[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'176636\' date=\'Jan 30 2008, 04:40 AM\']
[quote name=\'trainman\' post=\'176631\' date=\'Jan 29 2008, 09:50 PM\']
Assuming they're not going to pre-empt the 3:05 A.M. Conan O'Brien rerun, the NBC O&O's on the coasts can't bury both shows overnight...they only have a half hour of non-network time available, from 4:00 to 4:30.[/quote]
I dunno about the O&Os, but I know here in Seattle, Carson Daly ends, and then there is an hour of infomercials before Poker After Dark, which runs right into Early Today.
I think that the O&O's have to clear NBC's wee-hours programming, IIRC.
Here in Albany, we don't get any of NBC's wee-hours programming. Instead we get an infomercial, an ET rerun, a rerun of the 11:00 news, and 20 minutes of superfluous "sign-off" time where they pipe in Weather Plus.
/Back to the original topic, Crosswords has it easy here.
//Unless going against Guiding Light, the unnecessary waste 4th hour of Today, Tyra, Maury, and an infomercial isn't easy.