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Author Topic: Clue writers needed for upcoming daily online version of Scrabble  (Read 1757 times)


  • Member
  • Posts: 723
Several weeks ago, I remember looking at this thread of Scrabble clues devised by you posters of the Invision board. To be honest, I was actually blown away. Therefore a decision was made...

Lead by Jake Mangin, a new daily version of Scrabble will soon be available for play in the near future. This single player game will consist of a front game and the sprint. Then later on down the road, all the clues used in this game will be gathered together to be used for a "second edition" of our regular Scrabble Sprint game.

If you'd like to participate, we are in need of clue writers to submit material. Do not send us anything that has been already been used. That goes for the series on NBC, netgames, any homebrews like our Scrabble Sprint game, or what's been posted around the internet.

Email your submissions to puzzles@flashgameshows.com

People who's clues are used, will be given credit within the day's game.

More to come,
-Dan Berger
FLASHGames²/Buzzsaw TV

P.S. - Also watch out for yet another game to be released to the website in the upcoming weeks!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2007, 01:40:15 PM by dazztardly »