[quote name=\'dale_grass\' post=\'180252\' date=\'Mar 6 2008, 09:03 AM\']
Not frequently, but during the end of the season, producers need to hit certain "prize budget quotas." If they're short, they had Pat aim for a high number; too high, and he aimed for a low one. Recently (in the past four years IIRC), they finally had the good sense to install a small brake controlled by a computer that can "read" the wheel. The season before, there was a stagehand underneath trying to slow the wheel down under the direction of the cue card writer, which never seemed to work. In one episode, the wheel actually spun backward to the point of flipping over the adjacent peg. The look on the contestant's face was priceless. Pat's explanation about "too much gusto" was even better.
Don't forget about the time during the 87 season when they shortened the pegs between the $5000 space inward by 3mm because it was getting "hit too much"..
that, of course, was largely overlooked by the general public with the exception of some astute members of The Game Show Discussion Group (a dial-up BBS precursor to ATGS, that ran off of a 1200 baud modem somewhere in the 213 -- which I believe at least three members here originally posted to..)
/not naming names