Jimmy, please consider the cost that is going into this.
Take the population of this board, which is about 2,000. Don't know how many are at G-R, so we'll go with my 2,000. Out of that number, probably 1/10 of that are die-hard fans, who use terms like "el skunko" or "First Four Breakfast Club".
ObGameShow: The Breakfast Club's Principal Vernon, the late Paul Gleason, bears a striking resemblance to Tom Bergeron. I believe Gleason is also Monty Hall's former son-in-law.
So 1/10 is what, 200, and that's a generous estimate. Now, you said something about marketing these DVDs on the cheap. Now, I've never heard of BCI until this release, so I wouldn't know if they're a start-up company or not. However, I'd like to think they'd like to pull some sort of a profit off this DVD. They're not going to make profit appealing to a tiny core of game show fans who make up their own lingo just for one game show. The memorable moments they go for is stuff that people have seen a million times on the blooper specials. People talk about the tube top, and the overweight woman chasing Bob around the stage. Yes, those are well-known. But half the stuff some of the G-R posters have mentioned are not memorable to the average game show viewer, and that estimated 200 people will not cover the production costs, and sure as hell won't pull a profit, unless this DVD is selling for at least four or five figures.
And, to any G-R regulars, I'm not slamming your site, but I am trying to keep things real. Again, I'd just love to see some old TPiRs; Bob with dark hair, cars with four digits, audience members wearing clothes without punny phrases tackily written on them, etc. Honestly, I'd be happier with just a generic episode, without the bloopers I've seen 999 times. Then again, I'm easy to please.
/That's what she said!