Toward the end of my 8th grade year in my junior high days, we played "Tic Tac Grade".
Played pretty close to TTD. The teacher, Mr. Pat Hershey, had index cards with the category names on the board and, with each category, was an illustration (a la TJW).
Whenever a box was not won by the X or O student player, he had another student discard that card where a new category was (I think Mr. Hershey had ten total categories in each box). Thus, there was no shuffle after each turn.
Since this was Science class, there were lots of Science questions -- but a few general knowledge subjects in there (Current Events, Rock Music, etc.).
A year earlier in Health class, as part of learning about the dangers of alcoholism, came Celebrity Squares. Yup, play just like HS. We had 27 students in the class -- so 9 of them were the celebrities, another 9 made up "Team X" and the remaining 9 "Team O". After each game, the roles rotated.
Oh, and the game was hosted by Mrs. Sylvia Caldwell.
(And no, we didn't have any red boxes on the either case!)