If there is anyone here that remembers when TPIR went from the drab brown set to the much more colorful green set, what was your reaction seeing such a transformation?
If there's nobody here that remembers that, or isn't old enough to remember, what do you think people would've said on this forum if it existed in 1975?
Let's see if I can recall all the set changes
Early 1972, the turntable's colors and patterns change slightly, with more yellow and a black stripe, lights are added to the turntable.
Sometime in 1975- The turntable gets green carpeting and a green border, but the rest of the set stays the same
Later in 1975- The big doors get a green border, the striped pattern on the big doors gets a radical color change, the colorful curtains are added behind the audience. The turntable gets it's first purple and orange look. Contestant's row gets revamped and remains for the rest of the run.
1981- 82 Lights are removed from the turntable
1983- Turntable gets a plushier look and pattern that would remain for most of the run. ALso, I believe the green and blue contestant's row readouts get switched for some reason. (possibly to compliment the new curtains)
1984- Contestant's row podiums now a purplish-pink.
1985- Contestant's row podiums go back to green
1989- The turntable gets a gold border and red carpeting, later the stripes around the big doors become gold.
2002- The big doors get the most radical transformation in years with blue being the dominant color
Later, contestant's row gets silver borders around the readouts. The hideous Hollywood mural debuts later, then the pink, purple and blue design that stayed for the rest of the run. During the Hollywood mural phase, the reverse of the turntable was pink, purple and yellow. However, in the MDS, the Hollywood mural had a more blue-ish nighttime look, and Bob liked that blue so much, they incorporated it in the new design. The carpeting on the turntable is also changed to blue.