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Author Topic: Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?  (Read 12875 times)


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« on: July 28, 2004, 07:06:08 AM »
hey guys and gals:

I am getting a little annoyed because I sent my information to Millionaire via their website; I picked an audition date and submitted my info.  I did this like in the first week that you could do it.  

I got the auto response from them, where they said they received my request for an Aug 18th audition and that I would receive an audition packet to fill out in my snail mail...but then they also said that not everyone who submits and audition request will get to audition (or get an application packet, I guess).

Has anyone received the packet in the mail?  Or heard from Millionaire?  I am just annoyed because I sent in my request so quickly, plus I am from Indiana, and I know they want more people who are not from the NYC area.  But I haven't heard from them.  

What gives?  They keep advertising for people to audition for their new season, but they don't respond.  Or did I just misunderstand the email?  I thought from the way it sounded that the auto-response wasn't a confirmation from them, and that I'd have to get an application in the snail mail to go to the audition.  

Has anyone received anything from Millionaire?  I'm just trying to figure out what to do.  If I don't receive anything from them, should I just got to a taping?  If I do that and I get there on time, am I guaranteed an audition (able to take the test)?  

I'm just a bit confused, that's all...and I'm hoping someone here has some experience/info to give me.  I DID think it was odd that they'd send us application packets to fill out, considering a lot of people who fill them out wouldn't pass the test....

Thoughts/comments?  PLEASE.  :)



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2004, 08:37:29 AM »
They have been very bad this season in sending out confirmation e-mails.  Just go down there anyday and you should have no problem getting in to audition.  I did not have a confirmation e-mail and had no trouble attending.  Also, they usually don't send out e-mails until a week before the audition if they will at all.


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2004, 12:48:50 PM »
So, even though they didn't send me an application packet as they said they would, I should just drive the 10 hour trip and show up anyway?  I feel very uneasy about that.  

Would it be a better bet to attend an audience taping, knowing that they "guarantee" that if you show up on time, you get to audition, even if you can't get into the taping?  

I guess I just don't understand why they say they will send out application packets in the snail mail for you to bring, when from what I understand about the normal process, you have to pass a written test before they'll even take a look at you.  

Anyone else's thoughts are greatly appreciated.  (and thanks to goongas!)  :)



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2004, 05:21:39 PM »
Well, I'm going to be in New York in September and put in a ticket request for Sept. 17 on the site.  I haven't heard back from them yet.

Steve McClellan

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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2004, 07:28:32 PM »
To my knowledge, no one who's put in for an audition later than Aug. 5 has heard anything since the original acknowledgment. I've never heard of anything received via snail mail. A friend had an audition a few weeks ago, and just got an e-mail with documentation to be filled out attached (the same one I got last season).

If the Friday before your selected audition date passes, you can reregister (although in your case it'd probably be too late) or put in for tickets. Given the concerns you've expressed, I recommend the latter.


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2004, 07:42:22 PM »
They have been very bad this season in sending out confirmation e-mails. Just go down there anyday and you should have no problem getting in to audition. I did not have a confirmation e-mail and had no trouble attending. Also, they usually don't send out e-mails until a week before the audition if they will at all.

Thanks for the info...I registered a coupla times but heard nothing, so I assumed that my name hadn't been chosen. However, rest assured, I won't make that same mistake again w/my latest audition. :-)

Chuck Donegan (The Relieved "Chuckie Baby")


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 06:47:08 AM »
Hey there:

Again, thanks for the responses (and keep 'em coming!).  I have a free ticket (from getting bumped) that I can use to go for my "scheduled" audition for the 18th, and I can stay with a friend while there.  I just want to make sure that I wouldn't walk up to the studio and get flat out turned away.  I don't think that would happen, especially since I registered for it a while back.  I just want to make sure if I go that I'm given the chance.  :)  

I am excited about auditioning because this is like the one show where you can get an auditon.  I've been trying to get an audition for WOF for a few years...how many postcards do you have to send them before you get picked?  LOL.  :)


PS:  EDITED TO ADD: So the documentation/application packet they send via email as an attachment to be printed out and filled out?  That would make more sense.  By the way, it's says you have to bring proof of age and residency.  Is a driver's license OK (of course I'll bring more than that)?  They mean proof of residency where you live street wise, or that you're a resident/citizen of the USA?  Sorry for the ignoramus questions.  I am just trying to make sure I don't hit a snag during this process.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 06:50:38 AM by BrentW »


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 07:56:20 AM »
I know of somone who has come from California this season and have not been rejected and they did not get a second confirmation e-mail.  I know of no one that has been rejected.  The materials they send you are e-mailed to you, and if you don't get them, they let you fill them out there (I can e-mail the forms to you if you want me to).

When you have an audience ticket, you are not guaranteed admission, since they overbook the audience.  Last season I know of someone that was turned away from a syndicated taping.  It is highly unlikely it would happen, but it could.

A license is ok, but in all the times I have auditioned (at least six times), they have never asked to see any ID.

BTW, I got a postcard yesterday saying I was not admitted to the contestant pool.

Ian Wallis

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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2004, 09:34:23 AM »
I guess there's no chance that "Millionaire" will ever go back to the phone game again (except for "Super Millionaire" - if it comes back)?  I just thought it worked better with the phone game.
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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2004, 11:44:33 AM »
[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'Jul 29 2004, 06:56 AM\'] BTW, I got a postcard yesterday saying I was not admitted to the contestant pool. [/quote]

Well, that sucks. Why do you think that happened?  Is interviewing one-on-one not your strong point?  I know the Meredith version tends to look for photogenic, articulate, entertaining type of folks.  I remember someone on this board like 6 months ago or so complaining that all the guys on there were gay (considering I am, I thought I'd then have a good shot..LOL).  

Well, I'm sorry about that.  I know how I was when I thought my "H2" audition went so well, and then they never called.  If you have comments about what happened during your intereview, we'd like to hear.  If you don't want to talk about it though, we'd understand.  :)

Keep your chin up...Maybe Super Millionaire will come back and you can qualify via the phone game.



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2004, 12:29:39 PM »
You pretty much summed it up.  I am not photogenic, articulate, nor entertaining.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 12:32:05 PM by goongas »


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2004, 12:42:36 PM »
[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'Jul 29 2004, 11:29 AM\'] You pretty much summed it up.  I am not photogenic, articulate, nor entertaining. [/quote]
 Ah, c'mon.  :(   I'm sure that's not true.   Anyways, I'm sorry you didn't make it.  



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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2004, 01:48:06 PM »
[quote name=\'goongas\' date=\'Jul 29 2004, 09:29 AM\'] You pretty much summed it up.  I am not photogenic, articulate, nor entertaining. [/quote]
 And yet you've still auditioned six times?

At least you're tenacious! :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2004, 05:31:42 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Jul 29 2004, 08:34 AM\']I guess there's no chance that "Millionaire" will ever go back to the phone game again (except for "Super Millionaire" - if it comes back)?  I just thought it worked better with the phone game.[/quote]
Not as long as there's no Ring of Fire on the syndie version or as long as they tape the entire season in a compressed period of time.


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Anyone hear from 'Millionaire'?
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2004, 06:15:00 PM »
And yet you've still auditioned six times?

Not all in one year.  I auditioned for a special edition once with Chuck D., another time I was in the audience watching a friend and auditioned there (I wasn't going to).  Plus I live about 40 minutes from NYC, so it is not a big inconvenience.  But, I am done auditioning for this year.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 06:15:32 PM by goongas »