[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Dec 3 2003, 11:41 AM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Dec 3 2003, 08:46 AM\'] Alright, I'll take that...I knew that would happen, just not in reply #1 :-P
It shouldn't have surprised you the second you saw Horan's name.
I wish you the best of luck with this, although I have to wonder if you're not 20 years late to the table with it... [/quote]
The Tab Hunter joke wasn't meant to offend Ricci or his show idea(or Tab Hunter, whose career in his later years is arguably a joke)

Hopefully someone will look at one or more of Ricci's shows in the near future. Ricci also has a proposal for a new TV version of Trivial Pursuit at his site.
When Wink's version of TP aired in 1993, he partly blamed its lack of success on the fact that the TP craze was a few years before that. The first pilot done for a version of TP came in 1987, hosted by Bob Eubanks for (I think) Jay Wolpert Enterprises. An article on Wolpert in TV Game $how Magazine in the January, 1987 issue mentioned that he was working on such a show at the time.