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The Big Board / Re: Luckiest Man in America release set (PYL movie)
« Last post by TLEberle on February 20, 2025, 03:59:01 PM »
Given what Michael did the 7-11 might be too believable, but I think you’re on to something. If the actual game show element is the jumping off point, there has to be something fantastical to carry the second and third acts.
The Big Board / Re: Luckiest Man in America release set (PYL movie)
« Last post by Kevin Prather on February 20, 2025, 03:43:33 PM »
But they DIDN'T sign their rights away to having their NIL used as movie characters otherwise, so they (or their estates) would probably have to be renumerated for that usage as soon as those characters do anything outside of the scope of the broadcasted episode, and outside of Carruthers NOBODY else who was present that day is going to be referenced by anything CLOSE to their real name or likeness.

Again, though, IANAL.

I wonder how much freedom they have with creative license. Like if they added a scene where Michael robbed a 7-11 at gunpoint, could the Larsen family sue for defamation?

I wondered the same thing about the biopic they did on Stu Unger. His daughter said most of the movie was made up, and a lot of his depiction is not very flattering. But to my knowledge, no legal action was ever taken.
The Big Board / Re: Luckiest Man in America release set (PYL movie)
« Last post by clemon79 on February 20, 2025, 03:05:52 PM »
Right. IANAL, but the events of the show as captured on tape and broadcast over the public airwaves are a matter of public record. As Tyshaun said, you would probably have to get clearance from Fremantle to use any of the trademarked elements of Press Your Luck or any of the copyrighted elements of the actual episode (if you decided to pull a quote word for word for the script), but beyond that, I'm sure the contesti signed their rights away to any of that.

But they DIDN'T sign their rights away to having their NIL used as movie characters otherwise, so they (or their estates) would probably have to be renumerated for that usage as soon as those characters do anything outside of the scope of the broadcasted episode, and outside of Carruthers NOBODY else who was present that day is going to be referenced by anything CLOSE to their real name or likeness.

Again, though, IANAL.
The Big Board / Re: Match Game 1990-91 thoughts
« Last post by JohnXXVII on February 20, 2025, 02:52:22 PM »
Just like I've Got A Secret went from outgoing Garry Moore to reserved Steve Allen, Match Game went from outgoing Gene to reserved Ross.

Match Up went against the spirit and flow of the whole proceedings. The time to get serious was during the end game, not during the main game.

What was Mark Goodson's beef with having a show that emphasized the comedy? The game aspects of Match Game are so lame, for them to emphasize more game, it will fall flat.
The Big Board / Re: 25K Pyramid Request
« Last post by cmjb13 on February 20, 2025, 12:17:56 PM »
I would normally ask my sister in law who works at Paramount to get me a name, but that’s not possible at this time. Maybe have the person do some searching on the paramount website and call some numbers or send emails to see if they can point this person in the right direction.

Maybe searching on LinkedIn would be beneficial

This may also be a good place to start

The Big Board / Re: 25K Pyramid Request
« Last post by Adam Nedeff on February 20, 2025, 12:06:47 PM »
29 Cullens (a couple are just partial) is the total that's out there for now.   A couple from the first season are archival copies but the rest are all off-air recordings, most from the 1985 WLIG reruns.    I think only about 3 episodes were recorded off-air during the course of the show's original run (The Lockhart-Shatner partial, the Duncan-Cavett one that was recorded in LA and the Vicki Lawrence-George Maharis one that surfaced on YT last year from WCBS).
The Duncan/Cavett episode was actually originally recorded by Bill’s wife Ann. I got the original Umatic tape she used and was going to dub a first gen copy for myself, but the tape actually snapped and disintegrated in the machine.
Game Show Channels & Networks / Re: GSN Schedule Changes
« Last post by BillCullen1 on February 20, 2025, 11:23:09 AM »
Per GSN promos, Tic Tac Dough and Bingo Blitz will debut sometime in April.
The Big Board / Re: 25K Pyramid Request
« Last post by Eric Paddon on February 20, 2025, 10:10:10 AM »
29 Cullens (a couple are just partial) is the total that's out there for now.   A couple from the first season are archival copies but the rest are all off-air recordings, most from the 1985 WLIG reruns.    I think only about 3 episodes were recorded off-air during the course of the show's original run (The Lockhart-Shatner partial, the Duncan-Cavett one that was recorded in LA and the Vicki Lawrence-George Maharis one that surfaced on YT last year from WCBS).
The Big Board / Re: 25K Pyramid Request
« Last post by Matt Ottinger on February 20, 2025, 09:57:52 AM »
That would be from the Bill Cullen syndicated run.  I think most collectors only have those grainy episodes recorded off air (from a distance) from a Long Island station that showed them in reruns years after they had gone out of production.  There are at least 29 floating around out there and there might be more. I checked my stash and I don't have that one.

I was told years ago that Viacom had saved them all, but whether they are still around (and who anyone would talk to about them) after the various mergers I don't know.
The Big Board / Re: 25K Pyramid Request
« Last post by Eric Paddon on February 20, 2025, 09:54:53 AM »
That's not one of the Cullen Pyramids that circulates unfortunately.
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