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Author Topic: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022  (Read 44699 times)


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2022, 11:37:41 PM »
...you don't think BUZZR might intentionally be sandbagging on the new lineup, in order to encourage people to check out the Wheel and Jeopardy channels (in a "don't worry, you won't be missing anything important" way), do you? BUZZR's directly acknowledged the two new channels on Twitter, after all.
Simultaneously playing four-dimensional chess and attempting to eat the pieces here.
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2022, 08:48:37 AM »
"I'm your man Steve Harvey...We've got a good one for you today...Penis!"
Not gonna lie - i laughed at this ..hard. Thank you for that. :)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 05:42:14 PM by tvwxman »


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #47 on: July 20, 2022, 09:45:38 AM »
When GSN was Goodson-less, they switched to a "repeat a 3-hour block twice" format and never looked back. That hurt the variety a bit.

No, they didn't. Here's the "Dark Period" schedule at the outset, manually typed out by yours truly.



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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #48 on: July 20, 2022, 12:18:34 PM »

When GSN was Goodson-less, they switched to a "repeat a 3-hour block twice" format and never looked back. That hurt the variety a bit. (Flash forward to August 2022, and I ask you, sound familiar?)

This actually happened when G/T RETURNED to the schedule in '98. I think it was Jake Tauber with the idea of putting the schedule in "wheels", as it was called.
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #49 on: July 20, 2022, 01:05:53 PM »
Speaking of vintage Trebek, I'd like to remind those who feel this new schedule starting August 1st is Buzzr's "Dark Period" that this should give you an opportunity to watch (and/or analyze) Pluto TV's "Wheel" & "Jeopardy" channels that launch on the same day.
...you don't think BUZZR might intentionally be sandbagging on the new lineup, in order to encourage people to check out the Wheel and Jeopardy channels (in a "don't worry, you won't be missing anything important" way), do you? BUZZR's directly acknowledged the two new channels on Twitter, after all.

No. Please stop with these theories.
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #50 on: July 20, 2022, 01:40:58 PM »
When I first read the new schedule on Monday night, and (most importantly) took the hardcore game-show-fan hat off, I absolutely can see some sound logic behind this schedule.

While I will definitely miss my 3:00/3:30 PYL/Whew! combo and waking up to Narz Concentration, I also keep in mind that:

-The Buzzr schedule hasn't been significantly changed for quite a while, except to make space for new acquisitions.  A changing schedule gets viewers talking, as it already has!
-Outside of fandom, those that watch Buzzr are likely doing so as background noise, even myself included.  I truly only pay actual attention to PYL and Whew!, for example, so showing a smaller variety likely won't bother too many viewers.
-While a show like Talk About might get us excited, it made *no* sense as a prime time show for the casual fan (how many outside of fandom would actually remember it?)
-Some shows that have been on the network for years have only had a small number of episodes converted and thus could really use a rest.  Take, for example, NYSI.  It's been on the network for a good chunk of its life, yet no episodes with the second format have aired yet.  And, the ones that are currently airing are going through their umpteenth cycle.  Why do I know this, you ask?  I have a toddler daughter who *loves* the theme song, so we watch it every weekday morning with breakfast.
-Summer is not exactly a widely-watched time for television, anyway.  So, why not focus on core product for now and slowly bring some stuff back with newer episodes while phasing out weaker performers?
-Most channels that focus on showing reruns do blocks like this anyway.
-Your typical viewer is not likely to leave the same channel on all day, so, even if blocks of programs were to repeat later in the day or overnight, most viewers are probably not likely to notice.

Honestly, if I was designing a schedule for Buzzr, something like this is probably what I'd come up with, but with one change:  Take one of the weekend evenings and put some of the lesser-known shows on, maybe like a "Game of the Week" mini-marathon.  Something like when GSN did its "Game of the Week" or "Faux Pause Picks" and trotted out Bullseye, Jackpot, All About Faces, etc.  Throw the fandom a tasty bone and then focus the weekdays on the more casual audiences that want to see MG, Password, Newlywed Game as opposed to a short-lived Canadian game show.

Oh, and, if possible, put Price is Right (Barker) on the schedule, even if once a day.


P.S.  I think you'll see Sweep back on the schedule (not overnight) should ABC renew the show.  Same with PYL.

P.P.S.  If MGHS ended up being one of their top acquisitions to the point that it's still on the schedule, I definitely have some crow to eat because I thought the acquisition made no financial sense at the time it was announced!
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #51 on: July 20, 2022, 05:04:25 PM »
Could someone explain again why with shows like Password Plus and Super Password, shows they own, shows whose whole runs were converted by GSN, they can't just run these show straight from the first episode to the end, without the constant minicycles and having around 30 "fresh" episodes of them a year. Thanks!


