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Author Topic: Game Show Format Pitch  (Read 6100 times)


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2004, 05:25:24 PM »
[quote name=\'Chris Lemon dated himself by saying\']I stand by my original rating: Not Scottish. And if it's Not Scottish... [/quote]


"What is, it's crap, Alex?"

[quote name=\'sotcfan2004\']This would not be the first show to come out that would be a pure test of knowledge[/quote]

But it's not even that.  The special squares dilute the "test o' knowledge aspect of the game.

The whole premise of the show is that your winnings are not only determined by your correct answers but also by the risks you're willing to take

So did "Sale of the Century."

Not only do you not really have anything terribly new to offer, my first clue that this won't get off the ground is that you have no title, no one-sentence description, just a few paragraphs of an idea.

Usually, I'll come up with an idea while doing something else: playing darts, video games, messing around in the kitchen.  Sometimes the idea works.  Sometimes it doesn't, and I move on.  This might be one of those where you need to move on.
If you didn’t create it, it isn’t your content.


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2004, 06:07:21 PM »
[quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 01:49 PM\'] I've pitched the current format for the past 5 years and now. all of sudden, people think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. [/quote]
 Do you actually have someone making a pilot of the new format?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2004, 06:08:21 PM »
[quote name=\'Dsmith\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 10:25 AM\']
And, as for you, clemon79, I've been posting on this board for a few months now, and you always seem to come around to say something negative about my posts. You must lead a very unhappy life.
While not wanting to speak for Chris; you; Sir; asked for feedack on your proposal. Chris gave you feedback...just because you don't like what he said doesn't make him a negative person.[/quote]
Would you rather hear that your idea sucks from Chris Lemon or from a potential buyer in a pitch meeting?

Hint: Hearing it from one is of far less consequence than hearing it from the other.

As for the idea, it's Jeopardy! with a couple of gratuitous fillips thrown in and the odd circumstance that the contestant doesn't have control over the category or question value.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2004, 06:33:03 PM by chris319 »


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2004, 06:09:24 PM »
[quote name=\'mystery7\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 12:36 PM\'] Wasn't there a rule against posting original game ideas on the Forum? [/quote]


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2004, 09:46:19 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 05:07 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 01:49 PM\'] I've pitched the current format for the past 5 years and now. all of sudden, people think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. [/quote]
Do you actually have someone making a pilot of the new format? [/quote]
 some news coming soon ;)



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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2004, 10:31:38 PM »
[quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 06:46 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 05:07 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 01:49 PM\'] I've pitched the current format for the past 5 years and now. all of sudden, people think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. [/quote]
Do you actually have someone making a pilot of the new format? [/quote]
some news coming soon ;)

John [/quote]
 So, then, no.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2004, 11:18:20 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 09:31 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 06:46 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 05:07 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 01:49 PM\'] I've pitched the current format for the past 5 years and now. all of sudden, people think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. [/quote]
Do you actually have someone making a pilot of the new format? [/quote]
some news coming soon ;)

John [/quote]
So, then, no. [/quote]
 I didnt say that!


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2004, 11:28:44 PM »
[quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 08:18 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 09:31 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 06:46 PM\'] [quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 05:07 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 01:49 PM\'] I've pitched the current format for the past 5 years and now. all of sudden, people think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. [/quote]
Do you actually have someone making a pilot of the new format? [/quote]
some news coming soon ;)

John [/quote]
So, then, no. [/quote]
I didnt say that! [/quote]
 If you can't say anything, then you're still in negotiations. Which means the deal ain't done yet. Which means you don't have a pilot.

It's moot, anyhow. I was merely curious.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2004, 12:36:03 AM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 10:28 PM\'] [quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 08:18 PM\'] So, then, no.
I didnt say that! [/quote]
If you can't say anything, then you're still in negotiations. Which means the deal ain't done yet. Which means you don't have a pilot.

