Toni, I'll echo what the others have said. I'm sorry things unfolded the way they did, and I'm glad you're still willing to talk to us. I hope you stay with us for a long time.
If I may, I'd like to recall one of my favorite Ray Combs moments.
Ray: Ok [Player 1], name something you should never play with at any time.
Player 1: I'll say a chain saw.
Ray: I can just picture that. You walk into the garage, and your son's standing there going RUNGA-GUNGA-GUNGA! RUNGA-GUNGA-GUNGA! ... Yeah. That's a good answer. (mouths "NO") Ok, show me "chain saw"!
Ray: Not there. Okay, [player 2], do you have an answer?
Player 2: How about someone else's girlfriend?
Ray: Sure. You're playing with the girl, and the boyfriend walks in and sees you, and he goes RUNGA-GUNGA-GUNGA! RUNGA-GUNGA-GUNGA!