't moderated. We try to limit permanent moderated ("perma-mod") status to people who post many messages in multiple threads, since not controlling them leads to repeated disruption of otherwise normal conversations. Brian doesn't fit the pattern -- he tends to start his own threads instead of inserting himself into threads where he's not wanted (see: Horan, Zach), and he doesn't post anywhere near as often as, say, Adam Kleist did, so while Ignore User is far from perfect it should work decently on the likes of Mr. Henke.
Mr. Lemon: It wasn't so much that we expected Mr. Henke to disappear completely as that we expected him to post less often and try to defend his posts less often; so far that's been the case. But yes, there are people who honestly believe that I really want to listen to a three-page defense of a one-line post that I didn't approve. Some of the defenses are entertaining but most are just tiresome. (One person actually demanded that he be personally notified every time one of his posts wasn't approved so he could rewrite them until they were okay, and then demanded that he be allowed to send me his posts via IM before he submitted them, so desperate was he to avoid having a post rejected. When told that he wouldn't have posts rejected if he followed the rules, he falsely claimed that he'd never broken them.)
Mr. Horan: The last person who should be commenting on who's liked and who's not, and who's annoying and who's not, is someone who's so desperate to relive his past trolling that, when told that he can't troll, instead refers to ATGS threads in which he trolled.
Mr. PYLClark86: Welcome aboard. Yes, as Mr. Lemon said, we have numerous South Park fans and at least a few Slashdotters -- at least one of your humble moderators fits both categories (never posted to the latter but I read it frequently). You should fit in just fine. :-)