It's moot, anyhow. I was merely curious. [/quote]
man this is a tough room....never will understand the rudeness on this board...anyway...i cant say anything so we'll leave it at that!

« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 12:38:18 AM by jrjgames »


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« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2004, 07:48:41 AM »
Virtually every "How to Succeed in Hollywood" book has some variation on the following:

If you ask your date what he does for a living, and he says "I have a show in development", don't accept a second date with him.

That is to say, if you're working to get your shows on the air, don't expect too many people beyond your close friends and family to be impressed unless you show them an aircheck or a check stub.


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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2004, 09:56:46 AM »
[quote name=\'SplitSecond\' date=\'Jul 22 2004, 06:48 AM\'] Virtually every "How to Succeed in Hollywood" book has some variation on the following:

If you ask your date what he does for a living, and he says "I have a show in development", don't accept a second date with him.

That is to say, if you're working to get your shows on the air, don't expect too many people beyond your close friends and family to be impressed unless you show them an aircheck or a check stub. [/quote]
 Im not looking to impress anyone on here...



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Game Show Format Pitch
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2004, 10:30:57 AM »
After winning their first game, the champ receives $25,000. They may take the money and leave, or give it back and return the next day to face off against the winner of round 3. A second win nets $50,000 and the same decision. A third win is worth $75,000, a fourth is worth $100,000. Any player who wins five games wins $1,000,000. Question is: would they be confident enough in their abilities to take the risk? Because, if they lose, they leave empty-handed. (except for money earned in CA$H or CREDIT)

Geez, how bloated is the budget for this thing? Possible $25K for only winning the main game?

The game sounds too Jeopardy-esque for me, only with more segments, eliminations, and a clock.  Why should I watch a Jeopardy clone when I could change the channel, or pop in a tape and watch the real thing?

Not as crazy as some of my ideas, though.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 10:32:47 AM by whampyl03 »


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« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2004, 11:12:05 AM »
I like the concept, but would restructure the prize amount for the first three days.

Day 1--can leave with $10,000
Day 2--can leave with $25,000
Day 3--can leave with $50,000
Days 4 and 5 as proposed

There are two reasons.  First, I think under the original plan, too many players would walk the first day with $25K.  Second, coming back the third and fourth days offer considerable risk with little increased reward (for instance, risking $75K after three days to win an additional $25K on the fourth will not be appealing).  With my revision, players would have the opportunity to at least double their winnings each successive day.

I like the idea of a big risk at the end, and we could certainly use more trivia-based game shows.

John Brocato


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« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2004, 12:19:42 PM »
[quote name=\'jrjgames\' date=\'Jul 21 2004, 11:36 PM\']....never will understand the rudeness on this board.[/quote]
I'm with ya on that John...as of late, the board is reminding me more and more of ATGS. :-(  While I have to say that it's VERY difficult to gauge one's true intentions by reading words on a computer screen, there are a number of crusty responses that I take as very rude and unnecessary.

My only concern is that this turns off potential new posters or makes us look stupid and immature to someone from the industry who may read the group and want to post interesting information.

If someone annoys you, can you not simply ignore their message?  Adding cutting remarks only makes this place feel hostile IMO.  The rest of us don't need self appointed police to point out a 'stupid' post.  Should we not leave that up to Chris and Matt?



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« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2004, 01:14:55 PM »
[quote name=\'ITSBRY\' date=\'Jul 22 2004, 12:19 PM\'] If someone annoys you, can you not simply ignore their message? [/quote]
In theory, yes.  In practice, one would like to think so, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

The rest of us don't need self appointed police to point out a 'stupid' post. Should we not leave that up to Chris and Matt?

Actually, Matt, Chris and I have been pointing out for some time now that there is no rule against "stupid" posts.  Of course, once the Ignore User feature arrives, everyone can block "stupid" posts as he or she sees fit.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 01:15:31 PM by dzinkin »