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Author Topic: Article on Drew Carey.  (Read 10250 times)

Mark McNeil

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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2008, 01:25:52 AM »
I'll just simply say that I think Drew is doing a great job.

Even with the 15% drop, is it still beating "The View"?


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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2008, 06:00:54 AM »
[. No matter what we think of Barker, they were replacing a man with 35 years on the same show. It would be a similar shock if say a different person played "Captain Kangaroo", some just can't accept the change.

About 5 years ago, they DID attempt a new version of Captain Kangaroo. It was produced by the same people that did Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, so you can imagine what it was like. Basically, most of the classic elements were there... Mr. Moose, Bunny Rabbit, ping pong balls, and the treasure house looked much like it always did. John Mc.Donough was the Captain, with a large, bushy beard, and he was friendly enough. However, the writing wasn't quite as sharp, and the guy that played Mr. Greenjeans was woefully miscast. The original Mr. Greenjeans was an old sage, a grandfatherly type. This "Greenjeans" was a 20 year old DORK.

I read that Bob Keeshan had regretted selling the rights to Saban, and attempted to buy back the rights. They offered him a role in their own version, but he declined.

Sorry to drift off topic, but I'll steer it back... does anyone know if a clip of the Match Game cast saying "Good Morning Captain" exist on YouTube?

Card Shark

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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2008, 08:32:12 AM »
[quote name=\'mparrish11\' post=\'182725\' date=\'Mar 28 2008, 12:03 PM\']
My DVR is set to record the show every day.  I try to watch every recording, but sometimes I miss one.  My 19-month old daughter loves the show and everytime the show starts, she will come trotting out to the living room to watch the show with me.  

I'm not a die-hard who scrutinizes every single aspect of the show.  Like most people, I don't care about the location of the big wheel, or the thickness of Drew's glasses on a given day.  The game hasn't changed--just the look of the show (which is WAY overdue).

I think Drew is doing fine.  He'll never be as smooth as Bob Barker or as cordial as Bill Cullen.  Hosts like that are a thing of the past--unfortunately.  Give him more than 6 months.  He's got 50+ years of catch-up to do.

Say what you all will, but IMveryHO, Drew is doing a great job given the situation of taking over for a veteran emcee who could host the show from his sleep. Bob was serious and business oriented. I get that it's what made him successful. Drew is definitely looser and this is not always a bad thing. Bob made fun of contestants too much and made it seem like they were just annoyances to him and he was above them and all else. Drew does not give off that kind of attitude. So, no, he's not perfect and polished. He actually has a sense of humor. Last week, when a contestant in Contestants Row bid the ever popular $69, the audience AND Drew had a good chuckle. So, this [sense of humor] may be a direction the show needs to go in. And I don't mean the kind of humor where Bob instructs a contestant playing the range game not to hit the button until ready because they can't start it again for 37 hours for the 9,000th time. Sure, funny maybe once, but certainly not more than that. The audience, I'm convinced gave him the obligatory giggle at that line. Certainly a drop in the ratings was to be expected as it's just not the same exact thing as it was before. But, as always, if people are that anti-Drew, don't watch, which it seems like is the case with a lot of you.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 08:52:57 AM by Card Shark »
Adam Strom

Jay Temple

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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2008, 01:52:09 PM »
This should be a sig line:
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'182733\' date=\'Mar 28 2008, 12:06 PM\'](Although blaming Dick Martin for Mindreaders is a little like blaming the onboard ice chest for what happened to the Titanic.)[/quote]
May I?

Also, I've watched three daytime TPIR's with Drew. That's more than I watched in Barker's final ten years.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 01:53:04 PM by Jay Temple »
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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2008, 02:14:57 PM »
My only complaint with Drew is his fumbling with the rules, and the closing of the show. That includes the how he handles the winner/loser situation, and the pets spayed/neutered plug. Both minor quibbles.

Other than that, I find myself enjoying the show a lot more. Bob was a great host...up until about 2000 or so. He phoned it in a lot over the last several years, which is understood considering he was obviously getting older.

I agree with Chris C. though, the audience does not need to cheer over every single thing. And I still say Eskander seriously missed the boat by dropping the Plinko reveal. Supering "$50,000" on the screen, no matter how glittery it looks, just does not have the same effect as the big slat board.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 02:15:20 PM by fostergray82 »
"They're both Norman Jewison movies, Troy, but we did think of one Jew more famous than Tevye."

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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2008, 04:47:45 PM »
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'182682\' date=\'Mar 27 2008, 02:49 PM\']I've had trouble watching since Barker was still there. Between Rich and that infernal audience whooping it's hard to watch/listen to. Note to Bart: the audience mics should be off, that's O-F-F, when Rich reads any kind of prize copy.[/quote]Truly? That would fix roughly 95% of the problems I have with the show at this point. Hearing the crowd boo for the mixed nuts because they're over $5.49 seems wrong.