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #52 on: July 20, 2022, 05:36:52 PM »
Could someone explain again why with shows like Password Plus and Super Password, shows they own, shows whose whole runs were converted by GSN, they can't just run these show straight from the first episode to the end, without the constant minicycles and having around 30 "fresh" episodes of them a year. Thanks!
Because the modern formats to which they were converted in the 1990s are now themselves antiquated. They have to be converted to a file format, then screened for content and quality control, edited to whatever degree they need to be, formatted and timed, and closed captioned (forgive me if I'm forgetting a step). They're essentially having to start from scratch. Multiply that by the number of shows on the schedule, some of which have to be converted from even more antiquated formats, plus anything they're doing specifically for streaming (Barker Era, etc.) and you've got a full-time job for a whole team of people.
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2022, 06:07:48 PM »
When GSN was Goodson-less, they switched to a "repeat a 3-hour block twice" format and never looked back. That hurt the variety a bit.

No, they didn't. Here's the "Dark Period" schedule at the outset, manually typed out by yours truly.


Interesting.  Now that I think of it, the earlier Joker and Tic Tac were earlier episodes, while the later morning airings were in the mid '80s (post-set changes).  Perhaps it's the shows repeating that I remembered, not the episodes.  It has been (yikes!) 25 years.

And yes, this was still better than All Harvey All Night.  Maybe some of the other schedules that came after this indeed. 

And check out that one guy asking for GSN to reach out to Grundy, Carruthers, Burt Sugarman to make up for no Goodson.  How naive.  Not much has changed. 
« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 01:09:05 PM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2022, 07:05:32 PM »
Oh, and, if possible, put Price is Right (Barker) on the schedule, even if once a day.

I totally agree with this. Buzzr would get eyeballs tuned in, especially in a primetime spot. But since there's a channel showing Barker Price 24/7, I can see why this isn't a priority for Buzzr. However, Tom Kennedy's version would fit on Buzzr's schedule nicely.


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2022, 07:39:52 PM »
While a show like Talk About might get us excited, it made *no* sense as a prime time show for the casual fan

Must agree here.....and I'm probably one of the bigger "Talk About" fans on this group. 7P Central might've been a nice, accessible time (well, for me at least :-*), but it seemed a bit too big-ticket for what, as much as I might personally like it, really isn't a "big ticket" show.
This space intentionally left blank, until the part of my brain responsible for humor decides to function again.


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2022, 08:31:24 PM »
When GSN was Goodson-less, they switched to a "repeat a 3-hour block twice" format and never looked back. That hurt the variety a bit.

No, they didn't. Here's the "Dark Period" schedule at the outset, manually typed out by yours truly.

As someone who didn’t have GSN in those days, and especially looking back on the developments of the last 25 years, this was a pretty interesting read, occasional petty drama aside.

And complaining about a show airing 6 or 7 times a day? Seems almost quaint.


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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2022, 08:54:17 PM »
For a show that didn't air in reruns for several years, I'm shocked at how well-remembered CC is amongst the younger crowd. I've seen it mentioned several times on Twitter or the Xennial group I belong to on Facebook. $ale gets a lotta love too.

Can co-sign this.  I watch a video game speedrunner stream on Twitch and he's mentioned in the past that he was a game show fan growing up but hasn't watched them since, but he loves talking about how much he loved stuff like Press Your Luck as a kid.  One time I mentioned that Classic Concentration was on and he got so excited that he stopped playing his game and was just streaming himself reacting to the episode that was on.  He was constantly talking about how he hadn't seen the show in almost 30 years.  :)
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2022, 09:15:12 PM »
Who is the runner in question?
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Re: New to Buzzr - Q3, 2022
« Reply #59 on: July 21, 2022, 12:22:15 AM »
While a show like Talk About might get us excited, it made *no* sense as a prime time show for the casual fan

Must agree here.....and I'm probably one of the bigger "Talk About" fans on this group. 7P Central might've been a nice, accessible time (well, for me at least :-*), but it seemed a bit too big-ticket for what, as much as I might personally like it, really isn't a "big ticket" show.
Which is unfortunate, because there’s plenty of play-along, IMO.

However, the show screams cheap and that might have an effect on viewership.  I know it popped up for a short time in reruns around ‘93, but I’m somewhat surprised that USA didn’t include TalkAbout with their other value menu fare airing in ‘89.
Phil 4:13