[quote name=\'CarbonCpy\' post=\'252025\' date=\'Dec 3 2010, 03:08 AM\'][quote name=\'wheelloon\' post=\'251990\' date=\'Dec 2 2010, 04:47 PM\']Very interesting! I wonder if he has any unpublicized info about the NES Super Password and all the ins and outs of that debacle that eventually got it canned. Even though all indications point to be it being a port from the computer game, there's still a little tiny portion of me that hopes one day a ROM of it will appear somewhere to play or download...[/quote]
I did get the chance to ask him about it not too long ago, but he honestly didn't know what happened with Super Password. :-/
I've heard before about some things that happened with it (posted such somewhere around here IIRC), but there are some gaps in time and events and I think more than just the basic technology issues/show was canceled ordeals occurred that eventually had the game go unreleased. Still a shame...