From a business standpoint, you have to look at how much the show is making for CBS. Drew's reported $10 million salary doesn't help that cause at all. IMO $2 million would be a fair price. He's not that good.
Drew's performance notwithstanding, I'm all for Drew getting as much money as he can for the gig. Drew is worth whatever he can get.

[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'182697\' date=\'Mar 27 2008, 05:40 PM\']Yeah, I have to think that's a statistically insignificant number, though. I would wager it's mostly the dilution of television options, timeshifting, etc. that is the main culprit.[/quote]Has there ever been any measurement of the college dorm quotient in terms of how many people see TPIR that way? I don't put much stock in Nielsen numbers anyhow, but measuring viewership numbers in terms of sets doesn't make sense if there are twenty people watching that television.

[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'182722\' date=\'Mar 28 2008, 08:50 AM\']Drew's lack of polish is getting to me a bit, although he's a hard guy to hate in any respect. The biggest gripe I have is the showcase reveal. It often comes down to mourning the loser's loss rather than congratulating the winner. They almost seem like an after-thought, and Drew sounds like he's giving a eulogy.[/quote]And it's doubly distracting after a Double Showcase Win. Let the winner have his or her time in the spotlight. Console the loser off camera while the winner runs over to look at the piano and spa from the showcase.

[quote name=\'Robert Hutchinson\' post=\'182748\' date=\'Mar 28 2008, 12:57 PM\'](I should mention that all of this doesn't mean I think that Drew Carey's work on the show merits an A+. He does have other habits that drive me up the wall, like saying someone's name 20 times in 3 seconds when he's trying to get their attention.)[/quote]True enough. Given a choice between Barker today or Carey today, I'll pick Carey every single time, and hope that Drew continues to improve.

[quote name=\'Card Shark\' post=\'182779\' date=\'Mar 29 2008, 05:32 AM\']So, this [sense of humor] may be a direction the show needs to go in. And I don't mean the kind of humor where Bob instructs a contestant playing the range game not to hit the button until ready because they can't start it again for 37 hours for the 9,000th time. Sure, funny maybe once, but certainly not more than that. The audience, I'm convinced gave him the obligatory giggle at that line. [/quote]And it's the same as laughing at a six-year-old who just told a knock-knock joke. Bob probably misinterpreted that reaction as "Hey, they like the gag! I'll do it every single time!"

My knock was he kept doing the same gags over and over again, crowing bogus firsts, or first in 28 years. You couldn't swing a dead cat without "That hasn't happened since 1976!" Do it once a month, or less, and you'll get a bigger pop than every day.
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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #51 on: March 30, 2008, 03:31:32 AM »
I've had trouble watching since Barker was still there. Between Rich and that infernal audience whooping it's hard to watch/listen to. Note to Bart: the audience mics should be off, that's O-F-F, when Rich reads any kind of prize copy.

Truly? That would fix roughly 95% of the problems I have with the show at this point. Hearing the crowd boo for the mixed nuts because they're over $5.49 seems wrong.
Or when some asshat lets out a loud "whoop" over a bottle of Cortaid.

From a business standpoint, you have to look at how much the show is making for CBS. Drew's reported $10 million salary doesn't help that cause at all. IMO $2 million would be a fair price. He's not that good.

Drew's performance notwithstanding, I'm all for Drew getting as much money as he can for the gig. Drew is worth whatever he can get.
Drew's salary is probably the biggest line item on the budget. That could come home to roost if CBS ponders cancelling the show because it's too expensive to do and there isn't enough revenue coming in from the manufacturers of mobility scooters and diabetes supplies.

I don't put much stock in Nielsen numbers anyhow
The sad truth is that TV shows live and die by them.

William A. Padron

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Article on Drew Carey.
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2008, 09:14:00 AM »
I have no problems at all with Drew Carey as the new host, and will forgive him for any mistakes or missteps he does.  I liked him a lot when he brillantly hosted Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and Carey's presence in emceeing Price now has given the program a new youthful sense and arm shot of energy, plus a bit more of humor and party atmosphere.
I was really watching less and less of Price in the last seven years, especially in the daytime hours, when Barker hosted.  With him running the show under his thumb then, it was getting a bit tiresome for my own tastes.  There were those times I did not have watch it all, because I knew how the show was becoming that predictable.  

With Carey on Price, it is definitely must-see TV for me, and I sometimes look at the replay on CBS Innertube (if it ever works probably).  Price is now the only game show I will watch on a regular basis.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 03:05:39 PM by William A. Padron »
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