If I may point out one thing (he said meekly)...
Paypal does take a cut out of every donation, I think it's now on the order of 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction. It could be less or more based on the specific Paypal account.
I'm going to be lazy here and not do the math, but it appears that in order to net the $750 that he needs for the license, he would need to collect something above that... not much, but maybe 4 percent more. Yeah, a whole $30, but it would still wind up being $780 instead of $750.
I'm glad he was able to reach, and, it appears, exceed his goal. There are other causes around here that will miss theirs by at least a mile. We all do what we can; as my late aunt always said when she gave her nephews a dollar or two at the end of a visit, "I wish it was more."
Edit: $933 on the donate-o-meter as of 12/24, 9AM Eastern Time.