[quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'Jan 24 2005, 11:30 AM\'][quote name=\'tyshaun1\' date=\'Jan 24 2005, 11:04 AM\']Best GS-themed E!THS they've done, tho. And how ugly was the original Chuck Woolery
Shopper's Bazaar pilot? Contestants sat down, the puzzle board board looked awful, and prizes were obscured all over the set. Yech.
BTW, anyone who can remember that far back, was the "GOOD BYE SUSAN" message an actual puzzle (like the "VANNA'S PREGNANT" thing), or just something done as a tribute?
Finally, when did she actually leave...I just know Vanna debuted in Dec. 1982 and there were several weeks of on-air auditions.
It was a goodbye segment. We had a contestant on Susan's final episode(aired on 10/22/82) visit this board last year and tell about his experience. She got a goodbye segment at the end of the show. The on-air tryouts, including Vicki Mccarty Iovine, Summer Bartholomew, and Vanna, aired between 10/25/82-12/10/82.