I fell into that hindsight "Why the hell did I watch that B & E show?" generation myself. Upon further delving into my mind, here is what I came up with for each show. Keep in mind these shows were on during my middle school days:
JOKER'S WILD -- I was fascinated with the slot machine concept, and the different colors they used for the different categories.
TIC TAC DOUGH -- I was fascinated with the "state of the art" computer graphics, and the bonus game with the Dragon.
BULLSEYE -- I liked the set design and color scheme and that music bed for the board always reminded me of a buzzing beehive. Plus the show was never seen in Cleveland. I watched it whenever I was at my aunt's house in Detroit, or whenever the atmospheric conditions would allow me to pick it up on our Black & White TV's antenna 100 miles away across Lake Erie.
Plus, from what I can recall the only other options on the other channels during that era here were "PM Magazine" and "Family Feud", which weren't as interesting to me at that time.