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Author Topic: Three On A Match - Impossible Question I realize...Part II  (Read 5479 times)


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Re: Three On A Match - Impossible Question I realize...Part II
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2024, 03:52:40 PM »
Here is Part II of my impossible Three on a Match questions.

From the 7 or 8 episodes available on youtube, I never once seem to recall the same prize (or picture) appearing in the same row all 3 times.

For example, if they were playing for rooms of furniture, a Living Room might appear in 2 of the 3 same colored boxes but never all three in a row.  I wonder if that was ever done?

My second question is also based on the handful of episodes that I have watched.  When the show switched from prizes on the matching board to pictures, they had I think 9 different categories of items that they used.  My list includes:

Card Suits (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades)
Animals (Bulldog, Monkey, Elephant, Horse)
Outer Space (Moon, Star, Saturn, Comet)
Hollywood Legends (Marilyn Monroe, W.C. Fields, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart)
Fruits (Apple, Cherries, Watermelon, Pear)
Hats (Straw, Top, Cowboy, Sailor)
U.S. Presidents (Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ike, Lyndon Johnson) - I recall seeing those 5 used
Movie Monsters (Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, Bill Cullen's picture doctored up to look like a demon)
Musical Instruments (Trombone, Tuba, Harp, Violin)

To the best of my knowlwedge that was all that they used during the picture themes used, am I correct?

Again I realize these are impossible questions due to the show being so long ago and precious few actual episodes even existing any longer.


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Re: Three On A Match - Impossible Question I realize...Part II
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2024, 02:14:57 AM »
William—if there are human hands moving the cards around, it is possible that there were three on a line and we did not see them because those boxes weren’t revealed. It could also be true that Bob thought it looked better if at least one piece was on a different line.

(Would the cards be attached via velcro or locked into place by grooves in each block? For a long time I thought it was TaV magic that the name plates and Super Match or Password puzzles appeared by magic.but now I know they were transparencies or poster board or cardboard.
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