[quote name=\'bscripps\' post=\'201347\' date=\'Nov 11 2008, 01:09 AM\']
[quote name=\'mparrish11\' post=\'201340\' date=\'Nov 10 2008, 10:57 PM\']
I'm going to MI to visit friends and family in Cadillac next year...my wife and I will have to check this place out--looks cool!!
Hate to break it to you, but as a resident of Cadillac, I can tell you you'll be nowhere near Toledo (unless 4 hours of driving is "near"...)
/Do they bring you unsalted food and say "Now You Season It"?
//Sorry, I tried...
Oh yeah...I know--that car trip down M-115 to US-10 sucks!!
:-) I grew up in Cadillac--1994 CHS grad. :-) We will be spending most time in Cadillac, but will be making a trip to Troy and Monroe to visit some of my wife's friends down there too. Which justifies the trip to Toledo. :-)